The Gang of Five
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A new world...Same old faces


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Skye just rolled her eyes back at Cera, giving her, what seemed to be a glare, yet, gave her a smirk as well as she moved her front horn right up against Cera's front horn "Or you'll do what now?" she asked with a little smirk still "I doubt you have the guts to backup anything you have to unless you can backup whatever you say with actions, I would also suggest that you keep your big...mouth....shut...."

Luna just stood there, looking at both Cera and Skye arguing amongst themselves, glancing to Hunter yet again, yet, she still didn't want to say a word to her.  However, as she looked to Hunter, she did seem to say something, yet, what she said was not really was as if she just mouthed something, however, she had indeed said something, but it just was not loud enough for Hunter to really hear.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera stared Skye down and then reared up on her hind legs and using her front legs forced Skye's face down to the ground and held it there. "THAT is how I back up my words! So... what are YOU going to do now Skye?" She asked in a mocking, degrading tone of voice.

Hunter saw Luna move her mouth... and she took that as a sign she should try to say something. She stepped behind Luna and spoke. "Look... Luna... I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I... I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I just fear for your safety... but what I said is true. the choice is always yours to make. And nothing will ever change that."


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Skye just smirked back "Oh, nothing much.....just this..." and seconds later, she slammed one of her feet down onto Cera's knee in order to knock her off balance, freeing herself in the process "Hmph...." was all she added in and walked a few feet away from the whole herd and sat down as she grumbled to herself.

Luna did answer back, but it was rather quiet as she spoke "I just....wanted to be....alone for a while...but you didn't let were.....acting like my father was....trying to control....what it is I do...." was all she had said as she looked to the ground "And it's something....I didn't like...."


  • Cera
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It took a couple minutes for Littlefoot to fully realize what was going on. He knew Cera was always proud of herself. That would never change, but he was highly amazed to see her going up at another threehorn's throat like this. "STOP IT YOU TWO!" he yelled. "We have bigger problems already without you two tearing each other apart like this!" When Skye knocked Cera down and walked away, Littlefoot quickly stepped in between them. "Cera, I know how pissed you are, but don't do this. Let me talk with Skye." He quickly looked over to Skye. "We don't hurt other herd members Skye! If you are going to be part of this herd, you are going to have to put your prejudice aside, suck it up, and work together with ALL of us!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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When Hunter heard what Luna had said, her eyes went wide and she could swear she heard her own heart breaking in two. Everything slowed down to a crawl as Hunter stepped in front of Luna with tears in her eyes and without warning tightly embraced Luna in a hug as she began to openly weep. "I"m...s-so sorry.... I... I just... w-want to keep you safe. I... never meant to hurt your feelings... after running for so long from my first family... I s-swore I'd do whatever I could to protect my new one... please forgive me."

Cera stood up after Skye had knocked her over and she couldn't help but smile so extremely brightly. She waited till Littlefoot was done talking to Skye before she would express her pride in the way Skye had reacted. "Just like a threehorn should act." she said to herself with a prideful smirk.

Sweetie was still riding on Littlefoots back and was shocked to see two threehorns fight like that.
She looked down at Skye with a concerned look. "Littlefoot can I talk to her for a minute?" she asked quietly.


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"I've never seen her that bad," Chomper told his parents, unnerved by Cera.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot wasn't surprised by Cera's comment. She did always take pride in herself and other threehorns. At the same time, he expected her to retaliate against Skye. He let it go for the time being. He looked up at Sweetie. She seemed very anxious about something, but he couldn't tell what it was. "Sure Sweetie. What's on your mind?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Sweetie smiled lightly as she flapped her wings and landed next to Skye. "Look I know things around here aren't easy... I have to admit... I still don't trust alot of the members of this so called herd... especially after Zaines death. You don't have to like anyone here... but will you still travel with us. We just want to make sure there is safety in numbers."

Cera stepped up next to Skye with her broad grin still on her face. She looked at Skye with so much pride it seemed to glow from her eyes. "You did good back there Skye. You acted just like a threehorn should have. I'm proud of you!"

Cyrix then looked to Littlefoot and asked, "Shall we be on the move now? I don't enjoy staying in one place for too long."


  • Littlefoot
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Skye thought for a second, looking to Sweetie, yet, she was still annoyed with what Littlefoot had told her, glancing to Skye as well, then looked back to Sweetie once again and just shrugged "I guess I could for the time being...." she still never did trust the meat eaters, but for the time being, decided to just leave it be, she was going nowhere complaining about them.  However, she then looked to Cera, a bit of a confused look on her face.

"Wait, let me were only, teasing me about it? Ugh....great, makes me feel rather stupid now....thanks a lot Cera...." Skye grumbled somewhat as she was indeed, feeling a bit stupid as well, but noticed that Cera was still grinning regardless "'re proud of me?" she asked her as she sat down once again where she was, still looking at her "Cause I mean, what I did....that did make you feel, I don't know, hurt or anything like that? Cause in a way, I kinda do regret having to do, what I did to you just about that" she spoke, a nervous sounding laugh coming from her, as she never really was the best at appologizing to anyone.

As Hunter embraced Luna in a hug, Luna just looked to Hunter for a moment, trying to smile back to her, but couldn't quiet smile properly.  She was just still feeling rather upset about what had happened "No...I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I did....I just didn't mean to do it, please....forgive me on that....cause I guess that's still what I'm used to...running away from my problems.....that's all I could ever do....."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera continued to grin, and truth be told she really couldn't understand why she was so proud. Perhaps after all this time, she really had begun to miss having another threehorn in the herd, or maybe she felt that her and Skye's mock fight had done them both some good. Either way she gently nudged Skye as she said, "Come on, we gotta get this herd moving... and just to show how proud I am..." she quickly reached forward and gave Skye a lick on the cheek.

Hunter only embraced Luna harder after hearing what she'd said... it really did rock the Longneck sharptooth to her core. "I... I understand... I really do... I'm just so used to fighting, and standing my ground when there is something I want. And... I shouldn't try to force you to do anything you don't want... c-can you forgive me?" she asked with tears in her eyes for her adoptive sister.


  • Littlefoot
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Skye in turn, seemed to blush slightly when Cera gave her a lick on the cheek and decided to lick her back on her cheek in turn before giving her a little bit of a smile as well.  She continued to smile at Cera as she followed her somewhat, well, more walking next to her as she continued to pretty much look at Cera still and all that came out from her mouth next was a quick, odd sounding laugh, almost as if she had become nervous, to which she straight away, shut her mouth.

After a small pause, Skye spoke once again to Cera, but a tad quietly so that only she could hear her "You're....cute by the way...." she told her with a little bit of a smile upon her face too, but was already thinking that she was sounding like an idiot around Cera.

Luna looked back at Hunter and gave off a small little nod back to her "Yeah, I....I can forgive you....but really, it's my fault, I shouldn't have acted the way I was stupid of me to do so...." she paused for a second, sniffling herself "Can you...I mean....will you.....forgive me....for what I had done?"

Cancerian Tiger

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Meanwhile, Aurelia could not help but notice the interaction between Cera and Skye.  While she did not care for Skye's attitude toward some of the herd members, at the same time she felt left out by her fellow threehorn herd members.  For some odd reason, she felt like she just did not fit in with them.  She then turned her attention to Ducky.

"As I said before, it's a good idea to get this herd movin' so we don't become sharptooth bait," she said to Ducky.

"I think so too, yep yep yep," Ducky said in agreement.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot sighed with relief as Skye and Cera seemed to be hitting it off a little better. Glad that's over with. He then realized that they had been in that spot for way too long. It was surprising that no sharpteeth had attacked them, but he wasn't going to complain. Cyrix suggested they continue moving, and Littlefoot nodded. "I agree. The longer we stay here, the worse." He then turned and addressed the herd. "Everybody! We're moving out! Stay close together and keep an eye out on each other!" With that, Littlefoot started leading the herd away from their current spot and deeper into the dead wasteland.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix smiled as Littlefoot took lead of the herd again. He then fell into step next to the longneck as the herd began to move. "Its nice to see the herd seeming to get along after everything that's happened." he said aloud. He took the time to look around at the others and indeed felt better now that most of them seemed to at least not be so tense.

Terri began to walk as the rest of the herd moved as well. She gave only a momentary pause to sniff the air and see if she could catch any scents that didn't belong.

Dein noticed his mates lapse of movement and asked, "Is everything alright?"

Terri simply nodded her head and continued walking.

Hunter blinked her tears away as she answered. "Of course I can..." then she got a rather radical idea. "Perhaps... we can teach each other." she said with a sad but friendly smile.

Cera noticed the rest of the herd moving and turned to Skye after hearing her cute comment. "Ya know something, my stepmother Tria used to say that about me all the time... thanks Skye. Now come on, we gotta keep up." She said giving the threehorn a gentle nuzzle and then fell into step behind the others.


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Skye could only giggle a little bit as Cera gave her a nuzzle and returned the nuzzle back to Cera, but a little more lovingly than what Cera did "It's okay...besides, it's the truth, I do think you're, well, cute and all" she smiled to her and walked beside Cera, looking at her for a moment before giving her a small, little kiss on the cheek, which only last for a second at the most as she quickly pulled away.

Luna on the other hand, looked to Hunter, giving off a bit more of a sile as she looked to her "That would....I uh....I mean....yeah, that's a good idea actually" she told her sister, seeming to now open back some more,talking a bit more once again as she smiled to Hunter some more still, as if she was feeling happier.


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Ichy flew at the top of the herd, to get a good view of what was nearby.

Thud stayed along the side, no one had quite warmed up to him yet.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix seemed concerned. He looked up at Littlefoot and asked, "Do you really think Longtail is going to... be alright... given time?"

Pearl was walking alongside Longtail, and could see the distant look in his eyes. She sighed as she held Sol in her arms watching the hatchling sleep soundly. Pearl then looked around at the others present and could feel the tension drifting away, but something pulled at the back of her mind, almost as if she'd forgotten something.

Longtail himself was indeed distant, as he was now reliving a flashback to his childhood with Zaine, and the memories were dragging up feelings and emotions that Longtail swore he'd never feel again. But here they were threatening to overwhelm him and break his passive demeanor.

Cera smiled lightly as she felt Skye give her that momentary kiss. She continued walking and gently using the tip of her tail rubbed it against the edge of Skyes tail. "Thanks." She finally said, "You're pretty sweet natured for a threehorn. I like that."

Hunter sighed as she looked at Luna.
"I know personally that you're tired of running from all of your problems... and I'll be teaching you how to stand and fight, not just with your claws, but with your words too. And I'm.... I'm tired of fighting... I need you to teach me when to stop, and when to run away."


  • Littlefoot
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Skye smiled back to Cera as she returned the little tail rub back to Cera again before giving her a little nuzzle again "Thanks, I think you're pretty, well, awesome too....I mean, okay, when I first met you, you were kinda....I don't, I guess like me, but then afterwards....I found out that you were mean...." she then let off a groan by that point "Sorry, I'm terrible at explaining stuff" she laughed a bit nervously as well.

She took a deep breath and spoke again "But I will say this....I know for a fact that I like you....quiet a lot actually....and that I would um...." she paused for a second again, blushing some by that point "" she finally managed to say, already feeling nervous in even saying that to Cera.

Luna on the other hand, looked to Hunter for a second "You me to teach you? But....I mean, that sounds....weird and all, I mean, you just said that it's not best to do that and all" she scratched her head a little bit, already feeling confused as it was "But I guess I could, even though I'm not a very good teacher and all"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera was surprised at what she'd just heard Skye confess... but for some odd reason that she herself couldn't explain, Cera only smiled brighter. She nuzzled Skye again and whispered in her ear with a slight blush of her own, "I'd like to be with you too." She then added as an afterthought. "But just to keep up appearances, we should still act like threehorns ya know?"

Hunter grinned as she looked at Luna for a moment.
"You'll make a fine teacher. And what I meant to say earlier is that there is a certain time and place where running is acceptable, but running every time you have a one little problem isn't... do you understand?" she asked with a quiet tone.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot was happy to see that Cera and Skye were hitting it off better now. He assumed what had happened was a stroke of threehorn pride, which didn't surprise him as much as he thought it would. Still, it was nice for Skye to have a companion like Cera by her side, and now Cera had someone she could relate to. They both helped each other out, which was what he had hoped for in the herd. "I agree," he replied to Cyrix's remark. "I think moving will get everybody's mind off of things." Unfortunately, he noticed that Longtail was very quiet. He also seemed very troubled, and Littlefoot could only imagine why. "I'm really worried about Longtail," he expressed towards Cyrix. "It's almost as if his former self died with Zaine."