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The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups

Nick22 · 2097 · 102344


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(OOC:  No problem.  I just needed to know exactly what I'm dropping into...)

Just then, a loud crack came from above as a section of the ceiling caved in, giving way to a screaming person falling through into a table, crushing it beneath his weight.  A few awkward moments, then a loud poof as the cloth of a parachute burst out into the room, sending dust further around.

Laying upon the rubble was a human in a dark blue skydiver's jumpsuit.  He took off his goggles to reveal his eyes still spinning around in every direction.  He coughed dust twice before saying, "WOW!  Who put that building there?"


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Skitter looked over at the action, "At least no big folk fell on me this time." He said from Petrie's hands.


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Aves was still busying himself sweeping the mythril, he didn't pay much mind about Nick's criticism of his pun. Aves was in fact not paying much attention to anything that was going on around him at all. it seemed he was under a spell. Or the Dragon's spell as they called it. the spell where the lust of precious metals or stones consumes your mind, and turns you into a walking mindless zombie.

"My.... precious...." said Aves "My precioses silver... alll minesss!!!"


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Nick picked up a number of the rocks, not noticing the trance Aves was falling under.
Stripetail was taking a breather in the dining room. Diixie was still caring for the drunken Bond, Scooby , Angel and Stitch, were huddling around the electruical fire that was burning in the corner.  the floor creaked and cracked as customers walked over.  Some of the holes were now several feet wide, as the stress on thr weakened floor remained.
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Ducky carried the bowl to their table, and using one hand, with Petrie's help, using also one hand, they managed to partially tip the table to get most of the mithril off of it.  Once the table was set back to it's normal position, she set the bowl on the table.

"There now, there is more room to eat in here." Ducky said do Ali.


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Thanks. 'Ali niodded. Help yourselves guys. I don't think we'll be getting your food out today...soon you guys can share mine"
Nick turned as the hiss came from behind him, a large smelly hairly shurlup climbed out of a hole in the kitchen.
"Good gawd! A Shurlup! A wild one! Aves! We gotta get out of here!' Nick said raidly, his eyes filed with fear.
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Ducky nodded, "Thanks." She said as Petrie put Skitter down on top of the table.


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The human turned over onto his hands and knees and crawled away from the rubble.  "Fine place to put a building here!" he exclaimed with sheer sarcasm.  He hobbled to his feet and looked back the mess he made.  "This dump needs cleaning!"

The door to the cafe opened, and another human stepped through, dressed in a black skydiver's jumpsuit w/ silver trimmings.  He paused and looked around before setting his eyes on the other skydiver with annoyance.  "Look at this mess!  I can't believe you survived that fall without opening your parachute!"

The first human shook his head.  "Parachutes are for sissies!"


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"We? no you! I'm not leaving without my preciouses!" said Aves as he quickly started gathering as much Mithril in his arms as he could "You wants it for yourselves! Its mine! all mine!"

Aves looked over seeing the sherlup "Oh good God!"

he dropped the Mithril and ran from the kitchen


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Nick was quick tto follow picking up a few pieces of mitril and OPuuting them in his pocket as he ran out of the kitchen. 'Shurlup!' he cried out! as he ran into the dinning room.
Shurklups! Zoinks" Shaggy yelled his eyes filled with fear. Scooby jumped into Dixies Arms. "Cousin, get ahold of yourself" dixie said Calmly. "And I-I- can't Carry you!"She grunted. 'Get off me, and get your wits together! " Scooby jumped off her and ran under a table. Shaggy soon joined him. Lilo Stitch and Agel were son under the table as well. "What Are Shurlupies?" Lilo asked. She had never seen one before. 'Theyu're big smelly, and they eat people" Shaggy said, becoming more scared with every syllable.Scooby trembled in his armor.
SHurlups! Shurlups!' Nick freiked as he bumped into Stripetail. Shu" Stripetail smacked him hard across the face. "Get ahold of yourself Nick!" He said sharply. Nick was dazed from the hard blow.
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"Eat people, they sound like sharpteeth." Ducky said.

"Shshsharpteeth here?" Petrie said, looking around in fear.  

Snoopy put up his fists, ready to fight whatever a shlurp was.  

"Figures, things were to quiet around here anyway." Skitter said.  


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Both humans turned to the commotion going on nearby.  "Shurlup?" the second human wondered out loud.

"Are they edible?" asked the first human.


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No, but they'd consider YOu Edible' Shaggy spoke out from beneath the desk.
 Dixie shook her head. "Scooby Doo, get out of there this MINUTE!" She barked.This was unlike her, she was normally quite tactful around her cousin, but she was starting to lose her patience. He was chickening out..."Do you have any Scooby Snacks Shaggy?' she asked.
_ Zoinks! I forgot them! They're in the mystery machine at home!" Shaggy moaned. "And I could really use some myself right now... You don't happen to have any Dixie?"
_ Dixie patted her armor. "I my dress.. but I can't get this armor off.. Oh well... I guess you're out of luck"Shaggy slapped his forehead. Scooby Snacks were the snack that usually got Scooby to go into dark spooky houses or search for "ghosts", the snack also worked on Shaggy. Dixie frowned. Shaggy 's eyes suddenly lit up. "Dixie, you could give him a kiss! That worked with Scooby Dee" Dixie sputtered. "I'm not Cousin Dee, Shaggy! I'm not going to give him a kiss just to get him to do something. I have a little more pride than that. "
Scooby's ears perked up. 'rould ro rive re ra riss?' He asked. "If you get out from underneath that table.. I'll.. think about it" Dixie said finally. "I won't make any" before she could finish. Scooby was standing next to her. Promises" She finished demurely...Scooby loooked hopeful as her took off his helmet, and gave her a begging glance.. "Cousin" She said flatly, turning away. "put your helmet back on." Scooby slumped a little as he complied.
_ As he did, a Shurlup reached the surface and pooked its head out of a nearby hole. it was large and very hairly, with large dark eyes, and very sharp-looking teeth. its mouth was pulled back in almost a grin. the smell coming from it was powerful, in a bad sense. Lilo wrinkled her nose at the smell. it smelled like rottten eggs and smelly shoes , rolled into one. It climbed out of the hole, and fully revealed itself. It was roughly the size of a six foot tall man, with long arms and long white claws that looked like they could easily cut and tear flesh. All in all, it was a very scary figure, and something you didn't want anywhere near you...
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"They sound like sharpteeth, they do, they do." Ducky said.  

"Me think me know what you say next." Petrie said looking at Ducky.

"This is getting weirder by the moment." Skitter said.


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Aves was panting and slumped over on a table

"Either that freakin hairball from the bathroom has invited his whole family for a party, or he somehow raised a family beneath our very nose! Those miserable creatures are everywhere!"


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"Stripetail frownned. "Those are not liker the Shurlup that lives in the bathjroom  AVes. they are wild Shurlup, and they are far worse . For starters they are bigger, smellier, meaner, and have even more of a taste for soft flesh. Also, unlike the bathroom Shurlup, they won't Be bribed off with resteraunt food. they won't rest until they've hasd their fill of manflesh."He drew his staff from its sheath.
"what is manflesh?' lilo asked. "it means us!" Pleekly said frantically. "Lilo" Nani said very quietly. "when i tell you to, make a run for the front door. We'll be right behind you." Jummba nodded. "I don't to be meal for smelly Shurlups. i have many more evil inventions to make before I pass on. Now is not my time."
Nick ran over and opulled off a pir iof legs from a broken chair. the legs were made of metal so they would serve as an ersatz club. he tossed one to aves. "usdse that as a weapon. we've got to get our heads together." Nick said still a bit woozy from the blow Stripetail had given him.
Mis protect ohana" Stitch said shrilly. "Angel, protect Lilo and nani. Mesa, protect Jummba and Pleekly. "He bared his teeth and claws and a seciond pair popped out of hisa side. He actuaally had 4 arms but could tuck in a pair of them at his leisure. Angel sprouted her own second pair and growled as the Shurlup started towards them, drooling as it smelled dinner.
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"Yuk." Skitter said from where he was.  Snoopy grabbed a bit of a chair and prepared to use it as as makeshift weapon.  Ducky and Petrie got ready, each not sure what they would do.  There were options but they didn't know if this was the proper place to use them, in plain sight.


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Ali tensed and began swinging her tail to and fro.  her tail was basically her only weappon, she can swing it it like a whip, hopefully she could keep those things away from her friends long enough for them to get away. She grabbed a mouthful of leaves from the bowl on their table and quickly wolfed them down. she was going to need every bit of strength in her. "stay by me guys" she said in a low tone.
_ Shaggy huddled undeerneath the table, as Scooby and Dixie drew their swords. "Scoooby, we need to protect Shaggy and the others." Dixie said through her helmet.' he turned to her and nodded briefly. "rome ron rhaggy" Scooby said "Re'll rotect rou" "I'm not sure how confident I am Scoob. There's more of those things popping up every minute!" Shaggy said. "But I don't think this place is going to be very safe so.." He scooted out from benteah the table, KLilo, Stitch and Angel quickly fllowed, Angel and Stitch were ready for a fight. "This like fighting Gantu. Army of Gantu" Stitch said, growling and sneering at the oncoming Shurlups. there were now at least a half dozen of them in the dinning room and they were furrowing the residents into a small circle. Worse yet, more were popping up through the holes in the floor. the Mithril storm had let loose an angry hoard.
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Snoopy got ready to swing his piece of chair at one of the attacking things.  Skitter did his best to stay relaxed, not sure what weirdness was going on but knew he'd have to act sooner or later.  

Ducky started to move her arms in a certain pattern, but Petrie grabbed one of her arms.  

"Mr Thicknose say no in front of people, must be secret."  Petrie said with some concern and worry in his voice.

"Yes, Petrie, this is a dire circumstance, it is, he would understand, he would." Ducky said.

"Me hope so." Petrie said.

"And I"m sure the people here, including Ali won't tell." Ducky said.

"I ain't tell anyone anything about this.  I"ll say I went exploring some caves and took a nap, this is to weird to tell anyone about." Skitter said.


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Stripetail gestured. "Fottius Cannimu!' a burst of flame hit a nearby Shurlp , setting it alight. The shreik it emited was deafening. this was a very special flame, one that would not extinguish until told to do so by the caster. It was a potent magical spell, and one Stripetail rarely used since it could easily spark an inferno, the Shurlup rolled on the ground,, writhing in agony and trying to smother the flame.
Two Shurlup suddenly attacked Scooby and Dixie, striking at them, with their claws. it was not easy to parry these Shurlups, since they were very quick. one of them struck Scooby in the chest annd sent him tumbling backwards onto the floor near a hole in the floor. he got up and noticed a scratch on his armor. He quaked. "rhese raws rare really rharp" He said. picking himself off and returning to the fray.
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