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Fantasy adventures


  • Banana Egg
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ok this is just a fantasy story based on nonames RPG, and yes i got permission to use dracons...

here is some of the story so far

One Day Jake and Rex had set off down the street.

They were walking to Sasha's house.

"Why do we have to keep going to your girl friends house?" moaned Rex.

"Hey!!! She not my girl friend!!!" snapped Jake.

"Then why did she kiss you the other Day?" rex asked mockingly

Jake blushed and replied "let's just get to Sasha's house".

"Right.........." replied Rex

Once Jake and Rex got to Sasha's house Jake knocked on the door and Sasha's Dracon foster dad came to the door and invited Jake and Rex inside.

Jake ran upstairs while Rex was in conversation with Sasha's foster Dad.

Jake was upstairs now and he knocked on Sasha's door 2 times.

The door opened and Sasha ran out the door and started hugging Jake.

Jake was very confused at this....

"I've had a horrible day today Jake..."
"Why is that Sasha" replied Jake caringly.

"Because I wear footwear and everyone else doesn'’s because I have very sensitive feet.....I get teased bout it"

"Don’t worry its o--" said Jake just before Sasha Kissed Jake and hugged him while she was crying.

Jake blushed and thought to himself "whoa, all I said was don't worry...."

Rex walked into the room and saw Jake and Sasha kissing.

Rex walked out of the room and went downstairs.

Later on Jake and Rex said their goodbyes and headed off home.

The next morning an alarm went off and Jake woke up and turned it off.

Jake woke up Rex and the two got ready for school and when they were done they walked downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

Jake and Rex arrived at school after a long walk and Jake saw some Dracons picking on Sasha.

Jake rolled up his sleeves and Walked up to the lead Dracon and punched him in the face.

Rex and Sasha were shocked at what Jake just did.

"Alright pip-squeak!!! You wanna fight?! Ok then let's go!!!"

"Bring it Lizard boy!!!" said Jake mockingly

The two circled each other for a long time and the Dracon lunged at Jake and punched him in the chest.

Jake retaliated and kicked the Dracon in the Jaw.

The two went on fighting for ages, Jake was extremely bloodied up but he managed to keep fighting.

"Will you ever give up?!"

"Not until you apologize to Sasha!!!" yelled Jake angrily.

"Your choice!"

The Dracon jumped onto Jake and started Bighting Jake's right arm.

Jake laughed

"What’s so funny?!"

"You do realize that's my metal arm right?"

The Dracon cursed under his breath.

Jake retracted his right arm and punched the Dracon right in the head.

The Dracon Fainted.

"That outta teach ya to mess with Sasha!!!" yelled Jake at the Dracon

"Thank you Jake" said Sasha as she kissed Jake and hugged him, Jake blushed to the max.

While Sasha was kissing Jake the Dracon got back up and bit Jake on his left arm cutting deep into his flesh, Jake yelped at the pain and tried to punch the Dracon but missed and the Dracon knocked Jake out.

Jake woke up an hour later and found that he was in a hospital.

Jake tried to get up but a stabbing pain in his left arm came streaking through his arm and he yelped in surprise.

“Be careful!” yelled a Dracon doctor.

“You’ll hurt yourself!!!” said Rex.

Rex walked over to where Sasha was and told her that Jake was awake, Rex and Sasha walked over to Jake’s bed and they had a little chat about what happened at school.

“That was so brave of you Jake”

“Well I had to do something; they were picking on you” said Jake to Sasha

“That was a very good fight; I didn’t think you being a human would stay up that long….” Said Rex thoughtfully


  • Banana Egg
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i hope you all like the story so far


  • Banana Egg
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put you hand up if you like the fight scene



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  • Banana Egg
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glad you liked it kor


  • Banana Egg
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here is the link for the actual RPG


  • Banana Egg
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i hope more people join nonames RPG!!! it will be great fun!!!


  • Banana Egg
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i guess no body likes this fic??? :cry


  • Banana Egg
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  • The Gang of Five
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It is a good story fragment, but it is only a fragment. I believe that it would get more views if you set up where the characters were from and what the setting was.


  • Banana Egg
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Setting: desert
Species in story: Dracons, humans

Dracons: Dracons look like Dragonborn in that they have similar scales, fangs, and claws. Dracons, however, possess a tail, two horns on their head, and no wings. Furthermore, their faces are decidedly more pointed and beak-like than the Dragonborn. The Dracons have four limbs, no visible ears, fangs, three clawed toes and a spur on their heel, and four clawed fingers (including a thumb.) They are frequently colored red (by far the most common color), brown, gray, or green, Other colors exist as well, but are rare.

Female members of the Dracon race are smaller then their male counterparts. A female Dracon's chest, belly and the palms of her hands and soles of her feet are sometimes colored a shade of either white or pale yellow; all parts of the males are the same hue. Male Dracons are decidedly stronger and tougher than the females, whereas the females are well balanced and agile, as they were designed to be by the mages who created the race.

Dracon clothing is designed to be utilitarian for males, ornamental for females; Dracons never use footwear. All Dracons breathe acid regardless of what color they are. The acid generated by most Dracons isn't very powerful, but adult males can do damage with it in battle.

Dracons mature at the same rate as humans, but can live for half again as long on average. Dracons have superior vision to humans or Dragonborn, having had this aspect of their being taken directly from dragons. As such, they have darkvision and superior perception. A Dracon's eyes can be colored brown, yellow, red, blue, or green, and all Dracons have a cat-like slit for their pupils (as dragons do as well.)


  • Banana Egg
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more info

Dracons were created long after the Dragonborn came forth. While the empire of the Dragonborn fell, the Dracons were an attempt at "trying again" for the draconic races. So far, the Dracons control several important cities, have built several large palaces and major temples, and control trade routes through an inhospitable desert. Despite the size and relative level of civilization of their cities, it should be noted that these settlements are few and far between; most Dracon territory is empty wasteland with a few mines, oases, and farms (along with some grazing lands.) The Dracons are warlike and will fight over the scarce resources in the deserts. Most Dracons live in the countryside as nomadic herders, as merchants (known for their caravans), or as farmers along rivers or oasis. A significant number of Dracons also live in their cities, which are centers of trade, religion, magic, and crafts. Each city is ruled by a king, and the cities are independent; while each may have possessions and control small oasis towns, mines, quarries, and certain sites out in the desert (like temples, forts, or trade routes), there is no such thing as a Dracon Empire


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Its a fragment, and you could develop it a lot more. Don't use run-on sentences.. be more descriptive in your story-telling. The fight was bloody. how was it bloodly? How long did it last, a half hour, an hour? details like that will make the story much better.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Banana Egg
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Character descriptions

Jake: Not very tall, blonde hair, brown eyes
        Metal arm, wears shorts, shirt, no shoes (because he was raised by dracons at a  young age)

Sasha: Taller than Jake, black hair, brown eyes
           wears the typical female Dracon dress code even though she's human

Rex: taller than most Dracons his age, green skin, red eyes
       wears shirt, shorts no shoes(because Dracons don't wear shoes)


  • Banana Egg
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Was very young when he was takin in by a dracon family, that family turned out to be Rex's family.

Jake and Rex have treated each other like brothers.

Jake has learned many skills over his life like:

How to fight.....Dracon style
and Alchemy

Jake is 14 years old


  • Banana Egg
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A girl that was adopted by one of her fathers Dracon contacts. Sasha has lived with that family and wears the dress code of a Dracon female but also wears Sandles.

Sasha get's teased by other Dracons that don't approve of foot wear.

Sasha has a crush on Jake (i don't know why....)

Sasha can cast spells
and has learned how to use alchemy a little bit (jake taught her)

Sasha is also 14 years old


  • Banana Egg
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Rex is a dracon and his family adopted Jake as their new son.
Rex's Dad is a soldier and has taught Jake and Rex very well in the art of combat.

Rex has Green skin and red eyes.

Rex is a very good fighter and can also spit all dracons can do that

Rex is also 14 like Jake and Sasha


  • Banana Egg
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Jake woke up an hour later and found that he was in a hospital.

Jake tried to get up but a stabbing pain in his left arm came streaking through his arm and he yelped in surprise.

“Be careful!” yelled a Dracon doctor.

“You’ll hurt yourself!!!” said Rex.

Rex walked over to where Sasha was and told her that Jake was awake, Rex and Sasha walked over to Jake’s bed and they had a little chat about what happened at school.

“That was so brave of you Jake”

“Well I had to do something; they were picking on you” said Jake to Sasha

“That was a very good fight; I didn’t think you being a human would stay up that long….” Said Rex thoughtfully

Jake replied “well good thing I stayed up that long”

“Yes it is but…………your left arm is severely cut up” said Sasha with a caring expression.

Jake, Rex and Sasha spoke of one of Jakes previous encounters with some bullies; but a kind Adult Dracon male had scared the bullies away, the Dracon said that his name was Adykon.

After the encounter with the thugs Jake thanked the Dracon but Jake was annoyed at the fact that he had to get another auto mail arm (metal prosthetic).

Jake sat in the bed talking to Rex and Sasha when a doctor came in and said “There is someone who wishes to speak with you Jake”

“Who is it?” replied Jake

“Someone by the name of Adykon; do you know him?”

Jakes face lit up with happiness

“Yes; let him in” replied Jake excitedly

Adykon walked in

“Hi! Adykon!”

“Hello young one; I trust that no one has bothered you lately?”

“No; but others have been bothering Sasha…………wait I still haven’t introduced you to Sasha yet have I?”

“No you have not young one”

“Ok, Sasha meet Adykon”

“Adykon meet Sasha”

“Hello Adykon”

“And hello to you” replied Adykon

After the introductions Jake had to say goodbye to his friends because he needed to get some medical treatment so his arm didn’t get infected.

Jake went into the medical examiner room.

Jake was provided with some prescription medication for his arm. Jake was told only to apply it to his wounds once every two days.

Jake replied with a nod. Jake walked home with a bandage on his arm.

“That is some fight you must have been in son” said Jake’s Dracon Dad with a grin on his face.
“Thank you Dad”

Jake went to his room and applied some of the medicine that he was given to his wounds.

“Stupid Dracon; if I ever see him again he’s toast!!!” yelled Jake.


  • Banana Egg
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“Stupid Dracon; if I ever see him again he’s toast!!!” yelled Jake.

Jake went upstairs to try some new things that he could use to help him in combat. He tried to transform his metal arm into a Blade. It worked but……………he had a hard time explaining to his parents why he had a weapon instead of an arm.

Jake figured out how to change his arm back into what it originally was (a metal arm……well der!)

Jake got outside and the bullies that were picking on Sasha that Day were waiting outside.

“Have fun in hospital” said the lead male Dracon smirking.

“Wanna have a rematch” replied Jake with a hidden grin.

“What ever” said the Dracon

Jake and the Dracon started fighting immediately, Jake knocked the Dracon off balance and used alchemy on his arm and turned it into a sword. The Dracon was shocked, Jake had a very unpleasant smile on his Face.

Jake ran at the Dracon and sliced his arms off, the Dracon screamed in pain and the Dracon looked up and Jake cut the Dracons head off with a swift movement.