The Gang of Five
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Nick22 · 698 · 92350


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Yurei smiled reassuringly at Sharal'tar.
"For the moment, I'm staying here with you guys.  So we've got plenty of time, Sharal'tar.  All I need to do is whip up a false report to pass along to the rest of the hunters."
He said gently, running a hand through his hair with an easygoing smile.
"And from the sounds of things, I'm getting to share a bed with both the loves of my life.  Heh... I'm... really glad I found you guys"
« Last Edit: November 15, 2020, 04:41:34 PM by StarfallRaptor »

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Okay, well, do whatever you need to do, but be safe." Sharal'tar gave him a quick hug and a peck on the lips. "It's good to see you again," she smiled, speaking under her breath so the others couldn't listen in. "I figured you'd be safe, what with being able to turn incorporeal and all...but it's good to finally know for sure."

Kojuuro yawned. "It does feel like we're burning midnight oil when we should be resting and gathering strength for the trek tomorrow," he noted. "So don't stay up too late, you three," he warned the lovebirds.

"We won't!" Flora assured, crossing to the bed and re-organizing the pillows for four. As there were only two beds, the current split was adults in one and young adults in the other, and Yurei's addition would make the latter bed pretty full. "How are we looking on supplies?" she asked Kora. "Should we go buy more in the morning, or can we handle another party member with what we've got?"


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Yurei blushed and smiled at Sharal'tar, returning her kiss lovingly.
"It's good to see you, too.  I worried a bit, but I know you guys.  I figured you'd be safe, and now that I know that...well... let's just say we've got a lot of catching up to do."
He whispered back teasingly before looking up at Flora's question.
"Heh, you guys won't need to worry quite so much about supplies, either.   Let's just say I haven't just been sitting around since the storm..."


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we can handle another party member ' Kora said ' anything Yurei can bring along means we dont have to buy it at some ppoint. We have a l lot of ground to cover tomorrow, so I suggest we try and get as much sleep as possible. we're leaving at 7 am tomorrow , after all. o get what sleep you can, because we'll be walking al day tomorrow. we're entering the Gondar region of the country-North Gondar to be precise.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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A few minutes later, Flora was in bed and snuggled up happily on Yurei's left, with Sharal'tar (less accustomed to public displays of affection) giving a slightly more reserved hug on his right. "Tomorrow, while we're hiking, you need to catch me up on what you've been doing," she whispered in his ear, already drifting off to sleep.

Kojurro closed his eyes, assumed a cross-legged stance in front of the door and deftly slipped into a deep meditation. In this pose, he'd restore stamina and rest his mind at the same speed as normal sleep, but his reflexes remained alert and prepared to rouse him at the first sign of intruders.


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Yurei smiled contentedly, kissing Sharal'tar and Flora affectionately on the head.
"I will.  I promise you that."
He whispered softly, pulling the two close to him as he drifted off to sleep..

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The next morning, Kojuuro's augments roused him as soon as the earliest vestiges of the sun's rays breached the horizon. Immediately, his eyes darted alertly around the apartment; no sign of intruders, everyone was tucked safely in bed just like his ninja senses had thought. "Excellent. Haven't lost my touch yet," he chuckled softly to himself as he shook awake the people on the near side of each bed; Kora and Sharal'tar. "Wakey wakey," he informed them matter-of-factly. "Let's get this place bundled up and this show on the road."

Sharal'tar yawned and nudged Yurei. "Guess it's go-time," she murmured. "Good luck getting Flora awake, remember she used to sleep through the fire alarms?" She stumbled sleepily to her suitcase and carried a change of clothes into the bathroom; she'd never unpacked so she had little prep time needed before she'd be ready to go.


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Yurei smirked as he stirred, grinning at Sharal'tar as she went to change.
"Oh, I remember that all too well~.  Heh, fun times~."
He chuckled a bit before smiling over at Flora and leaning in to kiss lightly at her neck...


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Kora got up and quickly changed into fresh clothes in the corner. " We have 250-300 miles to cover today. We're in the Amhara region of the country , which is a mix of some desert,  savannah and subtropical highland. We'll likely pass through all 3 on our route." marita was up and packing her things into a knapsack, while Marie and Rose were searching through a small selection of chewy granola bats to eat on the way."Chocolate chip or oats and honey' Marie said , before finally settling on chocolate chip. " Just grab something and go, girls. We have pursuers behind us, and a treasure in front of us.' Kora saod. " Marie opened the door with her vine powers, Sharal' tar had given her some tips for maintaining focus over long distances.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora was the last one to finally roll out of bed, streatching and yawning theatrically before flashing Yurei a tired smile.

"I'll check us out of the room, the rest of you gather on the far side of town," Kojuuro advised, creaking the door open a peek and glancing down the hallway. "Let's try to leave before the majority of the populace is wandering the streets, especially knowing we now have another class of pursuers to look out for."

"Hey, nice job Marie!" Sharal'tar added approvingly, watching her wield her plant powers more nimbly than last night. "What'd I tell you? Just keep practicing and they'll become second-nature!"

(OOC: What were they traveling in again? Was it a wagon with attached caravan?)


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Yurei smiled back at Flora, giving her an appreciative once-over as she stretched, grabbing the vest he had been wearing the night before and tossing it on.
"Alright, that plan sounds good, Kojuuro.  Plus, the other hunter groups will have pulled back to regroup.  Once we clear the town, I've got a little surprise for you guys, too.  One that I think will be quite welcome"

He chuckled, quickly kissing Flora's cheek as he straightened his vest, quickly checking one of the pockets with a nod...
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 11:55:45 AM by StarfallRaptor »

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora smiled warmly back at him, right before Sharal’tar pegged her in the face with a rolled-up shirt. “Get dressed, everyone else is packed and all ready to go!”


Kojurro tipped his hat congenially before forgetting it had been destroyed months ago in the storm. “It was a wonderful night, thank you for your hospitality,” he concluded his business with the front desk.

The cashier grunted. “Ey, before you go, you seen this girl?” He flashed Kojurro a picture he recognized as coming from Sartonic’s ID archives:

“, of course not!” he stammered. “Why ever do you inquire?”

“Some men have been asking around,” the clerk shrugged. “Sounds like she broke the law or something. I’m also supposed to pass these out,” he handed Kojurro a white slip with a phone number on it. “Call this and let ‘em know if you see her.”

“Uh, certainly, will do!” Kojurro laughed weakly, once again tipping his nonexistent hat before scrambling to get back to the room. “Well, we’d better play this even safer than I thought we’d need to...” he muttered to himself.


The man with the cybernetic wings was standing in the marketplace, walking away from a vendor. “Yurei, do you copy?” He radioed. “Got a lead, sounds like a pink fox purchased a scarab stamp from a vendor stall last night, so they’re still in town. Where are you, anyway?”


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As Yurei's radio crackled to life, he started a bit, then pulled out a phone and flicked open a messaging app.
I'm tailing our marks at the moment.  Maintain radio silence.  Sounds like they're headed out of town.  I may lose contact for some time.   I'll try to get in good with them as an escapee.  Find out what they're after, and if there's anyone else working with them.
After sending the message, he flipped the phone shut, chuckling a bit under his breath.
"Okay, now to set the rest of the plan in motion once we're out of town."
He said quietly to no-one in particular...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora had just finished packing when Kojurro returned and threw her a wide-brimmed hat. "Here you go! Nipped to the market and bought you one of these. Can't be too careful!" he chortled, a bit too cheerily.

"Oh. Uh...okay." Flora donned it fashionably and nodded approvingly in the mirror. "We ready to get this show on the road?"

"Yes! Absolutely, before anyone else wakes up! Let's go, we're all checked out!" Kojurro hurriedly motioned for everyone to get moving.

"Kora, can you lead the way to the wagon?" Sharal'tar asked, rolling her suitcase to the hallway stairs. "Since not everyone in the party has been there before."

Yurei, meanwhile, recieved a single vibration on his phone, a shorthand message indicating his ally had recieved the message and didn't want to send a more conspicuous acknowledgment.


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come on everyone. to the caravan. as inconspicuous as possible please. we have people tracking us after all.' Kora said. we parked it  near an arc h on the outside of town. some of you wil be riding camels others horses. first come first served.' she saud, chuckling sotly.
 Thanks Shalral'tar. It helps a lot when you are learningg from someone who knows what they are doing." Marioe said as they reached the caravan, there were 5 horses and 5 camels. it was desoned to look like a travelingg Bedouin caravan.
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Yurei smiled a bit, wrapping one arm around Flora, and the other around Sharal'tar as they made their way to the caravan.
"Heh, this must be a dream come true.  Getting to go on a grand adventure with the loves of my life.  I'm really looking forward to our little honeymoon~"
He said lightly, grinning at both ladies...

Undisclosed Location:
"Alright.  As of last night, Yu said he'd made contact with the escapees.  So, in theory, he should be getting in contact with us sometime today.  G, you got those copies ready?"
A somewhat youthful-looking wolf paced across the concrete floor, periodically checking his phone.  From across the room, an older-looking maned wolf looked up from a table, where he had been fiddling with something.
"Riv, I have told you not to call me that thuggish nickname.  It's childish.  And yes, the golems are almost ready.  I simply need the genetic material to fool any biological analyses.  And for heaven's sake, get off that accursed phone."
The maned wolf replied, going back to checking the object on the table before moving to another...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 01:09:35 AM by StarfallRaptor »

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Sharal’tar flushed red and looked around hoping nobody was watching; Flora, in contrast, was far more used to public displays of affection and joyously pecked Yurei on the cheek in return. "I can't believe it either! Oh, Yurei, if only you'd been there when we first fled the labs, we holed out in a ruined bank and couldn't get into the vault! You could've ghost-formed your way in and we'd be rich!"

"Erm, different topic of conversation, please..." Kojurro made eye-contact with the very few people in the back courtyard of the hotel, and luckily nobody was paying them heed. The hotel was on the outskirts of the city, with the statue garden to its right and endless barren desert to the left.

"Dibs on a camel!" Flora called out, vaulting excitedly up one's flank and crashing spectacularly back down the other side.

Sharal'tar pinched her nose and delicately mounted a horse. "Don't even mention it, Marie, you're a natural." She flashed the Golden Retriever a smile as she readied her reins. "I can't wait to see where you'll be once you've had enough time to really come into your own. I'm pretty sure you outpass me in sheer psionic strength, honestly."


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Yurei smiled, helping Flora get onto her camel, and giving her butt an appreciative grope as he did so.
"Hmmm... here's hoping I can ride one of these guys."
He chuckled, hopping onto a horse with ease, patting the beast gently...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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With everyone situated, the caravan set out into the desert. Kojurro zipped the white cotton tarps up so the wagon was airtight; it would be their primary source of shade and cover when heatstrokes hit.

"So Yurei, how are Marly and Taga doing?" Flora asked. "I'm glad to hear they both survived, I tried to reach the quarantine block during the storm but got waylaid by guards."

Sharal'tar, for her part, was repeatedly being bothered by a fly buzzing around her horse's head. Snarling, she finally swatted it by shooting a whiplike vine from her hand with a whiplike crack. Watching it flutter to the ground lifelessly, her eyes traveled forward to see a small patch of swirling dark skies up ahead. "Kora?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. "I think that might be a sandstorm up ahead...should we go around it?"


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Yurei chuckled, smiling broadly at Flora.
"They're doing really well.  Taga wouldn't stop trying to get me to come find you guys after the storm hit, and Marly was just as insistent... in his own way.  In fact, I think they'll be thrilled to see you and Sharal'tar again!"
He chuckled, then turned to look ahead as Sharal'tar pointed out the approaching sandstorm.
"Hm.  I think we're far enough out of town now.  Should be safe to go for it..."
He quickly pulled out a second phone, typing in a message before quickly spurring his horse to the front of the caravan.
"Alrighty.  Looks like we've got a sandstorm approaching.  I think our best course of action will be to get some shelter and let it blow over.  Do you guys trust me?"
He asked the group, glancing at each in turn...