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Nick22 · 698 · 74884


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Yes actually. shes living in San Diego, where she is a professor at the local college. She teaches archeological history. not a surprise, that. she was always scary smart. Shes single, too busy with work to tie herself down.  now lets see, when was the last time i talked with her? hmm. it was prior to all this.. so, a couple months ago. i have her number in  my cell phone, we've been meaning to reunite but after this recent disaster thats gonna be awhile..' marita said shaking her head. ' Shes great, you'll see quickly why we were so close for so long. ' Marita said ' you want me to call her?' she asked puling out her phone..
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“Sure!” Flora crawled over and laid her head on Marita’s shoulder so she could listen. She couldn’t contain her excitement; this was such a sleepover thing to do, calling friends on the phone to gossip! Maybe sometime in the future, after everything settled down, Marita could take me on a trip to San Diego to see Kora, she thought. Flora had always wanted to see California, but drug-running with Emi’s gang rarely had involved enough time or money for vacationing.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 08:42:06 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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maritsa dialed the number and  the uimage of a gorgeous lioness  with bright blue eyes appeared on screen. she was seated at a table with a stack of papers in front of her ' Marita! kora laughed as she responded ' so nice to hear from you.. its only been 5 week s 5 days 12 hours andf 17 minutes since you last called.. what exactly have you been up to..' its a long story ' marita began. ' you do realize that is a timeface call. i can see you;'re in the buff ' Kora laughed as Marita blushed . " thats a long story too. the  entire town has been trashed, and our clothes fell apart.. ' and its not like theres a surviving department store in town. " yes i heard about some weird storm out where you guys are. some 'act of god', they were calling it.  it doesnt surprise me that you're involved somehow, you were always the adventurous type.. ' she stopped as she noticed Flora resting her head on marita.. " Oh! a frioend! Marita why didnt you introduce us? Manners dear.. Hi, I'm doctor Kora, professor of archeological history.. as i like to joke to my class, we study history's screwups and hope we dont repeat them . usually i get eyerolls from that line, but it works. and your name is?' kora asked Flora.
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“Hi Doctor Kora!” Flora waved. “My name’s Flora, I’m Marita’s roommate. And yeah, normally I’d be wearing something when I meet someone for the first time, but as weird as this sounds, this storm actually did destroy our clothes. It definitely isn’t a normal storm, we’re still getting to the bottom of it.”

She blushed. “I heard you live in San Diego, that’s so awesome! Have you ever done archaeology work in the Middle East? There’s a bunch of ancient ruins out in the desert near where we live, not sure what culture they’re from though.”


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hello flora nice to meet you. yes the Middle east is filled with ruins. Mesopotamia was after all the first major civilization that we know of. the entire region is covered with ruins from the various kingdoms and cultures that lived in that region throughout history. Babylon for instance was one of the ancient worlds 7 wonders, well at least the gardens were. I've been fortunate enough to do some excavation work at Nineveh, which is mention in the bible , all the residents of that city put on sackcloth and sprinkled themselves with ash to show repentance of their sins before God, so that he would not destroy the city.
  anyway my  connection tells me you are in the Nubian desert in northern Sudan.' Kora said ' the Nubians were great pottery makers, some examples of their work are in the Louvre in France . it was part of the ancient Egypt kingdom in antiquity. "

 you could talk like this all day ' Marita cracked. what are those papers on your desk. ' Kora sighed ' final exams for my class. ' I'm about halfway through them, some of the kids get it, some dont. flora, you're a folf, aren't you, a wolf- fox hybrid? that's so unique, and i love love, love that shade of pink in your fur! its gorgeous!' Kora said.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 09:43:32 AM by Nick22 »
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Flora beamed. “Why, thank you! Can you believe it’s natural?” She swept her pearl-white hair back, as if playfully modeling. “Marita’s met all sorts of odd characters since coming to live at a psionic research institute. I’m one of the more normal ones, if I do say so myself!”

She grinned. “Best of luck grading those final papers! I bet you’re excited for the quarter to be over, you’ll get a bunch of time to relax and enjoy San Diego. This is the perfect time of year to visit the beach!”


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this isnt quarter papers, this is end of year papers ' Kora said ' in some cases these grades may determine if kids graduate or not. so theres pressure there. this college is quite prestigious and i make good money teaching there.and yes San Diego has its scenic attractions. I love the Zoo here for instance."" she said. ' so flora, how did you run into Marita here? I would imagine she's talked about me a bit, we were after all best friends for many years." Kora said.
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"She did! I've heard all sorts of great things about you!" Flora beamed. "Hope I get to meet you in person someday." She decided she'd better lie than go into detail about meeting Marita while saving the world storming a flying warship. "Marita and I met at Sartonic! I'm also from the United States, actually, but I moved from Cornova to become a test subject. The pay's not great, but the free lodging and chance to immerse myself in a whole new culture has been more than worth it."

She perked her ears at Kora's mention of a zoo. "I've never been to a zoo! What sort of animals do they have at yours?" she asked.


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they have all kinds ' Kora smiled ' lions, tigers elephants, monkeys, some of the rarest creatures on Earth call the San Diego zoo home, and its one the leasding zoos in the world for animal habitat conservation. " she smiled ' it really is a sight to see1"
  marie left the bathroom heading out to find where Marita and flora were . this left rose and Emma alone together to finish cleaning up which they soon did, and followed Marie out the door.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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“Rare species like lions and tigers qualify for zoos, huh?” Flora’s eyes lit up. “As a folf, I’m one of the rarest on the planet, in fact I might be the only one in existence! How much do you think a zoo would pay to have me as an exhibit? I think I could get used to that life!”

She looked over as Marie and the others walked into the room. “Hi gals, we’re on FaceTime with one of Marita’s friends! Kora, this is Marie and Rose, they’re Marita’s girlfriends, and the vixen is my girlfriend Emma!” She scooted to make room on the bed. “I know that’s a lot of names to just dump on you like that.”


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I've heard of rose before' Kora said. " Marita talks about her pretty regularly. "  Hi Kora! Rose smiled ' Hows California treating you? and Is there any chance we could finagle, like, two weeks to crash at your place? we'd gladly pay.." Kora laughed. ' as guests, sure! as renters, thats another story. you'd need good money to live out here ,even for a month. Housing prices just keep going up and up. and a months rent, at my place, is easily 10000 bucks. i can afford it, because my university  pays me very well and covers some of my housing costs. t  As fort San Diego, the scenery is beautiful the folks are beautiful even if most of them have had ' work' done, and its sunny nearly all the time. unfortunately all that drives up the cost of living here. as for how i am doing, i'm doing well. '

She then turned to flora  ' well unique specimens are treated differently , its why they spare pink lobsters, and other rare colored lobsters when they find them. .its a question of whether they would treat you as an outlier within your species.

 There are other folfs in the world, Flora , you arent unique in that regard , but your coloring is definitely unique. folfs usually range from brown to  black to grey in darker colors, and white to yellow in lighter colors,  although there are few that are red or orange. . with folfs, usually theres magical or psionics abilities involved, it comes with the combination. There's actually a folf at my university, he's a professor of chemistry, and hes pushing to ban animal testing. things like dogs, cats, other creatures and the like. Professor  Fennis is his name. nice chap, his a mixture of gray and black and cream fur." Kora said.  " hes been at the university close to 20 years. 
« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 02:48:30 PM by Nick22 »
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"Other folfs?" gasped Flora. Her mind was suddenly alight with possibilities. "Others like me?" She's never thought to do any research into her kind, since she'd assumed she was alone in the world. "Yeah, if we ever visit I'd love to meet Professor Fennis, or any other folfs!" This last sentence was punctuated with an uncontrollable yawn; the adrenaline of their action-packed day was finally running dry, replaced with a weariness stronger than any she'd felt since her first night after arriving in the desert. "I hope you three like the bed..." she mumbled to the three newcomers, blinking sleepily. "It's not much, but it's what Marita and I could make considering the circumstances. We don't have a blanket, but we can snuggle for warmth... also, there's some pretzels and other snacks if you want a bit of food before you fall asleep."


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 hi kora! marie waved to kora ' i'm emma ' emma waved with a smile. ' very nice to meet you, or well, at least get introduced to you.' Pleasure is mine , girls ' Kora said . ' You girls look tired so I'll let you girls get some sleep. remember you ladies are roughly 12 hours ahead of me, so 3 pm here is 3 am where you ladies are. And Marita, dont worry about calkling me.  I'll be in touch, and it will be far sooner than the nearly 6 weks it took you to call me.  Ha Ha. Have a good night, girl. Pleasant dreams. Kora oUt" kora broke off the call, and marita turned to the others.
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"She seemed really nice, Marita!" Flora yawned. "Oh man...I don't know about the rest of you but today is catching up to me." She almost drifted off, but then nature called and she staggered off the bed. "Actually, if you're all done with the bathroom, I gotta pee. I'll be right back."


Kojurro vaulted over a flying car. A tornado was hot on his heels, threatening to drag him to his doom, but he found evermore-hidden energy reserves to increase his pace. Vaulting over a collapsing building, he combat-rolled under a sparking powerline and skidded down a fallen billboard. His labcoat had been long shredded to bits, leaving only his tattered ninja catsuit.

He winced when he landed on a diesel truck and almost slipped on the oil leaking from the ruptured engine. I'm getting old... Gritting his teeth, he twirled with inhuman reflexes to avoid a lightning strike and gasped when the lightning ignited the gasoline and sent him flying from a terrible explosion.

He hit a snowbank and spared himself only a 15-millisecond power nap before backflipping to his feet and continuing his sprint through sheets of stinging hail. It's possible I should have waited until after the storm to rescue my tontine box... He deflected a flying chunk of sidewalk with his fist, ...but too late to turn back now.

His estimated he'd reach the bank by early morning.


Flora returned, a bit too quickly to have made the trip all the way down to the first-floor. "I'm back!" she announced, looking guiltily at the potted plant in the hallway. Washing her hands in the staff room sink, she glanced at the sleeping arrangements. "Is everyone settled for bed? Cause I'm knocking out."


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we're all settled in.' rose said from the right side of the bed. marita and flora got the premium , middle spots. emma  was between rose and flora.  marie was on the far left, trying to get as much room to move around without falling off onto the floor.
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Flora yawned and snuggled into the partners on her left and right. The exhaustion roared up on her quickly, and before she'd even realized it, she'd already fallen asleep.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 12:09:32 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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emma stirred next to flora, her arm feeling bumb from having it laid on by rose., ' morning girls ' she murmured as she shpook the sleep put of her eyes./ ' do we have any sour cream and onion chips left? i gotta taste for them." she said failing to stifle a yawn.
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It was early afternoon when Flora felt herself rousing from her dreamless stupor. Stretching lazily, she blinked in surprise when someone's calf got in the way of her foot. "...Whu?" She tried to turn over, and found Marita’s chest in the way.

Finally her thoughts started settling as her brain recollected the events of last night, and she remembered she was crammed in a bed with four other naked women. ...Maybe I don't need to get up just yet. Snuggling back in, she settled herself into the curvature of Emma's back, closed her eyes, and just enjoyed the warmth of the morning sun shining through the office window.

Then she heard Emma's question and realized she'd woken her girlfriend up. "I didn't see sour cream & onion," she yawned, "but unless somebody else ate it, there was a bag of cheddar & sour cream Ruffles." Assuming Emma was hoping to leave the bed, Flora rolled over and snuggled with Marita instead. "'Morning," she smiled. "How did you sleep?"
« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 07:04:43 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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i slept okay ' Marita said. ' these couches arent exactly meant for sleeping on.' She said as she stretched. ' i suggest we explore more of the bank today.. and if possibble, the rest of the town. see if any clothes stores have stuff lying around.
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"Awesome," Flora yawned. She snuggled deeper into Marita's side. "Do we have to get up right away?" she murmured. "I'm actually rather comfy in the middle. And you're all keeping the bed so warm..."

Abruptly the window shattered as someone rappeled through it, sending a rainbow of glass skittering to the ground and punctuating Flora's startled scream. "Hands off the tontine box, you thief!" Kojurro commanded, combat rolling and coming up to a perfectly balanced Yoga tree pose.

"I don't know what that is!!" Flora scrambled backwards under his murderous gaze, bulldozing over Emma and Marie as fell off the bed with a startled whoop.

"Girls?" Kojurro asked, tilting his head in surprise. "I certainly didn't expect to see you here. Nor to be the best-dressed person in the room..." His nighttime sprint had done a number on his equipment; other than his subdermal augments, his shredded ninja catsuit was the only article of clothing to survive the trip, and it wasn't leaving many of his scratches and surface wounds to the imagination. "Whatever transpired to leave you five in this state?"
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 01:46:47 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »