The Gang of Five
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New Surroundings

Kit12 · 709 · 32159


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OOC: Ok, I told myself I wasn't going to start up a thread this newly into this forum and I really thought this would have been done before but...anyone curious about what would happen if John Hammond's Jurassic Park brought back our beloved gang (and any OC's you feel want in ;) dino or human) and they got to explore that world!

Oh and for simplicities (but not best explained) sake, I'm going with the scientists brought the hatchlings (and adults accordingly) back as they were and there doesn't have to be re-hatching or anything.

Also do you guys want to swap off movie characters or assign? Up to discussion, using Ducky for this first post anyway.


dark sky puffies filled the sky and she could feel the heat from the sky fire caused not long ago getting worse and worse. "Keep walking dear, we have to get beyond the rock wall to see if...", her mother's coughing fits stopped her from talking much more and the young swimmer simply kept a line of sight on both her and her siblings all walking towards one spot.

The voice cried out again. "This way folks, we'll be out soon...I'm sure". Littlefoots' grandfather's voice had hardly ever calmed her so much and she struggled to keep going even as she noticed a blob drop from the sky once more. "Oh Petrie!" the young swimmer rushed forward, hugging her friend who had fallen, "are the dark sky puffies making it hard for you to fly too?". All flyers had been having the same problem, she knew, as Petrie's youngest uncle Tylr and his little one, Kit soon followed, the adult landing a bit more gracefully than the young ones though...then came the horrible sound of all the smoking mountains apprently going off at once...

With deep pants, Ducky came out of her horrible nightmare that she could have sworn happned only a few moments ago...but she looked around there was green grass and a blue sky once more and she heard the slight mutterings denoting dinosuars about somewhere but too far for their voiced to be understood.

All a dream? Was it really just that?! But wait...this was not the Great Valley...w-where were they.

"D-Ducky?" a voice said and the swimmer turned to find... "Kit!" she rushed forward to at lest the first familiar face present. She had to run past some cold black tree branches (cage bars)  she noticed, but hardly paid this much attention as she hugged her friend.

"Is Petrie here?" she next asked. "He's hiding behind one of those bushes, still scared" Kit answered. At the first sight of good news and normalcy once more, Ducky smiled.

OOC: Sorry it's so long

The Great Valley Guardian

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He blinked several times, and his head hurt...alot! He blinked a few more times, and suddenly something became all too clear...his vision was upside down. He blinked once more to make sure he wasn't being stupid, and then rolled over onto the ground. His head still hurt, and then he realized something else: he couldn't remember anything! Well except for his own name which he promptly said aloud:
"Longtial...Skyfire." But nothing else came to him. He looked around for a moment and thought he could see someone he recognized. He stepped over to them, he could tell they were at least friendly, and then his memory kicked in again as he called out.
"K-KIT! Ducky!!! Over here!" said Longtail hoping his memory was right.


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(ooc: Maybe you'd want to start a discussion thread for folks who want to ask questions, unless you'd prefer folks to ask questions here or to pm you.  Up to you though.  & assuming Chomper is ok, if not I"ll remove the paragraph where he is. )

Chomper looked around a bit, feeling odd, but as he got up and moved around he started to feel better.  He looked around and saw they were somewhere else and it had many odd unusual smells.  He started to sniff around to get a better idea of where he was and once he smelled some familiar scents he started to move quickly in that direction calling out, "Ducky, Petrie, Littlefoot, Cera, Spike? Are you guys here too? Where are we?" He asked once he started to draw near where Ducky was.

Diver awoke and closed her eyes quickly as she felt the light stab into her eyes.  She rolled onto her belly and slowly opened her eyes as they grew use to the light.  "What happened?  I certainly do not feel normal, I certainly do not." She said to no one in particular.   Waiting till she felt a bet better before she tried sitting up.  

Elsewhere Mim awoke and not feeling to well right off made her way as best as she could to where some water was and drank a bit then she sat down till she felt better, not yet looking around.  


  • Ducky
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(Yeah I thought of that. PM's are fine for now but I may also created a thread too, eitherway, yeah Chomper's more than fine, something tells me it's more than possible for a little baby T-rex to wander out of those cages ;))

As the two girls first noticed Longtail's voice, Ducky and Kit both looked shocked and then promptly rushed over to where he was.

"Longtail! Oh you are alright, you are, you are!" Ducky said happily.

Kit helped him up, "Are you alright? Gosh I thought all that sky fire was gonna burn the whole Valley or something".

"You remember it too?" Ducky sounded surprised. She glanced around, " seems to be over now, it does".

Petrie also heard both Longtail and Chomper's call and smiled that more familiar faces were about. He flapped over to give Chomper a hug that was half out of fear and half a normal hug, "Chomper....Petrie very glad you here, everyone else too" he said with a bright smile.

Ducky laughed, "Oh Petrie you were not scared, were you?". The flyer looked like he didn't want to answer.

Off on the field, still visible but far off, a herd of what the children would all call longnecks were moving off. The one up front, one Kit definitely didn't recognize, sighed, "Are the old one's and their young boy keeping up?" he asked impatiently once more.

"Maybe they know were we are?" Kit threw out to the others, "should we ask?".


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Chomper hugged Petrie back.  "Gosh, I'm glad to see you guys," Chomper said looking at Petrie first then at some of the ones he knew around, "But do any of you know where we are? It smells like a new place." Chomper said.  Chomper looked in the direction and area where Kit was looking, "It may be a good idea, but maybe I should hide.  Some do not know I'm a friendly sharptooth and may get scared." Chomper said.

- - - -

Diver slowly got up into a sitting position and looked around, seeing she was in a new different location she wondered how she had gotten there and if anyone she knew or her family would be there also.

Meanwhile Mim, feeling better got up into a standing position and looked around, sniffing and eating a leaf she tore off as she walked around and looked around at the new different location and wondered how she had gotten there.  She thought she recognized a figure, a young swimmer and walked over toward the figure.

"Hello." Mim called out to the figure who looked over in her direction and waved back.  Mim walked over to where she was and knelt down. "Nice to see someone familiar here." Mim said.

"It certainly is.  But I wonder if anyone else is here." Diver wondered, glad to see someone but wondering if anyone else was here.  

"Let's go and walk around.," Mim said standing up and squinting as she put a hand above her eyes to shield her eyes.  "I see what might be a young swimmer over that way and some others not to far." Mim said, then she looked down at Diver, "Want to come along?" she asked.

"Yes, I certainly would, better then being alone." Diver said.  Mim picked her up and put her on her back and they set off at a casual walking pace towards the other figures she saw in the distance.


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"We trying to figure that out" Petrie answered Chomper's question on where were they. "Oh...good point" Kit realized on Chomper saying he should stay back. "Ok, I guess since I suggested it I'll go ask...wish me luck" she wasn't sure why she said this, yet as Kit flapped over apparently she had had the right idea because the leader of the longnecks frowned as Kit flapped in front of him.

"Um...excuse me Sir" Kit said, "would you happen to know where...".

"Beat it kid, we don't have time to talk to some dumb flyer" the leader said, snubbing his nose up a bit and ducking his head to walk past. Apparently he hadn't been near the Great Valley ever, Kit thought.

She frowned, "I was just gonna ask if you knew where we were! Is it anywhere near the Great Valley? That's where we gotta get".


From where they watched, Ducky frowned, "I do not think it is going well, I don't, I don't" she said. She noticed what looked like some others walking up and turned as they got closer.


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Chomper jumped into a nearby busy, remaining as quiet as he could so he'd not be seen by anyone, or so he hoped.  

Mim continued walking towards where the others had been, still carrying Diver on her back who was looking around her neck to look ahead, and look around her also at times.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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(I'm thinking about joining this Rp with my OC frank anderson.)

The Great Valley Guardian

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As Kit was asking where they were, something she said caught longtails attention. He turned to Petrie and asked, "Wait...what's the Great Valley? Is that something I should know about?" He didn't want to sound stupid, but he honestly didn't remember anything...and it was starting to unnerve him.


Cyrix was standing near a pond staring at this reflection knowing this place wasn't home. He had no clue as to how he got here, but he was now more determined to find out for sure! With a shrug of his shoulders he turned and began walking around hoping to run into someone he could speak to about this place.


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Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Jan 29 2009 on  10:54 PM
(I'm thinking about joining this Rp with my OC frank anderson.)

(OOC: Sure, I'm sure the gm would not mind, but up to him.  The new discussion thread is over at:  It's not been up to long.  If you have any questions you want to ask, or you can ask via pm.  Or want to talk about anything about the rp.  )


  • Ducky
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(Ok, Cory's coming in here too and I wasn't even trying for that! Somehow I'm not surprised he's not leaving me alone though ;) Oh and I'm guessing Frank's a scientist? Ok, bring him on in)

Petrie turned to Longtail with the biggest look of shock on his face. He didn't remember the Great Valley?! " not remember Great Valley?!" he asked. "", that's when Petrie noticed his own words of desciption fail him.

He could see it...well...a blurred imagine of and water and a wall, was home. He knew this, but he found that as he tried to describe it beyond this one thought he couldn't. He didn't recall why it had been different than what surrounded them excpet that it was somewhere else and...

"It like that" Petrie pointed to the field where the longnecks were and tired, " got a wall 'cause...something about separating sharpteeth...I...I think".

"Separating sharpteeth?" a voice asked and soon a young crested swimmer climbed the hill. He stared like he was trying to face faces as well with names. It was coming slow though. Cory'd been in this weird place without a clue as to where his mother was for about five bright circles already, and having always been an explorer, he'd traveled far enough to glimpse the huge wall from which the sharpteeth growls came, but he hadn't been over.

"Well that's always a good thing" he answered these others he though he knew, "and the huge wall that does such is that way" he pointed in the general direction.

"Oh...maybe that Great Valley..." Petrie tried to think.

Ducky had been staring, head tilted, at Cory for a while and suddenly her eyes went wide. "Cory!" she cried, recognizing the other swimmer. She hugged him tightly, spinning around. "Oh you are ok too, I am glad, yep yep yep!".


While this had been going on, Kit had been really productive and when she returned back to the others, she was riding on Littlefoot's head and beaming brightly. "Look who I found!" she said. Littlefoot laughed, "Hey guys...uh Longtail you ok?" he asked, the poor flyer looked like he was about to be sick.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail gave Littlefoot a weak smile and then shuddered as he fell backwards and hit his head against a rock. "Ow... I don't fell too well...and I-I can't remember..anything" He looked up to face Littlefoot and sighed as he closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Cyrix was now walking with a slower pace looking around and taking in the sights. This may not have been the Great Valley, but it did have a certain calm feeling to it, that much was certain. "Well...I'm sure there has to be someone around here...although it is rather quiet around here. Perhaps I am alone...well...more time for me to think." Cyrix said with a smile.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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(No he's more of security to keep other companies from taking stuff and to protect the scientists in case anything like what happened in the movie happened)


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(Oh, ok)

Dropping Cory, quite literally given the speed of her twirling, Ducky rushed over to where Longtail had fallen. "Oh...he does not feel good I don't think" she said looking up at Littlefoot with a sad frown.

Littlefoot smiled and as Kit flapped off his head, she and Ducky helped move Longtail onto Littlefoot's back for easy transport and not having to wake him.

"Ok then, let's go" Cory said, beginning to walk off.

"Go..." Kit looked confused, "Where?".

"To the wall of course" Cory said, "from the most we all know the Great Valley is behind a wall and there's only one around here that I've found so far, so that's gotta be a good starting place, so come on" he said, for once leading the way and forgetting to ask of Littlefoot wanted to do that.

Kit hopped along to follow a bit, but then glanced back to the others with a frown of if they should or not, she just had this bad feeling. There were shrugs to show no one's really knew either.

"Maybe they want to come too" Cory pointed to the swimmers (?) Mim and Diver off just a way away. "Hey!" he called out as he rushed over, "We're gonna go to the wall since that might be the Great Valley, wanna come?" the young one asked.


(Here's my human, his bio's in the discussion thread)

The youth struggled to not breath to deeply as he kept his gaze fixed on the Parasauralophus right infront of him. Slowly he raised his camera, intent to click the button as quietly as possible and not startle the creature.

He did and then smiled and watched as the dinosaur moved off to drink. Only once the huge dinosaur had left and there was no risk of startling him did the voice sounds, "Quite done yet?".

Peter turned back to the adult behind him, "Oh...hi Uncle Henry" his voice was flat. Henry gently but firmly hauled his seventeen year old nephew up by his shirt sleeve, "Like Iv'e told you a hundred times, you're suppose to be helping us make these dinosaurs, not taking pictures of them".

"Yeah I know..." Peter tried to explain, "but I was just...".

"Peter" his uncle turned to him, "you're only here because I promised your mother I could make you a scientists, if you don't do that I'm going to have to explain why I wasted your final years of High School for nothing and then...".

"It was just one little break, I'm paying attention to the science stuff, honest, it's just...there are dinosaurs just back there!" the youth pointed like an excited child, "you're not a bit excited about that!".

Henry smiled, "I guess I was when I was first here, but let's get you back to work so my loving sister doesn't yell at me again" he steered Peter towards where the buildings of Jurassic Park stood once more.

Peter smiled, "That was only because you called Aunt Zelda a...well something I'm not suppose to repeat" he laughed.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"So are you enjoying your time here at the park,' frank asked the two walking up to them.


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Mim waved back as did Diver, "Hello, how are things?" Mim said happily as she got close enough to call out to them.  

Diver waved also, happy to see the others.  "I'm certainly glad to see you guys, I certainly am." She said happy and smiling.

Chomper cautiously came out.  "Gee, do you think we are just outside the Great Valley but got kinds lost?  Your folks'll be worried about you." Chomper said.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Well I'll tell you one thing bring dinosaurs back is not easy one slip up,' frank said snapping his fingers before continuing "you can end up as one which is what happened to me when I tried the same thing in the early 80's but I regained my normal form I found out that not all of the dino traits left,' frank said revealing his tail to peter and henry.


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Kit smiled, both at more Great Valley residents showing up and the idea that maybe they were just lost outside the Valley, just as Ducky now rushed up and hugged Diver really tight happy to see her sister again.

"Hmm...could be" Cory admitted to Chomper's idea, "and now that I think about it that big wall I saw didn't look anything like the Great Valley wall, I think we gotta look elsewhere".

"Yeah, if we all stick together we should avoid sharpteeth pretty easily, he smiled to Ducky and Petrie, just like five of us did before". Ducky and Petrie smiled back.

Kit frowned, "Yeah, when you guys got all the fun going to the Great Valley on your on while we were babysat while the grown-ed ups had meetings all the time on the way" she whispered to herself about how the trip to the Great Valley with the adults didn't seem as fun as Littlefoot, Petrie, Ducky and the others made their trip sound.

"Yeah, you're probably right" Cory said, "even if I haven't seen any sharpteeth except for Chomper here since I been here".


Peter jumped a bit at the sight of Frank's tail and then smiled, "Uh...yeah, I'll remember to be careful around the chemicals" the teen said.

Henry just gave a not fully pleased smile at this security personel freaking his nephew out, but the sooner Peter got use to the personel around here the best if he was to work here, Henry figured.

"Well that's why we're taking really big precautions now" Henry replied.

Peter shook his head, getting over the tail thing, "I'm seeing it and I"m still stunned Mr. Hammond, with folks like my Uncle Henry's help, is managing to bring dinosaurs to life! It's like...probably the biggest scientific discovery ever!".


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Mim put Diver down once they drew near and Diver ran up to hug Ducky as she was hugged.   "

"It was scary for my 3 friends and me till we got back to our families, it certainly was.  I'm glad Deon was able to follow their smell." Diver said after a bit of hugging Ducky.

"Maybe all the other sharpteeth are far away, or maybe there are stone walls so far away we can't see them and that keeps them out." Chomper said.

Mim nods, "It could well be that, or other possibilities as well." Mim said.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Yes but still don't forget about murphy's law,' frank said.