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Land Before Time: The Stone of Light

Threehorn · 695 · 44198

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,Mar 15 2008 on  03:19 PM
"When you have too much sugary sweet food you go into a hyperactive mood and then it goes away making you feel very tied afterwards" Malo explained to Petrie
"Ohhhh" Petrie said still not really understanding but trying his best too. It was kinda hard to explain what a sugar crash was or even sugar for that matter to dinosaurs that never really knew about this strange tasty stuff until today.

"So you get all hyper kinda like Guido was just then and then he's just gonna get real tired"? Littlefoot asked trying to understand.


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Andrew thought then Neelix said "Use your roar Captain"

"THank you for that suggestion, better cover your ears" Neelix does as he said then Andrew louds out a bellowing Threehorn roar through out the holodeck.

Both Cera's screamed then turn "Whoa he can really yell" Cera from the surface said to the other Cera

"Yeah tell me about it" the other replied

Andrew then stamped a foot down hard causing the ground to shake a little making both Longtail's stop "Now cut this out at once! I won't stand for petty fighting from either of you! If you want to fight then I will put both of you in the Brig to chill out! Do I make myself clear!"

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,Mar 16 2008 on  02:45 AM
Andrew thought then Neelix said "Use your roar Captain"

"THank you for that suggestion, better cover your ears" Neelix does as he said then Andrew louds out a bellowing Threehorn roar through out the holodeck.

Both Cera's screamed then turn "Whoa he can really yell" Cera from the surface said to the other Cera

"Yeah tell me about it" the other replied

Andrew then stamped a foot down hard causing the ground to shake a little making both Longtail's stop "Now cut this out at once! I won't stand for petty fighting from either of you! If you want to fight then I will put both of you in the Brig to chill out! Do I make myself clear!"
Littlefoot jumped as he heard Andrew's roar. Petrie on the other hand being the little scaredy cat he normally is hid behind Littlefoot.  "Me think he sound way to close to Cera's dad." Petrie said frighteningly.

The 2 Littlefoot's looked at each other and rolled their eyes as they saw the 2 Guido's fighting.

"Wow, I never seen him get that angry"The other Petrie said.


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The Great Valley Guardian

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After hearing Andrew's roar both Longtail's looked at each other, and then to Andrew and back to each other once more. They then let go of each other and take several steps back. Longtail's other self bowed and said "Yes sir Captain Andrew I will obey!"

Longtail on the other hand simply dismissed the fight as if it never happened and said "Whatever...I'm going to look around the ship for a while." He then looked up at Andrew and added "If that's okay with you sir."


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Both Guido's heard the roar and looked in the direction of it.  

"I wonder what that was about." One said.

The other shrugged, "Maybe some arguing, that tends to annoy grown ups."

"I wonder which two, maybe both Ceras or something."


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"No need to sound like a robot Longtail, I just had to raise my temper to get you two to stop fighting, Your a kid learning so fighting is just one of those steps even it disapoved of." Andrew said calming down in a second.

"Did you just acted anger?" Cera asked

Andrew turn to her "Mostly back there. I was anger seeing them fighting but the raised voice part was just to give some strength into stand, since I am the captain and sometimes you have to raise your voice to give commands" Andrew replied "Not that i enjoy doing it which is not, I rather talk it out not blow into someones face"

"Oh I see" the other Cera said then look to her ship counterpart "Why don't we explore this fake version of the Valley?"

"Why not" both walk off to have a look around.

"Exploring the ship? sorry Longtail but your only limited to explore the mess deck at this time" Andrew told him. "Plus in about a few hours time you and the others will be returning to the planet which your counterparts will stay here onboard and return to our time"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail sighed and said "Okay...I'll stay here...but now I'm hungry." Longtail's other self smiled and said "Heh...can I take myself back through the plant room Andrew?"

Cyrix looked to Neelix and asked "Where do I need to go to find Sil and the others? I really want to find out about that Rainbow Island place."

Dash The Longneck

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(My bad)

Littlefoot looked at his counterpart and yhrn back at Andrew. "Do our counterparts have to go back with you. I always wanted a brother Andrew and this is the best thing I'll have to that." Littlefoot said.


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Both Guidos continue as before.  "Yea, maybe arguing over who is braver or something." One of them said.

"Or cuter." The other one suggested which got them both laughing while gliding around the holodeck.


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"I am right here" Sli voice came answering to the Rainbow Face question. "Why don't we take a walk?" Sli said standing by the holodeck doors which are visable now and opened.

Andrew look to Littlefoot "Because this Littlefoot..." Andrew look to him and he nods then Andrew continues "His Great Valley, his grandparents, everything on your world is destoryed to him, we was standing there by my shuttle for 3 hours watching everything burn and the ground not stop shaking for even 10 seconds. It as horrible beyond words..." Andrew explained to Littlefoot from the surface he also feeling the pain a little of what he saying remembering those 3 hours will be very hard to forget.

Dash The Longneck

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"Oh"Littlefoot said sadly with his head down. "I'm sorry Littlefoot but your Great Valley isn't really where I belong. All the counterparts belong here with Andrew. But, I am not gone yet Littlefoot the least we can do is enjoy the little time we have left instead of feeling bad that we don't have enough time."The other Littlefoot said.

"Me sure gonna miss you in Great Valley"Petrie said to the other Petrie. "I am gonna miss you too" The other Petrie said.


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Turla came through the holodeck doors soon after Sli and Longtail's uncle had left to talk to each other about things. "Captain I got the results from the scans we made and the data including why you and the kids are exsicting in this timeline" Commander Turla said with the pad in her hand

"Very well" Andrew then spoke out "Ensign, reveseal beam"

"Aye sir" Baxio spoke out over the comm and Andrew in a beam of light disappears from a normal Threehorn then reappears as a humaniod dinosaur in his uniform then walks over to Turla taking the pad and looking at it.

"WOw that some neat trick you got there" Cera said with amazment

"Not really" the other one said "It just technology is so amazling good that it could do that type of thing that look like a trick"

"O...k" Cera blinked and then both just laughed it off.

Andrew then turn to everyone "Malo will stay here with you and Neelix as well. I got to check on this data." Andrew then leaves with Turla through the doors.

Neelix smiles "So who up for some games?" Neelix said with his hands rubbing against each other in a way that was cheerful.

The Great Valley Guardian

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At the sound of the word 'games' both Longtail s smiled and said "Then let's have some fun!" and then Longtail asked "What kind of games do you have in mind?"


Meanwhile Cyrix was very exciting and wanted to hear about Rainbow Island and spoke up by saying "So Sil, do I have any decedents in the future on Rainbow Island...because I have had my eye on someone special in the valley, and well..." he was a little embarrassed that he had to admit he was in love.


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"Well that depends on what game you kids like to play, we have a wide selection of games or you can choose your own games you know from where you lived" Neelix said to them.


Sli walked with Cyrix down the corridor passing some crewmen and women they doing their duties on the ship. "Well not to join to conclusions there is someone called Cyrix, Professor of Temporal mechians if I am not mistaken, he invented the Warp Gate that is now in orbit of Earth and Earth 51. It allows ships to travel to both systems in seconds bending the laws of time and space making a long distance basically one step." Sli said to him and spoke about one of the very technologys that Saurian and starfleet use.

"I could run a program of the very Rainbow Lake on Holo Deck 3 if you like, this ship from what i know of has 3 holodecks and the thrid is free so I could show you your kinds home in the far future" Sli offered Cyrix

Dash The Longneck

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At the word games Petrie nearly flew into a wall they all loved to play games. "Well, the only problem with us is we often play very active games like uhhhhh stomp the seed and Tag and I don't want to break anything in a high tech space craft like this. So how about you choose a game. We're always open to try out a new game."Littlefoot said.

"Yeah anything beat being bored" Petrie said.


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The two Guidos are still flying around, or gliding more like it, high above, or at least as high as the holodeck ceiling will allow them, flying around enjoying themselves.  Likely not close enough to hear the normal conversations of the folks around below.

(OOC: Just an idea, but would either of the ones with Cyrix think of doing some sort of gene scan and seeing that way maybe.  Doubt every rainbow face's genes are scanned but some may be.  Certain ones for this or that reason maybe.  Maybe silly but a suggestion. )

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix honestly felt like a hatchling again as he clapped his hands together and said "Yes, please I must know!" he didn't know how else to explain it...he was just giddy with excitement 'Now I know how my nephew feels!' thought Cyrix.


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Sli lead him into a turbo lift then they went down to deck 29 and arrived at that deck they coming out by the holodeck doors "Here is the Holodeck, give me a minute to import the data and get the program running" Sli said to him.


Neelix thought about it "There is a game called Hoverball that i heard about, basically the ball is very light but still can move around fast like any object and the goal is to hit the ball at the targets, the team with the most points after 10 minutes is declared the winner" Neelix explained to them "But the holodeck will have to be set up for that court though"

Dash The Longneck

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"Well that's ok isn't it? I have no problem with Hover ball if \nobody else does" Littlefoot said.