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Finally Together Again/Into the Mysterious Beyond

LBTFan13 · 330 · 25656


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Chomper suddenly sniffed something in the air. At first he couldn't recognize it, but then he got a little worried. "Zaine! Come here quick! I think I smell something!"

Concerned, Zaine stood up and limped over towards Chomper. "What is it? What does your sniffer pick up?"

"I don't know, but it smells like egg eater."

Zaine gasped. "Oh great. Did they pick up our trail?"

Chomper shook his head. "It's not both of them. It's only one."

Zaine looked puzzed. "One? Why would only one of them follow us?"

"I don't know, but that's what my sniffer picks up. I wonder which one of them it is."

Zaine looked back towards the others. "Well either case, we should try and handle this on our own. The others are so peaceful right now. We can't interrupt them now."

Chomper looked down at Zaine's legs. "Are you sure you're up to it?"

"I have to try." The two friends nodded. "Get ready Chomper. Once he shows up, be prepared to attack."

"It's time for some revenge." Just then, a figure approached them. It indeed was an egg eater, but it wasn't who they expected. Instead, Strut stood before them.

Zaine glared at Strut. "You."

Strut gasped. "You...You're alive?"

"You seem surprised," Chomper growled. "You come back to try and kill him again? Well you wont succeed!"

"You don't understand!" Strut defended. "It wasn't my idea to attack Zaine! My brother is the evil one, not me!"

"It doesn't matter!" Chomper argued. "You are still guilty by association!"
"Wait! You have to listen to me!"

Chomper prepared to leap for him, but Zaine blocked him with his tail. The longneck glared even harder at Strut. "If you didn't come to kill me, then why are you here?

"I need to talk to you, privately."


Zaine laughed. "Nice try. You two already crippled my legs, so why should we trust you?"

"Because I am nothing like my brother."

Chomper looked towards Zaine. "As much as I hate to admit it, he is right. He is nothing like Ozzy. You think we should give him a chance?"
Zaine thought for a moment and sighed. "One chance. That's all you get." Strut humbly bowed his head. "However, you have to convince Littlefoot and Longtail as well." Strut looked back up.

"Ah yes. Those two. Again, it wasn't my idea to kidnap anybody."

"Do you think they will care whose idea it was?" Chomper asked. "Either way, they have to be comfortable with you around."

Zaine walked over back to the group. "Littlefoot, please follow me. I think somebody owes you an apology." He then looked over to the others. "Longtail! Stop trying to kill Cera for a minute. Someone has has something to say to you as well!" With that, he headed back towards Strut. "Good luck tyring to defend yourself, because after your murder attempt Longtail's been dying to get back at you."


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(ooc: I'll let Lbtfan13 do the summary for you.  Hope you can rp.)

Littlefoot looks at Zaine, "Ok." He says.  He get's up and walks over to where Zaine is, wondering who it could be.

"I wonder who that is, I do." Ducky said.

"Me wonder too." Petrie said.

"I suspect we'll all find out shortly if we wait." Mim said.  "Till then how is everyone else as far as being tired, food, water, and any other needs?" She asked as she looked around.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail and Cera locked eyes for a moment and growled at each other as Longtail said " got lucky Cera...when I come back, I'm going to win! Count on it!"

Cera scoffed and replied "Yeah, keep talking flyer brain...keep talking!"

Longtail then walked over with Zaine and Littlefoot and asked "So who wants to speak with'd better be important for the interruption."


  • Cera
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((OOC: @ Lucario - I am not saying this to be mean at all, but since you are not in the rp, I would ask that you please make any and all posts about the story, characters, settings, etc... in the discussion topic in the discussion subforum. It should be called The Stone of Cold Fire RP Part 3 or something like that. Thank you for understanding ;)

@Ptyra - Cera and Longtail were playfully fighting each other to see which species was better, but it was interrupted because Strut appeared and wants a chance to defend himself.))

Zaine looks towards the two of them. "If you guys want your revenge, here's your chance. Strut claims it wasn't his idea to kidnap the two of you, so he wants to try and defend himself. I figured you two had to hear this." He then looked towards the egg eater. "Go on, but you only get one chance."

Strut nodded and looked towards his two previous hostages. "I am glad the two of you aren't hurt, and I am relieved your friend is alive after what we did. You have to believe me though. I didn't want any of this to happen to any of you. I only wanted to scare you, that's all. In fact, I didn't want to do anything to you! But my brother, he went insane with the idea of getting revenge on Littlefoot for what happened in the past. Then he got the flyer involved, and then when you escaped, he went mad!"

Chomper studied him. Apparently, it seemed like he was telling the truth, but there was something he still didn't get. "If you didn't want to do anything to us, then why stay with Ozzy?"

"He's my brother, and no matter how evil he is he is still my brother, and I could never leave him."

"Well, apparently he doesn't feel that way," Zaine commented. "Why did you threaten me the night before you kidnapped my friends? Why did you try to kill me? Why didn't you try to stop your brother?"

Strut sighed. "Before we left to find the stone, he threatened me multiple times that he would abandon me or even kill me if I got in his way. I know I shuold have stood up to him, but he's too powerful for me to handle on my own." He bowed his head in shame. "I know you may never accept my apology, and I fully understand that and don't care. I just want you to hear this from me." He then looked up. "I am so, so, so sorry for everything my brother and I put you through on this journey, and I humbly request to join your group."

Chomper and Zaine looked at each other, then Zaine turned towards Littlefoot and Longtail.

"Well, what do you two say?"


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"If you're not evil why did you ask if you and Ozzy could throw me off the great wall?" Littlefoot asked, remembering that incident and how it took place just after Chomper had met his parents & had gone off with them. "If it weren't for Chomper coming back to save me, then his parents chasing you off when you threatened Chomper you would have thrown me off." Littlefoot said.


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Virgil, who had been a short distance away, spoke up, saying...
"I'd say we should let him.  After all, I did almost the same thing, and here I am.  If it's any help, we will...keep an eye on him..."
He said softly...


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Ptyra: What's going on here!? How do you know that egg stealer? And who's this 'evil brother' of his?


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Chomper turned towards Ptyra. "It's kind of a long story, but the bottom line is when I was first hatched by Littlefoot, Strut and his brother, Ozzy, came to the valley. They tried to kill Littlefoot, but my parents and I stopped them." He then turned back to Strut. "Yes, why did you suggest the Great Wall if you weren't evil?"

Strut sighed. "I saw Chomper reunite with his parents. I had a feeling that they would have to pass by in order to return to the Mysterious Beyond."

Chomper was surprised. "You set Ozzy up? I'm actually impressed."

Strut nodded. "Also, if I hadn't suggested the Great Wall, Ozzy would have killed Littlefoot even quicker. I couldn't let that happen. Yes, I am an egg eater, and I have stolen eggs from others, and I fully regret it all. However, having said that, I am not a murderer. I'm ashamed that I can't say the same for my brother."

Zaine couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Why didn't you come for help sooner? If you had left Ozzy before you tried to kill me, then maybe we would have been a little more lenient."

Strut nodded again. "I had thought about that for a while, but I didn't want to leave."

"Why?" Chomper asked. "What good would have come out of staying?"

"I wanted to find the Stone of Cold Fire as well. I wanted to destroy it before Ozzy had the chance to use it's magic for evil."

Zaine actually understood his reasons. "Ozzy does seem like the type of person to go after his own goals."

Chomper then spoke up. "I agree with Virgil. I say we keep a VERY close eye on him."

Zaine nodded. "Despite what's happened in the past, I believe everybody, even you, deserves a second chance." He then turned to Longtail. "What about you Longtail?"


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"It really sound as if you had reasons for your actions..." Mitch said looking at Strut from top to toe.
"Where is your brother now?"
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Ptyra: Yet again, someone else who's after the stone! I wonder who else is going to be after it.


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"Maybe Mo is after it so he can visit Great Valley." Petrie said.

"That is silly Petrie, how would he get to the stone?" Ducky asked.

"Maybe it fall into water and there enough for Mo to swim from big water to it." Petrie said.

Littlefoot looks at Virgil a bit confused, "You almost did the same thing? I don't remember you ever asking Ozzy if you and he could throw me off of the Great Wall." Littlefoot said.

"Maybe he do it when you no looking or listening." Petrie said.

Littlefoot looked at Ozzy sighing, "I guess it may be ok, and you may have changed, like Pterano seemed to.  Though folks will have to keep an eye on you and maybe you and Zaine should stay apart.  Do you know what direction your brother may be now?  And can eggeeaters eat more then just eggs?" Littlefoot said looking at Ozzy and briefly at Zaine and some others.

"Perhaps they can eat either some green food, and / or crawlers or creepy crawlers.  There are some who can eat multiple things besides green food." Mim said.

Petrie, Ducky, and Littlefoot were not as discusted by the idea of eating the non green food like crawlers and creepy crawlers and the various types of buzzers since they knew Chomper and Guido ate such things and had gotten use to them.

"Maybe he try.  Guido try green food and no like it." Petrie said.


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Strut nodded. "I can adapt to eating green food. I actually always prefered that to egg shell." He humbly bowed his head. "Thank you for giving me a chance Littlefoot. I promise I will make it up to you." He then looked towards Mitch. "Unfortunately, I don't have any idea where Ozzy could be. For all I know, he could be at the stone right now, though I highly doubt it. Not even he can evade all the sharpteeth here."

Unfortunately, Ozzy was in much better shape than Strut hoped for. Somehow, he quickly learned Sharpteeth language and bgan to communicate with them. Far away from the group, Ozzy was gathered with a group of three fastbiters.

"What exactly do you want with us?" one asked.

"What if I told you I could make your wildest dreams come true?" Ozzy asked.

"How so" another asked.

"Legends tell of a stone known as the Stone of Cold Fire. This stone possesses magical powers which grants wishes. You could wish for all the food you could possibly eat." Of course, Ozzy made sure he didn't make the sharpteeth too hungry.

"So, how do we find this stone?" the third asked.

"Well, we shouldn't have trouble finding it," Ozzy explained. "I got rid of the kid who was looking for it before, and now I don't have my brother hindering our progress. It should be smooth sailing from here on out."

The Great Valley Guardian

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After hearing everything from Strut and listening to his friends reactions, Longtail narrowed his eyes, and one changed color as he said in a darkened tone "I don't like you, I don't trust you, and the moment you so much as breath the wrong way, I'll end your life, without a seconds thought or hesitation." He then looked back to the others and continued speaking...

"The only reason you're coming at all is because they trust you...I do not. So whatever you do...don't make any wrong moves...or Ozzy will be missing his only brother!"

Longtail then turned around, took a deep breath and said "Zaine I trust your judgement, so do what you think is best...I'll be watching him though. He won't leave my sight."

Longtail then turned and walked back to Cera and said "Sorry, our fight has to wait...we've got bigger problems."

Cyrix noted his nephews grim look and sighed. "this day is turning out to be rather unique."


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"Hey, you'll have to get in line!" Chomper piped up. "I've got first crack at him!"

"Basically, you get the idea," Zaine said. "Don't make me regret this, because I have every right to kill you here and now."

"I understand," Strut replied. "So what do we do now?"

"Well, we were held up for a little bit no thanks to your brother, so we need to hurry." Chomper said. "My parents are supposed to provide us safe passage through the Mysterious Beyond, but I could always feed you to them if you do anything funny."

Strut grew very nervous. He remembered the last time he met with Chomper's parents. "Again, I'm sorry for that inconvenience, but-"

"Inconvenience? You attacked me and left me to die!" Zaine countered, then he calmed down a little. "Anyway, we should leave now if we are going to catch up with your brother. Knowing him, he took advantage of our stall."


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I wish I could be more active, but I can't. :(  I'll start a topic in The Fridge about my time at camp.


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"Basing on how Ozzy has been acting so far he'll likely be doing something devious, so we may have to be as devious if not more so." Mim said.  

"Me no know how to be devious." Petrie said.

"I do not know either." Ducky said.


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Shera followed the conversation, not throwing herself in. I think he's okay... But I think that Ozzy will give us some trouble again.

The Great Valley Guardian

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((OOC: sorry bout this, but this idea was just too good to pass up! :DD ))

Longtail smiled as he heard Ducky's and Petries comments about being devious. He then laughed and said "Oh, being something I really can do."

He then started to sing "To be devious, one must be swift, sly, and be able to run. I know that its never easy, but you can always try telling the truth about being devious....just be crule. coy and deceptive in all that you do."

Cera then joined in "Can you feel it coming, that sinking feeling like a big water wave? It's the lies that were said and the hurt you give."

But before Cera could finish Cyrix stood up, smiled and replied "Okay...that's enough of that...Zaine is right, we need to get going. You two can finish your song when we get the stone, but for now, let's get a move on, and meet Chompers folks."