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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318177


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"Yipe!" Sawyer exclaimed as she jumped up out of the couch in surprise. She landed in Louie's arms. "You're back already?!" she gasped to the ape king/her boss.


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Yes, dumpling. I found some darling outfits for you and Berry to wear in the film. Took me longer than I thought to find them but I see you have been working on your kissing skills. I'm looking forward to this " Louie kissed Sawyer firmly on the lips, his tongue racing into her mouth and grinding hard against her tongue. Louie held the kiss and held Sawyer against him
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Sawyer's hypothesis was correct: Louie was indeed a much stronger kisser. Since her back was turned, she couldn't see Berry being delighted to see her cat friend kiss Louie. She tried to break out of the kiss, but like one of those finger trap toys, trying to break free only made Louie hold tighter.


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Louie felt Sawyers form , smiling inwardly at the cats beautiful form.  Berry grabbed some outfits out of the bag and put them on, they fit well, and complimented her form nicely. Louie finally broke the kiss and set Sawyer down on the couch
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"I'm.....gonna have to get used to that, aren't I?" Sawyer groaned to Louie as she was set down by the ape king. She looked at the outfits she had been bought, and could instantly tell they would make for viewers' eye candy.


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Naturally " Louie chuckled " I don't bite, and I always have fresh breath." These are very nice, sure." Berry said. " F course, Berry, I only get the best as you well know. We'll give Sawyer here a few minutes to change " Louie said.
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Sawyer picked up the outfits that were meant for her. She then realized something. "Say, where's the bedroom in this I can change?" she asked. The cat then noticed Louie and Berry smirk at each other upon hearing that.


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The bedroom is the room to the right " Berry said . The was a bed, but it was shaped like a throne. It was big enough to hold the three of them
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"I'm concerned about that," Sawyer said, as she went to go change. She came out in a colorful outfit befitting a Bollywood musical. "How do I look?" she asked Berry and Louie.


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You look great " Louie and Berry said in unison. You will be prominently featured in film advertising " Louie beamed.
The prizes reached Leonine munching on their candies
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"You made these chocolate mice just the way I liked them," Kitty smiled to Dixie, "I should ask for the recipe," she joked lightly. While Leonine wasn't as big as the city the palace was in, it was still an impressive sight to behold. There were tons of shops and sights to be seen.


"Doing those skits got me some money," Oliver smiled proudly to Arlene.


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I can give you the recipe if you want " Dixie said with a smile " for no magic variety you will need living mice. Just make sure they aren't your friends first " Dixie chuckled. After we get our errands done, we need to celebrate Chiefs birthday ! Chie, do you want anything? She asked the cheetah. " A big chocolate cake, please " Chie said
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"That could be tricky," Kitty chuckled, "Sometimes I think Tiger can get so smitten by me he'd might let me eat his mouse friends," she joked.


"Oh, this is gonna be something...." Sawyer mentally groaned.


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I am heading to bed ladies " Louie said, " join me once you have finished reading the script. Berry the records for the dances are on the left counter. Blankets for the bed are in the third hallway closet." " Yes sir" Berry said picking up the script and returning to the couch" See you in the morning sire."
" I'm sure you could get anything you want from Tiger if you really wanted " Dixie laughed as Mukua put her arm around Dixie
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"Say, i didn't see a bed in that bedroom, just some fancy throne," Sawyer told Berry as she went back to the couch, "What's up with that?" She had a feeling the answer would make her groan.


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It is a bed, it just has several settings. Louie prefers the throne setting "Berry explained. " It is actually very comfortable, I have used it before. The normal bed setting is huge."
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"Ah great, I'll have to rest my head against that flabby king?" Sawyer groaned as she picked up the script to see where she left off before the king had arrived earlier.


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You will also have me for company, so if you prefer, you can rest against me. As for where we left off.. we were kissing " Berry leaned forward and kissed Sawyer warmly on the lips. Berry pulled Sawyer to her as the kiss began.
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Sawyer naturally enjoyed this kissing more, even if Berry clearly adored Louie. When they were done after many more minutes, Sawyer commended "You're really talented with that."


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As are you." Berry said with a smile " she gazed at Sawyers bare form. " Do you like me Sawyer?" She asked, resting against the couch" Because.. well I like you. You're spirited, you can dance and you wear clothes with air of dignity, even if the outfits are made from banana peels
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