The Gang of Five
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Land Before Time: Rise of Storm Tide


  • Ducky
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Part II:

Setting: Rozzy’s family den, outside.

<Rozzy walked through the forest and eventually reached his home through the branches and leaves. As he approached he noticed two of his younger siblings sunning themselves on a rock by the entrance, but when they noticed him coming they fled into the bushes. They were so small that they were barely out of the egg-shell, so it was no wonder they feared him. They were almost as afraid of him as they were Ozzy. Rozzy knew how it felt to grow up fearing your father, especially when he treated you like dirt whenever he saw you.  Ignoring them, he slipped quietly through the hole in the ground and felt his way through the tunnels until he found his own cave. He had barely settled in when his mother followed him in, and addressed him>

Shira: <comes in from the tunnels> Don’t get too comfortable… I have a job for you.

Rozzy: What?  <unkindly, this was the first time his mother had spoken to him in over a week>

Shira: I want you to show our guest around the valley, now that she can walk. <in a stern manner. Clearly she expected obedience>

Rozzy: Do I look like an escort? She can show herself.

<Just as Rozzy begins to argue with his mother his father slides in from behind her, crowding the already small cave. Uninvited, he interrupts the conversation>

Ozzy: Don’t argue with your mother boy. If she tells you to do something I suggest you do it… or else.

Rozzy: <turns to his father> .I have nothing to say to you.

Shira: <Also glances in Ozzy’s direction> I have this under control dear… could you please make sure the twins outside aren’t getting into any trouble?

Ozzy: <sneering> I doubt anyone can control him… selfish little brat he is.

Rozzy: <yells back> Oh and your one to talk about being selfish!

Shira: <intervenes to stop things from getting ugly> Boys stop it! You both have jobs to do now jump to them.

<after briefly exchanging a venomous glance Rozzy’s father bucked off into the cavern grumbling about his son getting the last word. Feeling similar after being ordered around by his parents, Rozzy followed after his mother. It wasn’t like he had anything better to do today>

<Ruby limps out of the den in a bit of a daze. It is the first time she has been outside for a long time, so it takes a while for her eyes to adjust to the sunlight>

Ruby: <hearing the sounds of the fliers and the insects in the trees> It’s so beautiful out today… I’ve missed you all for a long time.

<Shira emerges out of the hole behind her, with Rozzy reluctantly in tow>

Shira: Good morning little one… I would like you to meet my son Rozzy. <steps back so they can see each other clearly> … Rozzy this is Ruby, you will show her around while she finds her legs.

<Ruby and Rozzy met eyes for the first time. In her eyes he saw a depth of sincerity and kindness he had never seen before in another being. This was overshadowed however by the suffering she had endured to survive, and the will she had to live on. In his eyes she saw a cold and hardened heart, not unlike a sharptooth waiting for his next meal. He was different then that though in the sense that he wasn’t born that way but that he was made that way through being ignored and neglected>

Ruby: <uncertainly> Hi… <extends her hand> I’m Ruby.

Rozzy: Let’s get this over with. <moves on past her. Unperturbed, she follows him>

Shira: <as they get farther away> And be nice Rozzy… it’s not like I’m asking you to make things up with your father.

Rozzy: <snorts briefly, but otherwise ignores her and continues on>

<The scene played out like a blind date. Ruby trailed behind Rozzy as he led her along, neither one of them wanting to talk to the other for different reasons. Finally when they reached the side of the river Ruby broke the silence>

Ruby: Thanks for saving me… I don’t remember what happened but I remember I happened to see you.

Rozzy: <looks back and her, then replies uncertainly> Your welcome…

<There was a short silence before Ruby makes another attempt to start conversation>

Ruby: So… where are we going?

<truthfully Rozzy didn’t know himself, so he made up a direction>

Rozzy: We’ll cross the river… <hops on a stone sticking out above the water> …by jumping from rock to rock.

Ruby: <light laugh> That sounds like fun!

<Ruby’s mood changes as she lands on the first stone. It was slippery and wet, she could fall off at any moment. Not only that, but the sounds of the running water ignited a primal, unexplainable fear in her. She didn’t remember anything, but her body sure did. Ruby starts shaking>

Ruby: <wobbles slightly on the rock> I d-don’t think this is fun anymore… can we please go back?

Rozzy: <turns and raises an eyebrow> What? It’s just water. <hops along to the next rock so he is almost to shore>

<Timidly, Ruby jumps to the next rock. She misses it by a hair and slips into the water, which is only head-high on her. Immeadiately, she begins to scream at the top of her lungs>

Ruby: Help me! … HELP ME!!! AHHH!!!

<Without thinking Rozzy jumped into the river and grabbed one of her arms. A few pulls later she was walking out of the river on the opposite shore in his grip. Her first instinct was to grab and wrap herself around him tightly>

Ruby: <crying> The water… I’m so scared!

<Rozzy was stunned. Nobody had ever held him this before in his entire life, but it felt so warm and alright he played along with it>

Rozzy: Umm… it’s okay I got you. <he wrapped his arms around her lightly, and he couldn’t help but notice how smooth the feathers on her back were>

<As Ruby calmed down in his arms Rozzy couldn’t help but think about how weird and irrational this was. Here he was thinking about how nice she felt when she was clearly suffering. Half his mind found it repulsive that he was thinking this way, but the other half felt sorry for he and prompted him to help. It was strange how they had only just met and she was invoking these feelings in him. A voice that was almost as taunting and as cruel as his father’s called down from the trees above>

Syndra: Well isn’t this just touching…

<In a moment the fast runner and the egg-stealer separated, as if animated to do so by a bolt of lightning>

Syndra: <continues> … And I always thought it would be you and the grey one! <laughs to herself at the deviousness of her insult>

Rozzy: Hey I don’t see anyone coming to you for help… oh wait it’s because nobody can even stand to be around you!

<Syndra puffed up her chest in a challenging gesture>

Syndra: Oh yeah, well…

Ruby: <wiping away the tears> I’m so sorry Rozzy, I don’t know why it happened it’s just… I don’t remember anything.

Rozzy: <turns to her and nods slightly> Don’t worry about it, okay?

Syndra: <changing the subject> Anyway before I caught you lovebirds in the act I was hoping that you would have another plan to steal something… I’m hungry, bored, and angry!

<Ruby turns away to hide herself from the strange newcomer. She was still ashamed about losing control in the river and things were swirling so much in her head she wasn’t in a state to greet a new friend>

Rozzy: Ahh… <remembers what he was after earlier in the morning> In fact I do have something we can take… It would feed all of us. <sly smile. He shoots a glance to Ruby> What do you think Ruby?

Ruby: <still looks confused> I’ll do anything if anything doesn’t mean going near the water again.

Rozzy: Good… <he brings his fingers together in anticipation. Tonight they would pay the nesting grounds another visit to get the ultimate prize, the only egg of the longnecks>


Setting: Night-time on the edge of the nesting grounds.

<Rozzy had put a lot of thought into how to steal the egg ever since he had seen it a few weeks ago when they first robbed the nests. The longneck mother was the leader of the herd, which by now was very close to moving on since most of the surviving eggs had hatched. She passed the duties to her mate, who was slightly less charismatic while she attended to the single egg she had laid. The only time she  had ever left it unguarded was when the herd had erupted into chaos following the fake sharptooth attack, so logically there would have to be a similar event requiring her leadership for her to do so again>

Rozzy: <to Syndra following his pep talk> So your going to start a fight involving a part of the herd.

Syndra: <frowns> With what…  my beak and wings?

Rozzy: … with your mouth. Do what you do best.

Syndra: <smiles deviously> Now this is a plan I like.

<Rozzy knew there was nobody better at starting fights then Syndra>

Rozzy: Good… Ruby and I will move in and take the egg once you get her attention.

Ruby: <unsure> I don’t like this… why are we stealing from others we haven’t even met?

Rozzy: We get to eat don’t we?

Ruby: <looks down at the ground> … I guess.

<Ruby knew something wasn’t right here. An urge deep within from her past life told her that this was wrong>

<Syndra took up roost in a tree high up in the branches next to the nesting grounds. It didn’t take her long to find an ideal target – a family of threehorns with a few young children just heading to bed. She took special care to swoop into a tree next to them causing the younglings to cry out in fright>

Male Threehorn: <grumpily> Go land somewhere else… your scaring my young ones.

Syndra: Awe are the babies scared of a little birdie? <spreads her wings wide and hisses, causing the hatchlings to shiver>

Male Threehorn: <snorts> I’m warning you… leave before somebody gets hurt.

Syndra: <laughing> Like you? Your so fat moving those legs must be painful.

Male Threehorn: <roars and charges the tree, generating a loud crack as he makes contact. The tree only sways slightly>

<Around them the dinosaurs are waking up and looking around to see what is the source of the disturbance.  The female longneck slowly brings her head around to see what’s bothering the herd>

Female Big-Mouth: <speaks up> What’s going on? <Behind her is an empty nest full of cracked eggs>

Syndra: <turns to her> You lost all your eggs this year? Pity. I guess the others ate pretty good. <licks her lips>

Female Big-Mouth: <enraged> Move it Threehorn, I’m going to make her pay! <charges the tree with him, their combined force coming close to knocking it down>

Syndra: <smirks> How pathetic… you all can’t even knock down a single tree. Your so weak its no wonder so many eggs got broken.

<The commotion reached a high point as they heard Syndra’s last comment and wanted a piece of her too.  Many of them had nearly lost everything because of the birds, and were hungering for revenge. Sensing that her guidance was needed, the female longneck rose and walked down to the center of the fighting… the poor tree that now everyone was trying to knock down>

Female Longneck: Calm down everyone! <they turn to listen> … Remember that it was through our own mistakes that our families will never come to be. The fliers cannot be blamed for following their nature.

<It was a hard truth to digest, but nine tenths of the herd agreed. After all it was they who fled instead of watching their unborn young ones>

Female Longneck: And to you… <turns her massive gaze to Syndra. It was a credit to her willpower that Syndra could stare down such a large and wise creature unaffected> You are not welcome here… I must ask you to leave so as to ease the burden on our minds.

Syndra: Ha! <mockingly> Tall words for someone who just lost their parentage!

Female Longneck: What!?! <turns to her egg, which sure enough is gone> NO!!!

<As what had just happened sunk in, the entire herd exploded with anger. Syndra takes off just in time to avoid getting caught in the collapsing embrace of the tree, and dodges several snapping beaks and limbs as she dives low to get enough air to fly. All the while she laughed tauntingly… Syndra loved it when she won>

<Over at the longneck nest tears were welling up in the mother’s eyes as she surveyed her now bare nest>

Female Longneck: How could this happen? <turns to her mate> Why weren’t you watching the egg?

Male Longneck: <wakes up with a start, because he was fast asleep> What… what’s going on? <yawns>

Female Longneck: It’s gone…our future is gone!

<not too far away, Rozzy and Ruby were on the run. Fortunately for Rozzy he had been wrong about the size of the egg in his earlier observations, so it was easy for him to carry it on his own. Ruby kept up to him easily, but she stopped as the cry of the longnecks reached her eyes from the depths of the woods. Only half her face was visible in the moonlight, but it was clear she felt the pain and sorrow of it by the look on her face>

Rozzy: <calls back> What’s the holdup? We aren’t safe yet.

Ruby: <turns to him> We have to take it back… we are egg-napping their family!

Rozzy: <eyes narrow. He was too far into this to turn back, not that he wanted to> I have have to eat too, so there’s no way I’m letting it go.

Ruby: <yells at him> This is wrong and you know it!

Rozzy: So what? There is no wrong or right when it comes to survival!

Ruby: You don’t need it to survive, your just selfish! If your not going to give it back then I’m going to give it back for you! <lunges for the egg and accidentally knocks it out of his grip>

Rozzy: Over my dead body! <socks her in the side of the face with his shoulder sending her crumpling to the ground. The egg rolls briefly down the hillside before cracking loudly up against a rock>

Ruby: Oh no! <glances at the egg in horror, but is interrupted by a brutal kick to the face by Rozzy>

Rozzy: <hollering at her in rage> I saved your life and this is how you repay me you selfish, ignorant little hatchling!

<The irony of the words as they rang in his ears was relevant to Rozzy. In shock he stepped backwards – it just occurred to him that he had seen this before… when his father stole the egg from him.  Looking now at what he had done he realized that he was just like his father>

Rozzy: You want it now? <points to the deformed egg below> It’s yours.  <he moved to walk away, but before he did he added bitterly> … And I never want to see your face again.

<Rozzy made his way back into the jungle. Today had been another horrible day and he was tired… it was time to head back to the den>

<Ruby fought back the tears – she was sick of crying. No sooner had she made a friend then she had lost him again. It wasn’t only that but she had also killed the hopes and dreams of a family she had never even met. What was there to do now? There was nowhere to go and no one to run to, in addition to the fact she had no memories of her past. At that moment, Ruby was truly lost.  A sudden cracking sound below catches her attention>

Ruby: <slowly gets up> What was that?

<Ruby slides down to where the broken egg had come to rest. A quick look showed how damaged it was, and yet strangely there was life to be found. Ruby leaned close to listen inside for anything, but was surprised when suddenly a leg came bursting out. After that, out came two back legs and finally a head. She had seen an egg hatching before, but couldn’t remember where>

Ruby: Wow!

<she marvels as the longneck hatchling fully emerges and crawls out of the collapsed egg.  Without thinking she picks it up, and their eyes meet for the first time>

Ruby: Hello… how are you?

<the hatchling squeaks an intelligent response, as if it understood what she was saying>

Ruby: <smiles> I’m fine too!  Your so cute… you look just like Littlefoot.

<Ruby gasps. Like a tidal wave her memory came washing back into her mind. She remembered everything, her parents, the mysterious beyond, Chomper, and most of all the Great Valley. Her friends were out there looking for her… she had to go to them!>

Ruby: <out loud> I remember!

<As she held the baby up he suddenly peed on the ground in front of her. She frowned as it finished it’s business and looked at her through proud eyes, as if it had accomplished something>

Ruby: …It’s probably better you did that when I wasn’t carrying you. <Thinks for a moment about what to do next, then comes to a decision> Let’s take you back to your mommy and daddy, I’m sure they miss you.

<With a yawn the baby longneck fell asleep in her arms as she carried him through the forest>



  • Ducky
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Ozzy and Shira are only slightly bigger then Rozzy... maybe by a few inches in hieght. The important thing is they are much stronger and wiser then he is and that comes from moreso age than size.


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  • Cera
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I’m not so much interested in how the adult egg stealers compare in size to Rozzy, but how they compare to the rest of the LBT cast. One of the eternal questions of The Land Before Time is how big the main characters are. Interpretations vary considerably, and there have been at least two or three discussions on the subject. I’m just curious about what scale YOU’RE using. Since you had specific heights in mind for some of your OCs, I was curious as to how you had interpreted the sizes of the main characters, and asked for a comparison between an OC whose size you had given (Rozzy) and a mainstream LBT character who had appeared alongside the gang (Ozzy). In retrospect, maybe should have just gone out and asked you for the relative sizes of each of the non-OCs, but at any that you’ve given me a rough idea of how Ozzy compares to Rozzy, I can calculate the other characters’ sizes myself: If Rozzy is 1’ 4” tall, and Ozzy is “a few inches taller,” then a generous interpretation of that figure would result in Ozzy being about 2’ tall. The larger members of the gang are about half Ozzy’s height, which would put Cera and Spike at about a foot high, Ducky and Petrie a few inches tall, Chomper maybe eight or ten inches tall, and Littlefoot a few inches taller than one foot, or about Rozzy’s height. (I’m assuming Ruby to be about the same size as Rozzy.) Feel free to correct me if my interpretations are mistaken. time:

This was a pretty good chapter, with a lot of tense moments. I was hugely relieved that Ruby didn’t go all the way through with Rozzy’s egg-stealing plan, and even more relieved that the egg’s occupant survived the ordeal. I’m glad that Ruby finally got her memory back as well. (I just hope she won’t be afraid of water for the rest of her life.)

On a more critical note, I personally think you could have left out the gag with the hatchling longneck at the end of the chapter. Urological humor just doesn’t suit an LBT story in my opinion. (But then, I’ve never found that sort of thing funny anyway. Just another example of the extreme discrepancy between your sense of humor and mine. :p)

At this point, if I added my usual list of typographical nitpicks, it would make this post too long-winded. Would you like me to send you the edits in a PM instead?

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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I’m not so much interested in how the adult egg stealers compare in size to Rozzy, but how they compare to the rest of the LBT cast. One of the eternal questions of The Land Before Time is how big the main characters are. Interpretations vary considerably, and there have been at least two or three discussions on the subject. I’m just curious about what scale YOU’RE using. Since you had specific heights in mind for some of your OCs, I was curious as to how you had interpreted the sizes of the main characters, and asked for a comparison between an OC whose size you had given (Rozzy) and a mainstream LBT character who had appeared alongside the gang (Ozzy). In retrospect, maybe should have just gone out and asked you for the relative sizes of each of the non-OCs, but at any that you’ve given me a rough idea of how Ozzy compares to Rozzy, I can calculate the other characters’ sizes myself: If Rozzy is 1’ 4” tall, and Ozzy is “a few inches taller,” then a generous interpretation of that figure would result in Ozzy being about 2’ tall. The larger members of the gang are about half Ozzy’s height, which would put Cera and Spike at about a foot high, Ducky and Petrie a few inches tall, Chomper maybe eight or ten inches tall, and Littlefoot a few inches taller than one foot, or about Rozzy’s height. (I’m assuming Ruby to be about the same size as Rozzy.) Feel free to correct me if my interpretations are mistaken.

When I wrote my way through this story I never thought too much about the sizes of the characters relative to one another. I didn't have my tape measure with me at the time I was writing the profiles so I quickly made up some hieghts to solve the problem. To clear this up it looks like I'm going to have to re-imagine their relative hieghts and get back to you.

Quote time:

This was a pretty good chapter, with a lot of tense moments. I was hugely relieved that Ruby didn’t go all the way through with Rozzy’s egg-stealing plan, and even more relieved that the egg’s occupant survived the ordeal. I’m glad that Ruby finally got her memory back as well. (I just hope she won’t be afraid of water for the rest of her life.)

On a more critical note, I personally think you could have left out the gag with the hatchling longneck at the end of the chapter. Urological humor just doesn’t suit an LBT story in my opinion. (But then, I’ve never found that sort of thing funny anyway. Just another example of the extreme discrepancy between your sense of humor and mine. :p)

In this case I wasn't trying to be funny. The idea was to strike a contrast between Ruby and Littlefoot in LBT2 with Chomper in a realistic parenting situation. I wanted to use it to develop her character a bit more but the chapter was so long as it was I decided to skip it to keep the story moving.  My original draft had her teaching it to walk and eat and probably sing a song too (I wouldn't even attempt to write one of those). The idea with this was that being a parent came more naturally to Ruby because she is so close to her parents, compared to Littlefoot who kind of winged it.

At this point, if I added my usual list of typographical nitpicks, it would make this post too long-winded. Would you like me to send you the edits in a PM instead?

Sure, as always I appreciate having an editor watching my back. :smile


  • Ducky
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Arg writer's cramp... happens when you have too many characters in too many places. Part III has four seperate things going on and maybe five so its a very discontinuous chapter to have to write. Sets things up good for the climax in Part IV however.


  • Ducky
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Part III:

Setting: Late morning at the Crater Lake in the Mysterious Beyond. The great circle had already risen high in the sky to commence it’s daily baking of the landscape. The prescence of a lake allowed for an oasis of life to form. Even a small forest of trees covered a side of the water providing a nice shelter to rest under. The rest of the area was full of scattered grasses and sand, with a rocky beach nearby.

<Littlefoot awoke from his slumber and yawned. The first thing he noticed as he rose was how hot the sun had become already. The intense heat was baking his skin – he must have slept in a long time. Over in the water Ducky was playing with Ruby’s two siblings while Chomper watched from the shore. Spike was unsurprisingly still asleep and Cera was close by eating some tree-stars off the low hanging branches. Ruby’s parents – Cassius and Florienne – were nowhere to be seen>

Cera: <addressing Littlefoot> Finally up sleepyhead?

Littlefoot: <rubs his eyes> Ugh… I didn’t sleep well last night.

Cera: Speak for yourself… the ground here is nice and soft. It’s nicer here then it is at home in the valley!

Littlefoot: <looks around> Where’s Ruby’s folks?

Cera: <responds> Beats me, they left before me and Ducky even got up.

Littlefoot: <optimistic> Well they can’t have gone far, lets go after them.

<Just as Littlefoot said it the two elder fast runners emerged from behind the crest of the ridge. Ruby’s dad’s injury from the earlier day was covered in a sticky herbal paste that looked like it had just been applied. His mate fussed over him as he walked>

Florienne: Stop shaking so much it’s dripping off… we don’t want it to get infected like the last one.

Cassius: <annoyed> It’s nothing dear, this one is not as deep.

Florienne: Here… <stops him and begins to redo her dressing> You shouldn’t push it like you do out there… I don’t know what I would tell the kids if you didn’t come back.

Cassius: <admits> I know… but that’s how I am and it’s something that will never change. <smiles politely>

Florienne: <smiles back> And that’s why I love you. <nips him on the cheek as she finishes spreading the medicine>

Cassius: <blushes>

Littlefoot: <padding up to them> Hi Mr. and Mrs. Fastrunner!

Florienne: Good morning Littlefoot.

Cassius: The same… I think it’s about time I took you young ones back to your parents.

Cera: Yeah… my daddy has probably torn down the entire valley by now looking for me.

Littlefoot: But what about Ruby, aren’t we going to look for her?

Florienne: <moves to say something, but instead turns to her mate for the answer>

Cassius: <wisely> I’m afraid it’s out of our hand’s Littlefoot. <sad tone> If she is alive and she’s out there somewhere then she will find her way back… as she always has.

Florienne: <worried> But what if she is out there all alone and hurt… Cassius we have to look for her.

Cassius: Be that as it may our first responsibility is to return these young ones to their home. <turns to Littlefoot> If you could eat your fill and gather your friends we will depart soon… before the Great Circle is too hot.

Cera: <moans> Figures… I knew we weren’t going to get any rest…

Ducky: This next game is called “Swimmer and Splasher” and it’s really really fun, it is. We play it in the Great Valley whenever we are bored-did.

<The twins look at each other in confusion, as if she is speaking sharptooth>

Chomper: It’s like this… <hops down into the water> Somebody closes their eyes and holds their hands out… if they touch someone the one they caught becomes the swimmer instead!  When you say “swimmer” then everyone has to say “splasher” so you can hear where they are.

Male: That’s silly!

Female: And you can’t see!

Ducky: It is not that hard, you play in a river or other small water place so the others can’t swim away to hide from you!

<Ducky and Chomper attempt to get a game going, but unfortunately get interrupted by Littlefoot before they can get started>

Littlefoot: Come on guys… we’ve gotta go home before our parents come looking for us.

Ducky: Oh no, no, no. We will be in big trouble, we will.

Littlefoot: <sighs> I know... but at least Chomper is safe and Ruby’s parents know what happened. If her dad is right she is still out there somewhere, alive.

Ducky: I hope so… I miss her very much.


Setting: The Great Valley meeting place. Once more it is full of concerned parents of all shapes and sizes all talking at the same time.

<Petrie sat with his mother on a higher ledge. Below them the rest of the dinosaurs were discussing the recent disappearance of some of their children. It was a very alarming event, as they had been sure to keep keen watch on them at all times. Accusations were running rampant and the noise was so overwhelming Petrie was hiding behind his mother>

Petrie: <looking up> They gone… me can’t believe they just gone!

Petrie’s Mom: Oh I’m sure they haven’t gone far. I’m not surprised they’ve run off, considering how restrictive we all have been lately. Young ones need freedom and room to grow.

Petrie: But they still leave me here, I thought they my friends!

Petrie’s Mom:  I wouldn’t worry about it dear…

Petrie: I missing out on an adventure! It not fair! <stomps in slight anger>

Petrie’s Mom: It’s for the best…you can’t be wandering off into the mysterious beyond alone like you used to – its not a safe place for young fliers out there.

Petrie: But…but…

<Topsy was yelling at the longnecks again, but that was nothing new. Everyone knew he had a grudge against them because of how smart they were… but it wasn’t worth addressing.  He was harmless, and was even a good contributor to the valley on his best days. Petrie’s mother turned away from him and spoke her views to the others, but that didn’t matter to him. Petrie sighed and thought about all the things he was missing out on while his friends were gone. Just as an image of them swimming in some far away water-hole crossed his mind another flier landed softly next to him>

Guido: <astonished> Wow… I’m really getting the hang of this landing thing.

Petrie: They leave me here Guido… maybe they not my friends after all…

Guido: Oh it’s not like that at all Petrie.

Petrie: <prods him verbally> How you know?

Guido: Umm…<thinks about it for a moment> I just do. Sometimes you know things and you just don’t know why. <shrugs>

<Feeling it wasn’t worth talking about anymore, Petrie turned away and crossed his arms. Sensing he was needed Guido sat down beside Petrie and threw him a polite smile>

Guido: I’ll tell you what… you and I can go together.

Petrie: But, where you going?

Guido: Well…umm…<rubs the back of his neck> I kind of don’t know. I just feel there’s a little more for me somewhere else.

<Guido didn’t know how to say it, but he still hadn’t stopped thinking about that other flier he had met who looked just like him. He was starting to think it was an illusion of his mind, and that she had never existed at all. On top of that though he had begun to feel that there was a place he had come from where he belonged and that he could go back there to find what was missing in his life>

Petrie: <bewildered> What you talking about Guido?

Guido: What I’m saying is…

Petrie’s Mom: <turns around> Neither of you will be going anywhere.

<Petrie and Guido looked shocked both at once. Petrie because of how forceful the remark was, and Guido because someone was challenging his right to leave to valley>

Petrie’s Mom: Both of you are coming with us to find your friends.


Setting: Rozzy’s family den at dawn. The leaves furrow in the light wind as the sky is periodically lit up with distant lightning strikes. They were so frequent that even Rozzy, who doesn’t care about the weather, looked up to admire their power. The awakening lift of the Great Circle was just drifting over the horizon to dispel the dew and cold of the night.

<As Rozzy approached the den, tired from the long night he had just had, his mother was waiting for him at the entrance along with his father. They didn’t look happy to see him>

Shira: Where have you been?

Rozzy: Away from you.

Shira: <angrily> Don’t talk to me that way. <looks around> Where is Ruby?

Rozzy: I left her back in the bush… she was too slow to catch up.

Shira: You mean you left her out there!?! She was in your care, do you have any idea how irresponsible and selfish that is?

Rozzy: Why should I care what happens to her when she isn’t even one of our kind?  I’m not a babysitter for whatever pathetic creature happens to show up at our hole and you shouldn’t be either mother.

Shira: <mad> Don’t make me do something I’m going to regret Rozzy!

Rozzy: <sneers> Like what?

Shira: <parries him> Like kicking you out of the den! You’re old enough to take care of yourself.

Ozzy: <warns him> Don’t make things worse for yourself boy. You’re already in enough trouble as it is.

Rozzy: <yelling> I’ve taken care of myself since I came out of the egg… what have you two ever done for me?

Ozzy: <hisses> We raised you, fed you, and gave you a place to race your sorry ungrateful little head at our own expense!

Shira: Ozzy stop it, I can handle this.

Ozzy: <sinisterly> I’ve held back long enough… I’m going to teach this hatchling a lesson he will never forget.

Rozzy: <growls> Try me.

<In a flash Ozzy leaps forward to fight his son, but ends up missing with his feet talons scraping the dirt. Rozzy leaps out of the way just in time. He knows he can’t beat his dad in a one on one fight, so he takes the next best option – running.  With a start Rozzy flees into the bush as fast as he can, which fortunately for him is almost as fast as his father. Rozzy reaches the bushes and dives in with Ozzy hot on his tail.  In the messy underbrush his smaller size proves advantageous as he outpaces his father by weaving through the brush and avoiding small obstacles. Rather then bothering to pursue Rozzy any longer, Ozzy stops and lets him go>

Ozzy: <yelling> You can’t run forever boy - eventually you will come crawling back!

<Rozzy ignores him as he continues to sprint into the forest.  Turning back to his home Ozzy wipes a dash of blood off his face, caused by the vicious thorns. He scowls as he approaches his mate, who can’t help but stare after her son as the sounds of his movement fade into the dawn air.  A small tear runs down her face as she wonders where she failed as a parent>

<Rozzy eventually came to a stop at the very edge of the Dawn Valley. This close to the ocean the wind was usually calm and refreshing, but today it was extremely strong. So strong in fact that Rozzy hid behind a rock to escape its wraith.  He sat there calmly trying to catch his breath. He was exhausted and emotionally spent, and even with his iron will he was still at his wits end>

Rozzy: <lays back and closes his eyes and begins to brood over the day’s happenings>

 <Rozzy wished that maybe he had been a bit nicer to Ruby… after all she was right, stealing was wrong even though he did it and even enjoyed it.  There were far worse beings in the world then her…his parents being the ones that came to mind… and he wished he could hold her again just to feel as warm and secure as he had that morning. His future was uncertain, but at this point it certainly didn’t look good. In the middle of his brooding an object much larger then the leaves that were blowing by in the wind landed next to him. It was Syndra>

Rozzy: <unkindly> What are you doing here?

Syndra: <catching her breath> I’m glad I finally found you… you have to hide me!

<Syndra sounded desperate, which was unusual>

Rozzy: Why, who is after you?

Syndra: <grips his sides and blurts in his face> Who you do think?

Rozzy: <pushes her off> Whatever, I don’t care… I’ve dealt with enough today I don’t wanna deal with you too.

<Syndra sees his reaction, and calms down>

Syndra: <sighs and looks away> The elders are after me… what happened in the nesting grounds spread around and they are going to punish me to make peace with the land walkers.

Rozzy: So?

<Syndra looks at Rozzy in a manner that he had never seen before – she was afraid>

Syndra: <desperately> They are going to pull out my feathers!!! I’ll be hideous and crippled for months until they grow back. Do you have any idea what I would look like with no wings?

<Rozzy just looks at her blankly, and doesn’t answer>

Syndra: <looks at the ground and changes to a softer tone> I admit, I haven’t been the nicest flier in the world.  You and the grey one are the only real friends I’ve ever had; I was just trying to look like I was in charge when it was really all you. I just kind of tagged along. <shrugs>

<Syndra turned to Rozzy, and for the first time she looked sincere and vulnerable. Rozzy smiled back>

Rozzy: Thanks.

Syndra: <smiles briefly, before going back to looking at the ground> … I didn’t want things to happen this way… some of the older fliers wanted me to be killed for what I did.

Rozzy: <opens up> I fought with my parents today… and I’m never going back.  It looks like both of us don’t belong here anymore.

<The atmosphere echoed the turbulence in the minds of the two young dinosaurs. Both of them had become separated from their home, yet neither was going to suffer the indignity of saying what needed to be said about their friendship.  Eventually Rozzy caved in>

Rozzy: <timidly> Would you like to come with me? We can run away from this place together if you want.

<She didn’t let it show but Syndra was feeling warm inside because even after all the bad things she had said he still actually wanted her around>

Syndra: Well… I’m not doing any running. <pauses to consider a more friendly answer> But… I guess I would like to come with you… <grins> …To share your meals.

<The egg-stealer and the flier linked hands and shook to seal the deal>

Rozzy: This is unusual, an egg-stealer and a…. whatever you are… as friends.

Syndra: <looks slightly insulted, but doesn’t mention it> We’ve got along pretty good so far… <warns him mockingly> Just don’t push me, okay?

Rozzy: <without a second thought> Done…


<Ruby trekked timidly with the baby longneck asleep in her arms. She held him close to keep both him and her warm, as the wind had picked up majorly and in some places made it difficult to move.  Her mission was to return the hatchling to its mommy, but it was so cute she was almost tempted to take care of him herself. She knew now however that she had friends and family out there who were looking for her and she needed to get back to them as soon as she could. As Ruby finally broke through the trees to the clearing that contained the nesting grounds a silence gripped the entire place. Occasional snores erupt from the massive beasts but she had heard sounds like that before and wasn’t alarmed. Following her nose she walked lightly up to the longnecks, who were both sleeping.  It was tough to decide which one was the mother, and in the end she just guessed>

Ruby: <softly> Hello… can you please wake up I have something that belongs to you.

<fortunately the large female was a light sleeper.  Her eyes popped open and she yawned loudly. A look of slight annoyance donned on her face>

Female Longneck: Young one, could you go back to your nest? Your mother is probably looking for you…

Ruby: No… I have a baby who just hatched, and I think that I know he belongs to you.

Female Longneck: <still half asleep> … What? It can’t be… <she motions to wake her mate> Delaron wake up!

<The Male longneck mumbles in his sleep, but soon gets up as the female kicks him>

Male Longneck: <groggily> What’s the matter dear… the Great Circle hasn’t even risen yet.

Female Longneck: Look!

<Ruby lied the young longneck down on the ground. He had awoken when Ruby had entered the nesting grounds, and was now taking his first steps. It was an amusing procedure as he attempted to sort out the laws of physics that allowed him to move. Ruby decided to help him>

Ruby: Put one foot in front of your other foot… like this. <she demonstrates>

<The baby attempts the first step and stumbles and nearly falls. The second time he figures out he needs to step with both feet on one side, and does so.  The whole time his parents watched speechless>

Ruby: <stands in front of him, and he giggles at her> Now try it again with the other side! <lifts her right leg and sets it down>

<The tiny dinosaur tries it and succeeds, and proceeds to walk towards Ruby>

Female Longneck: This is incredible… can it be?

<Ruby moves out of the way as the large longneck lowers her face to see her newborn. He looks at her curiously at first, but then she sniffs him and he sniffs her back. She licks him affectionately, knocking him over. Ruby had a sense of dÈj‡ vu, but couldn’t remember where she had seen it before. Perhaps it was just from a dream she had.  The longneck mother and father got acquainted with their baby and after a while they addressed Ruby>

Male Longneck: I don’t know how you did it, but you have returned the value to our lives… thank you.

Female Longneck: We owe you a debt child…I must ask, who are you and where are your parents?

Ruby: Oh I’m Ruby… and I’m actually trying to find my family.  You wouldn’t happen to know the way to the Great Valley?

Female Longneck: Of course we do… Delaron will guide you until the edge of the Dawn Valley, and show you the rest of the way.

Male Longneck: As you wish… <rises and beckons Ruby to follow> Come with me.



  • Member+
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Awesome chapter! :D I like stories with multiple separate narratives that converge for the climax. :smile In this case, it looks like everyone’s heading out for one reason or another. I’m very eager to see how these four parties are going to meet and subsequently interact.

A couple of things I was curious about: Are the “elders” Syndra speaks of Microraptor gui like herself, or are they other types of flyers (e.g., pterosaurs)? Also, where’d you get the name for the adult male longneck (Delaron)? It’s a good name. :yes

I’ll send you a PM with my edits for this chapter. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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The elders that Syndra speaks of are actually the oldest of the flying leaf-eaters in the dawn valley. Because the nature of this place is so different from the Great Valley the creatures of the air, land, and sea rarely interact directly but generally view each other as intelligent equals while reserving judgement on them.

When Syndra tormented the land-walkers it greatly disturbed the peace and upon hearing about it the oldest of the fliers immeadiatley decided to punish her, similar to how society today reacts to hate crimes.  It was also as a meant as a neutralizing gesture to prevent the land-walkers from doing the same to the birds and starting a war.

Delaron is a name entirely of my own creation... because the Longneck Father is a nothing character I just did it quickly.  In retrospect he should have been nameless, but the need for a name came up in the script so I used it.


Also, what do you think of how Rozzy and Syndra's characters?

Rozzy was introduced into my story to give readers a new view on Ozzy - who appears in so many fan-fics he has attained LBT "Greatness"- from the view of his neglected son. At one point you have to feel sorry for Rozzy... but also reconize that there is a shred of good in him and he has self control that his father never had.  

He is also witty and outsmarts many of his friends and foes when he speaks to them... one of his good lines is:  "I’m not a babysitter for whatever pathetic creature happens to show up at our hole and you shouldn’t be either mother"

Rozzy also has a slight crush on Ruby... if you noticed  :oops

Syndra is my favourite character because she is such a good "bad" main character.  The things she does are not dispicable, but are meant to appeal to the inner desire we all have at some point to just "watch things burn".  She is also sensitive as well, and behind the walls she puts up she is actually very nice and sweet, kind of like Cera.  

A prodominant character trait I wanted to emphasize as well is how she can also be very funny... I like her "You know sea-food isn't off the menu" line  :lol


  • General of the Great Valley
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Caustizer, you PM'ed me about why Pangaea seems to be the sole reviewer.

I believe I have found the cause: no offense or anything, but I've found out that script-style fiction doesn't appeal to as much people as prose or poetry style fiction. Though the plot is good and the descriptions vivid, it loses a lot of its charm when presented in the style of a script (complete with stage directions).

Also, the title is (somewhat) misleading. It took me careful reading of the synopsis to understand the title.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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Part IV:

Setting: A place in the Mysterious Beyond known as the Whispering Canyon. A long time ago there was a river that ran through here, but now eons of drought have sucked it dry, leaving a nothing but a dusty riverbed in an arid, rocky landscape.  Interestingly though today there is an omen of rain to come, as the billowing hurricane in the distance covered the horizon with a mat of jet black. Even the oldest who had seen such storms before could not help but admire it, albight from a distance.  The wind suddenly changed direction, blowing inward towards the storm. Just like the events about to unfold, the weather was turbulent and violent – mother nature wasn’t in the mood for mercy today.

<Cassius escorted Littlefoot, Chomper, Ducky, Spike and Cera along the rocky edges of the canyon. This time he went a bit slower so the young ones could keep up – and also so he could keep an eye on them.  Many small tributaries dissected from the main river and had cut deep paths through the hard rock, so they were easy to follow.  Cassius was reassured that this was the same route he knew was safe and was the fastest way to get the children in his charge home>

Cassius: <calls back to them> Keep up kids… it shouldn’t be too far now.

<a violent crack of thunder pierces the sky, causing everyone to jump in surprise>

Littlefoot: Wow… the sky is pretty angry today.

Cassius: It’s the worst I’ve seen in a while Littlefoot… all the more reason why we must keep moving. Keep up please.

<As Ruby’s father ushered them on, the gang reached a high ridge that formed a steep drop to the land below. To their left the small canyon the river carved ended abruptly in what looked like an ancient waterfall that would have passed over the ridge, if there was actually water in it.  Cassius grumbled… it looked like he would have to find a shallower slope down the side if he was to get them home>

Cera: <notices something in the distance> Hey, look over there!

Ducky: <brings her hand to her eyes to block out the sun> What is it Cera? I do not see anything.

Littlefoot: <squints and picks up a familiar sight in his vision> It’s Grandma and Grandpa… and all the others!

Chomper: <sniffs the air> Yep… it’s them alright.

Cera: Great… now we get to be punished by our parents again. <turns to Cassius and says jokingly> Can you be my daddy instead?

Cassius: <smiles> I’m afraid not… now, it is here that my journey ends.

<the gang runs along ahead and down the slope, some with more enthusiasm then others. Only Chomper and Littlefoot remain behind to say a few brief words>

Chomper: See ya later Mr. Fastrunner! <waves and departs>

Cassius: Goodbye Chomper… <turns his attention to Littlefoot> … Are you feeling better now?

Littlefoot: <unsure> Ya I think so… I hope we meet again sometime!

Cassius: I’m sure we will young longneck… I’m sure we will. <he nods politely as Littlefoot runs to catch up with his friends>

<After a short run the children met up with their parents, who weren’t expecting to find them so soon. It was a relieved reunion as they exchanged greetings and stories. Once the initial shock had passed, the scolding began. Near the end of the speech about disobedience – which was generously provided by Mr. Threehorn – Grandpa Longneck asked the important question>

Grandpa: Littlefoot… why did you children run away?

Littlefoot: We didn’t… Chomper left and we were worried, so we went to find him.

<Topsy mumbled something about the less sharpteeth in the valley the better, but most of the parents ignored this and instead looked to Chomper for an explanation>

Chomper: I had to! Ruby’s parents didn’t know what happened to her and nobody knew them enough to tell them… it was bothering me and I thought since my mommy and daddy didn’t live in the valley nobody would notice.

Grandma: Why didn’t you tell us? I’m sure one of Terra’s kin could have been a messenger so nobody would have to be put in danger.

<Chomper looked down in shame… Grandma was right, and he should have thought things over more before just leaving>

Grandpa: Regardless of your reasons we are all glad that everyone is safe and sound so we can go home at last.

<To this everyone agreed. As the small group jostled to depart back the way they had came, a shrill scream filled the air>

Ducky: <yelling> Fast-biters… they have found us!

<Both the parents and their children turn about wildly to face the ring of sharpteeth that suddenly emerged from behind rocks and overtop cliffs. They had been caught completely by surprise, a perfectly planned ambush>

Ducky’s Mom: The little ones, protect the little ones!

<The warning went unheard as all the dinosaurs looked about in panic for a route of escape. In the confusion Blackray and two of her kin hopped down from a tall rock and made straight for the gang. They moved so quickly that the closest adult, Topsy, barely saw them>

Topsy: Back off Sharpteeth!

<Mr. Threehorn charged, but missed his target as the smaller and more agile fast-biters dodged out of the way. The rest of them went after the parents and closed in a deadly circle around them to prevent escape>

Cera: <in alarm> They’re coming for us!

Petrie: <swoops down> We must think of something quick!

Littlefoot: This way! <leads them back up the cliffs they came from just a few minutes before>

<Blackray and her two sons were fast, and they gained ground on the gang a lot faster then they would have liked. By the time they reached the path up the cliffs the vicious female fast-biter was snapping at Spike’s heels>

Spike: <cries out in fear>

Littlefoot: Hurry Spike!

<A loud and thunderous roar fills the air, and unexplainably Blackray and her sons backed off from their prey.  Without pondering what happened Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Spike, Petrie and Chomper all dashed up as fast as they could and only stopping once they had reached the safety of the top>

Cera: What’s going on… they let us go!

Littlefoot: I don’t think so, that sounded like it was…

Chomper: Redclaw!!!

<sure enough the beastly shadow of their great nemesis appeared on a nearby rock face. The thunderous stomping of his feet caused the small pebbles on the ground to bounce up and down>

Cassius: <emerging from the maze of trenches that composed the dried out river> I’ve got you kids…follow me, hurry!

Littlefoot: This way everyone!

<Just as the gang moved towards Ruby’s father Redclaw jumped down into the deep path from his perch above where he had used his shadow to scare the children into revealing themselves. Caught completely by surprise, Cassius was directly under him and at his mercy. With one fell swoop of his tail Redclaw through the Fastrunner off his feet and into the rocky wall. There was a sickening crunch as he connected with the immobile rock wall>

Littlefoot: No!

Ducky: <screams> Spike, keep running!

Petrie: <looks around frantically and spots another path> This way… it a shortcut away from vicious sharpteeth!

<without hesitation the gang rush down Petrie’s shortcut with Redclaw following close behind. Blood and murder shone in his eyes>


<The parents were holding their own, but many of them were cut and injured where the fast-biters had struck forward and retreated in a battle of attrition. Running was not an option for them as they were still completely surrounded. Grandpa Longneck kept them all together>

Grandpa: Stand together… we can protect one another!

<Blackray returned from her brief duties to rejoin the fight. Now that Redclaw had gotten his desire to kill children it was her turn to take her fill… starting with the parents. As the leader of the pack it was her job to choose the target to kill and attack, prompting the others to follow.  She sized up the large longneck who appeared to be leading them. He would do just fine… lots of good meat. Suddenly one of her own struck her from behind, gashing her back and knocking her over. Enraged, Blackray turned to her traitorous assailant only to find he wasn’t one of her own at all. He was part of another pack>

Thudd: <bears his teeth in challenge>

Blackray: <snarls> Who are you to challenge me?

Thudd: The son of one of your dead mates… we have a score to settle.

Blackray: <chuckles menacingly> So be it…

<The two fast-biters engaged, fighting a battle to the death>

Cera: <screams> He’s gaining on us!

<Cera was right, and it wasn’t long before Redclaw was nearly on them. The pathway opened up into a large basin entrenched within the rocky mesa.  There were only two methods of escape… back the way they came or through a small opening into the dried up river. Both options closed as soon as they entered with Redclaw hot on their tails, and soon Redclaw backed them into a corner.  There was a flash of lightning and the rain started to fall as the vicious sharptooth glowered in anticipation>

Chomper: <covers his eyes> That’s it… he’s got us.

Ducky: <as both her and Spike cower> This is very very bad, it is.

Littlefoot: <admitting> I’m sorry guys… I let you all down.

<Redclaw sniffed the air as he observed his prey. It wasn’t right… the one he was looking for was missing. Chomper caught onto his delay>

Chomper: <yells> She’s not here, she died when we were running from you!

<Something wasn’t right… the little biter spoke sincerely but Redclaw still felt the same burning desire he had when his mate had first died on the ridge. His prey was alive, even if she wasn’t with her friends. Working to an end, Redclaw decided to kill her friends instead for all the hassle they had put him through. Teeth bared, he moved in and all at once the children screamed>

Ruby: Stay away from my friends!

<That voice… Redclaw recognized it. He turned and sniffed the new comer and the familiar scent filled his ravenous nostrils.  Ruby glared at him defiantly as she stood in the gap in the trench that lead out to the dead river. She didn’t look the least bit scared>

Ducky: <excited> It’s Ruby… it is, it is!

Chomper: Ruby? <uncovers his eyes> … Ruby!!!

<Cassius rose as far as his broken body would allow and reached out to his daughter>

Cassius: Ruby… don’t!

Ruby: <turns to her father in surprise> Daddy?

<Redclaw didn’t hesitate for a moment. Jaws distended he lunged for Ruby but missed as she retreated further into the narrow gap, jamming his wide nose between each side.  He growled and rolled in frustration as he realized he was stuck. The rain continued to pour>

Ruby: <wags a finger at him> Serves you right!

<Using his own raw strength Redclaw breaks free, sending chunks of rock and clay everywhere. Snarling, he bursts into the ancient riverbed to get even with the prey that tricked him. Faced with a spur of the moment decision Ruby dashes towards the ridge but comes up to a sheer drop – the ancient waterfall>

Ruby: Oh no! <stopping at the edge>

<Blackray was the most tenacious fighter Thudd had ever fought. As her next of kin looked on she slashed, charged, and snapped with all her might. Thudd was marred with wounds…but he had also dished out some severe punishment of his own>

Blackray: You look ready to die.

Thudd: Not before you… you will pay for what you did.

Blackray: <grins, revealing all her sharpteeth> You speak to me of evil deeds, and yet you are far worse then I could ever aspire to be.

Thudd: <bears his own teeth in return> Then there’s only room for one of us on this cold dead rock!

<The two viciously snapped at each other. Nearby, the fast-biters are still striking occasionally at the parents but they are tired and wounded from the long battle. The focus of their attention now divided between the prey and the brutal fight for leadership of the pack, and it was only up to them to hold off until the victor emerged>

Blackray: <licks some of Thudd’s blood off her claws> Ahhh… you taste just like your father.

<As Thudd glared at Blackray a bolt of white lightning struck the rock behind him causing a deafening thunderclap and a burst of bright light. Blackray recoiled to shield her eyes from the intense radiance, and Thudd quickly took advantage of it. He lurched forward and clamped his jaws around her neck. Blackray screeched and rolled in an attempt to get him off, but was unable to muster the strength to do so. After a few moments she stopped struggling. Sensing the fight now belonged to him, he let her go and she fell limp to the ground>

Blackray: <looked up and spat a mouthful of blood> You honourless traitor…

Thudd: <snarls> I was only returning the favour… mother.

<Without another moment of delay he bends over and with a final aggressive reef he snaps her neck>

<Redclaw licked his lips and steadily advanced forward. The prey he had pursued for almost his entire adult life was finally at long last in his grasp, so there was no need to rush. Ruby, trapped against the Cliffside, had nowhere to run. She looked around for a way out but there was none – only death. She silently prayed that somebody – anybody – would help her but as she stared down the beast all her friends were gone… no one to save her. At the most desperate moment the earth suddenly heaved a great rumble, causing both Redclaw and Ruby to stagger on their feet>

Ruby: What the?

<Redclaw righted himself, and in a moments distraction he turned around to see what had caused the feeble interruption.  What he saw was a sight that no creature – big or small – wished to see.  A wall of water at least twice as tall as he was screamed down the river towards him like the tide of death itself.  It was so incredible that his jaw actually dropped. Coming in from the massive floodplain that was the mysterious beyond the hurricane had dumped gallons and gallons of rain into an environment that received that much every two centuries. The dry landscape couldn’t drain it all, so it funnelled into the ancient river like a massive inland tidal wave.  For the first time in eons the storm tide rose and thundered down the dried up river, eating all in it’s path.  From the cliffs above where she stood Ruby heard a voice calling out>

Rozzy: Ruby! The vines… jump for the vines!

<Ruby looked up and saw the egg-stealer, who was furiously pointing to a bushel of vines that grew out of the rock a few metres where she stood. Below them was a hundred foot drop>

Ruby: <turns in fright and watches as the wall of water consumes Redclaw whole and dons a look of determination and defiance> … You won’t get me this time.

<With a running start Ruby makes the jump of her life. Moments after she boosted off the cliff the wall of water consumed it and pounded over the edge. Reaching out with her mouth she grabbed the vine and swung with it as the water thundered by, just missing her as it cascaded over the ledge>

Rozzy: <yells down> Hang on I’ll pull you up… <turns to the flier next to him, who had taken to watching the water crush the dry canyon walls under it’s weight> Syndra give me a hand here!

Syndra: <scoffs> Are you serious?

Rozzy: <desperately> Help me… I can’t hang on alone!

Syndra: Fine…

<Just as Syndra joins Rozzy in pulling up the vine there is a small thud behind her as another flier makes his appearance>

Guido: I c-can’t believe it… I found you! <she shoots him a dirty look> Don’t you recognize me? <opens his wings> It’s me… Guido!

Syndra: <roars over the waterfall> I don’t care who you are… just help me pull!

Guido: <embarrassed> Oh… <does his signature light laugh>… Sorry. <he grips the vine and joins the effort>

<The three if them pull hard on the vine and manage to pull Ruby up. The moment she reaches the top she lunges forward into Rozzy’s embrace. Now familiar with the gesture he brings her in close and wraps his arms around her. He remembers how nice her wet feathers felt>

Ruby: Thank you.

Rozzy: <smiles> Don’t worry about it.

<Against the course of the rushing water a muffled roar could be heard from below as Redclaw fought to remain above the water. Mercilessly, it dragged him under to his doom. Ruby watched as he disappeared beneath the surface forever. After seeing what she wanted to see Ruby turned and tucked in closer to Rozzy. As the roar of the rain and falling water filled the air the cliff itself began to break up. As if to symbolize the end of Redclaw, the porous rock crashed and buckled under the weight of the water and collapsed down into the raging river. Finally, it was over>



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Whoa that was the climax...Very well written. :yes

The four groups met up a lot sooner than I expected them to. Actually, the climacticness (can that be a real word? :P:) of the whole chapter sort of took me by surprise (probably because of the contrast in drama levels between this chapter and the last one :p). At any rate, I loved it.

I was glad to see Thud return in this chapter to play a significant role. Now that I think about it, though, I’m a little surprised that the two sharpteeth Chomper mistook for his parents in Act I didn’t make a reappearance as well. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that; I’m guessing you intended them to be minor characters from the start. :p)

Oh, and the part where Guido reunites with Syndra made me chuckle. :lol

This is the part where, regardless of the tone of the story, things become bittersweet for me :p; I’m eager to see how the epilogue will wrap things up, but sad to see such a great story come to an end. :cry

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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The epilogue is actually more of a tying of lose ends... there are so many of them now to be accounted for that you will probably like it the most out of my entire story (I always love the part when all the questions get answered)

- Will Rozzy make things up with his parents?
- How does Guido's affection for Syndra end up?
- What happens to Thudd now?
- Where are Chomper's parents?
- Is Ruby's dad okay?
- Do Chomper and Thudd become friends?

Stay tuned... and btw thanks a lot for sticking with me without you reviewing my work Pangea I never would have finished it. :angel

The sequal is already in the works - it's called Land Before Time: The Far Away Home and I got special permission from Sky to use his characters... I got a really good story ready for this one  :DD


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You're very welcome. :) It feels good to know I was helpful. (I'll send you my proofreading feedback for this chapter soon. ;))

I can't wait for the epilogue, or for your next story. :DD

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Part V:

Setting: The Whispering Canyon. The rain continues to pound as the full might of the hurricane bears down on the previously arid and dead river. The raging winds are still a few miles away, for now. After spending much of its energy in an initial burst the river was calming down, and was now almost shallow enough to walk through.

<Rozzy and Ruby still remained close together for a while, enjoying each other’s company until suddenly they were called to from across the river>

Littlefoot: Hey Ruby… we’re over here!

<The gang waved as Ruby turned to face them, and she waved back>

Ruby: Hey guys, It’s good to see you!

Petrie: The water shallow enough to move across…come on!

<Eager to see her friends, Ruby slid down and into the foot-deep water and splashed across to the other side. Timidly Rozzy followed her, but received no attention from the gang as they were busy hugging Ruby who for so long had been lost to them>

Chomper: I’m glad you’re back Ruby… I missed you.

Ruby: I missed you too Chomper.

<Down by the bottom of the waterfall Thudd looked down into the rushing water with satisfaction.  With both of his greatest enemies dead or dying the lust for vengeance which had driven him on suddenly lifted. Nodding slightly, he permitted the two fast-biters who had been watching the fight to eat the corpse of their mother. They worked quickly to get their next meal into them before it was gone>

Thudd: <snorts> I guess this makes me leader…

<One of the fast-biters tilted his head up and bowed slightly>

Fast-biter: What are your commands?

Thudd: Hmm…

<Thudd looks up on the cliff and sees Chomper waving at him gleefully, as if the little biter was actually his friend. He allowed himself a small smile and a slight nod to acknowledge the gesture>

Thudd: Move out… we are done here.

Fast-biter: <snarls> The others will not be happy… we have not eaten in days.

Thudd: <evil grin> Oh there’s a meal waiting for them alright… tell them to follow me down river where I’m sure we will find an old friend waiting for us.

Fast-biter: As you say.

<Thudd relished the fact that now he would get to avenge his brother by eating the vile villain who made him what he was>


<A few moments after the initial greeting Ruby found her father, who had managed to stagger to his feet and limp over to see what had become of her>

Ruby: Daddy! <links arms with him>… you’re okay. <she licks his cheek>

Cassius: <laughs weakly> I guess death wasn’t ready for me yet.

Ruby: I’m so glad your safe… I’ve missed you so much.

Cassius: Ruby… I’m sorry for what I did.

Ruby: <looks confused>

Cassius: I’m sorry for sending you away… I was wrong for making you go out on your own into a world that is so dangerous before you were ready. Can you forgive me?

Ruby: Of course I forgive you… <hugs him> If it wasn’t for you sending me away I would have never met my friends. <she turns to face the gang which now included Rozzy, Syndra and Guido who were silently watching her>

Cassius: <smiles> And quite the friends they turned out to be.

Florienne: <calls out as she runs towards them> Ruby…Ruby!

Ruby: <cries out in joy> Mommy!

< The entire fast runner family joined together, with Ruby’s twins following right after their mother. They looked so happy together despite the pouring rain and crying winds that it reminded Rozzy of how his family was at home waiting for him and that despite what he had done they still loved him – well his mother at least. A small tear makes it’s way down his face, but thankfully the rain conceals it before anyone notices>

Syndra: <mockingly> Awe… isn’t this just OW!

<Syndra barks as Rozzy steps on her tail. She turns and glares at him with venomous eyes but slowly realizes that he was actually helping her. She grudgingly accepts the indignity>

Grandpa Longneck: <walks in from above the trench – he must have found a shallower way up the ridge> Ah I’m glad that everyone is safe…  Littlefoot are you ready to come home now?

Littlefoot: Yes grandpa… <pauses for a moment> But do you mind if I bring a few friends back with me?

Grandpa Longneck: Oh… <he says in delighted recognition as he notices Ruby’s family> And you must be Ruby’s next of kin.

Cassius: <coughs>… We are, and I am her father. <stands up as straight as he can without displacing his broken ribs> Your son is truly a remarkable young longneck. <he looks over at Littlefoot, who beams back>

Grandpa: <laughs> He’s not my son… he is my grandson and it is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Fastrunner. Littlefoot has suggested that you might want to return to our valley with us… is that what you desire?

<Cassius observes the reactions of his family. Ruby and her siblings beg him to accept and his mate Florienne simply smiles and gestures him on. She would go wherever he did>

Cassius: Then perhaps it is time that we no longer ran the Mysterious Beyond. <smiles at his family>

Ducky: Hooray! Ruby’s whole family is coming home with us!

<Spike ran up and licked Ruby’s father on the cheek>

Ducky: Hehe I think he likes you!

<Cassius gave the young spiketail a proud glance, before turning back to his family>

Grandpa Longneck: Well then… let’s be gone before this wind and rain gets any worse.

<Everyone turns to leave out of the now soggy and wet trench system. Suddenly Littlefoot speaks up to his Grandpa>

Littlefoot: Hey Grandpa… would you mind if we find a place to rest? We could catch up when the rain stops.

Ruby: <to her dad> Yes… it would be nice to finally dry off in someplace dry. <frowns at her soaking wet feathers>

<Grandpa Longneck and Cassius look at each other>

Grandpa: Of course I don’t mind Littlefoot…

Cassius: Just be safe and don’t go anywhere alone… I won’t be there to save you kids this time <clutches his ribs again>

Littlefoot: We won’t… there’s a cave I saw back there we can stop in… who’s coming with us?

<practically everyone present was partial to the idea, so without further delay they made for the cave the young longneck had mentioned>


Setting: The cave was small but it was large enough to fit all ten of them. It was also dry, a key feature that made it the most appealing real estate at that moment. The gang all sat in different parts of the cave to give each other plenty of room to dry out. Unsurprisingly Guido was positioned right next to Syndra.

<Littlefoot looked out on the whole room to see what his friends were doing. Cera was shivering and wet, which was why she hadn’t said anything for a while. Ducky was busy pulling a rock out of Spike’s foot, and eventually succeeded. Chomper was brushing Ruby’s feathers with his taloned claws to get the father out, and she looked grateful for the favour. Petrie was trying to get Guido’s attention but he was too busy copying Syndra, who was shaking her wings distastefully to get the water out. The other one – an egg-stealer he had never seen before – was gazing into his hands deep in thought. There was something shifty about him… like Littlefoot recognized him from somewhere else>

Ruby: <thanks Chomper and makes her way to the center of the floor> Hey everyone… I’d like to introduce my new friends!

<they all listen up>

Ruby: <points to the egg-stealer> This is Rozzy… he saved my life twice. Once after I fell in the river, and the other when I was jumping from the raging water. <She waves at him>

Rozzy: <spares a small glance of gratitude, but mostly remains unreadable> Yeah…thanks.

Ruby: <points to Syndra> And this is… umm…. ahh….<scratches her head> I’m sorry but I don’t know who you are.

Syndra: <corrects her insultingly> It’s Syndra.

Ruby: Well thanks for coming with us… <Ruby looks ashamed at how bad her introduction is going>

Guido: <speaks up> She looks just like me… the only one I’ve ever seen! <glances over at her> And she is also the most beautiful creature in the entire world.

Syndra: <turns on him> Listen buddy… I want nothing to do with you or your stupid friends so back off! <she flaps her wings threateningly>

Guido: <suddenly turns angry at the rejection> Oh yeah! <points at her> Well you owe me a kiss!

<the entire place went entirely silent except for Rozzy, who was laughing to himself>

Syndra: <surprised> What?

Guido: Remember on the rock! You promised me a kiss… <crosses his arms>

Syndra: Why you… you…

<Syndra fumes to herself as she squeezes her feet into the rock. After a while she regains her composure>

Syndra: Fine….fine. <she cools off, and licks her lips>

Guido: <suddenly chickens out> You know on second thought maybe this isn’t… <she leans towards him> … the right thing to do I mean we can still be friends I… <she chases him and backs him into a corner> … we can you know fly together and… No no please no!

<Syndra sticks out her tongue and licks him on the side of the face. Guido’s eyes roll back into his head and he passes out. Syndra leans back, satisfied at fulfilling her end of the bargain. All around the cave practically every dinosaur was laughing themselves into tears – even Cera. Syndra quietly thought to herself that it wasn’t half bad kissing a guy… if anything it actually felt kind of good>

Cera: <laughing> I don’t believe that… it was outrageous.

Ducky: You said it Cera, you did!

<Later in the day most of them were dried off, but the run still continued to pound outside without stopping. Littlefoot wondered if he would ever get home in this mess. Outside, a soggy, shadowy figure made his way towards the cave. With one final push against the wind he flowed into the cave and simultaneously all the children inside turned towards him>

Cera: I don’t believe it… it’s–

Ducky: <screams> The egg-napper!

<Littlefoot froze in horror as he suddenly realized why he recongized Rozzy so much… standing at entrance to the cave was an exact duplicate of him except with a grey coat. It was Ozzy, the egg-stealer who tried to murder him so many seasons ago>

Ozzy: <spitefully> Shut up all of you… I’m not here to fight.

<They took his lead as he surveyed the cave, and his eyes rested on the precise dinosaur he had come to see>

Ozzy: <beckons> Come with me Rozzy… I’m here to take you home.

Rozzy: <sneers> Why should I go anywhere with you?

Ozzy: Because…because… <he struggles as he chokes down his pride> … because I’m sorry.

<Rozzy couldn’t believe what he was hearing>

Ozzy: Your mother and I want you to come home… we are sorry for what we have done to you.

Rozzy: <lost for words> … Really?

Ozzy: Yes… now will you hurry up the weather is awful and I’m not in the mood to spend anymore time in it then I have to.

Rozzy: <thinks about it> I… okay I’ll go with you. <he glances back at Ruby> Goodbye.

<The two egg-stealers broke through the rain wall and walked off into the storm. Ruby watched them go, and she couldn’t bear it. There was still something she needed to say>

Ruby: Wait Rozzy wait! <she runs after him into the dark>

<She was afraid she wouldn’t catch up with him, but she did. On the side of the cliff he turned back to her>

Rozzy: <drops of water drip from his nose> What is it?

Ruby: <looks around to make sure nobody is watching, and jerks forward and kisses him>

<Their two noses meet for a moment… but to Ruby it felt like a lifetime. If only he had been born a fast-runner… they could have been together>

Ruby: <pulls back after a full minute> I’ll miss you.

Rozzy: I’ll miss you too.

<They held hands for a moment but they had to let go and they did… as he moved off into the storm and the rain she watched his figure disappear. Tears ran down her face, but they were not tears of pain and hurt, but tears of goodbye. She would never see him again>



<Things had almost returned to normal in the Great Valley. As time passes old wounds heal and this was true for many of the dinosaurs in the Great Valley. Cassius would never run again, but every day he spent raising his children was a day of joy and pride as he watched them grow.  Eventually he died in his sleep, but by then his children had grown large and proud, and his son was ready to take his place. The gang still played together everyday, and now that they realized how much Ruby added to it they accepted her fully as one of their own. Every night Chomper looked to the stars, hoping that they might reveal where his parents were and if they were looking for him.>  


<Over a hundred miles away a large female and male sharptooth crossed the fiery chasms that spanned the fields of the Black Mountain. Taking a moment to rest, the female looked over to the horizon to where she knew her son was… a long way away. The male turns to her>

Male: Do you think we made the right choice?

Female: Of course we did…  I knew he was different from the moment we found him.

Male: But leaving him with those fast runners…

Female: He belongs with them… not with us. I can only hope that when he grows up someday, he will be something great.

<She didn’t know how right she was>


<Guido made a soft and controlled landing on a tree-branch he had chosen. Not soon after him Syndra made an equally good landing, and turned to him>

Syndra: Well your certainly getting better at this… maybe I’m not wasting my time.

Guido: <lustfully> How could I do wrong with you teaching me?  You’re the best at everything.

Syndra: <questioningly> Are you flirting with me?

Guido: <caught by surprise> Well… I… ah…

Syndra: Well it worked. <And she kissed him on the cheek>

<Guido blushed and looked away… when he looked back he could see the lust in her eyes and they kissed again, this time not separating their noses. It was the best moment of his life>

Topsy: <calls up> Hey you two, break it up! Some of us are trying to eat down here.

Guido: Oh…um hi Mr. Threehorn. <waves timidly> …Sorry we just…

Syndra: <yells down> Bite me hornhead!

Topsy: <drops the roots in his mouth> WHAT did you say to me?

Syndra: I guess your thick skull must be blocking your ears too… deaf old fool.

<In a fit of rage Topsy charged the tree. Syndra grabbed Guido and pulled him into the air, all the while laughing at the top of her lungs.  Guido looked back as Topsy was showered in grapefruits as they fell from the tree.  Topsy grumbled as he picked himself up>

Topsy: Dumb kids… <and he grabbed a grapefruit and took out his rage on it by snapping it in two>

<The end>



  • Ducky
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Hehe because I've put all the time and effort into completing the story, I reserve the right to choose a peace of music to represent it.

This song is Ruby and Rozzy's ending theme:


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  • Cera
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I know I’ve already said this in just about every review I’ve given for every chapter, :p but, awesome story! :D

So, according to your interpretation, Chomper’s parents intended the fast runners to be their son’s permanent caretakers? I’ve never thought of it in that way, but I kind of like the idea, bittersweet as it is. (Poor Chomper would appear to be unaware of his parents’ decision.)

The last scene seemed like a somewhat odd choice to end the story with, but it was very funny. :lol The same with the scene where Guido demands the kiss Syndra promised him in Act II, Part IIIóhilarious! :lol :lol

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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The second story: Far Away Home, is now in the works and the first part - or rather the prologue, has been posted.


  • Jedi Knight
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I'm not exactly sure how I missed this story, but man, do I regret not seeking this thing out sooner! It's incredibly good for a pure LBT story, and I envy the way you craft your way through the story without adding anything remotely out of place, something I've never really been able to do. I'm not too much of a fan of the scriptfic format, but I have to admit it works well for this fic.  Anyway, this was really great to read, and I look forward to tackling the sequel.


  • Ducky
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Thanks, I think the script format turned a lot of people off from the start from a story that I was pretty proud of by the end.