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Sky's Artworks

Sky · 345 · 51127


  • Ducky
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So, after a long time since I posted the family portrait, I decided to finish the revised version today before school starts tomorrow again. :)
But I really appreciate you guys liked the old version too nevertheless. :lol: And thank you for the detailed review and help as always Pangaea! :D

I really like the outcome of this one. So much better than the old one. :^.^:
Was playing a little with perspectives. Guess I have to practice some more... :p I also tried some kind of new way to color. I think it looks much 'deeper' than before.  :)

Okay, so I gave Cloud a new color sheme. He looks less like his father now with the darker blue and white colors, and more 'cloudy'. ^__^
Oh, and sorry about Cloud, Caustizer. ^^" I know you wanted him a little more mature than he is in this picture...  :oops

Enjoy ~ :^.^:


  • Ducky
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I like how you chose to experiment with different types of drawings, since we can only evolve as Creators by pushing our boundaries and doing something different.  The new picture looks slightly lighter and more in a 'good times' type mood then the last one, which seems to represent a bit of an end since they are watching the horizon (well some of them are).

I am happy with Glide's new appearance, since it does indeed signify a bit of a change for him having to deal with a nephew (it looks like he doesn't mind it either).  Cloud's new colours are excellant, and almost bang on how I imagined him to look like.  He doesn't have to be the exact age he will be in Blacksun in this picture, since it can easily be assumed it is done inbetween adventures.  I do worry though that there might be a slight continuity error if his mother does not survive the story... but only time will tell.  I am also very fond of the little 'hair line' that runs down the backs of all the wingtails shown thus far, as it makes them look very huggable and fuzzy.  Sometimes cute is good thing.

As far as criticisms go, there are a couple of things I would like to mention that you could possibly change in the picture, but they are just nickpicks and you don't have to do it since I already like it.

1) Glide's Frill looks a little bit too large compared to previous drawings.  It extends back so far that it almost seems like he would need hair gel to keep it up like that (which obviously didn't exist back then).  Could you possibly make it so his feathers were a bit shorter?  :DD

2) The top of Star's frill looks like it was stuck onto her head as opposed to flowing naturally from the feather to the head much like a plane's wing smoothly melds into the body.  If you could make it so the feather blends more naturally into the top of her head, it would greatly enhance the picture.  :angel

3) Cloud's tail in the shape of a Cloud is pretty cute, but it almost looks too much like how you would expect it to look compared to Sky's diamond, Star's star, Glide's Leaf, and Eybron's pitchfork.  What I mean to say is, perhaps if he had a more natural looking tail so he is 'Cloud' in name only would be more appropriate for his character.

4) This is just a nitpick, but man that hair on top of Cloud's head bothers me. I keep going to swoop it down and clean off my computer screen, but unfortunately its part of the picture. :p


  • Ducky
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I do worry though that there might be a slight continuity error if his mother does not survive the story...
*shivers*  :(

Hmm... when I thought I finally got the picture right... makes me kinda sad. *sigh*
Ah well, it can't be helped I guess  :unsure:

1) Now that you mention it, they do look a little large. :o

2) I'll see what I can do. :)

3) I thought only Star's star was obvious. :p Hmm... I think the cloud shape tail looks just fine. :unsure: (If Sky and Star's anthro version will ever get their children, I would like to use Cloud with that kind of shape. I remember you saying that you hope one of their child is named Cloud (except you meant only the 'name' and not the character himself :oops) Then again, he'll probably have a different personality than you imagined him to be. Argh! My brain hurts... DX )

4) It can be easily removed. ;)


  • Ducky
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Just because it's not perfect doesn't mean its a failure :angel.

I make mistakes sometimes too, if you remember I had Ruby say her father was dead when he really was still alive, as well as when I wrote that story where she goes around and murders the Gang out of spite.

Small changes can make the picture that much better, since if you recall the Eybron picture turned out really well because of the input I gave.  Now that you mention it though perhaps the thought about Cloud's tail was a bit premature since Star has had a star shaped tail since long before the story.



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  • Cera
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Yikes; two weeks since this picture’s been posted, and I’m only reviewing now? :blink: Don’t take this as a lack of interest in the picture; I’ve just had a lot on my plate recently. ;)

Caustizer beat me to a detailed review this time, so I’m afraid some of my comments might be essentially repeating what he said. :p The first thing I’d like to say is that I love this picture. :smile It’s a tough thing to say, but I think I like it even better than the original version, largely because of how much more I like the way you drew Cloud (he’s so cute! :DD) and Glide (I love that we’re finally seeing him looking a bit more relaxed :D). Cloud’s colorsóand the colors in general, I thinkólook much better. The sky is nice, too; I like it how the clouds look like they’re forming concentric circles around the sun. There’s some really nice perspective in this image. :yes

While I too would like to reach in there and smooth down that unruly hair/feather on Cloud’s head (maybe that’s what Star’s doing :p), it doesn’t really bother me. And I like the idea for his tail shape. :yes (Is it a tuft of fluffy feathers, or more of a vane like Sky’s tail in the shape of a cloud?) And I agree with Caustizer; I really like the “mane” going down Cloud’s back. Star’s crest does look rather odd, but other than that, the only detail that really bugs me is Cloud’s arm; it looks too straight, like there’s no elbow.

Quote from: Caustizer,Jan 10 2011 on  03:37 PM
Glide's Frill looks a little bit too large compared to previous drawings.  It extends back so far that it almost seems like he would need hair gel to keep it up like that (which obviously didn't exist back then).
Depends on what the wingtails' crests are made of. If they're pennaceous feathers (consisting of a central supporting shaft with barbs that link together to form vanes), then they should stand up just fine. (Have you seen the fancy head plumage on some birds?)

Honestly, Sky, it seems that every time I choose one of your pictures that I consider to represent the pinnacle of your artistic talent, you turn out a new one that’s even better. :wow Please, keep it up! :D

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Glad you like the picture too. :^.^: And don't worry about your late review. It's totaly fine. ^__^
I would say Cloud's tail is a vane type one (I hope it's okay for you Caustizer).

Star’s crest does look rather odd
Maybe it's the perspective? I haven't drawn a wingtail head from this point of view before. :p

the only detail that really bugs me is Cloud’s arm; it looks too straight, like there’s no elbow.
This can be easily fixed too, since the lines are 'inside' the lineart (I think we already talked about that in my DoaW comic).  ;)


  • Petrie
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Caustizer and Pangea pretty much said what I was gonna say. So for my critique all I can say is that this pic is excellent. I would add a little bit more of a lens flare in the sun and possibly give the character models a bit more of an outer shine overlay to make the pic seem more detailed.
But still I'm not a perfectionist. This is perfect if you feel it is.


  • Ducky
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Thanks, oogaboo :)

^ The fanfic was written by Caustizer and can be found here:

Agh! I haven't started working on the corrections of the family picture like I promised. :oops
I will come to that! I also noticed that links to my old drawings are broken (thank you Pangaea for notifying :yes). That shall be solved as well!  :)

Salvatore Blackheart

  • Chomper
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your drawins are awesome, not anyone draw good, by the way øCauztiser write all sky fanfics?


  • Ducky
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I'm not quite sure what you mean, but yes, Caustizer is writing a story about my wingtail characters. :)


  • Ducky
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OMG, my last update was 3 months ago... :o I'm terribly sorry. -_-
But I finally got some new LBT art to share!  :lol:

Caustizer request this pic. ^^
Here you can see Aizon, the navyblue wingtail from 'Far Away Home'.   :DD

I hope you like the final outcome my friend.  :angel


  • Ducky
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I have the spectre of a final exam this afternoon hanging over me, but once that has passed I'll come on and review this :)



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  • Cera
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Cool picture! Awesome to see some new artwork from you, Sky! :DD (I was pleased and excited when I saw that this thread had been updated. :smile)

I recognized the character immediately, but somehow I couldn't remember his name at first :oops (sorry, Caustizer, I've been pretty scatterbrained lately). It must say something about a character originally known only in a written work, who, upon being illustrated for the first time, can be identified solely by his visual appearance. :!

The colors are fantastic (I love those shades of blue)! And are those supposed to be little tinges of gray on the tips of some of his feathers? Nice touch!

There's something about Aizon's eyes that looks a little strange, though it's probably just me. (I think it has something to do with the fact that his eyes are closed, with his glasses overlapping them, and there's a texture marking on his glasses that looks sort of like a pupil). His glasses look a little precariously balanced, though as I recall, that is how they were described as looking in the story. It probably wouldn't look as good, but perhaps his glasses would look less gravity-defiant if the band connecting them sat on top of his snout, wrapping around the front of his forehead, or if there was a sort of concave slope on his forehead (rather than it being a single smooth, convex curve) that the band could be molded to fit? I dunno…just thinking out loud…

I think this is the first time you've drawn a wingtail with detailed knees. Looks great! :yes

I love his tail design! Caustizer, is that accurate to how you imagined Aizon's tail to look in Far Away Home?

And ha ha! I just noticed the little goatee! :lol

Interesting background, by the way. Is that supposed to be a sort of abstract picture of the inside of Aizon's cave?

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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I love this picture, and I think it captures Aizon in both emotion and posture very well.  He looks like somebody of age and somebody you can trust, and his brilliance rubs off on the dinosaurs around him... even if they don't know it!

Specific details I like about the drawing are the lines under the eyes, goatee, slight greyness on the edges of his feathers, and the ending appearance of his tail.  The echelon formation looks just like I had imagined it would (since I drew a rough sketch of it before sending it to Sky).

His eyes looked wierd to me too at first, but once I had seen the drawing a couple of times they made sense.  It would have been nice to actually see his eyes, since they speak the most about a character out of any feature.

The background is a suitable setting for one such as Aizon who spends most of his time alone, but I would have liked to have it been a full one like you did for all your other pictures.  Nonetheless it looks great for a profile picture and it highlights his features pretty well.

Thank you Sky for drawing this for me, specifically because I have been far too busy to continue to update Far Away Home on a regular basis.  I just got done another exam today, with two more to go until I finish on Wednesday.  Rest assured I'm not going to let it go another summer without being completely finished.

Its also worth saying that he looks quite a bit like another member of his family, but we won't get into that yet. :angel



  • Ducky
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Thank you two so much for the review guys. :^.^:
Quote from: Pangaea on  
There's something about Aizon's eyes that looks a little strange, though it's probably just me. (I think it has something to do with the fact that his eyes are closed, with his glasses overlapping them, and there's a texture marking on his glasses that looks sort of like a pupil).
I think it IS because of the texture effect of his glasses. I wanted to give it more substance instead of just a semi-transparent white.

Hmm yeah, about the glasses, I could try your advice the next time I draw him. ^__^

Quote from: Pangaea on  
I think this is the first time you've drawn a wingtail with detailed knees. Looks great! :yes
Just wanted to go back to the roots a little. I always did that in my very old pictures. :^.^:

Quote from: Pangaea on  
Is that supposed to be a sort of abstract picture of the inside of Aizon's cave?
Yup, it should be.  :)

Quote from: Caustizer on  
It would have been nice to actually see his eyes, since they speak the most about a character out of any feature.
Sorry about that. I can change it if you want.  :o

Quote from: Caustizer on  
The background is a suitable setting for one such as Aizon who spends most of his time alone, but I would have liked to have it been a full one like you did for all your other pictures.
And I'm sorry about that too...  I just hadn't had the motivation to draw a cave... :o


  • Ducky
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Ok, I'm having a little problem... D//:

Ok, so drawing wingtails in their normal form are fun to draw for me, but I've encountered a few problems while doing so:

Color markings ~
As seen above, number 1 is how I've always done it. Yet, when I draw wingtails fullbody, I always get the problem with the front color (here yellow) and the back color (here lightblue). Both colors (the front and the back) are seperated with feathers which looks rather stupid. D:
Doesn't sound like a big deal to you, but to me, it is really a pain. >__<

Body structure~
Ok now, do they look like birds or dinosaurs at all to you?
They look totally humanoid D//: (probably got influenced by my anthro drawings) And when I try to give them shorter, thinner legs (like most birds have), they look so wrong to me. DX

Those "pants" thingies~
Ever noticed that male wingtails have those "pants" thingies and females "skirts"? :o  Those "pants" and "skirts" are actually feathers. They're supposed to be pointing out their gender. |D But when I look at them now, they also give me problems while drawing and it looks pretty ridiculous too. xDD
Sure, they still have their wings to point out their gender (which can be easily seen here: ) Should I change their wings too? Argh! DDDX

But why showing us only color markings?
Because, when I know which one of those three looks better, I can work on their pants/skirts and overall body structure...

Or I should just completely redesign them... I dunno... :unsure:
What do you guys think?


  • Petrie
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Color Markings; If the feather and color design really bothers you then you should redesign it.

Body structure; His upper body resembles an anthropomorphic bird entirely. But his legs and feet look a little awkward to me and doesn't really resemble a bird nor a dino but more like a certain animal from a Saturday morning cartoon. When I think of bird-like dinosaurs I think of these things.

The feather pants are okay on the first sketch but on the second and third it just doesn't look right. The wing and feather designs are fine to me but that is just my opinion and your character.

You should just experiment with your characters a little more. Make multiple sketches or ideas. Try new things and look for new ideas in other places.



  • Ducky
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Sky looks funny in those pictures.  It's like hes thinking:

'There's something missing isn't there?" :lol

On a more serious note I have to say that I like Number 1 the most because its what I'm most used to.  In my eyes having his shorts be blue just doesn't seem to look right because the boundaries on the yellow for the other two drawings are even more abrupt and don't look anywhere near as good.

That being said I think you could look at re-interpreting their design since they do look very human compared to the other dinosaurs (mainly in the legs and lower body which don't appear avian at all).

