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Ask Pangaea

Pangaea · 530 · 46438


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Pangy, do you hate Gothmog? :(

(Kinda snickering in real because the question is really out of the clear blue  :lol)

Also, were you familier with the Dark Crystal? :p


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Hmm…It’s been a while since I’ve watched The Return of the King (and AGES since I saw it for the first time and got my first impressions), but I don’t recall ever especially disliking him. If anything, I thought his unique, tumorous-looking appearance was interesting, and liked how he was so easy to distinguish from the other Orcs (Uruk-hai? I can never tell which is which :wacko). And although I may be forgetting something, I don’t recall him as doing anything in particular to warrant him as an especially evil, vicious, sadistic, or otherwise despicable villain. By far the villains/antagonists that I loved to hate the most in LotR were Grima Wormtongue, Denethor, and the Mouth of Sauron, all of whom either creeped me out, sickened me with their behavior, or both. :p

As for The Dark Crystal, I do remember seeing part of the movie way back in middle school (I was in a room reserved for “special needs” students, and another student was watching it). I was pretty squeamish back then, so some parts of the movie creeped me out quite a bit and put me off from watching (namely a scene with the Skeksis at a banquet; I had a hard time eating dinner that night :lol), but the creatures did intrigue me. I’ve been meaning to watch it for a while now, but these days I somehow can barely find the time to watch anything. :blink: :rolleyes

I appreciate the questions. :^.^:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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Has Sasquatch become a regular escape artist, or was this his first disappearing act?


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Ever since he first decided that he likes being outside, he's made a habit of slipping out the door at any opportunity. Many times we'd walk up to the front door and see him waiting inside and think, “Uh-oh, someone get ready to catch the cat!” We've tried to limit his outdoor excursions to the daytime, but sometimes he gets out in the evening; on a few of these occasions he's stayed out all night (worrying us considerably), but he's never been gone for this long. :( I wish we'd kept him an indoor cat. :bang

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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Is he neutered by any chance?  I understand that helps reduce problems with running away.


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Yes, he is neutered. He's also microchipped, so if someone were to find him and bring him to a vet or animal shelter, they would know who he belongs to. Our concern is that he's been hurt or worse by another animal or a car, or stuck up a tree, or something. :unsure: We've already checked the city animal shelter, and distributed flyers around the neighborhood in case anyone's seen or found him.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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On Sunday evening he got out of the house (usually we try to keep him indoors at night) and didn’t come back the next morning. My whole family was worried because he’d never been gone for so long. We searched for him all over our property, the woods around our house, and along the nearby roads, with no luck. I put his food dish outside in the hopes of attracting him. My dad and I checked the animal shelter to see if anyone had found him and brought him there, but he wasn’t there either. We even made flyers with his picture and description and distributed them around the neighborhood. Then, on Wednesday, I was at the dining room table, working on a project, and heard some slightly distressed-sounding meowing. I looked up and saw him on the back porch, looking slightly damp and scruffy, but otherwise okay (It turned out that he had been accidentally trapped in the garage three nights earlier). I of course immediately dropped what I was doing and let him in. He was very hungry and rather thirsty, but still full of energy; minutes later he was pouncing after a catnip toy tied to a string and gnawing my feet. :lol The whole family was ecstatic to have him back, and it was a big load off everyone’s shoulders because we weren’t all worrying about him anymore. So, in short, he’s okay now. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I'm sorry I'm late to congratulate you about Sasquatch's return :)
I'm sure it must be an awesome relief.


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You've shown us some of your pets in the "Show Me" section but (if there were no limitations i.e. conversation laws, you could keep them happily) what other animals would you have a pet?


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Quote from: Malte279,Oct 24 2010 on  03:56 AM
I'm sorry I'm late to congratulate you about Sasquatch's return :)
I'm sure it must be an awesome relief.
Thanks, Malte. :)

Yes, it is. :yes I felt SO much more relaxed for the rest of the day.

Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Oct 24 2010 on  05:45 AM
You've shown us some of your pets in the "Show Me" section but (if there were no limitations i.e. conversation laws, you could keep them happily) what other animals would you have a pet?
Conservation laws, you mean? I've never heard any laws concerning having conversations with wild animals. :p

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :P:

Assuming the animals had not been illegally taken from the wild, were comfortable in captivity, didn't mind people, weren't aggressive, and I had the means to take proper care of them, my choices would probably come down to how much attention I would need to give them (I like keeping animals like cats and leopard geckos because you need to devote relatively little time to caring for them, and it’s easy for a friend to look after them if you leave on a vacation or other trip).

Owning bats would be nice; if they were insect eaters, they would be very useful to have around (the problem would be housetraining them). I might be afraid of letting them outside, for fear of owls and hawks getting them. It would be neat to have a monitor lizard, whether a small species like a spiny-tailed goanna or a big one like a Komodo dragon (though some monitors have venomous bites, so I’d have to be careful about that).

I’ll just list some other ideas:

Bearded dragons
Blue-tongued skinks
Prehensile-tailed skinks
Ball pythons
Corn snakes
Hognose snakes
Horned frogs
African bullfrogs
Land hermit crabs
Whip spiders

Small sharks (e.g., horns, leopards, bamboos, swells)
Rays (they’d either have to be stingless species, or I’d have to be able to safely remove the stings)
Elephantnose fish

Kiwi (provided I could get one that didn’t have a terrible temper)

Pot-bellied pigs
Skunks (scent glands removed, preferably)
Guinea pigs
Fennec foxes
Pygmy marmosets
Any kind of small cat

Granted, for most of the animals named here, I don’t know too much about the amount of attention they would need, but if it was practical for me, I’d love to keep them.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Quote from: Pangaea,Oct 25 2010 on  04:00 AM
Conservation laws, you mean? I've never heard any laws concerning having conversations with wild animals. :p

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :P:
D'oh! Stupid fingers were typing faster than I was reading!  :lol Don't worry, I had that one coming. That was too wonderfully set up not to act upon!  :DD  :smile Good one! Nice selection of animals too ;)

Cancerian Tiger

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That is a neat list of animals indeed :yes.

What is the scariest movie you've ever seen :)?


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It would appear that no thread on the GOF is exempt from my procrastinatory tendencies. :slap

Anyway, sorry for the wait.

Scariest movie…That’s a hard one, especially since my level of scaredy-catness in regards to movies has changed immensely over my lifetime; the first time I watched LBT II (I was probably eight or nine years old), I turned off the TV at the point when Littlefoot was asleep and the grass behind him started rustling, because I was afraid that it would be Ozzy and Strut jumping out to attack him (A few minutes later my siblings called me back into the room, telling me that it was just Cera). Needless to say, scary movies were never my thing, and I only started watching them once I became interested in the creatures, monsters, and aliens that were often featured in such movies.

As for which movie I found the scariest, it’s hard to say. When I was in high school, I rented a library copy of Alien and watched it alone, and I couldn’t help but fast-forward at several points when I expected that something was going to suddenly jump out (I knew all about the creatures already; they were nowhere near as scary as the atmosphere of the film). I also recall seeing a werewolf movie called Dog Soldiers on the Sci-Fi channel that freaked me out quite a bit when I first saw it. (I’m pretty sure I watched both of these movies within about the same two-or-three-year time frame.)

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If you didn't like Alien and if you ever get the chance to go to Switzerland, I recommend that you do NOT go to the HR Giger Alien Museum near the castle in GruyerÈ.  Sure the bar is cool but not the actual museum itself...*shudders*, do not ever want to visit there again...a truly disturbing mind...

Have you ever seen Simon's Cat?  
As a fellow slave to a cat, I thought it might be nice to link you up with this.  Perhaps you can recognise some of Sasquatch's traits in the animated shorts?  I know that I can with Mozart!


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Heh, it's been awhile since I posted a question here. :)

I've asked this on my facebook, but I want to hear what your answer would be:

When you have friends, what are your conditions for them if you have any? Such as should they have your same interests, beliefs, etc?


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Quote from: Saft,Nov 7 2010 on  08:17 PM
If you didn't like Alien and if you ever get the chance to go to Switzerland, I recommend that you do NOT go to the HR Giger Alien Museum near the castle in GruyerÈ. Sure the bar is cool but not the actual museum itself...*shudders*, do not ever want to visit there again...a truly disturbing mind...

Have you ever seen Simon's Cat?
As a fellow slave to a cat, I thought it might be nice to link you up with this. Perhaps you can recognise some of Sasquatch's traits in the animated shorts? I know that I can with Mozart!
Oh, no, it wasn’t that I disliked the film (on the contrary, I’m rather fond of the Alien films, mainly because I think the creatures are cool :p); it’s just that, for a high-strung person like me watching it for the first time, the tense atmosphere was really nerve-racking. D8

Yes, I have seen “Simon’s Cat! :D Only two episodes so far: “Cat Man Do” and “The Box”. I didn’t know there were others; thanks for the link! :DD And yes, even in those (mainly the latter), I can find a number of behaviors that I've seen Sasquatch exhibit:

ï Sleeping on the same bed as me.

ï Climbing into boxes (I’ve shown you the photographic evidence :p).

ï Knocking boxes and bags on their sides as he exits them.

ï Jumping on top of precarious objects and balancing there.

ï Batting around loose pieces of paper and cardboard.

ï Reaching his paws out through a small opening in a box.

ï Pushing around an upside-down box from inside like a turtle (I think I’ve seen him do this).

ï Somersaulting while playing (In many cases the plaything is a tasty sock-covered foot :p).

Quote from: Rat_lady7,Nov 8 2010 on  12:14 AM
Heh, it's been awhile since I posted a question here. :)

I've asked this on my facebook, but I want to hear what your answer would be:

When you have friends, what are your conditions for them if you have any? Such as should they have your same interests, beliefs, etc?
I do tend to feel more comfortable with someone if they have a lot in common with me, largely because I'm otherwise constantly worried about accidentally offending them, or getting into an argument with them (I hate arguments). They don't have to share all of the same interests as me; just a few major ones that we can talk about. It also helps if I can have long, engaging conversations with the person; that they don't get bored while talking to me and vice versa. I almost never discuss topics like politics, religion, or sexuality, so it doesn't matter that much if the person has different backgrounds or opinions in those areasóthough it has its limits: I seriously doubt I could get along with a Christian fundamentalist, or a political extremist. And, of course, I don't care to be friends with people who are racist or disregard the environment.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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What is your favorite part about your volunteering at the aquarium :)?


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One thing I always enjoy is when I invite people to pet the lake sturgeon in the touch tank, and at first they're reluctant or nervous about it, but after they touch them they're surprised at how interesting they feel (sturgeon have leathery, sandpapery skin and ridges of smooth bony plates), and find that they actually enjoy the experience so much that they often end up stroking the fish again, and inviting friends and family members to do the same. (When I was at the aquarium on Halloween, one girl showed up who said she was scared to touch fish, but at the same time really wanted to try it; she pet the sturgeon, and for the rest of the afternoon she kept coming back to do it again.) I also really like to see people's reactions when I tell them facts about the animals (such as that the largest lake sturgeon ever caught was 9 feet long and 310 pounds), not to mention answering questions for them. ;) So I guess I could say that my favorite part of the job is inspiring and encouraging visitors to be interested in wildlife. (Besides conserving the animals themselves, I believe that's the most important reason to have zoos and aquariums; allowing people to see animals close upóand even interact with some of themómotivates people to appreciate and care about wildlife in a way that nature shows on TV just can't do.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I have a question.:D
Well I have two if you don't mind?
-Do you have shortened variants of your username?  Like nicknames?
I have two...''Safty'' and ''Saftykins''..that I got on I managed that I have no idea.
-How is the Sasquatch?  
Does he ever puff himself up when he sees the vaccum cleaner?  
Mozard does's highly amusing...then he struts around it...poor guy.
(I have asked you three questions, but think of the third as a bonus.) :)