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Land Before Time: The Stone of Light

Threehorn · 695 · 44139


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Guido continued along looking around at the new people and things trying to understand the immensity of it all.  

"Very.. large." He said not knowing what else to say at the moment.


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(Aren't any of the others going to speak about walking through the corridor seeing how different it is to the Great Valley? and such being in a star ship? Ruby, Petrie, Chomper, Littlefoot haven't spoken)

"It all bright with lots of black and colourful flat wall thingys" Ducky said while riding on Spike looking at the walls and the corridors "Lots of different two leggers as well" Spike nods in agreement what he was seeing as well.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Chomper then said "Yeah, this place really differnet." But then Ruby chose to speak her mind "well Chomper, what is different to you maybe normal to someone else." she then smiled and said "But different can also be good!"


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(Dash seen to be not around again for days on end. Dash seriously we can't keep having this happen. Please can you try to be on at least once or twice a day to check this page out)


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Guido nods to what Ruby said, "Yes, to them this is likely as normal as the Great Valley is to us."

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,Mar 9 2008 on  03:07 AM
(Dash seen to be not around again for days on end. Dash seriously we can't keep having this happen. Please can you try to be on at least once or twice a day to check this page out)
( Threehorn you have my word I will try my best to be on here at least once a day. Even if that means stopping going to a few forums for a while. See, I am a member of a lot of forums and to keep everybody happy I have to visit like at least 20 to 30 websites a day. My thing is I'm trying to keep every forum I go to happy by posting. But when you are continuous websites to check and work it just gets a bit hard. But, like I said you have my word Threehorn I will check this site at least once a day)

"Wow, this is nothing like I've ever seen before" Littlefoot said looking around dazzled at how amazing this place looked. "Aren't you happy you came out here Petrie"? He said.

"Me guess it ok. Me never seen anything like it that for sure" Petrie said.


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Malo smiled hearing what they was saying then they came to the two slightly bigger doors with a massive display pad next to it. "Here we are, Holodeck 1." Malo tap her fingers on the display pad then the doors open. They all walk in and find themselves looking over the Great Valley from a flat grassy platform over looking it which Littlefoot and the others knew there was no such of a place outside the Valley.

"It seems that your counterparts created a overlooking platform to the holodeck recreation of your Great Valley." Fang spoke looking around then saw another set of the kids standing around a large adult threehorn that was talking to them and they was talking back but from this distance they couldn't make up what being said.

"That must be the Captain's predino form" Swift spoke looking at that direction as well.

Cera saw Andrew in what she'd called a normal Threehorn in her mind but she saw herself which was strange "It's me... I see myself talking to Andrew in normal Threehorn"

Dash The Longneck

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"Wow that's kinda weird" Littlefoot said kinda confused to what was going on. Everything seemed to happen so fast. Petrie was so shocked he couldn't even say anything.


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Guido reached out to touch a part of the holodeck's plants and ground. "Wow, it feels real, as if we were not inside the ship." Then he looks over at where Andrew and the others are.  "He looks like a regular full grown threehorn, like Cera's dad, only much nicer and not scary." he said  He noticed the others with him then.  "Looks like they may be with him." He said looking more closely.


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Sli sat against a rock sticking out of the ground "Good to see you two again"

"Sli!" both Swift and Fang looked shocked.

"It good to see you sir" Swift salutes and so does Fang "Indeed it is sir!"

"at ease, I'm not going anywhere" Sli said then look to the children with them and Malo "If you all look there are symbols of a dinosaur on the ground, each is where you will go to talk to your counter parts" Sli explained and points to the symbols on the ground that was a good bit apart from each other showing a icon symbol of the type of dinosaur each of them was.

Andrew finish talking to the others and they go to the symbols and he walk over to the group from the undamaged Valley back on the planet surface. "Andrew is that really you?" Cera had to be sure

"Yes in the scales." Andrew said to her then look at them "I am still Captain Andrew Threehorn before anymore questions are brought forward. I promised to sure the dinosaur form that you call normal Threehorn and here it is."

"But you look like Cera's dad" Ducky said to him

"Yeah why is that?" Cera was wondering it as well

"Simple. In my reality the dinosaur line that I come from millions apon millons of generations I share a small trace of DNA that belongs to the very family tree that you come from Cera." Andrew explained to Cera and the others.

"In other words, Cera in a manner of speaking your most likely his 70 millonth generation beyond yours. Which means his your distance future family tree. Which gives the reason why the Captain looks almost so much like your father, a family trate that past down every so often" Malo gave it out in a little bit more simple terms.

"Wow that pretty cool to know that our herd carries on after my time" Cera was amazed to hear that. "So what about the counterparts?"

"You each will go to each of them at the places marked and talk to them, I am sure you all got alot to say. I will be just over there" Andrew tells them about where to go to talk and where he'd be waiting by. "See that set of rocks in a circle that where I will be if any of you counterpart as well have questions" Andrew told them "Now you can go and talk to each if you wish"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Quote from: Threehorn,Mar 7 2008 on  03:12 AM
"No no, nothing like that, the sublight stone somehow it was recharged" Fluiax try to explain to them. "But why don't you two go to that door there and talk in private, I got some finishing dignoises to do on the primary systems." Fluiax points to the door and told them that he got to finish off his work.
The tow Longtail's did as the chief engineer told them and walked into the separate room and just as the door closes the second Longtail pushes himself against a wall and stares into his other selfs eyes and said "You have to listen to me very carefully. Your part in this doesn't end here...there is something about you...about us...that will change our lives. But now I need to know are you ready?"

Longtail looked at himself and said "Ready for what?" "And his other self said "For a new adventure!" At this point Longtail was confused  and his other self said "Don't worry, just follow me to the hollo deck and you'll see what I mean."

Longtail just nodded his head and followed himself out of the engineering room and started walking down the hall.

Dash The Longneck

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Littlefoot just had to stare amazed at the other Littlefoot. Littlefoot never had experienced this before. It was just like having an identical twin brother.  "Hi, it seems like you and me have a lot to catch up on . "The other Littlefoot said. Littlefoot could just nod his head mouth agape still shocked. "I am sure you have a lot of questions as well as me having a lot of questions for you. Follow me and I will explain everything it'll be fun" The counterpart Littlefoot said.

"Hello Petrie I am sure you have a lot of questions for me I think it's about time to fill us both in about some stuff." The counterpart Petrie said. As the Two Petries flew off to go on an adventure and find out about one another.


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Guido paused as he looked around still amazed.  He then walked over to where he saw the other him standing.  He held out the small rock he held.  "Here, I thought you may like this." He said.  The other Guido took the rock and looked at it, "Thanks, it is nice looking.  I wish I had thought to bring you something." He said.  

Guido shook his head, "That is ok.  You've had enough to happen in one day." He said.

The other Guido nodded, a bit sadly, "We should go over there to talk about what we want to talk about." He said and the Guido nodded as they both walked over to the area side by side.   Each one thinking it was sorta like having a brother, and being neat.  

Before they got there the other Guido paused and looked at the first Guido.  "I found out what they called us, a microraptor, is what kind we are, and these," He said and held up his arms to point to the feathers he was covered in, "Are called feathers, or at least those are the words they use here."

"Thanks, it's nice to have those names, I'll remember them." He said smiling before they continued on.


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"Ok this is weird" Cera looked at her otherself "I never thought I be talking to myself for real"

"Tell me about it..." the other Cera said with a slight pause "So what do you want to talk about?"

"Up to you since I heard you've not wanting to see our dad" Cera said to her and she butts her snout right against her.

the other Cera temper just shot off like a rocket "Get this straight Cera, that THreehorn down there isn't my daddy! He might act, sound and look like him and your dad but mine died! OK! He died from massive burns from that bubbling pit stuff!" she snapped and move away and sighs. "Sorry... it just all too weird"

"Tell me about it, but my dad could still be your dad in some strange way, at least you know he'd still around even his not the same one you knew" Cera suggested to her counterpart

"Yeah that could be a good thing thanks" the other Cera smiled and they both continued talking to each other.


Ducky and Spike came up to face themselves "Hello Ducky"

"Hello Ducky" the other said and both laugh hearing each other talk at each other.

Both Spike's seem to be huming to each other almost like talking then go off to eat some food both Ducky's giggle. "Is Andrew going to take care of all you?"

"Yes yes yes he is. He even tell we could become humaniod dinosaurs and learn and do stuff like he could do! It sounds like fun!" the other Ducky told the Ducky from the surface.

"That do!" both continues talking after that.


Andrew with Malo watch them all talk, Vil sat on a chair that was created "It seems it all going well"

"Yes it hard for the ones I be looking after, but if I can become what they call a Normal Threehorn, it could work the other way around, Sli even said it would work" Andrew replied

"Indeed. With I, I am going to ask your federation to join them, even if I have to enter their schools and relearn from the beginning" Vil said watching them all talk.

"Thats good to know" Andrew only said and thought on about how life going to be now for him and the kids he promised to raise.


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Andrew watched them talk and soon the two Longtails enter the holodeck "I see you've remembered the way" Andrew said with a smile.

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The other Longtail smiled and said "It was easy....we did have to go past that room with all the plants in it so, it was kinda fun!" Longtail on the other hand walked through the door scratching and itching all over as he replied "I think that last plant you talked me into eating was a bad choice...cause now I can't stop scratching..." Longtail stopped walking and looked to Andrew and said "Did he trick me?"

Ruby was still talking to their other selfs as well. "Well what you like is what I might like...but you are me, so I guess I do like it!" The other Ruby laughed and said "Yep that's it!"

Chomper however was playing Sharptooth with his other self running around the holodeck trying to bite each other.


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"Chomper, both of you play something else or one of you going to get hurt, sometimes mucking around gets into harms way" Andrew spoke to the two Chompers.

"The Airponics deck is still new to him, he don't know half the plants that grow there, he most likely gave you the one we use for crushing up and using it as a seasoning on salads on the mess deck which on it own eaten has reactions to some like... iching or sneezing and I gather you got the inching one. Don't worry it will pass in a little while" Andrew said to Longtail


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The two Guido's continued to talk, at times whispering and laughing a bit as they looked at the others, with one of them nodding.

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Both Chomper's stopped running and said "Aww...okay." Both Chomper's then walked over to see what was wrong with Longtail. "Are you okay?" asked both Chomper's at the same time.

"Yeah that's just great!" said Longtail as he continued to scratch and bite himself trying to stop the itching while Longtail's other self was laughing his tail off. Longtail then looked over to the two Chompers and said "Do I look okay, unless you wanna help me, then stand back!" Longtail then began to roll around on the floor still itching and scratching like mad.

Dash The Longneck

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Meanwhile the 2 petries were trying to catch up. "You no sound very much like me" Petrie said.  The other Petrie laughed."You see Petrie I am your counterpart all though I look like you sound like you and have the same personality as you we do have some distinct traits that make me different from you" The other Petrie said flying to catch up with Petrie.  

Meanwhile the 2 littlefoots were also trying to catch up they both walked over the 2 Chompers when they started playing. "Don't worry Longtail like Andrew said the effect will go away in a little while. No real harm done you'll be fine. "The other Littlefoot said. The other Littlefoot then turned to the real Littlefoot. "It still feels weird seeing me for the first time huh?"The other Littlefoot said.  Littlefoot nodded. "A bit but in a good way. It's like having a twin brother to talk too so that's the good part about it" Littlefoot said.