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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora peeled out of the garage as soon as Marie was in the Turtle. "So this thing's pretty armored, we should be able to handle the storm even without your--" she started, but abruptly yelped as a tree trunk hit the front windshield, leaving spiderweb cracks radiating outwards.

Flora swerved to dodge the tree itself, and they could hear the wind howling through the new cracks. They'd completely left the eye and were now suffering the full brunt of the storm. "Okay, never mind, I spoke too soon!" she gasped, shuddering as they careened off a mailbox submerged by the water. "We're probably still going to die."

Luckily it wasn't a long drive to the massage parlor, because Flora didnt even know where half of the bangs and collisions were coming from. She didn't see the upturned sidewalk until it was too late, and the Turtle crashed into it with the screech of grinding metal.

Pushing the airbag out of her face, Flora caught her breath and glanced outside. "There it is!" She pointed across the street at the pockmarked and waterlogged massage parlor. "Less than a minute sprint!" She tried the engine, but the Turtle was wrecked. "We'll have to run. Which is basically suicide, unless you can keep us safe." She took a deep breath. "Lead the way, if you think you can handle it. I'll be right behind you!"
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 04:36:52 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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 marie staggered forward, her claws sending out vines which formed themserlves into a shield-like screen. the wind howleed through the screen, hitting Marie in the face, causing her ees to water terribly. marie managed to reach the entrance to the massage parkor, only to final glass bits of stair cases and debris all over. ' Gawds, what a mess ' Marie sniffed as she saw the sheer mess inside the building which groaned terribly.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora shivered as she followed Marie onto the flooded street. The water went up to their calves, and the pelting rain chilled her to the bone. She winced as something heavy glanced off Marie's screen. The storm felt it was winding down due to Life's death, but not quickly enough that either of them would have lived this longg if it weren't for Marie's powers.

The massage parlor was one of the only standing buildings still on the street, mostly thanks to leaning heavily on a chainlink fence to its left, but it was looking liable to collapse at any moment. The walls were bulging with water damage, the windows had fallen out of their frames and the floors were spongy and partially disintegrated. "Fuck, I hope they're okay in there..." she stammered, wrapping her arms around herself to try and conserve warmth. She really should have grabbed some clothes before they left...

She dropped to her knees as a dumpster bounced down the street and flew just over their heads. "There's no time to waste! I'm going after them!" she shouted, vaulting over the shattered front door and landing awkwardly in the flooded lobby. "See what you can do to keep the building upright till I've got them out!"

Sloshing her way into the back rooms, Flora yelped as she poked her head into a massage room and the wall crumbled into pulpy sawdust at her touch. I don't have time to search all these, she realized, biting her lip and calling out Emma's name.

Then she spotted someone;  a body floating facedown, one hand draped along the stairs leading to the second floor. Flora's heart dropped into her stomach, but once she'd reached them she realized it was the masseuse. She was heading for the second floor! "Emma!" Flora cried out, taking the stairs as quickly as she dared. "Are you up here? We need to go!"

Outside, the massage parlor shuddered. With the additional activity inside, the building was losing integrity, and the walls started falling outwards before Marie's eyes...


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Marrie sent forth  vines from her fingers, catching the falling building as it began to lean, water sloshed out of the windows, a slurry of debris, glass and crumbled walls. the vines grew broader and higher spreading across the entire structure.
 Emma heard floras calling from in the corner where she, Rose and Marita were huddled ' Flora?  We;re up here!' Emma calloed back down. ' we dont have anywgere to go! Marita said ' the entire place is flooded!
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Emma!" Flora cried, gasping as her foot went through one of the stairs and her leg got caught in the resulting sinkhole. "Auugh! Dammit..." Extricating herself, she limped slowly towards the sound of Emma's voice.

Finally, she rammed the door open with her shoulder to see the three girls safe and least for the moment. But plaster was raining down on them as the building started falling apart. "Follow me!" she panted. "There's an armored car outside. You're right, we don't have time to leave down the stairs...but there's another option!"

Staggering to the far window, Flora pushed it and winced as the glass slid out of its frame without further ado. This side of the massage parlor faced an alleyway, and the alley walls were high enough to completely submerge it with 10 feet of water. "Marie's keeping this place upright, but not for long! Jump!" she urged them, leading by example and vaulting over the alley wall with a heavy splash.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 01:06:14 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Emma reluctantly jumped, folowed by rose and marita.  all 3 barely cleared the wall, as behind them the building beggan to collapse with a loud  crunch, as the frame of the building (which wswas basically all that was left- finally gave way..
 Marie released her hands, and watches as the vines magically vanished  leaving the building to finish imploding.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora covered her head as she surfaced, raindrops the size of golf balls stinging her face. "This side, over here!" she spluttered, swimming to the alley entrance leading into the street. It was blocked by a fallen awning, but Flora only needed to wrestle with it for a moment before it broke down and sent all four girls spilling into the street on a slalom of floodwater.

"Marie!" Flora shouted, staggering to her feet and waving frantically. She hoped her fuchsia fur stood out enough to catch the Golden Retriever's attention. "Everyone, head for the armored car!" she urged, helping Emma to her feet and pointing frantically in the direction of the Turtle. It had a concrete divider wedged into its front axle and certainly wasn't going anywhere, but it would serve as protection from the storm.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 07:58:41 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Marie waved the 4 girls over, and headed back to the armored car, which was not going anywhere, unless Marie's powers extended to fixing broken things. the turtle would fiot all of them but it would serve basically as an igloo, and igloo with armor plating..  Marie  pulled the side door open and held it open  for the others to climb inside. Marita helped Emma along the vixen wheezing as she reached the Turtle ' Hopefully the baby is ok.' Marita said  ' Its fine. Its  its small enough yet so it doesnt make its presence known. Otherwise i couldnt do a massage. That poor woman!' Emma said ' she didn't make it , did she?
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora was the last one to enter the Turtle, slamming the door shut behind them and panting in relief as the freezing winds stopped battering her backside. "Nope," she shook her head. "I saw her body on the first floor. I'm sorry." Climbing over the seat, she hugged each girl in turn. "But I'm so grateful you all are okay," she cried. "I can't believe we got here just in time!"

She wiped a tear from her eye and smiled. "I don't know if you saw, but Marie's a little different from the last time you met her..."

Outside, the wind and the rain pounded against the armor, but the vehicle endured. They were finally safe.


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Yeah, I er got these.. powers ' Marie said as she huddled across from rose and emma. ' Powers? as in those you might see in movies or comic books?' Marita asked " Yeah, kinda like that. she can can create vines that form into ladrs, shields, open doors.. think sorta like Spiderman ' Marie shrugged. ' Its a long story, and even I still dont fully understand it. Flora knows more about it than i do. Ask her."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You don't have to keep them if you don't want." Flora was still hugging Emma with glee. "Those powers belonged to Life, an ancient being who'd held them for longer than any of us have been alive. They've been passed down for centuries, and their owner is supposed to protect the earth and everything natural."

She pressed her body against Emma; since neither of them were wearing any clothes, it was the only way to stay warm. "But you never signed up for that," she continued explaining to Marie, "and the powers can be transferred easily. You can either find someone else to carry the burden, or even just let them disappear. Maybe the planet's ready to take care of itself."

She gave Emma a loving kiss. "But on the other hand, it can be kinda fun to have powers. And Sartonic is the best possible place to be if you want to learn how to control them. It's up to you. "
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 07:40:16 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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"I'll keep my powers' Marie decided with a shrug. ' we wouldnt be here without them, and learning about then will be fun. " ' Anyway to turn on some heat?' i'm really cold" marita shivered.  ' we were soaked in the upstairs area.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora extricated herself from Emma's embrace and tried the AC. "No luck, the damage broke the engine, and cars use the engine to generate heat," she reported sadly. "We're stuck here for the time being."

"Everyone should remove any wet articles of clothing and huddle together for warmth," Emma chimed in, thinking back to what she learned while studying to become a nurse.

Outside, the storm was getting worse. Something heavy pinged off the top of their armored vehicle, and the sides shuddered as torrents of water threatened to sweep the car further down the road; only the concrete divider rammed through their engine was keeping them in one place.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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After several strained minutes, the Turtle shuddered in a way that sent Flora falling off her carseat. The force of the water had been slowly dislodging the vehicle from the concrete divider, and it was finally starting to give way.

“Hold onto something!” Flora warned before a terrible screeching sound heralded their chassis dislodging from the divider and sending their car hurdling down the road in a flood of water.

The occupants were pushed to the back of the car, which was a blessing in disguise as the shift in weight prevented the car from flipping and going into a deadly roll. Careening off a fallen telephone pole, the car fishtailed and popped all of its airbags before skidding with a loud crash into the side of a large concrete building.

“Is everyone okay?” Flora stammered, getting shakily to her feet. She glanced out the window. They were pressed against the main wall of the Morrell Financial bank. The water was slowly angling the car away, they had less than a minute before being swept further down the road into a newly-created faultline. “We have to abandon the car!” she gasped, glancing at Emma who was closest to the right door. “If we keep the car between us and the water, we can reach the entrance to the bank!”


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emma pushed out the door to the car and it gave way causing her to spill out of the car landed inside the hole the car had punched through the side of the building. inside  the smell of murky water was everywhere, above them water dripped in from the broken window " so much for getting dry ' Emma sighed ' Come on, we've got more wading to do girls ' Mariita scrambled out next, landing into the water with a splash ' Yuck!" she groaned as she poked her head out,  green slime covering her upper body. ' i look like  the ' thing from the Green Lagoon" " better that then dead ' Rose said simply as she was the next out, and took a look around. they appeared in to be in the lobby of the bank. rows of screened teller booths sat in the corner, where normally a teller would handle your banking. " " Ok' we'll needed to find a dry area to rest and recuperate ' rose said. " and we'll have time to catch up.. and hopefully, find some clothes. " even bank uniforms is better than strolling around in the buff. ' ' there are worse things to see then other naked ladies ' Emma said with a chuckle. ' this isnt the time for modesty girls. we literally have no clothes. might as well as used to seeing butts and breasts. and in my case, a vixen in her sixth month of pregnancy' Emma said "
- just get further in girls before i push the car away;' Marie saud as she  waited for flora to get out. ' just head up the stairs obver there and we can take stock of the situation. she aid before reaching out her paw.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora accepted Marie’s hand and delicately slid out of the car, trying to avoid the green goop and sticking to the flooded portion of the lobby. “Oof...” She exhaled in solidarity seeing Marita’s state. “I bet we can find you a water fountain or a bathroom to wash that off.” She grinned at Emma’s comments about their state of undress. “You won’t hear me complain about us all being naked,” she teased. “I’m always trying to get you all to go to the nude beach. Who wants to wear clothes if you can help it?”

She shook her body like a dog, trying to dry herself off as much as possible. “Whew, we made it!” She exclaimed happily. “So long as we avoid the new hole in the wall, I think we’re finally safe from being swallowed up by the storm.”

She glanced around the darkened bank lobby, shivering in the cold. “That being said, this place was clearly evacuated before the storm hit. We’re probably not going to find anyone else here...”
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 05:58:30 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Marie grunted and sent out vines against the car dislodging it from the hole. the onrushing water took the wrecked vehivcle and carried it diewn the streety. Well.. thats done ' she sighed as a the vines vabnnished.. ' she turned to Rose ' ok, we need to  give you a secret identity " Plant Girl , or Vinera.. actually vinera sounds cool.  All you ned is a costume. ' Unfortunately these powers dont include creating clothes.thats a different magic line, apparently.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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“Poison Ivy from the comics didn’t always wear clothes, did she?” Flora pointed out, leading the girls as they walked through the lobby seeking warmer and drier places. “She had like a leotard or a dress made out of leaves. Same with Zyra from League of Legends, her leaf bikini was part of her body. Actually, if you practice growing leaves on command, you could have one of the best possible powers to run around as a technically-nudist superhero.”

They reached a bathroom, and Flora tested the sinks to find they were working. “You’re in luck, Marita!” she exclaimed, setting the water to hot and squirting soap into her hand. “Anyone who wants to wash themselves off, this is the time to do it. My last shower was over two days ago, with Yurei, and I’ve been through a lot of unpleasent places since then...”


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we need to find a shower ' Marita said, as she cleaned off her hands in the sink, seeing the green gunk slide off her claws and into the sinjk. Marie and rose did the same in the other sinks, relieved that this still had hot water, and that this part of the bank was dry. outside the gushing out of water through the hole created by their entry. the loud rush drowned out the water coming from the sinks. " hop in the shower flora ' Emma suggested ' like you said ' you've been needing it.'
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Thanks, but anyone who wants the shower can have it." Flora had finished scrubbing herself down with hand soap and splashing herself clean with the sink. "I want to explore the bank a bit more. There isn't room for all of us in that shower anyway."

She peeked outside; the lobby was still flooded, but the water level had equalized and the back rooms were okay. "I'll be back soon. Anyone who wants can come with!"

She tiptoed through the metal detectors and crept deeper into the building; there was still a chance other storm victims might be holed out here, and she was wary about encountering strangers. However, she grew bolder when room after room was abandoned. The kitchen was out of power, but she was still able to raid the fridge and eat several slices from an old cake. The staffrooms were deep enough to completely muffle the sounds of the outside storm, but she couldn't find any clothes in their closets. I guess this is one of those banks with a 'suits and blouses from home' dress code, she thought wistfully as she walked through another door...and suddenly her fur stood on end.

Sitting before her was a massive, gleaming vault. the door was sealed shut with a large circular lock, big enough that it would take two people to open. Holy shit... She tried it experimentally, but of course it was locked. Hmmm. You know, if we could break our way in, we could claim we were just trying to hide safely from the storm... The vault was on a raised platform, but the rest of the room was lightly flooded due to a hallway connecting to the lobby. A pair of glass-paned receptionist booths led to the safety deposit boxes. If they're gonna keep the keys somewhere, it'll be in there. Flora examined the gap between the glass and the counter; she could probably fit through that, right?

Wheezing and grunting as she stuffed her head and upper body inside, Flora exhaled with an "Oof!" as she arched her back and shimmied a few more inches...then another...then... "Uhhh, gals?" Flora wriggled helplessly, her feet kicking in the air as her hips were wedged in the window. "Someone came with me, right? I need help, I'm...kinda stuck..."
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 02:04:31 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »