The Gang of Five
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Around the Folf

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The receptionist looked up. "Destination?" she asked as she saw the sextet of them heading for the exit to the lab.

"Oh, we just wanted to see the city...if that's alright of course." Flora shifted her feet.

The receptionist looked at her bathrobe, which wasn't doing that great with all the wear and tear. "I hope you head to one of the clothing stores first," she commented, printing out 5 day passes in the form of little wristlets, like the ones in hospitals. "Keep the bracelet visible at all times; and if anyone asks you're legally required to inform them of your position at Sartonic Labs."

"Position? What's mine?" asked Flora.

"Test subject."

Flora nodded in understanding, and then left the lab to return to the city she'd only seen during the day. Despite this, she couldn't have been prepared for the flurry of lights and activity. Flora gasped at the thriving Indian nightlife outside the facility. There seemed to be more people on the streets now than during the day. The weather was chilled but the smell of food carts, the heat lamps in bazaars, and the bright sparks of glowsticks punctuating the gloomy streetlamp-lit streets turned the city into a haven of warmth and light among the endless expanse of desert.

Flora excitedly ran to the nearest bazaar to see what they were selling. She saw rows and rows of scarves; fine silky garments studded with gems and brooches. "Are these real diamonds?" she asked excitedly.

"They are 24-carat," the shopkeeper nodded. "Five dollars each."

"Five dollars for scarves with real diamonds?" gasped Flora. "That's insane! Ooh if only I had the money!"

The next shop has shish kebabs grilling behind a clear plastic screen. Flora's stomach rumbled, and she asked against hope if there were free samples. The kebab guy laughed and said no, so she moved on.

Her first actual purchase came when she bought a pair of shorts from a street vendor. "I'm feeling a little exposed out here in just a robe..." she admitted to her friends as she slipped them on in an alleyway.

Sounds further down the alleyway intrigued her, and she left the beaten path to find children playing Kick the Can  in a more residential district. "Can I play?" she asked excitedly, but kids merely took their game elsewhere, giving her weird looks. They did forget a glowstick, so Flora claimed it and returned to the main streets looking slightly less out of place with her new acquisitions.

"Oooh let's get some fireworks!" she exclaimed excitedly when she saw some men holding out rows of them on a stand. "This is so cool, its like nothing is illegal! Can we get weed out here?"

While they watched, one customer who was smoking a cigarette picked up a firework and examined it. The shopkeepers urgently demanded he put it down, but the cigarette got too close and as he dropped it in fright, it ignited, causing the entire stand to go up in smoke. Flora and the onlookers cheered at the brilliant display of color and streaks of light that lit up the sky as the owners and customer ran for their lives, cursing loudly.

"Does this happen every night?" Flora wondered in amazement as she continued drinking in the activity and excitement around here. "It's like a completely different city at night. This is so incredible...."

They were almost back at the lab. She gave Yurei a crooked smile. "Well, I've pretty much led the whole night, like you were hoping. Was there anything you'd wanted to see before we head back?"


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Yu chuckled a little, giving a small, noncommittal shrug, while keeping his hands hidden behind his back.
"Well, I come down here a lot, so I've been just about everywhere.  Though, if you ladies are into arcade games, there's an especially nice one a few blocks from here.  Free games, and some really cool music, plus a dance floor.  Bu~t before that..."
He chuckled, showing that he had gone and grabbed a selection of the scarves Flora had been eyeing earlier, as well as a to-go box of kebabs.
"Figured I'd grab these for you.  The scarves are for all of you, so I figured I'd let you four pick the ones you like."
He said lightly, smiling broadly.

Smooth, you idiot.  Blowing money because you like a girl.  AGAIN.  And you know just how this'll end, too.  You'll end up alone again, just like before.  After all, she was right about you.  You're not worth anything to anyone, and especially aren't something a person could love...

For a brief second, Yurei's grin faltered, but he quickly tried to brush his thoughts aside, returning to his normal smiling demeanor...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Oooooh!" squealed Flora excitedly. "I want the purple one! No, the silver one, it's got garnets! Are these garnets?" she asked the seller.

"Since there is no refunds, I'm comfortable telling you that they're all glass," he replied with a snicker.

"Well purple it is then," Flora stuck her tongue out at him and threw it around her neck. "Goes with my fur. And let's do arcades!" As someone who lived most of her life completely broke, video games were always out of her budget, though she'd always been interested in them when she was a boy.

She entered the venue and quickly decided on the one with two burly men punching each other to death. "Who wants to get their ass kicked at Street Fighter 7?" she challenged Emma and Yurei, determined fire in her eyes.


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Yurei grinned slyly.
"Oh, a challenge?  Well, I dunno, I find challenges much more fun when there's a little wager involved.  Care to make it a bet?"
He teased, rolling his neck and bouncing a bit to the sound of the music...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora's eyes narrowed. "What you prepared to wager, mister?" she grinned competitively.


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i'll play.' Marita volunteered ' so street fighter huh ' you'll likrly beat me. i stick to PC games ' she said." whats the wager?' She said " something simple, perhaps?
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Yu chuckled.
"Tell you what.  I'll let you and Marita duke it out first, give you a practice round.  Now, when I win against you, I'm thinking I'll give you another tour, this time of one of my... Favorite parts of the city.  Now if you do win... I'll do absolutely ANYTHING you'd like.  Sound good?"
He shot back, giving an equally competitive grin, then throwing in a sly wink...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Deal," Flora smiled. She quickly deposited the coins to get a match and picked M. Bison, a military man with an awesome hat and cape. She waited for Marita to pick her character, as the counter counted down to begin the fight...


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Marita selected Ken, from the choices available " alright Flora if I win, you have to kiss me on the lips, But if I lose, I have to kiss you. Best of 3, alright?' She smirked.' Sound Like a deal?
 Emma was warching the game with interest' You ever play video games?' Marie asked her " No, not really, i would watch my brothers play though . what about you?' no, never was into video games, was more interested in dolls growing up."Marie admitted ' i'll just watch, if its all the same.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You're on!" Flora agreed, as the game flashed: Round one...FIGHT!

Flora immediately leaped forward and punched...or tried to. Her character crouched, then ducked. She hit another button and M. Bison jumped. Ugh, how do I hit? she thought, hitting buttons intently as a bead of sweat formed on her forehead.

But unbeknownst to either girl, Marita had picked the easiest character to play in the game, and after three rounds M. Bison slumped to the ground a thoroughly defeated loser while the announcer congratulated Ken on his victory.  "You got me..." admitted Flora. Stepping forward, she pressed her mouth against Marita's, lips trembling only somewhat at the injustice of how badly she'd lost.

As she came out of the kiss, she looked at Yurei and bit her cheek defiantly. "But I'm not gonna lose to you, Yurei! I was just warming up!"


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Yu smirked, lightly cracking his knuckles as he took his place, before leaning over to give Flora a quick smooch on the cheek.
"Well then, giving you a bit of luck won't hurt, will it?"
He teased, tail flicking a bit...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora quickly dropped the coins in and picked a new character. This time she went with Poison; she wasn't sure why, but destiny was telling her she had a connection with this character. "I don't need luck," she challenged aggressively. "Pick your poison..."


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Yu stuck his tongue out, flicking through a few fighters before settling on Yang.
"Poison chosen~.  Hope you don't mind seeing another side of the city~"
He retorted, tail lightly touching hers for a moment...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora gritted her teeth as the game announced Round one...FIGHT!

Jamming the joystick forward, Flora growled as the character ducked and combat-rolled. "Goddammit..." she muttered as Poison tried some grappling move that wasn't the basic punch she was hoping for.

Occasionally she landed a kick or something, but for the most part the only real trick she figured out was dodging Yurei's attacks with a spinning jump. Flora had lived a teenage life almost void of video games of any type so even things as basic as movement were struggles, much less combos or timing counter-attacks. At times she suspected Yurei was going easy on her, but it didn't matter because after three painful rounds Posion lay crumpled in the corner while the announcer praised Yang for an almost flawless victory.

Flora couldn't stop a pent-up growl from escaping her throat. "Fucking christ!" she burst out, almost punching the machine in frustration.


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Yurei smiled a bit, reaching over and giving Flora a friendly, one-armed hug.
"Hey, easy there.  That wasn't half bad!  You're a quick study, and I bet in a few weeks you'll be kicking butts and taking names.  As a matter of fact, I think I'm gonna call this a draw and give you a free pass to do whatever you want to me.  Plus, you and I'll take a tour of my favorite part of the city.  Sound good?"
He said amicably, tail rubbing itself against Flora's...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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As Flora felt her blood pressure return to normal she realized she was making a bad impression on all her friends. Taking a deep breath, she counted quietly to ten to get a hold of herself. "Sorry sorry...I'm kind of a competitive sort..." she admitted. "You don't need to pretend I wasn't awful. I got my ass completely handed to me."

She glanced at the exit. "Looks like we're going to that place you wanted sometime soon. Probably not tonight, I think everyone's getting tired," she glanced at Emma in particular, who was showing signs of exhaustion. "We should probably get back to the labs. Is there anywhere else on the tour, Yurei?"


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Yu smiled, rubbing Flora's arm lightly.
"Nah.  Well...not on this tour, at least~"
He teased, grinning coyly.
"But I do mean what I said.  You get one free "Yurei'll do anything you want" pass."
He added, straightening his hair a bit...


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its ok Flora " you tried your best' Marita said patting her on the shoulder in consolation " here' the dark red lips locked together and Marita kissed Flora flush on the lips. the great Dane put her tongue gently into the folfs mouth and massaged her girlfriends tongue with her own. Emma blushed  as she watched the kiss. Marita however acted as if this was not a very big deal, and no one outside the group paid much attention. the kiss lasted for 15 seconds before Marita pulled away' Make sure you give Flora her tongue back, the girl needs it' Rose smirked.
 You just kissed her right in front of everybody. Smack on the lips' Emma said and Marita looked at her" Emma dear, if you love someone, and are comfortable in your own skin, then snogging them in public is expected as a matter of course.PDA, my dear, or Public Display of Affection. Of course there are limits. we're not going to makeout while au natural of course, they frown upon that here."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora's pent-up resentment from the game evaporated as Marita suddenly French-kissed her in front of everyone in the arcade. Her heart skipped a beat and time seemed to stand still as Marita gave her a much more passionate kiss than the one Flora gave after losing to her at Street Fighter.

Flora's face was beet red and she could only stammer gibberish for almost half a minute after Marita broke the kiss. "Guess you, uh, don't mind that I lost to you then?" she babbled, crossing her legs and wrapping her robe more securely around her. "Between you and Yurei, I just got all the prizes we bet regardless..." Part of her felt emberrassed at how openly Marita had just displayed their love in public, but she was right, there's nothing wrong with public displays of affection...was there?


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Yurei had begun to make his way towards the arcade door before Marita had kissed Flora, turning just in time to catch the tail end of the kiss.  For a moment, he froze, then turned and slipped out the door quietly.  As he made his way back towards the labs, he chuckled bitterly to himself.
"Hah...way to go, Yurei.  Way to set yourself up to fail again... Maybe she was right.  Maybe I'm not worth anything..."
He said softly to himself, kicking a small stone as he walked...
"Maybe she was right"?  No, there's no maybe about it.  All you are is a freak and a monster.  Not like anyone could ever love something like you.  You don't even have a right to be alive, and definitely don't deserve happiness.  You're nothing but a tool and a mistake.
Yurei kept walking down the path silently, quietly blinking back any trace of tears...