The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 114947

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena growled. "I bet I managed better than you would have! I can only imagine the sorry state your ass would be in if it were ridden as hard as mine just was by three interrogators at once!"

Were she not covered in red fur, her face would be practically ruby. Both of her fists twitched, and her memory of the defensive-oriented combat stance was being overridden by her desire to punch Sanjay in the face as hard as she could.


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Sanjay smirked. "My, someone likes it rough! I'll bet you're just begging for them to come back so you can lift up your tail and have some fun with them?"

He flicked his tongue at her. "Am I right, you filthy Vixen?"

Sanjay took careful note of Emilena's twitching. He was getting to her!

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena was not interested in hearing smack from a loathsome individual like Sanjay. Darting forward with inhuman reflexes, she aimed for a full-body tackle centered around the chest. A snake's primary weakness was where the head connected to the body; if she could get an elbow, fist or her fangs in there, that would shut his mouth up right.


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Axel hopped into the driver's seat, leaving the door open. He leaned out. "I guess we can think of a plan while we wait for Kojuuro's transport. Hey, Anne probably knows some back-alley dealers we can get some extra guns from!" His ears perked up as he had the idea. "Not to say there's anything wrong with being a back-alley kind of person..." Axel added hastily. Anne's horn looked horribly sharp.


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(Robotics Factory)

Anne pinched off the burnt end of her spliff and ate the marijauna inside. "Name something and I can probably get it."

"Tony!" Soren called from the back of the truck. "Coming with us or Kojurro's 'transporters'?"


(Purifier Compound)

Unfortunately for Emilena, Sanjay was extremely limber. He seemed to bend around her as she tried to tackle him. Dropping lower to the ground, he made a number of sexual gestures with his hands.

He smiled. "I see someone likes it rough."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You can't dodge forever in a cell the size of a closet!" Emilena snarled, lashing out with her foot at his side. When he dodged that too, she abandoned all pretense of defense and just attempted a sliding bullrush, attempting to pin him between herself and the cell bars. By staying low to the ground, she could manipulate the fact that he can't jump."Let's see how clever you are when I rip your hemipenes out of your body!"


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"With you guys, I guess!" the ferret responded, jogging over to the back of the truck and hopping in now. He'd stay with the familiar faces... and while technically everyone was familiar, he'd been interacting the most (and rather well too, much to his relief) with a few of the ones in the truck, so the truck it was. He knew none of them trusted him, and that was fine. He didn't completely trust them either. He could work on that though by getting them into his father's good graces... and hope they reciprocated. Though at the same time, he was still extremely uneasy about teaming up with others who used augments.

Not too long ago he'd been opposed to this very group he was riding with after all, but they didn't seem vicious, or evil. They were just trying to survive with what they had. That wasn't so bad... was it? He just wished Adrian was up and talking, as he'd seemed very reasonable after capturing the ferret. He'd pointed out an alternate view on things that Tony hadn't considered before. Either way, Tony was now determined to help Adrian as much as possible, until he recovered. He felt obligated since Adrian had spared his life, and it was a debt the ferret was looking to repay.

(runner up)
(runner up)

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(Purifier Complex)

Sanjay grunted as he was smashed between the cell and Emilena. He coughed a bit as he wriggled upwards. "Bad move."

He opened his mouth and plunged his fangs into her shoulder and shot a dose of his highly neurotoxic venom into her. Her clothing offered no resistance to his metallic fangs.


(Robotics Factory)

"'Sup," Anne replied. She leaned against the truck's stolen cargo. Her eyes were slightly glazed over and she reeked of marijauna.

Soren nodded as Tony climbed in.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Uh... hey." Tony gave Anne a slight wave, noting the heavy stench of weed about her. It made his head swim, and he briefly considered holding his nose, but decided against it, the fear of being rude outweighing his fear of getting high by the end of this trip.

(runner up)
(runner up)

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Axel grinned and leaned back towards Tony. "It's okay. The smell kind of grows on you after a while," he said lightly, then looked out at Lily. "You getting in? There's room for one more up front." The heavy duty SUVs rolling in set him somewhat at ease. At least there's less chance of us being attacked. Pretty conspicuous though.

"I guess we should go ahead so Tony can lead the way for the rest of you," he called out to Kojuuro.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily didn't hear Axel, she was taking the opportunity to ask the doctor something, since finally Adrian was stabilized and he had a free moment. "Doctor...can I ask you something?" She showed him her head, skin, and the tattoo on her breast. "Have you heard of anything that causes this? Do you know what's...what's happening to me?"


Emilena cried out as her body was flooded with poisonous toxins. She had her arms in a stranglehold around Sanjay's neck, and even as she grew paralyzed she could feel him short for breath. She couldn't remove her hands if she wanted. At least I'm taking the bastard with me...

"Well, it looks like you two are having fun," a third voice suddenly said from outside the cell. The wolf agent appeared, carrying a syringe and a pistol. "But playtime is over. "

With a swift kick through the bars he sent Emilena skidding off of Sanjay. Keeping the pistol trained right between Sanjay's eyes, the wolf grabbed Emilena's leg, dragged her up against the bars, and stabbed the syringe through her heart with surgical precision.

As Emilena gasped and curled up in the fetal position, unable to control her muscles when they all relaxed simultaneously, the wolf observed Sanjay. "No more of that, I need her alive. I'd also prefer to keep you alive as well, so if you could kindly work to prevent further such instances, that'd be optimal. I'm the only one preventing the Purifiers from killing you both."

Whoever this man was, he wasn't any Purifier either of them had ever seen.


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(Purifier Compound)

Sanjay made a face of disgust as he slithered away from the growing puddle of bodily fluids forming around Emilena. He clutched a hand to his side; Emilena's tackle had broken at least sixteen of his ribs. "Who the f--- are you?" he said between coughs.


(Robotics Factory)

Even in her stoned condition, Anne's ears pricked up and began swiveling around. "Hey, anyone know why so many new cars are arriving?"

Soren shrugged. "Dunno but I hope those are Kojuuro's Transporters. If they're not, well, we're f---ed."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I don't remember," Lily replied softly. "About four days ago, I woke up in the middle of the forest with no memory. Since then..." She wondered whether she could trust him with the details. Well, he is assisting a wounded criminal... "Since then I've been on the run from the police. I haven't managed to find anyone that can explain what I did."

She glanced at the tattoo, relieved to see it hadn't dropped since last time. "I don't think I had that tattoo before either."


"My name is Agent Lupis," the wolf introduced himself. "And I work for the government. We have...a bit of a situation, and our Vulpine friend has already encountered it."

Emilena managed to sit up, coughing violently. Her ears pricked. Is he talking about that Sapaar woman?

Her suspicions were confirmed when Lupis held out a headshot. "Lily North has become something of a topic of interest to the government. As such topics tend to do, she has gone missing and my assignment is to retrieve her. Somehow she has allied herself with a proficient team of survivors, most of whom have been hiding from authority for most of their lives. This has made it difficult to approach her."

"Well, that's your problem," Emilena snapped. She tried to stand up, wobbled, and fell over.

"It can be your problem if you like," Lupis added dryly. "I offer both of you complete immunity from your past crimes, and licenses to keep any Augments or other equipment you currently possess." The wolf was glancing at Sanjay when he said this. "In return, you assist me in catching Ms. North."


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Axel rested his elbow on the truck's window sill. "Well, sure, your transport might be bulletproof, but we've got all the groceries we could want back here," he said, gesturing towards the boxes piled around Soren, Tony and Anne. "So I guess it's even." He glanced around at the others talking outside, then turned back to Kojuuro. "So, are we about ready to go? Hanging around here for too long probably isn't a good idea."


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(Purifier Compound)

Sanjay flicked his tongue in and out. The idea of being allowed to keep his augments greatly appealed to him. "Hmm, I like this. But there has to be some more strings attached."


(Robotics Factory)

"I'd like to go for stealth," Soren replied to Kojuuro. He then noticed that his suit suddenly became noticibly heavier. "Great, my suit's batteries are dead."

Anne got to her feet. "Maybe we can plug you into the vehicle's electrical system." She dragged Soren out of the truck and onto the concrete parking lot.

She popped open the recharging port and eyed it along with the portable charger clipped to his suit. The hexagonal port on the truck wasn't compatible with the t-shaped plug on his charger.

"Oh, this might need a little work."

Soren struggled to his feet and climbed back into the truck with a bit of difficulty thanks to the weight of his now unpowered exoskeleton. "Deal with that later! Right now, we're hauling ass out of here!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"There really aren't," the wolf replied sincerely. "No offense, Mr. Bhat, but you are an extremely small fish compared to this woman. Ms. North contains one of the most dangerous secrets our government has ever held, and they'd be willing to empty death row if it would guarantee her retrieval. But I think the two of you have the skillset needed for this job."

"Wait, you want me to work with him?" interrupted Emilena, suddenly finding more than enough strength to leap up indignantly. "I refuse! I can capture this female alone; I already know where she is!"

"Not an option," Agent Lupis responded without hesitation. "You're too much of a loose cannon. Mr. Bhat has the analytic mind and long-term planning philosophy that a capture of this nature needs to succeed. I expect you to follow his orders if and when he makes them. On the other hand, Mr. Bhat, you are to--"

"--Why the hell should I agree to any of this?" snapped Emilena again, causing the wolf to sigh irritably. "I don't have any illegal augments, and I'm following my own plan to get my job back--"

"Broadstreet has already scratched your name from the records," the wolf said through a tired facepalm. "And your badge has been reassigned to a new recruit. You really thought he'd ever consider reenlisting an officer with your number of black marks? I never offered your old job back, Ms. Echo, because the possibility of that occurring is slim to none."

Emilena opened her mouth again but Lupis cut her off. "Instead, I'm offering you a new job. As a government agent, like myself. Access to the highest quality technology, dealing with threats of national importance. A sphere of influence greater than anything you've done before."

That shut Emilena up.

"No more questions, no more explanations," the wolf continued, shooting Emilena sideways glance. "You each get one sentence before I walk away. I'm asking you both to work together to retrieve Lily North and bring her to me alive. Upon that happening, your records are cleared, past debts are erased and the government pretends your old selves don't exist any more. Will you accept my terms?"


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(Purifier Compound)

Sanjay smiled. "Deal," he said, shaking Agent Lupis's hand.

He then turned to Emilena. "I don't like you anymore than you like me, but the reward is too good to pass up. So don't f--- this up!"


(Robotics Factory)

Soren propped himself up against the truck's shelves. "Axel, we're ready to go."

He then turned to Tony. "Tony, mind giving Axel a hand with navigation?"

The armored Human then turned to Kojuuro. "We need to drop someone off first, you mind setting a rendevous point later?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The wolf nodded respectably. "I figured you would know a good deal when you heard it." He glanced at Emilena. "You on the other hand..."

Emilena folded her arms. She realized that the alternative was dying in a Purifier cell. "...fine."

"Fine what?" pressed Lupis.

"Fine I'll work with the snake to catch the woman!" Emilena snapped. "But it's not my fault if he gets himself killed or ruins the assignment!"

"Yes it is." The wolf pressed a button and a transparent aluminum wall started rising from the floor, flush with the bars. "Your job is to follow his orders and keep him alive. Fail to do either and you won't be an agent in my department any time soon. Now, share some quality time together, and this time keep your hands to yourself. The purifiers will be releasing you once I've finished negotiations."

With that the glassy wall sealed the cell off from outside noise, and the wolf disappeared into the shadows. Then two ceiling sprinklers began lightly spraying the room and its occupants with the healing gel that filled cloning pods, a cheap way of fixing up the occupants' minor wounds.

"Eeergh..." Emilena flashed her eyes at Sanjay, like it was his fault. "I just showered this gunk off me..."