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Blanking the Slate

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"Ah yeah... OK! I know where that is roughly." Tony nodded, shifting into reverse so they could back out of the spot as he released the brake. "Sounds like not a great place... but it's certainly not the worst either. There are plenty of worse locations than Carriage Hills." He pointed out, putting them back into first gear to get rolling by sliding the shift lever from all the way forward to about midway back.

As the Crane-Simplex began conveying them back to the highway, he tapped the wooden wheel with a paw. "So what's your plan?" he asked, merging back into traffic and increasing speed. "You going to go in while I wait outside and try and kill her without her anticipating it? Or something else?" He set the hand throttle so he could take his foot off the accelerator, moving the car along at about 75 mph now as he stayed in the middle lane, passing by slower traffic in the right.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Yeah, it's a lower-middle class area," Emilena replied. "This particular co-op's been empty for almost a year, landlord went bankrupt and government's been dragging its feet on doing anything with the house. I'm pretty sure somebody had been cooking meth in the cellar before we showed up."

Emilena watched cars zip by at an insane rate; nobody on the road could keep up with the Crane-Simplex' raw horsepower. "I have to play everything by the book, or she might suspect something's up. Crawl through the hatchpiece, get her into a dialogue, and shoot her at some point before she can tag me."

The last complication Emilena kept to herself; she had no way of knowing if their mental bond allowed Lily to read her thoughts. If Lily knew everything she had planned, her gambit wasn't going to get very far. Just to be safe, she mulled over the details from her old sleeper agent training and tried to shield her mind from outside interference.


Flora poured herself a bottle of the most expensive whiskey she could find. "So wait, do we actually have to work on a music video? How are we going to do that? Do you have a camera?" She thought, and supplied her own answer. "We could use your cell phone, modern phones have killer cameras, with all the megapixels. This could be fun!" Truth be told, she was just looking forward to an opportunity to spend time with Marita and Marie. Too bad Rose isn't here, she thought wistfully, especially since she's the only one with an acting and dancing background...
« Last Edit: November 11, 2018, 05:41:43 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Even Tony had to admit, he was surprised at the good clip his Crane-Simplex had, passing electrics on the right hand side with minimal issues, whilst a few passed him on the left who were pushing close to 90... which he could easily do, he just didn't feel it necessary right now, as there was no need for that kind of speed at present. The leather seat was rather comfortable, and he nodded as he listened to her explanation.

"OK well... doesn't sound like a horrible neighborhood, then. Not that... anyone could drive this car, even if they wanted to steal it." he smirked. "Shift lever is way different than your standard H pattern after all." he explained.

"All right." he nodded again. "Just be careful... take nothing for granted... and if you need the backup... I will provide it." he told her, exiting down another ramp into the Carriage Hills neighborhood, slowing to a halt, then shifting into first and then second as they started moving down 8th Street. "OK so... where are we going from here? You direct and I'll get you there." he told her resolutely, having pushed back the hand throttle to nothing, going back to the accelerator pedal to control the car. He had left the top down for the entire journey, having loved the feel of the wind in his fur, but now... it was time to get serious... time to... end Lily.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Right there," Emilena gulped, pointing out the two-story house at the end of the street. It looked identical to every single other house on the block save for the Forclosed sign. Emilena realized it had been less than three months since she and Lily had hidden here. Jesus, this has been a hell of a few months…

She took a deep breath as the car rumbled to a stop. "Remember, if she comes out and I'm not there...floor it and don't look back." Unbuckling her seatbelt, she crossed to the fence and pushed aside the decorative boulder covering the crawlspace into the cellar.

“Lily…?” Emilena muttered under her breath as she squeezed through the crawlspace. There were their boxes, and Lily's laptop plugged into the far wall, but her nose was the first thing to realize something was off. Instead of being hit with the familiar musk of a dusty suburban cellar, the safehouse smelled like formaldehyde and aged blood.

It didn’t take long for Emilena to locate the source; Lily’s old planning desk had been converted into an operating table, and Lily herself was shackled to it by hands and ankles. She wasn’t breathing, and as Emilena got closer she could make out a very familiar pattern of scars and needlepricks across her body, the exact same phantom wounds Emilena had developed the past few months. The freshest incision was the seven-letter word carved into Lily’s thigh; the same one that had brought Emilena here in the first place. 

Emilena suddenly realized she wasn’t alone and whirled around to see someone behind her wielding a frying pan. “Get back!” Emilena gasped, preemptively kicking them in the stomach. Her assailant had slow reflexes and took the full brunt of the kick, and with a flash of surprise Emilena recognized their cry. “Lily?” she stammered, stumbling backwards. “What the…?”

“Oh my god, Emilena! I didn’t realize it was you!” Lily lowered the pan, wincing in pain. “I’m so sorry, you should have announced yourself!”

“I didn’t, I...I saw the table! Who the hell is that?” Emilena leaned against the wall for support, catching her bearings. She’d dropped Jerry’s box, and couldn’t see where it had fallen in the dark.

“Are you alright?” Lily stepped forward to help, but Emilena motioned her away. “The body on the table is why I called you. It’s the psionic monster that possessed me in Lanthae.”

Emilena glanced at the body again. “Wait, really? I thought that thing was long gone.”

“I did too…” Lily sighed. “Until it came after me. I left the others to keep you all safe. I...knocked it out with my powers, but now I don’t know what to do.” She looked pleadingly at Emilena as the vulpine walked over to examine the body. “Nothing I’ve tried will kill it, I can only keep it sedated. Please help me.”

Emilena narrowed her eyes. Lily wasn't acting like the dangerous sociopath she was expecting. “No offense, but you seem a little more…polite? Than the last few times we’ve met?”

Lily turned away in shame. “You don’t have to mince your words. I was insane. I’m really, really sorry about what I’ve put you through.” She looked back to see Emilena hadn’t lowered her defensive stance. “Seeing this beast again was...humbling. I realized I’d abandoned those I truly cared about. You, Soren, Axel...” she gulped. “I was becoming just as bad as it.” Her lip quivered. Emilena couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Which is why I want to kill it,” Lily finished. “Turn over a new leaf. Finally put the past behind me.”

The two stared at each other for several strained seconds. "Please, Emilena," Lily whispered, cheeks flushing red. "I need you."

Emilena looked from the monster's body, to Lily, and back. She sighed. "This isn't how I thought this meeting would go... but okay."

Lily teared up. “ means so much to hear you say that.”

“Yeah...” Emilena pointed her thumb across the cellar at their old boxes. “Did you try my old katana? It can cut through anything, especially with the micro-vibrate setting.”

Lily’s eyes brightened. “Oh! Why didn’t I think of that?” She quickly sprinted over and rifled through the boxes. After a few seconds of fruitless searching, she realized what was going on.

She turned around to see Emilena wielding her pistol, while standing to block both the exit and the operating table. “Lily was there when my katana got destroyed…” Emilena narrowed her eyes at the imposter. “Plus I know Lily wouldn’t have used a frying pan when she can kill someone with a touch.”

Lily’s clone sighed.


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As Tony pulled up to the house, he shifted into neutral and then set the parking brake, listening it to click back into place. Relaxing, he looked over to her. "All right... good luck... and if neither of you come out... I may head in after you... we'll see. If I see her come out..." he twisted around to reach into the back seat, pulling the laser rifle up and resting it on his lap. "I'll cut her head off then floor it." he nodded.

He'd parked far enough away from the building that anyone coming out probably wouldn't be able to react in time and race over to his car before he took off, and briefly considered heading up a house just in case, but figured he was OK. He was technically parked in between the lot the house was on, and the next house over, favoring the next house over in fact. He watched as the vulpine exited, and bit his lower lip, producing a toothpick that he promptly jammed his mouth as he watched her head inside. "Fuck..." he whispered to himself. "I hope this works."

As he left the Crane-Simplex idling, he impatiently drummed a claw on the wooden wheel, hoping everything was going all right in there. The rumble of the car was almost agonizing, but he had to keep it running, as he didn't want to risk a rough startup just in case things went south. He needed to be able to drive and drive quickly if it wasn't Emilena exiting the property.

An idea struck him, and the ferret undid the clasp on the passenger side of the split windshield, moving the glass upwards 45 degrees. This was normally to provide fuller ventilation to passenger and driver but now, Tony had an unobstructed line of fire to the house, and wouldn't have to shoot through the windshield if he did need to open up.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 12:20:26 PM by Pterano »

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“I don’t want to fight you,” the fake Lily started.

“What, now that I can fight back?” Emilena snarled.

The imposter nodded. “I won’t lie. I’ve read your file,” she dropped her pan and raised her hands. “I know you would kill me in a fair fight.”

“Then you should have read it harder, because I’ve killed surrendering opponents before…” Emilena swiped the scalpel from the operating table before her opponent got any ideas. “But first I want to know who you are and why you lured me here!”

“I’m a clone. The Purifiers grew me using the same pod and the same DNA you and Mr. Whent used to create the Lily you know.”

“Are you working with the Purifiers then?” Emilena demanded.

“No, I abandoned them first chance I got. I’m only in this for myself.” She motioned to Lily’s body on the table. “If I can kill her under the right conditions, conditions I have setup in this room, I can steal her psionic powers. I’ve already worked with Mr. Whent to sever her totem with him, it was preventing her from dying.”

“What’s a totem?”

“A mental connection caused by two minds inhabiting the same body. Lily formed it when she briefly inhabited Mr. Whent’s body back in Lanthae. Mr. Whent broke that connection after we lured her to an alleyway and tranquilized her.”

“Axel agreed to that?” Emilena asked.

“He was pleased to be rid of her! Wouldn’t even take payment.” The clone balled her fists. “But it wasn’t enough. I performed the operation a dozen times, but she just keeps reviving herself. I’ve spent a fortune on black market sedatives, she’s been clinically dead for weeks, but she won’t stop healing!” She glanced at the word carved into Lily’s thigh. “Until you sent that message, and I realized she must have another totem. One even stronger, strong enough that you two were sharing wounds. She can’t die while you live.”

Emilena almost asked when Lily would have had the chance to inhabit her body, but then realized the most likely occasion. She glanced at Lily. “Hmm. And if you had been able to kill me right now, and it had all worked...what then? What were you planning on doing with these powers once you had them?”

The clone shrugged. “Honestly, I haven’t thought that far ahead. I just want them.” Her eyes glinted. “We’re both clones, she’s no more original than I am. Why should she get them, while I don’t?”

“Because life isn’t fair.” Emilena lowered her scalpel. “But we might be able to come to an agreement. If I help you get those powers, will you help my team? We’re preparing to go on an extremely dangerous mission, and we could really use a medic.”

Lily’s clone raised her eyebrows. “I...why on earth would you trust me with that?”

Emilena tossed the scalpel aside, where it embedded into the woodwork. “If you’re a clone of Lily, you’ve got her brain chemistry. You’ve got her predilections. And, in all honesty, you look and sound more like Lily than she has for these past few months.”

The clone’s hands trembled. “I don’t understand.”

“You could have carried a gun and just shot me when I walked into this room, you could have murdered Axel because he was a totem. But you didn’t. And that makes you more of the Lily I remember than the person on this table.” Emilena holstered her pistol. “I want my friend back, before she became an amoral, narcissistic psychopath. If that has to be you, I can live with that.”

The clone gulped. “But...I’d have to kill you. Your bond is stronger than the one Lily had with Mr. Whent, it’s an outright mental link.”

“You said you put Lily into a state of clinical death,” Emilena pointed out. “Do that to me.”

The clone bit her lip. “I don’t have the tech to bring you back out.”

Emilena sat down. “Then the millisecond you get those powers, you know what to do.”
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 05:08:20 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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As Tony tapped his claw on the wooden steering wheel, his breaths were coming out in something that resembled pants, the ferret's anxiety rising with the passing minutes. He kept glancing to his watch, then shook his head. "Stop it! It'll be fine!" he whispered to himself, but the tension didn't dissolve. As he kept his gaze on the house, he figured he'd head in there in 30 minutes if no sign of anyone emerged by then. So far it had only been... glancing to his watch again, Tony could see 10 minute had elapsed. OK... 20 to go.

He ran his paw over his facial fur, matting it down and then pushing it up in an awkward fashion. He had half-expected the house to explode in bright beams of light or... something; some sort of epic battle, but there was nothing. As he sat in the comfortable leather seat, he felt the idling Crane-Simplex continue to rumble a bit beneath him, the straight-six still running as he still impatiently waited for something to happen; the house to explode... beams to shoot out... the ground to rumble... Lily to emerge... Emilena to emerge. But it was quiet... if he didn't know what was going on in that house, he'd say it was just a normal day in this neighborhood.

Rubbing his nose, the ferret glanced to his watch again... only a minute had passed. "Dammit..." he whispered. "I need to calm the hell down." Gripping the wheel with his left paw, he sat in the big car, and continued his vigil. The fact that no sounds emanated from the house... good or bad sign? Emilena was either very efficient... or something had gone wrong. But either way... he'd wait... give it the full 30 minutes, and then head inside. That would be more than enough time for someone to emerge, after all.

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The minutes dragged on. The sun reached the top of the sky and began slowly ambling towards the horizon.

Right on the thirty-minute mark, someone suddenly emerged from the crawlspace. Lily winced at the sunlight, but it didn’t stop her from creeping out to the sidewalk. Without even a glance at Tony, she began sprinting away from the house at a breakneck speed. Reaching a nearby fence leading to Carriage Park, she vaulted it and disappeared from view.


Emilena’s first feeling of resuscitation was a series of electrical shocks that sent her body racking. Her adrenaline levels were going into overdrive, and she wasn’t causing it.

She gasped, a deep ragged gulp of air that made her chest feel like it would pop. Emilena pressed her palms into her eyes and ground her teeth in pain as she rolled onto her hands and knees.

“...Fuck…” The vulpine reached under her shirt and grasped the vasculator she’d stolen from the hospital. “I’d really hoped it wouldn’t come to using this thing. What the hell happened?” She tried to stand up. “Thought your dumb ass was going to revive me!”

She slowly realized she was alone. Other than the entrance to the hideout hanging open, there was no sign of where the Lily clone had scampered off to. Bastard left me for dead...maybe she’s not as different as I thought.

Emilena checked on the corpse on the table. It had gone into rigor mortis, and its eyes were glassy and lifeless. And still, Emilena felt a need to check for a pulse. She’d seen Lily die so many times before, after all…

But after every check she could think of, plus more than enough time for Lily’s healing powers to have restored her to life, Emilena was forced to conclude that her old partner was finally dead. She sighed, finally feeling the gravity of her actions. “Lily…” she couldn’t resist confessing aloud. “I’m sorry. I don’t know if I made the right choice, but you didn’t leave me much of one.”

Morning was almost over. The team would be waking up, and she needed to leave. After shutting Lily’s eyes for the last time, Emilena squeezed out of the hideout entrance and sealed it shut behind her. "It's done..." she gritted her teeth as she slipped into the car, clutching her chest. "She's dead." She looked pale, almost as pale as when Tony saw her in the hospital alleyway.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 05:51:59 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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As Tony gripped the rifle and prepared to head in, noting the time was now up, he tensed, seeing Lily emerge from the house. "Shit!" he whispered, getting it ready to fire through the windshield. As he raised it up, he prepared to fire, but she took off running, not in his direction, fortunately. Watching her go and leap a fence, he cursed. "Dammit!" That meant that Emilena was dead... and a freaking psionic psychopath was now on the loose!

Opening the door, Tony was preparing to hop out of the car to retrieve Emilena's corpse, still gripping the rifle, when he saw her emerge, and froze. "What the... hell?" he asked quietly, getting behind the wheel, and hoping this wasn't some trick... though Lily wasn't capable of those kinds of things... or so he thought.

As she reentered the Crane-Simplex, he kept the laser rifle in his lap, though this time, it was pointed at her, and his paw was on the trigger, even if it wasn't raised. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked, looking to her with confusion. "No she's not! I just saw her leave the house and head into the park! What the hell happened in there?" he asked, his eyes searching her for answers, and ready in case they were suspect. He noted the very pale demeanor... like when she'd come out of the hospital, poisoned. What the hell had taken place in that house?

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Actually Lilly' Marita said as there was a popup message on her computer" " Theres am email from Bailey . i'm to shpw these videos. ' you made them, prior to this current slog ' MArita said " She turned on the video for ' resist the urge" and turning the settings to full screen ' This was one of your rearky videos Flora " she said asan image ogf of a very young flora appeared on stage, dressed in  what looked like green spandex of some kind.
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Soren thanked Tony for the ride and safehouse and soon got to work analyzing every scrap of data he could lay his hands on. Of course, the news about the deadly augments had spread and in many cases went out of control. Brennan Synthetics was a shell of its once successful self.

Anne looked over the news and papers that were scattered over the elegant wooden table. "So, while I was in the hospital, I overheard someone mentioning that a bunch of of removed augments had been stolen."

Soren shrugged. "Big deal. Happens all the time. They're cleaned but it's illegal to reuse them them without complete disassembly, cleaning sterilization or recycling them for raw materials. OF course, people don't give a shit."

Anne continued. "Yeah, but I overheard some cellphone calls to Brennan Synthetics about 'picking up the evidence'."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

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"That wasn't her. Things...didn't go according to plan. " Emilena rested her head against the window, exhausted. "The Purifiers cloned her, same way we did back in Lanthae. The clone had Lily captive and unconscious, and a plan to finish her off once and for all. I cooperated with her, and now Lily's dead." She took a deep breath. "I can guarantee it, checked the body myself. But I think I screwed up trusting that clone. There's a chance she stole Lily's powers for herself."

She glanced at Tony's rifle, still pointed at her. "The only good news is, she seemed a lot more sane than Lily. And I don't think she expected me to survive. So we've got that going for us if she bothers us again."

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe returned to the living room with a towel around the back of his neck and covered in sweat. His long sleeved shirt was over his shoulder. "Where'd tony go?" Awe asked getting some water. 


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After considering Emilena's words, Tony relaxed, and released his grip on the trigger, picking up the rifle and tossing it back into the rear of the car. "All right... though I fail to see how this improves our situation any." He commented, shifting into gear and releasing the brake to get the car rolling. "I mean if that's a clone running around... haven't we just substituted one for the other? The fact she'd leave you for dead doesn't bode well for us... it's a rather callous act after all." He pointed out, shifting into second.

"Still... I'm glad you made it out of there alive... and that you yourself aren't an imposter... I wasn't sure at first when I saw her leave... I don't think she has abilities like but I wasn't sure." He explained. "If we see her again, we'll deal with her then... if not... whatever I guess." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Heh... gave me quite the fright though." he smirked. "When I saw her come out first I figured you were dead... was going to head inside to retrieve your body but... fortunately that wasn't needed. Anyway... you made it, and that's really what I care about most." he concluded, moving up the on ramp to the highway now to take them back to his place. He figured they could stop at a supermarket or something... pick some things up to make it look like they'd gone on this supply run. "Do you feel like you at least accomplished your objective?" he asked, looking briefly over to her.

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"She acted like she wanted to join our team. Said she'd heal us, like Lily used to." Emilena shook her head, disgusted. "I let my guard down. I shouldn't have trusted her," she admitted, rubbing her forehead and leaning back in the chair. "But in the long run, I think we're still better off with Lily dead. At least her clone isn't actively haunting my dreams and threatening to murder Axel in his sleep."

She sighed, looked over, and gave Tony a rare smile. "You were a huge help today, both at the hospital and here with Lily. I owe you one. It's weird to think we hated each other's guts back in Lanthae. I certainly never thought I'd one day consider you a trusted teammate, much less a friend."


"He went on a..." Flora trailed off, distracted by Awe's chiseled abs. She shook her head to regain her focus. "Um, supply run. Said he'll be back soon."

She sat down and watched her old music videos on her phone. "Oh, god, not this one," she felt horribly embarrassed. "Our original plan had been to use a green screen to swap my body out with that of different animals. But the guy we hired was awful, and it looked terrible. We couldn't afford to reshoot or scrap the project, so the record company made us ship it with me just wearing a green bodysuit for no reason. I'm so glad the internet almost immediately forgot about it."

She scrolled down to her unfinished current project. "Actually, we might be able to finish this with Tony's house as a set. It's one of those music videos that tell a story constantly spliced with footage from a concert. Bailey's already got the concert footage, so we just need to film the frame narrative." She glanced over at Awe again. "You know, buddy, you look like you just walked off the cover of a romance novel. Want to act in a music video?"

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If Awe did notice Flora staring at his abs he didn't say anything of it. Though he chuckled at flora's question. "I never really thought myself the music video type." He took a drink of water. "Plus there's also the fact this bailey might not like an ex corporate assassin in one of his videos."


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As Tony drove along at higher speeds, he moved over to close the windshield so Emilena wouldn't have the wind blowing right in her face. There was enough of that with the top down, after all. He nodded. "Yeah... probably best she is dead... maybe not so good her clone is running around but... I guess I can't entirely blame you for trusting her... I know you and she had history, after all. It's hard not to when you feel like at some point... there may be a chance to regain what was lost." he admitted. "I know that feeling all too well."

As she thanked him, he looked over to her. "Sure... yeah... of course." he replied, surprised. "And I'm not sure I necessarily hated you... I don't hate many." he pointed out. "But dislike? Sure... still... I knew this was important to you... I had nothing better to do... and it seemed like the right thing to shoot for." he smiled back. He hesitated at the friend bit. "Well... that's good to know as well. It used to be I trusted Axel the most but now... given his... vacillation, to put it mildly... I think you've risen to the rank of most trust on the team with me. And someone I'd see as a friend." he informed her, smiling once more.

"I'm sorry you didn't get what you wanted out of this... I don't blame you, as said, for hoping otherwise." he shook his head. "Sorry about the rifle thing back there as well... my mind was going a million miles a minute... when I saw her emerge... thought it meant you were dead... I honestly wasn't expecting to see you come out so... I didn't process the situation correctly." he confessed, moving by a slower car as he stuck once again to the middle lane for now.

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"Don't even apologize about the rifle," Emilena assured. "I'd have done the same. I'm glad you kept your head about you." She watched the white lines in the center of the street zip underneath their car. "The others probably won't ask, but if they do, you think we should be honest with them? I was hoping to just kill Lily and put this behind us without bothering anyone, but the clone's existence ruined any chance of that."

They rounded a corner, and she listened to Tony turning the car's wheels and leaning on the brakes. She realized that, for the first time, she genuinely cared about whether one of her teammates survived. Beyond tactical or personal benefit, she wanted Tony to survive this and enjoy a quiet civilian life, more than she wanted that for herself, or Axel and the others.

Axel. She remembered something the clone had said, and suddenly her demeanor shifted. "Actually, you know what? I'm probably going to talk to Axel either way. The clone said he helped her kidnap Lily, I want to find out what he knows."
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 10:53:31 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Tony cracked another smile at her words. "I'm glad you won't hold it against me. I... honestly thought you'd be dead when I saw her emerge so... my brain was scrambled when I saw you but... I'm glad we worked it out." He nodded, moving into the residential area near his home now. "As for what to tell them... heh... we could do some shopping if we want to keep up the pretense of supply run." he smirked. "I could give you my phone so you could order some stuff from the massive mart that is close to my home. I have an account there, and they get it ready for you so that by the time you get there, you just load it into your car and go!" he told her.

But as she brought up her final point, he paused. "Mmm... damn... Axel... helped the clone kidnap Lily? The actual hell? Then yeah... we have to ask him... forget shopping... we'll just come clean with the group." He nodded, turning down the road that led up to the manor. Determination was on his features, though the ferret was currently unaware of Emilena's thoughts on him, and hoping he'd make it. Downshifting through neutral into second as they made their slow way up to his home, Tony meandered the big "land yacht" closer to the house on the hill.

Heading down the ramp into the garage, Tony drove down the row of cars to the Crane-Simplex's vacant spot, before he came to a full stop, shifted into reverse, and slowly backed the big car in, looking behind him to make sure he didn't hit anything as he did so, leaning out over the door to get a clear view. Once satisfied with the back up job, Tony put the car in neutral, set the parking brake, and killed the motor by flipping the electric switch. "OK... home again!" He declared, opening the door, retrieving the laser rifle, stepping onto the running board, and then hopping to the ground. "I have to say... really enjoyed taking the Crane-Simplex out... first time I ever drove it for any real length of time and... it really exceeded expectations." He smiled widely, admiring his car for a moment, then looked over to her.

"Well... feel free to confront Axel... I'll be backing you up. You know the way." He smiled again, giving her a nod and putting his paw out towards the elevator.

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(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Well, in that case, thanks for letting me ride along on its maiden voyage." Emilena, smiled, climbed out and walked inside.

"You're no fun," Flora muttered when Awe politely declined. "Hey! Did you get my instrument?" she called out when she heard them return.

"We forgot, sorry." Emilena poked her head in. "Anyone know where Axel is?"

Flora rubbed her jaw in thought. "Actually, now that you mention it, I havent seen him since we all got out of the car."

When nobody could offer up Axel's location, Emilena sighed. "You know what? Maybe that's a blessing in disguise.  I really dont want to have this conversation with him anyway." She collapsed on the couch, exhausted. "For the first time in months, I'm just going to relax and forget about all this crap until the tech people have decrypted the files."

"Oh yeah..." Flora looked at Marita. "Do you need to go help with the files we stole? We can put off the music video if we need to."

"The music what now?" Emilena muttered sleepily from the couch.