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Messages - UnionRags123

Pages: 1 ... 44 45 46 47
General Land Before Time / Re: Funniest Moments or Scenes
« on: July 12, 2019, 12:23:16 PM »
While the Gang are singing the Lone Dinosaur song in 6, Cera and Petrie are having a mini mud fight  :lol

In XII (not gonna be exact words...but the general idea)
Cera: “Can I go play with Littlefoot and the others?”
*no response from Topps and Tria*
Cera: “I said, can I go play with Littlefoot?”
*still no response from Topps and Tria*
Cera: “So bye, I’m going out to the Mysterious Beyond to see if I can get eaten by a sharptooth...”
Topps: “Ok. Don’t be late”
Tria: “Have fun”

In regards to The Sharptooth and his vendetta against the gang:
Littlefoot caused the thorn to hit Sharptooth in the eye
Littlefoot’s mom knocked him into a gorge
And Cera’s not just guilty by association. She rammed him in the head while he was lying in the gorge
The rest of the gang are guilty by association though

I’d say Sharptooth is evil in the book, but in the movie he’s not quite at “evil” - but also the first movie is the “darkest” so of course he’s gonna be the most extreme Sharptooth

The Welcome Center / Re: Hi :)
« on: July 12, 2019, 09:13:20 AM »
Thanks for all the welcomes!  :^^spike

@Ducky123 your favorite character?  :thinking I’m sure it’s either Rinkus or Sierra...
 :lol just kidding. 
It’s gotta be :duckyhappy yep yep yep!

@Mumbling yay for 6!

@Flathead770 I use the XD emoji (the :joy: one on discord) the most in general, and lol dino  :lol seems to be my favorite replacement for it on this forum.   :lol

The Welcome Center / Re: Hi :)
« on: July 11, 2019, 09:56:47 PM »
@DiddyKF1 I usually use a laptop but I got a keyboard case for my iPad and it arrived yesterday so I’ve been having fun with it  :lol

The Welcome Center / Re: Hi :)
« on: July 11, 2019, 09:12:42 PM »
Sure thing, pal! I don't really have a definitive favorite list of characters yet, but I'll say that Ducky, Chomper, Petrie, and Mo are some of my favorites.

Damn...sorry to hear that your iPad lost connection. My iPad losing connection is quite a common occurrence as well, I assure you (when I first turn it on at least).
Also, are you going to make sure that your nephews never grow out of LBT? :p
I’m definitely gonna try to make sure they don’t grow out of it - but it will be hard because I don’t see them too often and I’m going to be heading off to college in just over a month.
My iPad is usually pretty good with connection - my laptop is the usual connection loss culprit  :lol

The Welcome Center / Re: Hi :)
« on: July 11, 2019, 09:01:02 PM »

(I feel so happy...I want everyone to see...oh wait. I don’t really want attention from everyone  :lol)

Let me finish that for you.

It's like the bright shining inside of me!

Now that's out of the way, I officially welcome you to our Gang of Five forum! :rainbowwave
I see you've taken my advice about making a Welcome Post here.

Hah! Those are some pretty interesting facts about you. Your favorite character choices are quite unorthodox indeed, but I'm not complaining. :lol

How did your nephews discover and gain interest in LBT anyway? Were there any evidence of that show lying around in your house somewhere, hehe? Perhaps they discovered it on their own?

Fun fact, the emote that I use here the most is the "sticking out your tongue" dino. :p

Although, recently I have been diversifying the types of emotes I use, so that's good. :)

Oh darnit I had a whole reply typed up. And then my iPad lost connection - bye bye reply.  :opetrie
@ImpracticalDino Thanks for the advice & welcome!
Could I PM you about the favorite characters? I’d like to hear other people’s opinions about the characters (not just my favorites).
I think my nephews discovered LBT on their own, bu I kinda got them more into it.
(When you’re on your own.........)

Anyways, I must include a  :lol just to include at least one...  :lol

The Welcome Center / Re: Hi :)
« on: July 11, 2019, 08:05:02 PM »
welcome to the forum unionrags! nice to have you.

@Nick22 thank you! I’m so happy to be here

(I feel so happy...I want everyone to see...oh wait. I don’t really want attention from everyone  :lol)

The Welcome Center / Hi :)
« on: July 11, 2019, 06:45:42 PM »
Hello everybody, everybody hello  :rainbowwave

I’ve been a GoF forum member for a little while now (less than a year though) but I haven’t posted in this part of the forum yet #procrastination  :lol

Anyways, yeah, I’m the one who suddenly decided to try to make a LBT map and has pretty much no idea how to make it...  :facepalm

Some “facts/info” about me as a LBT fan:

I first started my interest in dinos/LBT when I was about maybe...6 years old. I was very interested in dinos/LBT for another few years. Once I was around 10 or 11, I lost interest in dinos/LBT because a horse interest took over. Last year, my nephews started to be interested in dinos/LBT and they got me re-interested in dinos/LBT. So, at 18, I’m about as interested in dinos/LBT as I was when I was 8 (I think 8yrs old was when I was at my peak interest in dinos/LBT during that first time interest).

My top 5 favorite characters (in alphabetical order - hopefully...)
Bron, Doc, Grandma & Grandpa Longneck, and Littlefoot.
(“Hooray for Longnecks!” <—Thank you Cera’s sleep story in X for that quote :PCera )
Reasons: I’m not even sure anymore - these 5 have been my favorite characters for a long time and I haven’t bothered to replace them (and I haven’t found a reason to replace them) :lol

My 5 least favorite characters (also in alphabetical order - hopefully...)
Doofah, Foobie, Loofah, Red Claw, and Wild Arms.
Reasons: I found the Yellowbellies & Wild Arms to be annoyingly “dimwitted,” and Red Claw is quite incompetent  :lol

My favorite movie:
Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock
Reason: My favorite movie when I was younger, and it apparently hasn’t stopped being my favorite.  :lol

My least favorite movie:
Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends
Reason: Yellowbellies. I don’t like them. I find them annoying.  :lol

And apparently the “lol dino”  :lol is my favorite emoji/icon on this forum.  :lol

(I’m sorry if this ends up being annoyingly long (it’s long. Jus previewed it...and it’s long) also might be overrun by “lol dinos”  but I’m not sorry about that :lol)

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 11, 2019, 08:02:11 AM »
Oh my god. Quite the LBT fanatic, I see! :D
You've watched all the movies many times, impressive! You even like the 13th LBT movie The Wisdom of Friends? That's quite an unpopular movie among fans here.

Personally, I've watched all the movies up to the 5th one. I still need to view the rest of them.
Do you happen to own an LBT 14 Movie DVD collection? Since you watch the movies so much, I thought you may have one in your possession. In fact, I have bought that DVD collection in order to watch all the movies.

Also, here's a very fascinating thread titled Possible Locations of the Great Valley that I'll like to share with you. I don't think it'll help with your map project considering that it only discusses a theory of a real life equivalent/inspiration for the Great Valley, but the many things you'll learn about in there will shock you, I guaranteed. :)
Yeah - I totally love the series. As for the 13th movie (I generally  refer to the movies by number because it’s shorter to write  :lol ) I like the movie, but I think  the Yellowbellies are bleh. I probably would’nt have rewatched it...but my nephews (LBT fans too!) wanted to watch it - with me  :facepalm

I wish I owned the movies, but sadly the total of LBT movies I own is less than the number of movies that Littlefoot’s mom is in  :(petrie

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 10, 2019, 10:33:52 PM »
Quote from: UnionRags123
Ooh that reminds me that I forgot to PM LeventeII  :facepalm

Oops-Eeps. :sducky

Quote from: UnionRags123
Here’s how my friend and I found out that we’re both LBT fans:
We both play an online horse game, and we’re both in a discord server for the game. Anyways, I posted a picture in the chat of me holding a copy of the original movie because I was excited that I’d found it in a store (even though my family doesn’t have any devices that can play a DVD) and she responded saying that she also loves the LBT. So of course we started talking about LBT stuff  :lol

What a turn of events. There's many things that people don't even know they have in common with until they briefly show or mention it one day.

How many movies of LBT have you watched so far? How about the TV series?

I’ve seen almost all the movies at least 3 times each - the only ones I haven’t seen 3x or I’m not sure if I’ve seen them 3x are 1, 9, and 13.
But I’ve seen all of them at least  twice. And ones like 4, 6, 8, and 10 I’ve probably seen like 5x. And I’ve probably seen 6 at least 10 times - I think my parents don’t ever want to see any of it again since they had to sit through it so many times when I was younger  :lol
And for the TV series I’ve seen all the episodes at least once, with the majority of them on the “seen multiple times” list  :)
I definitely go in the category of fans who are like “I love the original movie, all the sequels, and all the TV episodes”  :lol
(The reason I haven’t seen the original more is I don’t think I have enough tissues around - in other words it’s got some really sad parts and I’d rather watch something with fewer sad parts :lol )

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 10, 2019, 08:59:01 PM »
I can't wait for this collaboration between you and LeventeII! Hopefully everything goes well for the both of you! :)

Just a heads up that I’m a she, not a he  :)

Thanks for clarifying. I wouldn't have known your gender anyway since you never gave us any clues on that. :p

Also, I'm just wondering if you could possibly answer some questions that I have for you. :)

Did you and your friend found out that you're both LBT fans today? Did you or your friend try to hide the fact that you're fans of LBT? Did you ask him to join the forum with you?

Ooh that reminds me that I forgot to PM LeventeII  :facepalm

Here’s how my friend and I found out that we’re both LBT fans:
We both play an online horse game, and we’re both in a discord server for the game. Anyways, I posted a picture in the chat of me holding a copy of the original movie because I was excited that I’d found it in a store (even though my family doesn’t have any devices that can play a DVD) and she responded saying that she also loves the LBT. So of course we started talking about LBT stuff  :lol

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 10, 2019, 03:31:35 PM »

Hey! Cool that you're working on a map!  :)
I'm also working on one myself. Together we can certainly go far! Are you only working on a map of the Great Valley or are you also working on the Mysterious Beyond? I'm working on both, surely our results can be connected well.

He's also working on the Mysterious Beyond as well. To quote a line in a post of his...

I'm planning on going the "If it's in the movies and/or TV series it goes on the map" route...we'll see how that goes #ImAMasterProcrastinator  :lol


Basically there will be two maps - one with just locations, and another with the locations of events.

Something, something... Path Light... Something...

I was notified you weren't member+ yet, ImpracticalDino, that has now been fixed!

Thank you for clarifying and fixing the issue Mumbling. I have heard of Path Light and his spamming, but I didn't think one person could ruin it for everyone.

Thank you OwlsCantRead for reinforcing his statement too. :)

Just a heads up that I’m a she, not a he  :)

And @LeventeII I’ll PM you!  :)littlefoot

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 08, 2019, 10:52:13 PM »
I'm not even halfway to 25 posts yet D:
I just created my server because my friend (who's not on this forum) and I were just so excited about finding out that we're both LBT fans  :lol

This map is gonna be the end of me.  :bang  :facepalm
I've decided that I'm going to label Saurus Rock and the Canyon of Shiny Stones (CoST) as being outside the Valley. The CoST might actually be part of the Great Wall... :thinking

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 08, 2019, 09:24:21 PM »
Please let me know if this (sharing a link to a discord server) is not allowed

I've made a Land Before Time server on discord (currently just a friend and I)...and I was wondering if anyone would like to join. The reason I'm posting this here is that I think if anyone wants to chat about the map it would be easier to do it via a chat server than on this forum D: (the server isn't solely for talk about the map)
Link to the Discord server

Has there been any update on the script? Just wondering :)

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 08, 2019, 09:04:11 PM »
For more reference, check out the page for the List of locations in The Land Before Time on the LBT wiki, if you haven't already.

Good luck on your endeavors! I can't wait to see how it turns out. :)

Thank you!
And I actually have that page open in a tab right now :)

LBT Projects / Re: Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 08, 2019, 05:19:33 PM »
Hi Union! A worthy goal indeed to try and make a map :D We've made some beginnings in the past, feel free to check out the following topics for reference and inspiration:

Are you going to make a map of just the Great Valley, or are you also planning on the mysterious beyond and all its properties?

Thanks! (and thanks for the references too!)

I'm planning on going the "If it's in the movies and/or TV series it goes on the map" route...we'll see how that goes #ImAMasterProcrastinator  :lol

LBT Projects / Map of the Land Before Time
« on: July 08, 2019, 03:48:45 PM »
Hi  :rainbowwave

I've started planning a LBT project - to make a map of the LBT.

Basically there will be two maps - one with just locations, and another with the locations of events.

These maps will not be "accurate/perfect"...but I'm going to try my best to get them as accurate as I can.

I'm actually not the only one planning this - my mom (also a LBT fan, but not as much of a fan as I am) has agreed to help with the actual drawing of the map (yay!!).

The reasons I'm posting this here are 1) I'm really excited to do this and I wanted to share my excitement and 2) I have a request.

Is there anyone who would like to help with the map? I think the best ways to help would be to find locations/things to go on the map and to help with figuring out where the locations are. Also, the scale of the map is going to be difficult...

Sorry if this post is a bit scattered - I'm kinda sleep deprived  :sducky

LBT Projects / Re: GOF Sing-along: If We Hold On Together
« on: July 08, 2019, 03:42:01 PM »
I'd love to join...but I can't sing well at all  :(petrie

You'd be welcome to join! Singing well is not a requirement, trust me :)petrie

Ooh in that case maybe I will join  :)
Also, we don't have to try to do an impression of one of the we?  :lol

LBT Projects / Re: GOF Sing-along: If We Hold On Together
« on: July 06, 2019, 03:47:00 PM »
I'd love to join...but I can't sing well at all  :(petrie

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