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Ducky123's fic

Ducky123 · 254 · 32743


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I figured Pterano would add something to my story so I decided to give him a little side-plot :p

Nice place to meet, indeed! :lol:
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Chapter 12: Comfort Ducky!

Littlefoot walked over to the fresh, cool water and drank from it. Cera, however, cried quietly for her deceased family members; feeling neither her hunger nor her thirst.
"Don't you wanna drink some too?" he asked politely. Cera just turned around showing him her back.
Disappointed, the little Longneck sat down on the ledge and looked out at the view of the surroundings. The place looked like the Great Valley. Everything was green, there was plenty of water and food and it was pleasantly warm. The only problem was that Sharpteeth were also able to enter the area. Littlefoot sighed. He was worried about his Grandma. After all she was severely injured...
Now the little one became startled. And where was his mother? He could see his grandparents in the distance, but his mother was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, he saw something else that instantly enhanced his mood.
The Flyer, who had carried him to this place earlier, was flying towards him.
"Hopefully she'll say that everything is alright," Littlefoot thought.
As the Flyer approached, Littlefoot also saw that she was carrying two more kids on her back.
"Maybe they'll be more talkative than the Threehorn!" he thought. The two seemed to be completely distraught. The Flyer was disheveled; his whole body shaking nervously. The swimmer girl had tears in her eyes. She was totally pale-faced and her breathing was fitful. She didn’t seem all there, her mind wasn't really around..
"Well, you two," Petrie's Mother said with a calming voice. "We've arrived." She landed on the ledge. Petrie and Ducky climbed off her and lay down, clearly exhausted.

"What happened?" Littlefoot questioned. Meanwhile Cera withdrew deeper into the cave.
"They had almost been devoured by a Fastbiter!" Petrie's Mother told him. "The beast already had them in its mouth as I threw a boulder on its head saving them from certain death."
"Geez!" Littlefoot exclaimed looking worried. "What about my family? What are they doing? Are they alright?"
"I don't know, little Longneck, but I gonna try and find out," she promised. "I don't have a clue about what happened to my mate either.  Terrible thing..."
"Okay, thank you," Littlefoot thanked her but couldn’t help but feel a little saddened.
"You get me siblings here now?" Petrie croaked.
"Yes! As well as the little Swimmers. I'll be right back and try to get some news about your families."
She flew back to pick up the other kids.

After a short while, the Swimmer Girl started crying again. Littlefoot took pity on her. She had clearly been traumatised by her ordeal so he slowly walked over to the little girl.
"Hey! What's wrong? You're safe here," he said to her gently. Ducky, for the moment, didn't react. Her mind had started playing over the horrific event again.
Littlefoot considered how to calm her down. His family used to nuzzle him when he had been upset or weeping. 'Perhaps it'll work,' he thought. It was definitely worth a try - there was nothing else to do after all.
"It's alright! I'm here!" he whispered softly, nuzzling her. After a few minutes, Petrie joined them.
"What your name?" he stuttered.
"Me? My name's Littlefoot. What's yours?"
"My name Petrie."
"What happened to you?"
"Dad fought a Sharptooth! Sharptooth finish him off! Then Petrie search for me family! Then Petrie hear laughter! Me go to laughter but then me hear Sh-sh-sharpt-t-tooth! Me and little Swimmer Girl run away! Then Sharptooth eat us but Mama saved us!"
Littlefoot was stunned. "Geez! You were lucky! That must've been horrible!"
"It was!" the Swimmer sobbed.
"Well, you're safe now," Littlefoot said calming them down.
"What your name?" Petrie asked the Swimmer.
After short hesitation, she quietly whispered, "Ducky..."
"You donët have to cry Ducky. We're safe here!" Littlefoot said to her.
"Yeah! No Sharptooth make it up here!" Petrie added.
"I... I was so scared!" she weeped.
"Now everything's right again," Littlefoot said calmly.
"You need hug?" Petrie asked and Ducky nodded.
Littlefoot helped Ducky to get up using his tail and she hugged Petrie tightly.
"Thank you for warning me earlier!" she sobbed quietly.
"Ah! You welcome!" the Flyer croaked.
Ducky slowly calmed down.
After a few minutes, she whispered quietly, "Thank you..." She lovingly hugged both of them again.
Then Littlefoot saw Petrie's Mother returning...

Not sure when the next update will be... I hope next weekend or earlier.. depends on my schedule  :rolleyes

Next one will have an awesome Mr. Threehorn moment :lol and some other stuff

EDIT: Fixed some minor mistakes :P:
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  • Spike
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Aww, group hug!   :lol:

Its a pity Cera doesn't want to join in...and I get the feeling Petrie's mother returning can only herald news of a certain someone's death... :(

Still, I look forward to the next chapter! Mr Threehorn moment as well? Wow...


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Aw, I want a hug, too! :(

So I guess stubbornness starts early. Nice job keeping everyone in character... uh oh, I really hope the new of the next dinosaur's death isn't who I think it is :o
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Chapter 13: More Tears

The old Threehorn stormed through the whole oasis letting out his frustration by kicking stones and uprooting trees.Eventually, he came back to the battlefield where two Fastbiters had just eaten his mate. In a fit of rage, he charged at them skewering one with his horns. The Fastbiter collapsed to the ground,he quickly died due to the loss of blood. The other one, however,  was able to dodge in time.
After he recovered from the shock, he roared savagely and tried jumping on the Threehorn. However the great beast caught him as he was sailing through the air and threw him high into the air. The Fastbiter crashedinto a thick, old tree with a terrible thud causing the treestars to rain down.
Dimly, the Fastbiter tried to pick himself up but the Threehorn was already on top of him.
He couldn't defend himself. Cera's father speared the second Fastbiter as well pinning him to the old tree.
Covered in blood he leaned on another tree. His grief was now stronger than his anger so he started crying. Thick Threehorn-tears floated down his cheeks until eventually, his anger took possesion of his mind. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Petrie's Mother flew above the battlefield in order to collect information of the kids' relatives. The area was stained with blood.  Half eaten corpses lay everywhere; some of their allies but some Fastbiters who also paid for their victory with their lives. Most of them either showed severe head wounds by the Longnecks and the Flyers or were stabbed by the Threehorns.
Amused, she spectated the Threehorn's vengeance. "Good!" she spured him on mentally. At least she could tell the Threehorn Girl that her father was alright.
Then she eyed a huge, red nugget of flesh; the head still undamaged. She recognized the mother of the little Longneck whose father went missing after the catastrophy in the Great Valley. He would be very sad, of that she was sure.
A few moments later she also found that what was left of the father of the little Swimmer. The little one would be heartbroken since she was pretty whiny as her mother once told her.
Still, not having heard or seen any life signs of her mate, she flew back. She didn't want to keep the children wait any longer.
Before she brought the rema“ning kids to the cave she had had a little talk with Littlefoot's Grandparents.
"Everything alright?" she asked as she saw Grandma.
"Grandma is quite weak and I'm quite elderly, too!" Grandpa sighed.
"I really hope that she'll recover from that... if not, you'd have to take care of your grandson all alone!"
"Yeah... His mother..." he interrupted bursting into tears.
"I know! I just saw her from above, my heart is broken... And his father seems to have disappeared..."
"Yes, we lost each other during the escape from the ash cloud. He didn't want to accept that it was impossible so he tried to flee while we had waited, keeping our heads low to be safe of the ash  rain. We haven't heard of him since then."
"Poor you. The Threehorn lost his whole family except for one of his daughters. He's just 'hunting'!"
"Yeah, he's always been that way!"
"Anyway, have you seen my mate?"
"I suppose he didn't make it. The big Sharptooth must have caught him, otherwise he would have  returned. He helped my d... " he interrupted again.
"Oh no... th-that's ... horrible!" she whined.
"My condolences!" Grandma whispered just having woken up.
"Same goes to you, my dears. Hold on valiantly! I need to fly some kids to safety until we all have recovered."
"Yeah. See you," Grandpa replied.
She flapped to Pterano.
"He didn't make it," she shouted from the distance. Pterano did the only right thing namely hugging her. "Children..." she called quietly. "Your Daddy has... passed on..."
Instantly, Petrie's siblings began to cry..
"You carry them to the cave as soon as they're able to head there!" she ordered Pterano.
"I'll carry the Swimmer's children."
"Agreed. It's alright my little ones. Uncle Pterano is here..."
Petrie's Mother just bandied for some time with Ducky's Mother. As she eventually told her kids that their father wouldn't ever return, a terrible chorus of crying started. It needed a lot of effort to persuade the little ones to come along.
Finally, when all were aboard, Petrie's Mother flew off carrying the weeping children to the others in the safe cave.

As Ducky heard her siblings, she already assumed what must have happened. Littlefoot and Petrie were visibly tense.
"I've got bad news for you three!" she glumly told them.
"Petrie, your father..." she began to sob, "your father, little one; and your mother, little one!"
Ducky threw herself on the floor starting to cry like a little baby.
Littlefoot shouted, "NO!" in disbelief, again and again. He curled up and started to cry, notably quieter than Ducky.
"Me already know!" Petrie whispered hugging his mother.
"Petrie... I gotta go! I'm very sorry!" she sobbed flying off.
"Your uncle will bring the others later!" she shouted from far away, then she disappeared...

Uh Oh... Poor, poor kids :cry
Anyway, do me a favor by not complaining about the many grammar mistakes :oops Will correct them asa my proofreader has caught up (not 'catched' like I wrote somewhere :bang Musta been daydreaming around instead of writing correctly

I hope the updates will be more frequent again now.

Now that you know this chapter, you'll see that the next one will be way, way sadder   :cry

EDIT: Mistakes should be fixed now :angel
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  • Spike
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:cry  :cry

I understand what you meant fully by sad times! I just wonder, now that the initial shock is over, what the kids will do next? It surely begs the question...will the passings of their folks spur them or not? Hm...I'll be interested to see...


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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How much sadness do you expect me to take?!
In all seriousness, you do have a gift for graphic and tragic situations - you spin your words with extreme care, and it makes the transition nicely to fit the needs of the story :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Thank you :D

Everyone loves some tragedy in fics :p I guess?
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Surprise! New chapter :lol
Chapter 14: Mourning

As Cera heard the chorus of weeping, she became curious. The blubbering of the Swimmer Kids was getting on her nerves so she thought she would calm them down with her very own method...
Petrie shuffled over to a stone, laid down on it and curled his arms around it sobbing.
Ducky was screaming after her mommy, her desperate cries mixed with the wailing even drowned her eleven other siblings.
Littlefoot cried to himself quietly and sobbed repeatingly, "Mother..."
None of them even considered comforting each other...

Half an hour later, most of the Swimmer Kids were still snivelling though they were far quieter than earlier. Cera, unobtrusively, walked closer to the others munching a few leaves without having any appetite.
Ducky was the only one still weeping loudly, Petrie had recovered to a degree and Littlefoot cried in silence. Petrie walked slowly over to Ducky. He felt so sorry for the little Swimmer girl. He watched her for a while, too shy to actually talk to her.
Ducky thumped her little hands and feet on the hard, rocky ground beginning to scream again,"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Littlefoot couldn't listen any longer, he had to do something  to calm her. He slowly went over to the little one and began nuzzling her. Ducky heaved herself up and hugged one of Littlefoot's legs.
After some minutes, Petrie joined him and stroked Ducky who was still blubbering slightly. The heartbroken girl now hugged Petrie who began to weep again, too.

After half an hour, they finally calmed down as well as Ducky's siblings who got progressively quieter.
Cera returned to the others.
"Hey guys!" she called hoping to find some cool friends since her siblings were deceased.
"Hello Threehorn!" Littlefoot responded, "I'm Littlefoot! Who are you?"
"Name's Cera!" she replied.
"Me name Petrie!" Petrie croaked.
"Ducky!" the Swimmer sobbed smeared in tears. She wiped them out of the face but instantly new ones wetted her cheeks again
"Why are we supposed to wait here?!" Cera moaned. "I wanna be with my daddy!!!"
"I want to be with my mommy, too, yep, yep, yep!" Ducky sobbed hugging Petrie again.
"Me wanna, too!" Petrie sighed.
"Mmmhmm!" Littlefoot nodded, agreeing. He thought of his dad again. Where was he? Tears streamed down his cheeks dropping on the ground.He could relate to Ducky, who weeped all the  time now. Dragging himself to Ducky and Petrie he cuddled with them laying down next to them, he started weeping too.

The children’s crestfallen weeping continued throughout the whole day... Ducky cried the whole time, Petrie mostly did the same, although a little quieter and Littlefoot constantly sobbed, "Mother..."
Cera lied some distance away from the three.

In the evening, Petrie's Mother brought the children some treestars but neither of them touched them. Petrie was comforted by his mother, Ducky joined her siblings who tried to get some sleep without their parents but to no avail. The little Swimmers were quite restless which made it even harder for all the other kids to get to sleep themselves. Littlefoot had  curled up into a little hollow, still weeping silently. Cera retreated far into the cave since the Swimmers made so much noise. Besides, she didn't want to get caught weeping in front of the others.

After Petrie's Mother had flown off, Petrie walked to his siblings who had just arrived at the cave with her, his head down. He got up and left the group; the nearby Swimmers were crying too loud for his liking. After a quick look around, he eventually eyed Ducky and starting walking to her. Ducky had curled up with her back to everyone. At first glance, Petrie thought that she was already asleep but then he noticed a little tear roll down her cheek. He again remained standing on the spot not daring to utter a single word. Eventually, he summoned his courage, "Ducky? Petrie can sleep here?" the Flyer questioned shily.
Ducky sluggishly turned to Petrie, "Oh, yes Petrie!" she sobbed, "but not here, please. Let us find a calm spot, yep, yep, yep."
"That good," Petrie confirmed. "Brothers and sisters remind me of what happened too much."
"I know what you mean. I feel the same way too," Ducky confirmed.
Petrie offered Ducky his hands to help her up since the constant weeping had taken all of Ducky’s strength.
"Where you wanna heading?" Petrie asked.
"Perhaps.. to Littlefoot?!" she proposed.
"That good idea but where he is?"
"Hmm, I believe he went that way, yes he did," she said and pointed at one of the two passages.
"Then we go deeper into cave."
Ducky was right. A few moments later they spotted the Longneck.
"Littlefoot? Can we sleep with you?" Ducky questioned quietly.
"Oh yeah, of course! Come in please," he replied, glad that he didn't need to spend the night all alone. Ducky cuddled up with Littlefoot's neck and Petrie laid down next to her.
After a few minutes they fell asleep...
Okay, I admit it's slowly getting too sad hence there shall be action soon :smile
Next chapter will be named 'Nightmares'  :yes What do you guess might happen? :p
I hope you liked the read, I try to upload one more, perhabs two this week because I'll be on holidays for two weeks starting on Saturday :) So no updates for two weeks then  :(
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  • Spike
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Ah, cuddling up together just like in the first film.  :DD

Well, minus Cera and Spike... :rolleyes:

Its very good! Yes, it is rather sad, but you know, its got to be! They'll all lost family members, they have every right to be really sad.  :cry Still, I'm interested in seeing what will happen next...even if they do have nightmares.  :unsure:


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The cuddles.... those cuddles XDD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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I'm surprised you guys like the cuddling scene so much :lol I wasn't even thinking about the scene in the Original when I wrote this :wow

Anyway, your reviews are much appreciated, it's easing me because I know my work is read :)

Maybe I'll upload another one... tomorrow? Depends on school  :rolleyes
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David, this is getting depressing.


WOW, I can so talk! :lol

It's nice that the gang have all met now and have a little cuddle. :DD

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Well, the gang minus Spike ;)
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Here we go!
Chapter 15: Nightmares

None of the kids were able to sleep much and the adults were the same...
Throughout the night everyone was stirring restlessly. At least one of the Swimmer kids, occasionally joined by one of the Flyer kids, was weeping so they woke each other up again and again.Cera tossed around in her sleeping spot repeatedly, unable to fall asleep. Littlefoot, Petrie and Ducky didn’t sleep too well either. Ducky, in particular, had bad sleepstories all the time; dreams of the Sharptooth that almost had Petrie and her for dinner. They kept replaying over and over again.
Each time one of the kids twitched and jerked out of a bad sleepstory, it woke up several kids too.
Ducky always woke up Petrie and Littlefoot and then began to weep bitterly, occasionally screaming  and crying out for her parents. Fortunately, she was so tired that she fell asleep quite quickly again.
Yet, when the night was close to its end, she had a different sleepstory. She dreamed of her mother being feasted on right before her eyes. This time her rolling and her whining woke them all up.
Littlefoot and Petrie exchanged clueless glances. The little Flyer tried to stroke the little girl but failedsince Ducky was way too restless. Her whining increased in volume and she started to kick around.
Cera heard Ducky.  Fed up listening to the never-ending blaring, she stood up and walked to the source of the noice to make them shut up...
All of a sudden, Ducky uttered a disturbed screech continuing as she woke up.
Finally, after a few terrible seconds, she realised that she was safe in the cave so her cries became weaker. Still in shock, she remained lying on the ground, breathing heavily. Seeing just how terrified the little Swimmer was, Petrie wrapped his arm around her shoulders delicately. Ducky latched onto the embrace like a frightened newborn and quivered in his grasp. Petrie was alarmed as he felt Ducky heart thumping hard and fast against his own chest as she held onto him.
Petrie and Littlefoot needed some time to recover from the fright themselves. Littlefoot glanced at little Ducky, worried. She almost seemed unconscious.
"Ducky? You alright?" Petrie asked timidly, shaking on her shoulder softly.
"Ducky!!!" Littlefoot shouted remarkably louder and pushed her a bit harder but the Swimmer remained motionless.
"Me worried!" the Flyer told Littlefoot, he seemed to like Ducky.
"Me too!" Littlefoot confirmed. "Do you see how thin she is, Petrie?"
"Yeah! Petrie see it very good!" he answered despite being thin himself. "Petrie think she not ate for long time."
"Just like us," Littlefoot sighed. Even he had never experienced hunger this strong before in his life. "She needs something to eat and fast."
"Me Mommy had brought many treestars and other yummy stuff," Petrie announced quickly.
"That's gr..... " Littlefoot broke off as an extremely loud bellow shook the cave.
"SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!" Cera shouted with all her might. The shout was so loud, it even made the weeping Swimmer and Flyer kids fall silent. It didn’t last long however since now everyone was wide awake and began crying even harder with fear. Cera's bellowing even woke up Ducky though she was still in a fantasy world of her own so she hadn't realised anything that had happened around her. Even Littlefoot and Petrie hadnët realised she had woken up...
"...great..." Littlefoot eventually finished his sentence.
"What that?" Petrie questioned shakily.
"That was Cera..." the Longneck replied. Petrie was just about to comment when an unexpected event took its course...

Wow, I'm so mean, leavin' ya on a nasty cliffhanger :smile

Any guesses as for what happens next?

1800 posts  :blink:

EDIT: Minor changes of wording and mistakes, same goes to chp 16 & 17  :angel
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Unexpected event?  :blink: Hm...I hope they'll be alright...maybe its Spike?  :o  :unsure:  :lol:

Nice chapter, you sure know how to add a bit of gasping to your audience in the shape of the nightmares. And, well, she's speaking her mind at least!  :wow  :lol

Cancerian Tiger

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Hey, cool story so far.  Sad, but well-written :yes.

Seeing Ducky is in the middle of a night terror, I think I have an idea what'll happen next, since I've had the pleasure of having those before :confused.


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Toby: Spike?! Nah :D Yeah, that's Cera how we like her, MOODY :DD

CT: I'm glad that you like my story :) Tell me if your idea is right, please? Next chapter will be uploaded when I'm back to Germany so likely on Oct 26th :)
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Well, I know from experience you should not wake somebody up if they are having a night terror, because they're often disoriented and lack a sense of reality until they fully wake up.  I've only had a few night terrors in my life, but the times somebody woke me up, I understand I was violent until I "snapped out of it".  The last night terror I've ever had was almost two years ago.  This kind of thing runs in my family, but ever since I had a conversation with a spiritual leader a year ago, I haven't hardly had any nightmares which is awesome :smile.


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Alright here's the promised chapter, enjoooooy :lol:

Chapter 16: Another Catastrophy

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.
"EARTHSHAKE!!!" the kids cried in a panic. Despite the fact that it wasn't as strong as the earthshake that hit when the Great Valley shuddered, stones fell down from the ceiling nonetheless. Cera, Littlefoot, who grabbed Ducky, and Petrie darted deeper into thecave while the Swimmers stepped back to the edge of the ledge. The Flyers took to the air where it was safest for them.
Those  grown-ups, who weren't awake already,  woke up trying to keep a safe distance from the trees that could fall on them. Yet there was another threat especially dangerous for the Threehorn...

The kids ran as fast as they could. Light became rarer in the cave but the rain of little stones wouldn't  diminish.
"What's that growling?!" Cera shouted.
"Sounds  like the one in the Great Valley. Oh no, no, nooooo!" Ducky croaked but only Littlefoot, who carried her, could understand her. The Swimmer had sobered up to the real world due to the heavy rumbling.
"Me no understand what Ducky saying," Petrie called.
"Yeah. What did she say Littlefoot?" Cera asked.
"She said that it sounds the same as the Great Valley!" Littlefoot responded sounding worried.
"Ducky right!" Petrie croaked.
"Hey, that means that... OOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCH!!!" Cera howled in pain as a sharp Stonetooth (stalaktite) broke off the ceiling and pierced her back...

Just a few steps away from the old Threehorn, a rift opened, spitting out reddish glowing fire into the air. He roared in fear and ran off bearly escaping being  licked by the flames.
Grandpa and Grandma had chosen their resting spots wisely and did not lie close to any big trees. Still, Grandpa realised that the ground started getting warm despite it being night.
"Ohh no... Not again!" he said desperately. "Can you walk dear?" he asked Grandma. "We need to escape from this place quickly!"
"I'm not sure," she replied weakly.
"Please try! The ground is getting warm. I think a fire pit or a whole smoking mountain is going to erupt!" Grandpa said anxiously as he supported Grandma. She got to her feet with some difficulty. Slowly and carefully they retreated from the firepit that was growing throughout the whole region. All the while, huge tongues of fire leapt into the air from miles away.

Ducky's Mother and the other Great Valley residents, plus a few others who weren't close to the battlefield at the time of the attack, flew back to the Big Water since the gap cut them from the land side. They escorted the two Longnecks but they moved pretty slow in comparison. A few moments later, the old Threehorn caught up with them . Aside from a few burns, he was relatively unhurt.
"Wonderful! 'Nother lush and green place that falls victim to the fire from the ground!" he called.
"These things are indeed curious!" Mr. Clubtail piped up.
"At least we aren't being threated by a cloud of ash this time!" Ducky's Mother said somewhat relieved.
"Instead we're being threated by a huge fire. Possibly by a river of fire too!" Cera's father retorted grimly. There was indeed a huge fire behind them. The rift seemed to widen up as the wall of fire was being thrown out of it becoming wider and higher.
"Where are the Flyers?!" he bellowed.
"Maybe they're just picking up our children," Grandpa considered.
"Oh no! Our kids..." Ducky's Mother cried.
"I'm confident that they're safe for the time being," Grandma said trying to calm their worries.
"Yes, the cave is far enough from the fire pit!" Grandpa added.
"All fine and dandy Longneck, but the cave could have caved in due to the earthshake!" theThreehorn retorted.
"Let's hope for the best!" Grandma pleated since she saw another dispute between the hagglish Threehorn and her mate coming.
The Threehorn didn't return anything on that...

Since the Flyers felt responsible for the herds' children and specially since their own children were at risk, they flew - as the others had hoped and expected them to do - to the cave to rescue the little ones. Pterano and Petrie's Mother saw their little ones flapping around from a distance outside of the cave entrance. Glancing into the cave, they could see a green muddle of bodies milling around. The Swimmer kids were safe, too. However, there was no sign of the young Threehorn and Longneck. They quickly realised that Petrie and one of the Swimmers were missing as well.
"They ran that way!" one Swimmer told them as it saw the panicked glances of the two Flyers pointing to the path where Littlefoot, Petrie, Cera and Ducky had fled. It was partually caved in and almost impassible. With every tremor, more of the ceiling collapsed.
"We can't go after them," Petrie's Mother said hectically as Pterano attempted to go deeper into the cave.
"Arrgh, youëre right, I suppose!" he sighed contritely.
"We need to get the children out of here. Each of us will carry one half of the little Swimmers, agreed?"
Pterano nodded. The little ones climbed on their backs, the Flyer kids accompanied their relatives.
Then, a few moments after they had risen into the air, a huge earthshake struck the region...

Poor Cera... what are your thoughts on this? What do you think will be the results of this (not yet finished) earthshake? :)

Next one will be interesting... and fairly long :smile
Inactive, probably forever.