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My wisdom teeth

Jrd89 · 47 · 7077


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FreckledOne: the dentist said he can't fill the cavity, it's too far back in my mouth to reach.

Sounds like you have a different dentist.  My dentist said that the wisdom teeth should/need to come out. My 2 wisdom teeth don't feel weird, I don't feel anything strange or painful going on IN the wisdom teeth


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This is a little late, but is your dentist absolutely sure that he can't fill the cavity? Because otherwise, if your wisdom tooth wasn't causing you any problems, it doesn't necessarily have to come out (at least that's what my dentist told me).

Quote from: Jrd89,Sep 30 2013 on  11:20 PM
FreckledOne: the dentist said he can't fill the cavity, it's too far back in my mouth to reach.

Sounds like you have a different dentist.  My dentist said that the wisdom teeth should/need to come out. My 2 wisdom teeth don't feel weird, I don't feel anything strange or painful going on IN the wisdom teeth

Every individual's situation is different.  In many cases the wisdom teeth might be erupting in such a way that they will eventually impact on other teeth, causing malocclusion and other problems.  Even if the wisdom teeth are not causing difficulties now, that does not mean that the dentist cannot foresee future problems based upon how the wisdom teeth are erupting through the gum bed.  Other persons may avoid such difficulties and thus may not need to have them removed.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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FreckledOne: the dentist said he can't fill the cavity, it's too far back in my mouth to reach.
Oh, okay. I was just bringing it up in case it hadn't already been thought of.

rhombus: That is true; I forgot about them possibly coming in sideways.  :oops

Anyways, I'm sure you'll be able to get through it Jrd.  :yes


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Take it from me, I've gone through worse in my mouth. Not only did I have a tooth pulled, but 3 of my canines are.. oh, sorry, WERE gonna knock out my front teeth, so I had surgery to pull the teeth to the right spots. Honestly, before any of that, I was numb, and then it only ached for... 3 days max. It's not that bad.


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I went to the office today (not for a pulling) but to get this one back tooth checked for a cavity/worn out filling, because starting the week before Martin Luther King day, I was getting a "cool" sensation on top of the back molar when it came in contact with cold foods and cold drinks. I had "thought" that it was just a worn out filling with a redeveloped cavity, but it turned out after the Dr.'s inspection, that there was no cavity there at all, and that I just had a sensitive problem. So it's 1 of 2 things, either i've been brushing my teeth too hard, or i'm drinking too much soda.

The Dr. said that installing a new filling (redrill and refill) wasn't necessary. He actually told me twice that there was no cavity in the tooth. ;) So i'm relieved. He did give me the option of drilling out the old filling and installing the new filling, but that would involve "anesthesizing/numbing" my bottom teeth because it'd be a deeper/more sensitive drilling.

Well, there's NO CAVITY there, so there's no need to drill. :D I don't "need" a new filling if there's no cavity in the tooth. :) Even the Dr. said that I didn't need a replacement filling. but I could have a new one put in if I chose to.. which I didn't of course. ;)

:( **NOW to the wisdom tooth news.** :( My dentist is **NOT** among those dentists who put their patients to sleep before a wisdom tooth removal. He "anesthesizes/injects the numbing material into the area he's working on, and PULLS the teeth". So it's like any other tooth pulling that i've had in my past. I won't be put to sleep, only my mouth will. So it's just like any other typical pulling appointment i've had in my past material-wise.  *the last time I had teeth pulled was 11 years ago for my last 8 baby teeth so that I could have braces put on.*

*So, my dentist unfortunately is one of those who do NOT put their patients to sleep before a wisdom tooth pulling, guys. Only the mouth, like any other tooth pulling appointment. :( Sorry.*  

 Btw, i'm aiming for either April or May to have them pulled out. I have a cleaning/normal checkup appointment coming up in late March.  If hey find any new cavities at that cleaning, i'll have those filled on the next appointment,  then after that, I plan on getting the wisdom teeth pulled out. I just have 2. (Top only) I got half-lucky and never grew any bottom wisdom teeth.*


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Hope that goes well for you, good luck.


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I wish you the best of luck.  But at least you got lucky and only have two to remove.  :yes I had four wisdom teeth removed back when it was my time.  :(

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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About a week ago, I had my regular cleaning appointment. Again, I had no cavities other than the one in my top left wisdom tooth. The situation is the same. No new cavities, which is very good.

The doctor said I may have bottom wisdom teeth that are underneath the gumline that have not yet appeared. But other than that, the appointment went well, and again I had no cavities in any of my regular teeth.


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That sounds good.  Guess you are glad of the good news.  Going to have the cavity filled?


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Kor: No, I plan on having it pulled out since it's in the wisdom tooth anyway. Like I said in an earlier post, the doctor cannot fill a cavity that's in the wisdom tooth. He said it needs to be pulled out. It's not a painful cavity at all, I feel no sensation at all in the tooth. I plan on having both of the wisdom teeth pulled on the same day to get it over with.


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*I have my next regular cleaning appointment coming up on Tuesday (Oct. 7th.)  Just for the regular cleaning and probably the usual x-rays, too.*

My 2 wisdom teeth are still in my mouth. I did not get them out this past spring and summer. :(  But I know I need to get them taken out this year. It was a goal I made for this year.  I'd like to have them taken out before Thanksgiving. :(

I am still scared on the inside of the sharp needles, the nerves, and the bleeding sockets.  My fingers, even my back is sweating a little as I write this.

I've looked at some pictures and diagrams of open sockets, and those really scared me. I know I need to get them taken out, I'm not 100% "toughened up" for it yet on the inside, though. : (  I don't know if i'm making a huge deal of something that's not a big deal. I haven't had any teeth pulled out of my mouth since my last 8 baby teeth when I was a Freshman in high school (14 years old in 9th grade) in November 2003. 11 years ago.

What I am very scared of is the tender nerves, and the needles, sharp tools, cuts, blood, and pain. (My hands, back, and legs are sweating thinking about it.)  :(  But, I do know that I need the 2 teeth removed, though.

I said earlier that my dentist is *not* the type who puts their patients fully to sleep before a wisdom tooth removal. He only numbs their mouths, like pulling a normal, regular tooth.

**I'm very sorry if i'm making something huge out of something that's little. :( It's just that... I haven't been through this experience, and i'm very afraid that i'm going to be in so much pain for several days in my mouth after they're pulled out. :( I know that i'm *very* uncomfortable, but at the same time, I also know that it needs to happen very soon. **


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Quote from: Jrd89,Oct 6 2014 on  02:18 AM
*I have my next regular cleaning appointment coming up on Tuesday (Oct. 7th.)  Just for the regular cleaning and probably the usual x-rays, too.*

My 2 wisdom teeth are still in my mouth. I did not get them out this past spring and summer. :(  But I know I need to get them taken out this year. It was a goal I made for this year.  I'd like to have them taken out before Thanksgiving. :(

I am still scared on the inside of the sharp needles, the nerves, and the bleeding sockets.  My fingers, even my back is sweating a little as I write this.

I've looked at some pictures and diagrams of open sockets, and those really scared me. I know I need to get them taken out, I'm not 100% "toughened up" for it yet on the inside, though. : (  I don't know if i'm making a huge deal of something that's not a big deal. I haven't had any teeth pulled out of my mouth since my last 8 baby teeth when I was a Freshman in high school (14 years old in 9th grade) in November 2003. 11 years ago.

What I am very scared of is the tender nerves, and the needles, sharp tools, cuts, blood, and pain. (My hands, back, and legs are sweating thinking about it.)  :(  But, I do know that I need the 2 teeth removed, though.

I said earlier that my dentist is *not* the type who puts their patients fully to sleep before a wisdom tooth removal. He only numbs their mouths, like pulling a normal, regular tooth.

**I'm very sorry if i'm making something huge out of something that's little. :( It's just that... I haven't been through this experience, and i'm very afraid that i'm going to be in so much pain for several days in my mouth after they're pulled out. :( I know that i'm *very* uncomfortable, but at the same time, I also know that it needs to happen very soon. **
I don't think you are. Dentists are me, at least. I really hope everything goes well when you DO have them removed, and that you have a speedy recovery. I get it entirely...even more now that you described that...oooo. Anyway, I can't really do much, but I can be there if you need to talk. I get the fear of needles, too. I get nervous even when I get blood drawn. I'm also sad to say, based on my sister's experience, you will be prescribed pain medication. It'll be an ordeal, but I'm behind you when you do it. It's all I can do, but it's something, I guess.


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Cerathered: It's ok. Don't worry, you're fine.

I want to say that I made it through my regular cleaning appointment today okay with no cavities, so that is good.

The next time I see the dentist should be for my pulling appointment, which I plan on doing sometime within the next couple of months for my top 2 wisdom teeth.


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Quote from: Jrd89,Oct 7 2014 on  10:57 PM
Cerathered: It's ok. Don't worry, you're fine.

I want to say that I made it through my regular cleaning appointment today okay with no cavities, so that is good.

The next time I see the dentist should be for my pulling appointment, which I plan on doing sometime within the next couple of months for my top 2 wisdom teeth.
Ah, yeah, thanks. I guess I can be your cheerleader, lol
Anyway, it's good to hear the appointment went well, though.
Hope that all goes well.


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Heh, given the amount of time between when this topic was started and now, I would've thought you would've had them pulled.  Especially with a cavity just sitting there too, that can't be comfortable.

Anyway, I had four wisdom teeth.  Emphasis on "had" there.  I had all four pulled years ago and I wasn't concerned one way or another about it.  If I didn't get them out, I would've had space problems and they would be messing with the other teeth, so it was go or have lots of tooth problems in the future.  Difference here is I did go to a doctor who would knock you out, and having been through multiple surgeries already in my life, I said that was the way to go, even if the procedure only took a little bit of time.  The gaps healed, the stitches fell out (seemed like there was thin twine there for a while) and I've not had any lasting problems.

If you're still worried, I wouldn't worry too much. :)  I've had a root canal with the Novocaine and all that...and I'm not a big needle person either.  I survived all the drilling and removing and crown inserting.  The hardest thing about the whole thing was trying to eat or drink after the procedure with a numb mouth! :p


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Today, I called and scheduled the appointment.

 It's going to be on Wednesday Nov. 12th at 11:00. It's for the top teeth only.

As i've said, the dentist said he can have the top 2 wisdom teeth pulled in about 5 minutes. They grew in straight and are not impacted at all. They've been in my mouth for over 4 years (back to when they were first growing in) There's a cavity in the top left one (don't worry. It doesn't hurt at all) but the top wisdom teeth are coming out.

Why not the bottom teeth? Because it's too early right now. I can't even see them. The bottom teeth have not yet grown in fully and are still in their early fragile tender "gum" stage.

But the date has been set. On November 12th, my top wisdom teeth will be pulled out.

Again, all comfort and support is appreciated in the time between now and then.

Yes, i'm still a little nervous. It's because of the sharp tools, the bleeding, the pain, and the swelling. But that does go away after the first few days of healing.

Yes, they will numb my mouth with the Novocaine before they pull the teeth of course. That's a normal procedure when a dentist pulls any teeth.

I know that i'm more worried and scared about this event than what I should be, but I know that I will make it through, and that I will be okay in the end.

I wanted to get the teeth pulled out at the appropriate time so that my mouth is healed enough for me to eat okay on Thanksgiving. That gives me about 2 weeks of time between the pulling date and Thanksgiving. I bet i'll be able to eat at least a few foods okay on Thanksgiving after 2 weeks of healing, though.


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Okay, today (November 11th) is my last day before I get the top 2 teeth pulled. : (  I do know that I will be okay afterward. They aren't impacted, either. I've just been worrying about the pain that i'm going to be feeling in my nerves during the first couple of days of the healing process after they're pulled out.

I'd better keep my tongue down low and definitely not touch anything. : (  God, I hope those healing blood clots form soon enough.  I'm just afraid of the big pain that i'm going to be in after they're pulled out and the numbening effect has worn off.  I hope the 2 teeth come out in 1 solid piece too. :( I *really* hope that neither of them snap apart halfway when the dentist takes them out, But that's most likely not to happen anyway.

On the positive side, after both of the teeth are out, I know that I won't have any more cavities in my mouth anymore, and that it will be the end of having a top left wisdom tooth in my mouth with a tiny small cavity in it for over a year. I know that i'm doing the right thing for myself here, I just can't "get sweaty and nervous" over pain in the nerves, blood, and swelling, and letting the sockets heal and close properly. Hopefully i'll be eating normal again by Thanksgiving, and surely at Christmas.


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The top 2 wisdom teeth are now out, after being in my mouth for over 4 years.

I have *no* cavities in my mouth now.

I'm biting on gauze pads and I have ibuprofen at hand too, for medication. My mouth isn't bleeding as bad as I thought it'd be at first.

They went over the food information, too. I just need to be careful. They said I can return to straw usage after at least 48 hours (So Saturday at the earliest for that, but i'll be careful though.)

What they did was take a swab with gel on it, wiped it on each of the 2 teeth (1 at a time).  Then they took a small injection tool and injected the outside and inside areas of each tooth,  then they let it sit for about 5 minutes before the doctor started moving the tooth back and forth. I just felt pressure and a cracking sound as it came loose.  Both teeth came out in one piece without any problems.

Going into the dentist's office, I was very scared and sweating at my forehead, the palms of my hands, my back, and my feet. It wasn't quite as scary of a procedure as I thought it would be.


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Good luck on things going well and smoothly for you.  I'm sure the dentist has given you a list of to do and not to do.  I read they may supply you with some pain killers, so that may help and may have you come in after the procedure to see how things are going.   Not sure if they'll use stitches that dissolve over time or not.  

Can't offer you any advice since I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth, though the top ones came in sideways.  My current dentist has the same philosophy I do, if they are not bothering me why take them out.


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. Not sure if they'll use stitches that dissolve over time or not.

No, Kor. No stitches were used. It was just gauze. It's 9:00pm on the day of the pulling and i've stopped using the gauze a couple of hours ago after using the supplied gauze pads for the first 6 hours after the pulling. My mom said it's ok to stop the gauze and see how I feel now. I still have some blood in my spit/saliva. It actually isn't that sore, either. I'm not in pain. It's only a small soreness now. I've been careful of course and have let *nothing* touch or come in contact with the area.