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Journey to the Island


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Oky Dokes :)

Have to think up of how to get Dil to the island though. Might have to read a little bit about  Deinosuchus first though because they cant really survive long without water, right? Unless she took an oceanic flight to the island :p I will have Dil appear in the next chapter and we shall see how Ozzy, Strut and Chomper are doing.


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Another chapter! Not really happy on how this one turned out though, it's pretty short.. And i dont know what to title the chapter :p
Ichy and Pino are getting closer and closer to finding Ozzy, Strut and Chomper. But what's wrong with Strut? Is he not feeling good? Enjoy! And if there's any goof-ups let me know :)

Chapter 10: Closer to the Egg-stealers
Dil woke up the next day and yawned. If anyone was around to see it they would have ran away scared. Dil looked around to see if her eyes were doing any better, unfortunately she still had trouble seeing. She then sniffed the air to see if she could smell any food, but the only thing she could smell was water. She got up and went to see if she could find something to eat..

Ozzy, Strut and Chomper wandered through the jungle looking for Ichy, They haven't seen him since they ran into the Spined Sharptooth.. Chomper stopped for a moment and looked back, he hoped his parents were okay. "Hey, are you okay?" Strut said, making Chomper jump. Chomper looked back at Strut and nodded silently. "Why did you take me?" Chomper asked. "Well.." Strut began but almost fell down. "Are you alright?" Chomper asked. Strut shook his head and looked back at Chomper. "Im fine." Strut said, smiling.. "Strut! Where are you?" Ozzy yelled out. Chomper and Strut looked in the direct Ozzy was and saw him with his arms folded, waiting for the two. Chomper and Strut began to follow Ozzy again..

Pino looked around the area where Strut had ran, but he was nowhere in sight. She sniffed the air and got a familier scent. Pino went over to the bush Chomper was hiding in, but he was nowhere in sight aswell.. Ichy landed a few inches behind her and said.. "Is Strut in there?" Pino could tell with Ichy's tone of voice that he was being sarcastic. She looked back at Ichy and shook her head. "Nope, none found." She said.. "Strut! Where are you?" A voice called out. Ichy and Pino looked in the direction where the voice came from.. "That doesn't sound like the Egg-stealer i saw." Pino said. "That's Ozzy." Ichy said. "He sounds.." Pino began, but paused for a moment as she thought of a word to describe the voice.. "Mean." Pino said. Ichy looked back at Pino and said.. "He can be if he doesn't get enough eggs.."


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Thanks :) A little funny thing about Pino, she was named after two things" Spinosuar, and a character in a game called Legends of Dragoon.

I have also done another chapter, again its kinda short and not really proud on how it turned out and no clue what to title the chapter, oh well.. Enjoy and if there's goof-ups let me know :)

Chapter 11: Lost
The Night Circle was now in the sky, and Ozzy, Strut and Chomper stopped. They had been searching for Ichy for hours now and were now beginning to think that he didn't make it.. They were heading back to the cave, but they ended up getting lost..

Chomper sat silently, watching Ozzy and Strut talking. He couldn't really hear what they were saying and decided to scoot over a little closer to hear what they were saying..

"Ozzy, my stomach hurts.." Said Strut, frowning. Ozzy shook his head and said.. "For the last time Strut, You've got to have eggs!" Strut shook his head. "That's not it.." Strut said. Ozzy folded his arms and replied. "Then what's wrong?" Strut thought of something to say, he had to stay calm otherwise Ozzy would find out he was eating plants.. "Well.." Strut began, trying to think of something to say.. "My stomach's been hurting alot, and i haven't been eating plants. Honest!" Strut said, giving Ozzy an innocent look.. "Alright, i believe you.." Ozzy said. Strut sighed with relief. "Have to find him some eggs to make his stomach feel better.." Ozzy thought to himself..

Pino sniffed the air to see if she can find Chompers scent, or the scent of the Egg-stealers. She smiled when their scent was still fresh in the air.. "This way!" She said. Ichy landed a few inches away from her and folded his wings. Pino turned around and looked at Ichy and tipped her head. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Erm.." Ichy began but thought about what he was going to say.. He was going to say that Ozzy and Strut had captured Chomper a couple night circles ago but decided not to, otherwise he might become food for this Spined Sharptooth. "Nothing." Ichy said. Pino shrugged and followed the scent of Chomper and the Egg-stealers..


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Pretty good, I hope Pino finds Chomper. I agree, she's cool.  :DD


  • Ducky
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Another Chapter done, pretty much shows everyone going to sleep. but what's wrong with Strut? :o Pino will find Chomper in the next chapter hopefully, but will they be able to get away safely from Ozzy's clutches? Next Chapter. And if there's any goof-ups let me know! :)

Chapter 12: Sleep
Chomper and Strut slept peacefully, but Ozzy paced back and forth, wondering where the cave could be..

"This whole place looks the same!" Ozzy thought to himself. "I remember this place, I even remember that same stump!" Ozzy looked at the nearby stump and went over to it. he looked closely at it and heard a growl. He looked around to see where the growl had come from, but the growl was only his stomach. Ozzy sighed in defeat and went over to Chomper and Strut, he noticed Strut has been walking unusual lately, almost as if he was sick. He also noticed Strut hasn't been breathing to good either. "Must have a stuffed nose.." Ozzy thought to himself before laying down a few inches away from Chomper and Strut. He could hear the growling of many other creatures and it almost made him scared, soon it started to be difficult to keep his eyes openned and he soon fell asleep..

Pino layed down, Her and Ichy have been looking for Ozzy, Strut and Chomper for a while now and Pino's feet were beginning to hurt and she was beginning to fall asleep. Ichy landed a few inches away from her and said. "My wings are killing me." Pino chuckled at what Ichy said and layed down and yawned. "I think it's time to rest up." Pino said, laying her head down and began to close her eyes.. "We better rest up if we want to catch up with them fast.." She yawned again and mumbled "Goodnight." To Ichy. Ichy looked around to make sure no sharpteeth were nerby, the only sharptooth nerby was Pino and she was fast asleep. "Must be a deep sleeper.." Ichy thought to himself. He flew up to a nearby tree on a branch closest to the ground and close to Pino. He looked around again to make sure there were no sharpteeth around, when the coast was clear he too fell asleep..


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Aww, poor Strut... can't wait to see what happens next :yes


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Yeah, I'm starting to feel bad for Strut too.

Update soon, and thanks!  :DD


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Np :) Might try doing another chapter again, if not, then tomorrow :)


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Neat! Hey, do you mind if I post a drawing of a scene from this fic sometime? I really wanna draw Pino, haha.


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Another Chapter! This one kinda describes what Pino's colors look like(colors kinda based off of the Spino in the game Warpath: Jurassic Park). Also ends in kinda a cliff-hanger.. Any Goof-ups, let me know :)

Pino and Ichy wake up and Ichy tells Pino a little bit about Ozzy and Strut. Soon Ozzy is awoken by Chomper and warns him something is really wrong with Strut and soon Ozzy and Pino come face-to-face..

Chapter 13: Something Wrong
Pino yawned as she woke up, she looked around for Ichy but then she heard a sleeping sound from above, She looked up and saw Ichy sleeping peacefully..

"Hey!!" Ichy woke up with a jump and fell down the tree branch. He turned his head and saw Pino laughing at him. "Sorry!" Pino said with a chuckle. "Talk about rude awakaning.." Ichy thought to himself, rubbing his head with his wing. Pino walked up to him and said. "We've got to catch up to them, they could be awake and moving by now." Ichy sat up and looked at Pino. "Lead the way, Pino."

Ichy and Pino went further into the jungle searching for Ozzy, Strut and Chomper. Pino thought for a moment, she doesn't remember asking him his name yet.. "By the way.." Pino began, looking up at Ichy as he flew above her. "What's your name? I dont remember asking you that." Pino said. Ichy looked down at her and said. "Names Ichy." "Ichy, huh?" Pino said, smiling. "Funny name." Ichy grumbled to himself as he heard what Pino said.. "Great, kid has to make fun of my name.." Ichy thought to himself. "What are your friends like?" Pino asked. Ichy looked down at her and replied.. "Well, Strut is more of the nicer one and prefers eating plants. Ozzy though is a little bit on the mean side and has more of a taste for eggs." Ichy said. Pino shuddered at the thought of Ozzy. Ichy landed infront of her and said.. "Infact, he plans to take revenge.." Ichy added in. "Revenge?" Asked Pino, tipping her head. Ichy nodded and said. "Yeah." Ichy didn't say anymore, he looked up at Pino and saw she had an almost scared look. "Just forget what i said, it's not Chomper he wants revenge on!" Ichy said before flying up again. Pino sighed in relief and began walking again..

"Hey! Wake up!" Chomper said, trying to wake Ozzy up. Ozzy finally awoke and looked up at Chomper with a glare, Chomper quickly said. "Somethings wrong with him!" Chomper yelped. "What?" Ozzy said, quickly getting up and going over to where Strut was..

Strut was not awake and was coughing none stop. Ozzy looked at Strut and put his hand on his forhead. "He's sick!" Ozzy said, looking back at Chomper. "What should we do?" Chomper asked. Ozzy was looking around in all directions, having no clue what to do. Then he quickly turned around and saw a small blue spined sharptooth with black markings..


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Ooh, good as always!   :DD   I just hope, Strut, Tyra, and Rano will be ok.


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Thanks :)
And I did another chapter again. not really happy on how it turned out though. I wanted the Stinky Flowers to have more to them then just Smellyness. Looks like the Night Flowers aren't the only ones that can cure sickness.. again, if you find any goof-ups let me know :p

Looks like the only way to cure Strut's sickness is the Stinky Flowers. Chomper and Ichy go to get the flowers, unfortunately Pino is stuck with Ozzy..

Chapter 14: The Stinky Flowers
"Hi." Pino said, trying to chuckle. Ozzy went up and grabbed her by the neck and said. "What do you want, Sharptooth?" Ozzy said in with a harsh growl. "Let her go! She's my friend!" Chomper said. Ozzy looked down at Chomper then back at Pino. He sat Pino back down on the ground..

"Ozzy, Right?" Pino said, rubbing her neck.. "Who are you and what did you do to Ichy?" Ozzy asked with a sinister tone. Just as he said that, Ichy landed a few inches infront of Pino. "Im okay." Ichy said, folding his wings. Ozzy looked back at Strut, then back at Ichy and Pino. "Never mind about introductions! What's wrong with Strut!?" Ozzy said with an almost shakey voice..

Pino looked at Strut as he caughed. Pino looked back at Ozzy and said.. "It's nothing to worry about." Pino said trying to smile, but Ozzy replied.. "Nothing to worry about? He can hardly breath!" Pino looked down at her feet, then she remembered something.. "Chomper, do you remember that Stinky Place?" Pino said, looking at Chomper. Chomper nodded and Pino continued. "Take Ichy with you and bring me atleast five or seven stinky's." Ozzy looked at Pino with a glare and said. "Stinky's?" Pino looked up at Ozzy and nodded. "Yep, their for helping him." Ozzy went up to Pino and looked at her a little more closely. "How do i know this wont kill him?" Ozzy said with a questioning tone to his voice. "Because i saw some Horn-Heads taking some of the flowers to one of their baby's who was like this.." Pino replied. Ozzy looked at Strut, then back at Pino and said.. "Your staying with me, and if this is a plan to let that sharptooth over there escape.."
Ozzy said, pointing at Chomper. "You'll wish you never hatched!" Ozzy said, making Pino gulp..

Ichy and Chomper left to go to the Stinky Place, Pino sat a few inches away from Ozzy who was glaring at her. Pino tried to smile at Ozzy but he still glared at her..

Ichy followed Chomper, looking around every few minutes to make sure nothing is stalking them. Finally they reached the Stinky Place..
"We're here." Chomper said. Ichy landed near the flowers and sniffed, he put his wing on his nose to try and block out the smell.. "Strut has to eat these things?" Ichy said. "I guess." Chomper replied, going up to the flowers and taking a few. "Might want to take extra just in case." Chomper said, handing Ichy a few. Ichy looked down at the flowers, then back at Chomper. He folded his wings and said. "How come your helping us?" Ichy said. Chomper looked back at Ichy and said. "Because if i dont, Ozzy might hurt Pino.."


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Great as always!   :DD   I wonder if Ichy and Chomper will become friends


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Yeah. Nice chapters.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Ducky
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Thanks :) Doing another chapter, hopefully it turns out a little better.