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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 114860


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Kojuuro nodded, hopping into the car and dropping a few small spheres down as he did.
"Alright, let's go.  I'd rather not have to deal with police tonight."
He said, grinning slightly.  In the back, Adrian smiled and wrapped his arm around Emilena.
"Hey, listen... Thanks for before.  You saved my life..."
He said softly...


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Soren shut the door and sped off into the skyways.

He sighed as he watched the other flyers flit by him. "This day has gone to s---," he said. "What else can go wrong?"

He instantly regretted his words as the words "WARNING! Perimeter breach!" and "WARNING! Fire detected in house!" flashed red in his HMD momentarily.

Swearing under his breath, he immediately banked into a hard left, narrowly missing a passing hoverbiker. Opening the vehicle's throttle to the maximum, he was soon at 190 miles per hour ó nearly double the skyway's speed limit.

"There's a little detour I have to take. Namely my house because it's currently on fire and being looted!"

The Human silently cursed himself for not having a "trunk gun" in his repulsor car.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel cried out as Soren swerved sharply, accidentally knocking into Kokjuuro. "Sorry..." He leaned forward over Soren's shoulder. "Wait, how do you know? Maybe you should slow down a little..." Ever since his accident a few years ago, being in speeding cars made him a nervous.

Almost to take his mind off of it, he looked back at the three new passengers. "I'm Axel, by the way," he said, extending his hand.


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Soren slowed down slightly to avoid crashing into a repulsorcart carrying what looked like crates of electronics. He tapped the HMD that was over his left eye. "This HMD I'm wearing. It's linked to the security system and cameras in my house. And it just triggered an alert."

As he looked through the windshield, he gulped, there was a column of smoke -- coming from where he knew his house to be located!

He took a breath. "All right, everyone, s---'s about to hit the fan so get ready!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marcus reached the end of the block and slowed his stride, nearing the car he'd appropriated from the shop owner. There were no police chasing him. That was good, though now it was up to Kibagami to ensure he and his companion escaped. Knowing that slippery bastard, it won't be a problem.

Pulling out his cell phone and flipping it open, he dialed the last number to call him and eased himself into the driver's seat. It only rang once. "Is it done?" Zeroth's masked voice gave away no indication of worry.

"There were some complications... Kibagami removed the tracker, but I was able to place a new one on a companion he's traveling with. They're also being pursued by our city's finest," Marcus said, sarcasm sharpening his voice. "But things should still go to plan."

"I see. I'll get our specialists on their trail now." There was an abrupt dial tone as Zeroth hung up.

Marcus grunted and snapped his phone shut. He shifted the car into gear and pulled out, hoping that when the time came he'd be able to put a bullet into all of them personally.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena whacked her head against the trunk top and cursed loudly. "What in gods name is going on up there?" She muttered.

Lily grabbed Axel for stability and what her eyes, she was never a big fan of violence


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Axel could see the smoke in the distance now. It looked bad. "Soren, maybe we should be careful about this," he said nervously, holding Lily for support as he remembered what the Purifier had threatened earlier that day. A hoverbike zoomed past within an inch of the windscreen, and Axel flinched.


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Aaron grunted as he drank his fourth glass of beer. "Have a seat."

His cellphone rang. He scowled as he read that his boss was calling.

"Boss," he said, over the breakbeat that boomed from the speakers. "I'm still on break."

"Aaron, you can stay there."

The man's heart sank and his ears splayed back as he involuntarily bared his teeth. "What happened?"

"I'm sorry but, we're going to lay you off."

"What the f--- do you mean!?" His outburst attracted several stares from the patrons.

"It's just that we have someone who can do your job better. Name's Gustave Nyobe. Demands a high wage but the guy's astoundingly strong ó metal reinforced skeleton and class 2 limbs."

"You hired a f---ing gleamer to take my job!?" Several hostile stares ó from both the Augments and Baselines were shot Aaron's way at his casual use of the slur.

"Aaron, if you'll take a few courses in augment maintenence ó at your own expense, though we'll reimburse some of the cost ó we'll hire you as an external augment repair tech."

The German Shepherd's mouth was open in a snarl and his ears were pinned fully against his head. "F--- you! I'm not working with them!" he growled. "I quit!" He snapped the phone shut.

He ordered another beer and turned to the man. "Dumbass decided to fire me and replace me with an Augment. The nerve of that bastard!"


Taking Axel's words into consideration, Soren parked in a side street of his development and shut the engine off.

He opened the trunk. "Okay, get out. I have to attend to with those Purifier freaks!"

At the same time, he looked around for something he could use as a weapon. A discarded pill vial was by his foot. Scowling, he kicked it into the sewer. There wasn't much he could use, maybe a few discarded bottles, lumps of concrete or rusted rebar.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The Man sat down slowly opposite Aaron, fixing his eyes on him as he answered his cell phone. He saw Aaron's ears splay back, and even over the pounding music he could hear his tone shift belligerently. Then the Man heard Aaron mention gleamers. Perfect.

He sighed sympathetically when the German Shepard hung up. "I'm sorry, buddy. I wish I could tell you I was surprised, but..." The Man shrugged. "They think they're so much better. Like all their hard-wiring makes them some kind of god. Sad thing is, it seems most everyone agrees with 'em. In a couple of years, all we're gonna be good for is sitting behind the bars of a zoo, being laughed at."

He clenched his fist, popping the knuckles, then met Aaron's eyes. "Wanna know the sad thing? Few years ago, I was exactly where you are now. Tossed aside like s--t to make more room for them."


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Kojuuro retrieved a pistol from within his coat, offering it to Soren.
"Here.  Just in case."
He said calmly...


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Aaron ordered another beer. "Why are they doing this to us?"

He then scowled as he heard the possible future. "I refuse to be an exhibit!" he snarled. "For the sake of all Baselines, we need to stop this!"


Soren took the pistol. "Thanks."

He took a breath to steady his pounding heart as he stepped forward towards his burning house. The pungent scent of the chemicals he used in his small basement workshop hung in the air.

He saw a Doberman female standing guard by the driveway.

Creeping until he got in range, he leveled the pistol at her and spoke. "Don't move! Call off your thugs and I won't put some rounds in your chest."

"Ah, so pleased to see you, Soren," the woman said as she bared her teeth.

Soren scowled. "Shove it! Get off my property!" His finger tightened around the trigger of his pistol.

The woman snapped her fingers and the bushes flanking his driveway rustled. He spun around and fired a shot into one of the bushes. Before he could take another shot, two huge men tackled him and roughly snatched the pistol from his grasp.

The shock absorbing clothing took most of the blow and Soren slammed his knee into the nearest thug's groin, causing him to recoil back and allowing him to crawl away.

The second thug blindsided the augment repair tech and pinned him to the ground. "Hey boss! Shall we kill him?" the thug asked.

"Not yet. Tie him up while we loot his house and destroy all his goods. Then we can kill him."

The two thugs roughly grabbed Soren and hustled him to the remains of his workshop.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily shifted nervously, still back at the car. "Do you think he's..."

Suddenly she wasn't in her body.


She looked around the flaming second floor. Nothing her fireproof suit couldn't handle.

She quickly set up her high-powered sniper rifle and scanned the surrounding area. She noticed a parked vehicle.

"Hey boss, I got Almaya's vehicle in my crosshairs," she radioed.

"High-explosive rounds, aim for the battery pack," a female voice responded.

She grinned. She loved explosions. Settling down, she scanned the vehicle for a gas tank latch...


"Everyone out of the vehicle!" shrieked Lily, practically flattening Axel as she pulled the door open and tumbled onto the ground.

Emilena heard Lily, and wasted no time in obeying her. Using her memory of standard vehicular safety features, she located the incandescent trunk latch and popped it from the inside. Then she pulled Adrian and herself out of the car.


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(OOC - Soren doesn't have an antique car <in this 'verse, only antique cars use internal combustion engines>. His repulsorcar is electrically powered. But severely damaging the battery pack, with say an explosive bullet, could cause a fire or explosion by exposing the electrolytes to the air.)

Soren was dumped to the ground and roughly tied to a piece of steel rebar with some heavy cable ties.

The two thuggish heavies watched over him to make sure he couldn't cut himself free or grab a weapon.

Soren sighed. Maybe this was a bad idea, he thought.

He looked at the contents of his house, scattered all across his backyard. He grimaced as a Purifier was using a plasma torch to try and get into the safe where he stored his creds.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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marie made some popcorn and brought it in for marita and rose to snack on. marie flipped on the news. the night newcast usually has noless than 25 deaths, 150 toxic dumps, and 30 or so bribes. what a city to live in huh ' marie said as she sat btween maritas and rose.. ' pity we cant just find a new city to live. ' unfortunately easier said than done. you need prospects not to mention coin to grease the right palms.."Marita sighed. ' at keast you sprung me and rose marie said. ' we need t get out of the city, the only way to do that is to find emilena.' marita said. After watching for another half an hour the girls headed to bed. the three ecided to share for the night then head to maritas in the morning.
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"Oof!" Axel said as he tumbled from the car and landed in a heap on the pavement. He scrambled to his feet and hurried away from the car with lily. "What? What's going on? I think Soren's in trouble, did you hear that gunshot..."

Something THUNKED against the side of the car. Who's throwing stones, Axel thought for a split second, before he noticed the sparks spitting out from a ragged hole where the battery unit was located. A blue flame caught. Oh crap. "Watch out!" Axel had time to yell before the car exploded, thrown up off the ground and scattering shards of glass through the air.


The man nodded. "That is exactly the kind of attitude I respect, my friend. Don't take it lyin' down, fight back with everything you've got." He paused. "Let me ask you something. How far would you take it? How far would you be willing to go, to fight for our future?"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"What the hell?" swore Emilena, staggering to her feet.

"They've got him!" Lily exclaimed. "They captured Mr. Almaya! And they know we're here! What do we do?"

Emilena's heart skipped a beat. If these unknown assailants killed Mr. Almaya, she could never bring him in for arrest and get her job back.

She grabbed a heated pipe out of the wreckage. "We rescue him of course," she grinned, brandishing it like a club. "Who's going and who's hanging back here to be sniper bait?"

(OOC: Starfall, this might be a good time for Kojurro to give Emilena her sword back.)


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Kojuuro held a hand out to stop Emilena as Adrian rolled to his feet next to her.
"Hold it.  Going in half-cocked will get you killed."
He said calmly, drawing a sword from inside his coat before handing it to Emilena with a small chuckle.
"Here.  Thought you might want this back.  I had enough time to get it modified as well.  Never thought I'd see that sword again."
He said with a grin.  Adrian drew his own sword, smiled at Emilena, and advanced slowly towards the source of the shots...


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Axel picked himself up and rubbed his ringing ears with a wince. "I don't know how you knew that was going to happen, but I'm sure glad you did..." he told Lily, his voice shaking, steering her into cover.

He looked at Emilena. "Yeah, I'm with you. We need to help Soren." He bent down and picked up a small chunk of concrete. It wouldn't make his weedy frame any more imposing, but at least it was something.

"Hey! Uh... you, wait!" He ran after Adrian and grabbed his shoulder, stopping him from rounding the corner. "They have a sniper covering the street. How're we going to get past them?"


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(Club De Kard ó Lanthae)

Aaron templed his fingers and frowned. He had a clean criminal record and wasn't interested in tarnishing it with a bunch of felonies.

He looked at the TV advertising the latest augmentation. He scowled, if this man was right, he and the other Baselines would be relegated to the status of the dolphins and bluefin tuna currently residing in the marine park at the city borders. A criminal record wouldn't matter if they'd all end up as zoo exhibits in a few years.

The German Shepherd nodded. He made his choice. "Whatever it takes," he said in a low growl.


(Lanthae Outskirts)

Soren struggled to break the cable ties binding him but they were simply too strong. He sighed as he resigned himself to the fact that his possessions were all but gone.

Hell, he'd be lucky to get away from this alive.


(Lanthae Commercial District)

Anne exited her apartment with her messenger bag. The Night Market in the Silica District wasn't open yet and she figured now would be a good time to go salvage more augments.

Passing by a street vendor selling some questionable looking circuit boards, she made her way to a boarded up shop. After making sure no one was looking, she used a set of bolt cutters to cut the lock and enter.

She sniffed the air and her upper lip curled back in the distinctly equine Flehmen response as the odor of solvent and grease hit her nostrils. She smiled as she saw a neurotester on the countertop. The device was an older model, but it would still fetch a a few thousand creds.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Adrian smirked at Axel, twirling his sword laconically.
"Don't worry about that.  I've got a few aces up my sleeve. One sniper won't even be a challenge.  You guys go get to Soren.  I'll take care of the sniper and get back with you."
He said with a smirk.  
"Oh, and the name's Adrian.  Good to finally talk to you."
He said reassuringly...