The Gang of Five
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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 90433


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The smooth tones of Mozart's Requiem in D Minor washed soothingly from the small vinyl player, the music playing across the small, dark, cold room. The only light came from the network of monitors fixed along the length of one stone wall, their harsh blue light spilling across the small desk in front of them and giving clarity to the content of the room. It was sparse - a bed, neatly made. A bare, smooth floor, the pale stone slabs looking freshly scrubbed, the strong smell of bleach hanging in the air lending credence to this fact. Above the bed, a row of photos were stuck along the wall, each showing a different person in profile - a few men, but mostly women. Each had a thick black marker line drawn across their eyes, each except the photo at the end of a smiling young woman. Pushed into the corner at the far end of the room was a large trunk, a padlock hooked through the opening and keeping it shut. Hanging over the trunk was a small shelf lined with various tools; hammer, screwdriver, pliers. There was a window, but the shutters were closed tightly, stopping any potential light from intruding, ensuring the room was kept dark.

William liked the dark, the comfort it offered him, the promise of security. The middle aged man was sitting in front of the mass of monitors, his oddly stretched body hunched over as he stared at each screen, the grainy images hooked up to security cameras all over the property.William brushed a strand of brittle looking blonde hair out of his eyes with bony, grotesquely long fingers and turned his gaze back to the one image that held his attention the most.

The cell containing the gecko and the fox. He licked his lips in anticipation, the corner of his thin, pallid face giving the slightest of twitches. He didn't care about the gecko... but the woman... If Stryker didn't finish her off, and left just enough of her for him to work with, maybe she could become his new project... William's eyes flicked almost accusingly to the trunk in the corner. His current project was becoming a little too unresponsive. He studied the flickering image of the unconscious fox and felt his throat grow dry. Emilena Echo... He could really have some fun with her...

Movement in one of the screens on the top right. William's large green eyes rolled up to look. He blinked. The image showed the parking lot at the front of the castle. He could recognise the car belonging to Stryker... but there was another. One he didn't recognise. An intruder? Nobody else was meant to be arriving...

More movement. Whoever it was, they were still inside the car. Drumming his skeletal fingers on the desk, William considered radioing Stryker to report this new development - but that could delay him getting started with Emilena, which meant he'd have to wait even longer. William shook his head. No. It'd be quicker if he dealt with this himself.

He slid his long body from the chair and crossed the room, then bent and slid a case from beneath the bed. Clicking it open, he pulled out an assortment of metal components, and quickly, in a practised and smooth motion, assembled a long, heavy looking sniper rifle. Screwing a silencer to the end of the barrel, William glanced over at the trunk and cleared his throat. "I'll be back soon, dear," he called, his voice light, slightly wheezy. "When I do, well... I'm afraid our time together is going to have to come to an end."

Muffled groaning, gurgling, a few very weak thumps coming from inside the trunk. William smiled. Maybe she wasn't quite as unresponsive as he'd thought.

Opening the door, he stepped out into a long hallway, most of the light provided by the large chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, and turned right. He was already on the top floor, so it didn't take him long before he arrived to a heavy door that opened out onto a walkway running around the castle's roof. Holding his beige jacket shut against the chilling wind blowing against him, William walked around until he came within sight of the parking lot, far, far below. Licking his lips again, he set the sniper rifle up against the stone railing and peered through it's high powered scope... then frowned.

Whoever was sitting in the mysterious car, they were positioned just far back enough so he couldn't get a clear shot at them. But he could still keep them from trying to go anywhere. Taking a slow breath, William moved the crosshairs to the car's front right tire and squeezed the trigger. The gun whispered as the bullet flew out and tore through the rubber. He quickly swiveled the scope across the rear tire and took that one out as well, then fixed his crosshairs back over the driver's side of the vehicle. Come on... just give me a clear shot...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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As Lily prepared to leave the morgue, her eyes caught the body under the sheet she'd almost stolen. It was a middle-aged man whose tag named him Gittsun. He was pudgy but fairly muscular, probably looked attractive when wearing clothes. The sight got her thinking.

Can I raise the dead? she wondered, gasping slightly at even the idea.  Was death the cessation of existence, or was it a condition? Could it be healed?

She crept closer to the man, hardly daring to believe what she was thinking of doing. The only thing that made her hesitate was the realization that she might transfer his death onto herself. But is that any indication I'd stay dead? she wondered to herself. I have no idea to what extent I can heal…

Her hands hovered nervously over Gittsun's chest. She had no way of knowing what could happen next. I could leave and test this later…but how often will I have a dead body so easily available? And shouldn't I learn my limits before it's the life of someone I care about on the line?

Besides, if this kills me and then brings me back to life…I could be immortal

That realization shocked her to the core and she drew away in fright. I can't risk it! she thought in a panic, tripping over an empty table and stumbling to the exit, staring at Gittsun with wide eyes. Not on a stranger!

She stumbled out of the morgue, mind swirling with questions and existential dreads, and completely forgot she'd already extensively touched Gittsun while returning his sheet.


Emilena grunted. She'd been having a completely nonsensical dream, but as her body quickly shouted to her brain that things were very, very wrong in the real world, she found she couldn't remember anything she'd been dreaming about.

She realized with a sinking feeling that this was not the room she'd fallen asleep in. Her vision slowly returned and revealed a classic medieval dungeon. Musty chains hung from dank stone walls, as did Emilena herself. Her clothes and any possible form of self-defense were missing, though if she were to escape there were more than enough nasty torture instruments rusting in the dark corners with which to arm herself. But in her current position, she suspected those will be doing her more harm than good.

She regarded the sungazer lizard who was doing nothing to disguise his status as the interrogator. "Hi…" she panted, for the spread-eagle position was making it hard to breathe, "Would you mind reminding me who you are and how I pissed you off? There are so many of you I can't keep track of them all."


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The wound was superficial at best. The Leopard's denim jacket and heavy muscle greatly inhibited the penetration of the screwdriver.

Hania smirked and pulled out the screwdriver as it was a very shallow wound that didn't even need medical attention. "Really?" he said. "I thought you Gleamers were freaks of nature that could do shit like lift cars?" He shrugged his broad shoulders. "Oh well." He turned to his three companions. "Let's take them apart!"

"Not without a fight," Soren muttered. "Hey fuckface!" he yelled. He stood up from behind a garbage can and swung his wrench like a baseball bat, aiming at the Iguana.

The Iguana reacted just in time, barely ducking the blow. He lashed out with his tail, striking the Human on his arms ó which had no effect thanks to his STF laced clothing.

Soren ducked another tail whip. He scowled; the Iguana's long tail gave him a serious reach advantage. And what was worse was that the thug appeared to have slipped a metal sleeve at the end of his tail.


The Fruit Bat was currently scaling a fire escape. Thanks to Anne having hooves, she was unable to climb after him. Of course, that didn't stop her from grabbing an empty can of paint thinner and hurling it at him.

The Shetland Pony mare felt a tap on her shoulder. "Not now, I'mó" She staggered back as the Appaloosa mare kicked her in the back. Pushing off with her hands, she dodged another vicious kick from the mare.

"Afraid?" the Appaloosa asked with a smirk. She tensed her leg slightly. That was a signal for Anne to charge forward. The kick still landed but instead of the steel shoe striking her, it was just the fleshy part of where her hoof began. The two Equines went down on the filthy concrete.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Tony's heart exploded when he heard the distinctive pop of the air going out of one of the tires and the car starting to settle. They were shooting at him? What the hell? Didn't they recognize the damn car? Even if it wasn't one of his father's...

Snapping the keys to the on position, the ferret pushed the starter switch with the front of his foot, even as a second tire began losing air pressure. Get out of here! Pushing the clutch and shifting into reverse, the ferret slammed his heel into the accelerator, and the Duesenberg's powerful engine roared into life. The car rattled terribly as he began backing up, and he jerked the wheel to the right then to the left, throwing up a moving target as he backed out of the lot. Just don't damage the wheels... don't damage the wheels...

Fortunately, he didn't have far to go. The trees soon intervened with any shot, and since they were nice big coniferous trees, seeing the Dusey would be hard once Tony managed to regain the road. The car protested badly, but Tony only had to make it less than 200 yards. If the tires could last until then... the wheels wouldn't be damaged. He knew typical tires could go roughly 400 yards before shredding into nothing if they were flat, so he only hoped the owner of this Model J had taken good care of it.

Already he was muscling the wheel to keep the Dusey as straight as he could, but it was a battle that was fortunately downhill from here. Since the castle was on a hill, the terrain would work to his advantage of getting clear of that sniper, as would the trees.

Listening to the thumps and then hisses of the flats, Tony was completely out of sight of the castle less than ten seconds later. He slowed down then, and began nursing the Dusey backwards. "Come on baby... come on... you can do this." he urged. He didn't dare take it much further. The last thing he wanted was to be stranded out here in the wilderness near a creepy castle. Sighing heavily as he eased the car to a halt on the side of the road, he exhaled an expletive as he tried to get his nerves to settle.

Heart pounding, the ferret knew that fortunately for him, most Duesenbergs carried two spare tires, one on each side, and extra fortunately for him, both spares were present. This was to balance the car as much as it was because roads in the 30s weren't always the greatest to be driving on, and two were often times needed on a longer trip.

Tony ran his claws through his head fur, lowering his head a bit as he thought about what to do next. "Fuck..." he whispered again, trying to calm himself. OK... OK... do NOT go back up to that castle again... at least... not until you change the tires out. He could do that... he did it growing up in his father's considerable garage. OK... just... calm down...

He searched the car one more time for any weapons, and did find a Glock in a box on the back seat... but that was it. OK... so someone had left him a weapon. Someone had wanted him to see Stryker... but why? Exiting the Dusey and shoving the pistol into his rear waistband, Tony noticed now he was dressed like a weird chump. Nothing like what he usually wore. He had a long blue trench coat on, and a plaid shirt with tan slacks. Odd. Wasn't in his wardrobe.

Detaching the right side tire, Tony checked the trunk for the proper tools and saw that fortunately they were all there. OK... time to get to work... and hope he hadn't ruined the wheels in his retreat...

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Aaaugh!" Emilena screamed as she felt the blade drive deep into her chest. Within a few minutes her panicked mind managed to piece together that it wasn't a necessarily vital organ that just shut down. "I guess this isn't an interrogation, is it?" She coughed, tasting blood. "Cause you're not providing much of a framework if you were hoping to gain information from me…"

She paused. "Wait a minute…that arrogant tone…bad at torturing…defaulting to rape threats…I remember who you are!" Her eyes went wide as she realized how bad this situation is. Shit, I was hoping to get through life without seeing this guy again…


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William's breath whistled through his teeth as he tracked the car with his sniper rifle, the crosshairs following the driver's side as whoever was in the vehicle reversed, the movement swaying and uneven as they fought for control. There! The driver had moved the car back just far enough so he could see a shape behind the windscreen; male, not human. His long finger tightened on the trigger. He drew air into his lungs as he prepared to take the killing shot...

The car reversed into the treeline, and suddenly thick branches and layers of leaves blocked his view of the target. William clicked his tongue irritably, moving the scope to try and catch another glimpse of the intruder, but it was too late - they'd managed to get out of his sight. For now. He let his hand slide from the trigger, leaning back as he lowered the rifle, the gun making a clack sound as it settled on the stone handrail. He could try to take another shot, blindly, hoping the bullet would find it's target - but he didn't. Wasting bullets was so... vulgar..

As the wind rustled through the trees, the breeze blowing back his straw coloured hair, William sighed, closing his eyes briefly and feeling a familiar stirring in his lower body as he considered the hunt that could be at hand. Taking stock, William opened his eyes and walked back the way he'd come.


What the fuck... Axel stepped back in shock as around him the others went for each other. Who the hell were these guys?!

No time to think about it. As Hania yanked the screwdriver out, Axel jumped forward and slammed a fist into the side of his face. The shock of the impact ran up his metallic arm, reverberating through his body - it was like punching a brick wall. Axel might have the height advantage... but that was about it. This guy was built like a truck...

Before he could react, a fist hammered into his face, the force of a hurtling train behind it, connecting square with Axel's nose and rocking him backwards, throwing him off his feet and causing his back to crack against the hard alley floor. For a moment, Axel could only lay there dazed as blood streamed from his nose. Of course, they just had to have the luck of running into the only Purifier sympathizers in Corona...


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Soren had decided that he had enough of ducking attacks. He tensed slightly and drove forward like a football player. The metal plate lashed against his back (which he didn't feel due to his STF laced clothing) but it did nothing to slow him down.

He grunted as both the Iguana and him slammed into the brick wall, the Iguana taking the worst of the impact. Soren tried to get in a blow with the wrench, but the thug quickly blocked, stopping Soren's arm with his own. A quick leg sweep and Soren found himself on the ground.

"Myó" Soren reacted quickly, punching his attacker square in the groin as hard as possible. While the Iguana's genitals were concealed inside a slit (as was common to all Lizards), groin attacks were still very painful.

The thug crumpled to the ground, swearing profusely as he clutched his groin.

The Human ooked around and decided who else needed help. Anne was fighting a two-on-one battle. And one of the thugs attacking her appeared to be a rather big Appaloosa mare. And judging from the sounds her kicks and punches were making as Anne carefully weaved around them, she wore brass knuckles and horseshoes.

He turned to Axel, who was lying on the ground. A hulking figure with his back turned to the Human was stalking towards the prone Rat.

The Human picked up an empty metal jug and started pounding on Hania with it.


Anne spat out some blood from a busted lip. She had just broken a beer bottle over the Appaloosa mare but all she did was brush shards of glass from her hoodie. It was then that Anne realized she wore STF laced clothing ó just like Soren.

The Fruit Bat in question was perched atop the fire escape. He silently leapt off and glided towards Hania. A large lump of wood was in his hand.

As Soren was attacking Hania with the empty metal can, the Fruit Bat snuck behind Soren and raised his piece of wood to strike him.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marie had finished setting up the gust bed for Axel and lilly once they arrived at the apartment. Rose had tidied up her room and had gone into Sorens and annes to tidy up, which was not easy to be easy, Soren had supplies abnd bits of junk everywhere, like he usually did " we really should start charging Soren a fee for picking up his room'; she muttered to herself, as she puts some selding tools on a bench.
_ Marita was making dinner for for when the others returned '   she was ly working on a hay-and-oatscake for Anne.
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Axel blinked, dazed, raising his head as a huge shadow settled over him. Blearily, his vision focused on the gigantic wall of muscle looming above. His head swimming, Axel struggled to push himself up into a sitting position.

Hania smirked at the figure writhing below him, squirming in the filth of the alley floor before his beautiful, pure superiority. "You gleamers are all the same... you think those make you the pinnacle of evolution?" he gloated, swinging a heavy boot back and delivering a powerful kick to the rat's metallic arm, sending him crashing back to the floor. Axel yelled as his shoulder exploded in pain, and Hania's grin broadened, his perfect teeth glinting in the streetlights illuminating the alley. "This is what evolution looks like," Hania continued, indicating his powerfully built body, his impressively toned arms. "Being in touch with mother nature... understanding that you're above everything and everyone else..." The leopard shrugged and cracked his knuckles, then raised his foot again, intending to bring it down on the rat's skull. "But I guess there's just no teaching those who squander nature's gifts..."

Clang! Something heavy and metallic slammed into the side of his head, and pain rushed through Hania's ear, forcing him to clasp a hand to the side of his head. With his attacker momentarily distracted, Axel grunted and raised himself back up, glancing behind Hania to see Soren preparing to swing again with a metal jug. Desperately, he looked around for something to use, but there was nothing, only empty cans and used cigarettes. Movement behind Soren, and Axel's eyes widened as he managed to catch a glimpse of someone about to strike his friend. "Soren, watch out!"

Hania was starting to overcome the pain from the blow Soren had dealt him and was starting to turn to face the human. Scrabbling to his feet, Axel charged forward and slammed into Hania at full pelt. The leopard lost his footing and, with a roar, collapsed backwards onto Soren and the fruit bat, crushing the two of them against the floor. Yelling, Axel leaped on top on the writhing pile. Straddling Hania, he wrenched the pen from his pocket and stabbed it point down repeatedly at his face, aiming for his eyes.


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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Well, thank god i got you fired from that carnival then--" Emilena grunted and her eyes grew wide as she felt a searing pain lance into her abdomen. "And here I thought your worst crime was hollowing out your pineapple smoothies. Augh!" She winced and squinted her eyes shut as he smashed against her again and again. There were dark spots interrupting her vision both from the strangulation and the beating she was taking, but she willed herself to stay awake. At the moment, falling unconscious would almost certainly lead to her death.


Someone started throwing rocks against the window on the alleyway side of Marita's apartment. "Soren!" cried Lily, looking both ways down the street frantically and trying to keep as hidden as possible behind a dumpster. "Axel! Please open up!"

She'd had to make the journey from the morgue darting from alleyway to parking lot, and considered it a miracle she'd made this far. But with morning traffic, she was all too aware of the number of people getting a possible chance to see her looking decidedly out of place.


Foley was the first person awake in the warehouse, though that wasn't saying much as it was already late afternoon. Gingerly stepping over Flora's sleeping bag, he made his way towards the computer room to get to work on telling his online friends that he was finally back on a real computer, and logging the amazing stories he had to tell them.

He was ensconced on his chat rooms when Flora stumbled naked into the room. "Do we have any food or no…?" she muttered sleepily.

Foley ignored her lack of clothes; she did this every morning. "Didn't check, but if we do I want one of whatever you make."

"Who died and made me mom?" Flora grumbled, crossing to the mini-fridge. "Got beer…want beer?"

Foley shook his head. "I was serious. I'm giving up on that crap. Healthy as a horse from here on out."

Flora shrugged and popped the pull tab. After a few refreshing swigs, she walked into the next room. "I might run to the store and buy eggs or something, can I have money?" she asked over her shoulder. "I'll have some grub ready for when the others wake up."

Foley's response was interrupted by Flora gasping loudly. "Foley!" she screamed, looking at Rio in horror. "Foley, get in here!"

Foley gaped when he saw the status Rio was in. "Jesus. Is he dead…?" he whispered with characteristic bluntness. Flora was quaking frantically, too scared to touch the boy, so Foley reached out and jostled his shoulder. "Hey, kid…wake up. Rio?"


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marita stopped cooking  when some rocks began rattling her alleyside window. She set the bowl aside and went over to the window, opened it and looked down, within a few seconds she saw Lily peeking out from behind a Dumpster. ' Lily! good heavens! The others have been looking all over for you. Look Just Give me a second I'll grab a dress you can slip on and be right Down." Marita closed the Window ran over to her closet and picked out a light blue dress that she rarely wore anyway, then tucked it under her arm and Headed for the door. ' lily right outside ' she called to Marie" I'll going down to to bring her in..
_ Where the heck has she been? the others went to look for her hours ago?" Marie said. ' Well You can ask her that once I get her in here. be back in 5 minutes' marita replied and headed out the door. marita went down to the elevator and rode it down to the ground floor, then headed out towards the alleyway where Lilly was. " A couple minutes later she caught sight of Lilly, looking tired, worn.. and sans any clothes.. ' ' I brought you something " Marita said Holding out the dress to her ' Just slip that on, and then follow me..
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"Whaó" Soren turned around to see the thug about to swing a piece of wood. He blocked with his arms, the STF laced clothing dispersing the impact but the blow atill stung. But before the Fruit Bat could take a second swing and Soren could throw a punch, Axel's body slam had pushed Hania on top of him.

The Human went down, his legs trapped under the enormously muscular Leopard. Fortunately, he had also managed to fall atop the Fruit Bat. While he couldn't fight with Hania's muscular bulk atop him, neither could the Fruit Bat.

Unfortunately, the Iguana thug had recovered from the groin shot that Soren had dealt him.


Anne ducked under a blow from the Appaloosa mare's brass knuckle punch. Broken pieces of concrete rained on her mane from the blow. She blocked the second punch and tackled her into some garbage cans.

"Oh, yuck. You know how much this hoodie cost?" the mare exclaimed as she threw a piece of semi-rancid catfish patty away.

"Less than a trip to the ICU!" Anne grabbed a bit of the mare's mane and slammed her, muzzle-first, into the concrete wall.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Hania grunted as he warded off Axel's frantic attacks, waving them away as he attempted to snatch the rat's arm out of the air, but the writhing mass below him made it difficult. Axel, still sitting atop the leopard, yelled in frustration as he kept stabbing downwards with the pen. Trying to fight this guy was like trying to fight a brick wall...

Hania's arm shot out and grabbed Axel's pen arm, his grip tightening around the metallic wrist and causing the joint to creak alarmingly. Grinning at the shock in the rat's face, Hania pistoned his other arm forwards, connecting with Axel's face in an open palm strike that rocked his head back and sent him flying through the air. With a grunt, Axel slammed into an open dumpster and tumbled inside.

Rolling to his feet, Hania snatched Soren off the floor, shook him, then threw the human further into the alley. Putting his hands on his hips, he laughed triumphantly. "You fools have no chance of defeating me! Uh, I mean us! Hurry comrades, make short work of them!" Hania commanded, gesturing to his cronies and flexing his muscles. "Teach them what it means to be a parasite to nature!" With a final, gleeful cackle he spun around and stomped over to the dumpster that Axel had fallen into, throwing back the lid and plucking the rat out by the nape of his neck. "Now, are you ready to -"

"Yah!" As he was lifted free from the metal container, Axel slapped Hania in the face with a rancid seal steak that he'd fallen on top of, the meat leaving a streak of rancid juice across his face and lodging into his large mouth. It was a desperate gesture, surely it wouldn't do anything... But Axel gasped in surprise as Hania dropped him to the floor and stumbled back, a horrified expression contorting his features.

"What have you done?!" Hania howled, clawing at his face. "That was meat! Meat! You've... you've turned me into one of you! One of the monsters who devours Mother Earth's creatures, raping the gifts she's given us!" With a crushed whine, Hania sank to his knees, severely weakened.


"-ey, ki... ake... Rio?"

The voice floated through from somewhere far away, and Rio groaned. Who was it? Why weren't they leaving him alone? All he wanted to do was sleep... just sleep... A hand shook his shoulder, hard, and slowly Rio felt himself starting to come back into his body. But it was cold... why was it cold...

Groaning again, Rio's eyes creaked open, and he blinked in the sudden harsh glare of the light illuminating the large room he was in. "Urgh... what..." A dark shape leaning over him, and after a moment of solid concentration Rio recognised Foley. "What... What the fuck do you want, I'm sleepy!" A sudden roiling in his stomach, and with a gurgle Rio toppled forwards and threw up, just missing Foley's shoes. "Oh god..." Collapsing back into the sofa, Rio noticed for the first time that he was naked, and that there seemed to be writing on his body, although with his head swimming the way it was, he had no idea what it said. The boy blinked, looking at the other two blearily. "Did... did I get into the pills again?"


Cursing under her breath, Triste checked her watch for what felt like the hundredth time. Vergil still wasn't back at his apartment... Where the hell was he? He should know that staying out in public on his own isn't a good idea... Attempting to contact her higher up had led to nothing, and the same went for trying to contact Vergil himself. It was as if he'd just vanished.

Shit... Was he stupid enough to go back to headquarters? Had something really happened to him? How could she tell? Hissing, Triste jumped off her chair and headed for the door of her dark, lonely apartment.


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Soren grunted as he slammed back first into a metal dumpster. Before he could get up, he felt the Fruit Bat's arms tighten around his neck.

"Had enough?" the thug taunted.

"No." Soren pulled the arm away from his neck and bit his attacker as hard as possible.  

The thug immediately screeched as the bite drew blood. He released Soren. "!"

The Human smirked and got up. "Says the one who snuck up on three guys and planned to kill them?"

He blocked a punch with his left arm and delivered a vicious palm-strike to the the thug. He then grabbed the dazed Fruit Bat and slammed him head first into the dumpster, the sound of flesh and bone impacting against metal rung out in the grimy alleyway.

He then turned around -- only to see the Iguana thug squaring off against him. In the faint morning light, he could see something shining in his right hand. "Shit! He's got a knife!"


Streaks of blood marred the concrete wall as the Appaloosa mare slid onto the filthy ground. Anne finally knocked out -- or killed -- the mare attacking her. She flexed her now numb fingers.  

She winced as a broken rib began to act up.

Her ears pricked up as she heard Hania screech something about meat. Ignoring the stunned Hania, she trotted over to Axel and lifted him up.

"You okay?" she asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Heh…Nairda could make me scream in bed…" Emilena grunted, wincing and shaking violently as Stryker drove the knife into her side again. "You hear me screaming? You're goddamn tame compared to what he does to me every night…and he doesn't forget his damn job cause he's getting pussy either." She spat blood in his face defiantly, gasping for air. "Whole room full of torture devices, and the only one you can think of is your dick…"


Lily wrapped the dress around her like a tunic before quickly darting into the house.

"It was awful!" She gasped, collapsing on the kitchen floor. "I'm so tired…I should never have split up with Axel…"

Staggering to the kitchen sink, she drank several mouthfuls of tap water before she felt ready to keep talking. "I've been…out all night…" she panted. "I haven't seen Axel since we split up outside out house…"

She made to walk deeper into the apartment. "Where is he? I…have to talk to him about something. Something important."


"Someone was in here!" shrieked Flora hysterically, jumping up and looking wildly around the room. "Someone was in our safe house! While we were sleeping!!!"

Foley grabbed Rio a wet washcloth so he could clean himself up. "What do you remember?" he asked. "Do you know anything about who did this to you?"

"She's gone!" Flora darted out of Emilena's room in a state of panic. "Where is she?!?"

"Flora, will you calm the hell down!" Foley snapped. "You're not helping!"


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Just slow Down " Marita said calmly. ' Axel and the others went out to look for you after you got seperated. We're going to let you Axel stay here for awhile, we'll come to an understanding about rent later. First , lets get you something to eat, as I bet you are quite hungry. After yiu eat,  Rose will show you to your room, Its Roses reallybut she has a guest bed You can have. Once you get something to eat I'll call the guys and let them know you made it here safely, and that they can come back" Marita said " Now, is there anything You'd prefer to eat?"
_ Rose pulled out a chair for Lily to sit on ..' Where were you?" she asked lily.
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Tony had replaced one tire, and was working on the second now. He'd decided to keep the flats, even though they were worthless at the moment. They fit conveniently into the holders on either side, and the ferret figured if nothing else they'd make for good shields for the engine block in case he was shot at again.

Straining a bit, he wiped his brow. What was his plan after this? They either hadn't recognized him at the castle or hadn't cared. He didn't even know the date, or how long he'd been unconscious for... nor how he'd ended up back in Corona sitting in a Duesenberg Model J. He continuously scanned the trees just in case, but so far, the forest was silent. He'd pull back for now... look for other roads or ways to approach the castle... and try and find a phone so he could call his father.

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Axel grunted as Anne helped him up, turning his head to spit out a mouthful of blood. "Yeah, I'm... I'm just peachy..." In front of him, the huge bulk that was Hania had started to rise, the shock of the meat beginning to fade to a distant memory. "Gather your strength comrades!" he called out. "We must eliminate these -"

Hania's shrill voice was cut off with a sickening crack as the sole of Axel's shoe slammed into the bridge of his nose, knocking the leopard down onto his back. Staggering around, Axel drew back his leg and kicked him again in the temple, rocking Hania's head to the side as his foot connected solidly with his skull. "Eliminate that, you fuck," Axel spat, then shot a look up as Soren yelled that a knife had been brought into play. "Let's finish the rest of them off quickly. There's no reasoning with these bastards," he snarled to Anne.


The closest residence to Vergil's apartment was Axel and Lily's house. As Triste made her way over, speeding her bike through the narrow, interconnecting alleyways to save time, she prayed under her breath that Vergil would be there, that they had done something as banal as inviting him over for dinner. Deep down, she knew this wouldn't be the case. There was no way he'd go for something that ordinary... even the way he was now.

She emerged out onto the street running alongside the house and turned left... then slowed her bike down, the engine rumbling beneath her. Two police cars were parked outside the couple's residence, the lights on top of the vehicle flashing. Just to the side, a police officer was speaking to an old lady - a neighbour, Triste assumed. What the hell's going on? She stayed watching for another few seconds, her hands gripping the motorcycle handles hard enough to make them creak as she thought what she should do next. Whatever's happened here, I can't draw attention to myself... But if this is something to do with Vergil... It was worth taking a short while to see if she could gather what had happened. If it had anything to do with him then she could figure out what to do from there. Shutting off the bike's engine, Triste climbed off and moved closer to the small house, activating her cloaking augment.


Rio accepted the wet cloth from Foley with shaking fingers, wiping his face in a vain effort to try and clear the thick fog that was clouding his head. "I don't know, I.. I don't..." He craned his neck around, and some of the words written on his body started to clear. "Torture me?!" he gasped. "What the fuck?! Who did this?"

The boy flinched at Flora's shouts as she discovered Emilena was missing. He blinked at Foley. "Why the hell would you torture me, I don't know anything!"