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Jungle Book

Kit12 · 442 · 28498


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The surviving mice were relived to see Kaa out of strength to chase them.

"Phew..." they sighed.


Allison meanwhile began to rest, not aware of the danger approaching the jungle.


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Kaa just sat curled where he was, seeming to rest yet not letting the mice really know if he was going to strike again or not.


Exavier continued on, sniffing along until he came to a scent he recoqnized as a dominate male tiger anyway. Shere Khan. He was at his uncle's clearly marked territory. Good.

For his first plan, Exavier looked about to avoid any sight of tigers, going for a different, almost calling card angle and glancing about until he caught sight of a deer.


The whole jungle, it seemed, was suddenly alerted to a problem by Shere Khan's angry roar at finding a dead deer, killed right on his territory, and left tauntingly by an intruder. By jungle law it was the highest insult to the all but king of the jungle.

Yet he spared enough thought to go find Allison, even if she was probably already looking for him. "Someone who shouldnt' be is here" he said, "keep to the den until I find out who".


Meanwhile, Namita's little nephew, Miko, sighed as he was bored again. Elliott had had to go off with the elephants and now he was left with not much to do.

The little cub didn't notice how far out into foreign parts of the jungle he was wandering, coming closer and closer up on something that suddenly made him pause and tilt his head. It was structure of some kind...

Mr. Bagheera knew all about men, Miko realized. He was unaware his aunt had just admitted to her crush on the other panther and that he might be seeing more of Bagheera anyway, but the kid also looked up to Bagheera as seeming just plain cool!

He could find out stuff about humans too! Yeah, then impress Mr. Bagheera with the knowledge! Oh that was a good idea. Miko crept closer to the human estate.


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The mice had scurried into a tree.

""is he sleeping?" one asked. "I don't know..." another replied. They didn't want to get near Kaa to risk finding out.


"Khan, what's going on?" Allison asked when her mate returned to their den.


"And I'm glad you came back too..." Bagheera smiled.


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Maharajah's ears perked up when he heard something outside his home. Looking out the window, he saw a panther cub. Maharajah was curious and excited, so he decided to greet this visitor. Maharajah walked outside and smiled as he walked up to the cub. " Hi, I'm Maharajah, what's yours?" He asked, his compass hanging from his neck and his Leather helmet and goggles retested on top his head.


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As Kaa heard the mice, he remained still, suddenly curious if maybe that would work and get them to come investigate. He only hoped he could be patient enough for that.


"Someone has invaded my-our territory" Shere Khan said with a frown, "Stay here until I figure out who and deal with them"


Namita smiled back, the a bit impulsively reached over and gave Bagheera a quick little lick to the cheek, blushing and looking down a bit embaressed after she did such.


Miko paused and just watched as the tiger cub came out. "Um...hi, I'm Miko" he added, "Nice to meet you". He tried to not stare but both the compass and helmet caught his attention.

"A-are things?" he asked, "Golly, how'd you get 'em?" he asked.


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Bagheera blushed, quite off guard by the lick but nevertheless enjoyed it.

"That was nice..." he purred.


"Got it," Allison nodded. The tigress had no idea who this intruder could be.


"Maybe we should try to attack it..." one mouse suggested. "are you crazy!?" another gasped.


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Maharajah smiled back at Miko. "Nice to meet you Miko. Yes, they are man things. My Man friend gave them to me. "Maharajah explained. "This is a compass, man uses it to keep from getting lost." He said, opening the flip open compass to reveal a black and white picture of him, his man, and a monkey. "That's Sir Kipling, the greatest adventurer in the world, and BOBO, he's kinda cranky, but he knows alot of things. BOBO taught me how to read man books, write man words, and even how to make fire." He said, closing the compass. "And this is called a leather helmet. Sir Kipling gave it to me when he took me out in his flying machine called an Airplane. we could see the whole jungle from up there." Maharajah told Miko. "You wanna see my home?" He asked, gesturing to estate.


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Namita couldn't help blushing a bit more as he said that. Bagheera really like her. How in all the jungle had she gotten that lucky as for who she counted the perfect panther to like her back. Purring as well she scooted a bit closer to lean against him, smiling up at him.


"I'll be back...", the promise was given with such a level tone that it promised to bode bad for whoever it was who was hunting his territory and invading what he still felt was his jungle like this.

Khan slunk off, sniffing and tracking along to try and find the scent that had been near the the dead deer.


Miko just looked more and more in awe as Maharajah went on about his man things and how his man friend had given them to him. "Wow..." he tried to imagine the things Maharajah explained like airplanes. "All of it as once! a bird would see it?! Woah that sounds neat!".

"Yeah!" was the quick answer to his offer to show him his home. "I know a man's cub myself but he doesn't live anywhere as big and interesting as this place looks" he answered back, "and he was raised in the jungle so he doesn't know alot more about his own kind than the rest of us animals do".


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Some of the braver mice volunteered to try to stab Kaa with a sharp, pointy, stick.  Little did they know the snake was still fully awake as they slowly approached....


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" well if you wanna learn about man things Miko, then follow me." Maharajah smiled. " I shall teach you all I know about man." The white Tiger said proudly. " My home is full of all kinds of cool man things." Maharajah said to his new friend. " I bet all your friends will love it here." The tiger cub told Miko as he lead the panther into the estate's library. "This is one of my favorite rooms in the whole house, the Library. It's full of Books, man uses them to write down stories, both real and made up." Maharajah said, walking up to the globe that was setting between two chairs. "This is a globe, it shows us where far away places are." He said with a smile.


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Kaa struggled to stay still and not move or snap at the mice as he wanted to, waiting until they were right up on him to lunge for one, but patience wasn't the snake's talent and he soon lunged, perhaps a bit premature, going after the mice.


Meanwhile Exavier had left just the right clues as to lead Shere Khan to where he wanted, and he waited until the right moment to reveal himself.

Khan kept on, unaware of any of this.


"Ok" Miko followed Maharajah eagerly. The fact of the tiger being white wasn't so odd to the him, as he'd heard of such kinds before, but also that they weren't usuallly in the jungles as they weren't able to camoflauge well.

He followed the other cub into the giant building and library, just gaping about at everything. "Woah..." even Mowgli would be impressed with this place he felt.

"yeah, I bet both Mowgli and Elliott would love this place" Miko said, "Oh, Mowgli being the man cub I mentioned and Elliott's Coloniel Hathi the elephant's son. Hey, maybe I can introduce you to them some time!" he offered with a smile, "that is if Mowgli's allowed to come out of his viliage and into the jungle again, sometimes he can't".

Miko just looked about again in awe at the many books in the library. Even if he had sort of just met the man-cub, Mowgli had ever said anything about writing down stories or anything, even if it sounded kinda familiar from what Miko knew of. "yeah I heard about that" the little panther said, "that...somehow they can tell stories even after the story speakers not there to tell it. You can do that too? Wow!".

The cub was even more fascinated by the globe, "How do you know that's what the places really look like?" he asked.


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"Well, there are humans who spend their whole lives drawing what these places are shaped like." Maharajah explained, getting a book off of a shelf. "And others spend their lives exploring far off lands to see what they look like. " the tiger cub said, opening the book titled "Photography of the world". "This book has dozens of pictures of the world. Sir Kipling said that he use to travel to all sorts of places. Deserts, Oceans, mountains, plains, swamps, even frozen waste lands where it's so cold, the water turns to what is called ice and snow. I wish I could be a great explorer like Sir Kipling." Maharajah said proudly. "Here, take a look through this book" He said, using his paw to turn the book so it was facing Miko. "After your done, you wanna learn one way man makes fire?" He asked the panther cub.


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Miko glanced in curiosity at the book as Maharajah pushed it towards him. "Wow this Mr. Kipling sounds awesome" he smiled. He tried to imagine somewhere so cold that water turned to this thing called ice.

He thought on the last question as he looked through the book. Learn how to make man's fire...Miko wasn't sure if he should. He'd heard man's fire was dangerous. He flipped past some more pictures of forests and stuff and on into the frozen landscapes. The cub was starting to understand this book thing, it was like man collected up lots of leaves and put them in a pile, only they were all one shape and a white color instead of green.

"Y-yeah, I'd like to see how man make's fire" he said, "...if it's not to dangerous. I've heard man's fire is dangerous".


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"aah!" the mice screamed, retreating from Kaa.


Louie kept swinging through the vines, he and his monkeys attempting to rebuild his "palace." He had been meaning to get Baloo and Bagheera to assist him with that....


"I hope he'll be ok..." Allison told herself.


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Maharajah gave a reassuring smile to Miko. "Only if your not careful. Relax." He told the cub as he led Miko out of the Library and into the main hall, Walking up to the fire place, Maharajah put a few small sticks into the fire place along with a single piece of coal, after checking to see if he had enough dirt to smuther the fire if needed, he picked up two rocks he kept near the fire place. "This rock contains flint, you can tell by the glittery appearance if you hold it at the right angles, when flint is struck againist itself, it creates sparks." Maharajah explained. Picking the two rocks up and holding them over the fire place. "A few spaks is ussally enough to start a fire." Maharajah explained with a smile. stricking the flint a few times over the fire place before a small flame appeared. He put the flint a safe distanced away from the fire place as he took the bucket of dirt into his mouth and backed up so Miko could see. "The fireplace is built so as to hold the fire in." Maharajah explained.


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"Ohh...blew my chance..." Kaa sighed at himself yet kept on after the mice, trying to now snag one.


"O-Ok" Miko smiled, though he wasn't doing so well at not sounding as nervous as he kinda of was.

He followed nonetheless and watched as Majarajah explained and showed about flint and the fire. Stepping back as well, in shock a bit, Miko just watched the flames. They did seem to not be going anywhere.

He stepped closer, "Wow...I...I've never been this close to it and not been afraid it'll...go somewhere". The little panther cub just watched as the flames danced about but seemed contained.


"Well...not quite what  mom explained...but I guess to some you're impressive" Exavier said, giving his first clue as to being near Khan as he sauntered out.

The older tiger turned, eyes narrowing in suspicion, "and just who are you...".

"Name's Exavier" the adolescent said, stopping and sitting in a more relaxed way than he should have, "My mother said she was your sister".

"Impossible!" Khan spat, "the only younger sister I had was taken by man and animals taken by them never come back!".

Exavier chuckled, "Typical, man does nothing but kill us right" he stood to saunter about Khan, something the tiger didn't like at all and turned with a warning growl.

"Contrary to what you think, she did not kill us but rather just took us to a place where humans get sport out of watching us do stupid tricks. Ah, but I killed the leader of that ring anyway, though not before he killed my mom with his fire tricks".

It was unsure whether Khan's growl was at the facts or the uppity youth before him, "and just why are you here now?" he was suspcious enough to not let this reunion of sorts detract him from asking that.

Exavier grinned, "Well now that's the fun thing...".


Namita's joy at not only reuniting with her old childhood crush, but at finding out he liked her too was cut short as both caught a shrill cry on the wind.

A Kite (you know, falcon like thing...or is it a hawk...) soon flew down to where Bagheera was, since the panther was a well known authority on things and thus told of much of the news of the jungle.

"A...a deer...someone killed a deer right on Shere Khan's land...oh he's going to be so angry..." the bird shrilled nervously.

Namita walked up, "have you heard anything on Allison, his mate, is she ok?" she asked, feeling she should look out for the fellow female cat that she'd also known from back then.

"No news on that front maame" the kite shook his head, "but I just felt you should be alerted incase there's trouble".

Namita frowned, "I...I feel I should go make sure Allison's ok" she told Bagheera, feeling she had to tell him things now since they were atleast courting in a sense, given all they'd just said. For this reason she also just wanted him advice on if her instincts were right and she should do that or on if it might be a bit dangerous to go wandering Khan's territory now.


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"Killing a deer...and not eating it?" Bagheera said, shocked at the news. "Whoever did that must not be someone from this jungle...."

He agreed with Namita, something was wrong and they needed to check on Allison. "We need to find them at once," the panther said.


The mice kept running as fast as they could.


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" Yeah, isn't cool?" He asked his new friend before he threw some dirt over the fire, extinguishing it. "With enough dirt or water you can put out a fire." He explained with a proud smile. Then Maharajah got another Idea. "Hey Miko, I got an Idea, how about you show me around the jungle, I bet it's really cool out there." He said to the Panther. "Maybe you could introduce me to some of your friends, or your family." Maharajah suggested. Maharajah had never been allowed to go out into the jungle before and was currious to see it.


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Namita nodded along, not surprised at Bagheera's also wanting to go help of course, she knew he would, it was just part of what she'd always liked and now loved about him.

"I'll show you the way" the kite offered, even if they would know where Khan's territory was give or take. Still he lead them right to the deer.

"" the scene did look shocking with it just laying there, killed uselessly.

"We've been speculating it was just so someone could challenge Khan" the kite said.


"You don't have the nerve to do anything" Khan called the bluff of the younger tiger, apprently his nephew, though he didn't seem to care about such.

"Oh, I've got the nerve. Promised my mother I'd make something of myself and...well, the way I see it, ruler of her old jungle works just fine!". He lunged and with a roar more of indignant anger than feeling he was in any kind of trouble, Khan swat him away.


Kaa slithered after, snapping and catching another of the mice about the tail before throwing it up and trying to aim to catch it in his mouth.


"Wow, yeah I see" Miko was also impressed at Maharajah controling the fire this well, even if he did explain how. The cub tilted his head curiously as Maharajah asked to see the jungle.

He then smiled, "Oh sure! yeah, I could even see if we can get a not too dangerous distance up to the man villiage and try to introduce you to Mowgli" he said, "but as for friends right here in the jungle we can look for my friend Elliott that I mentioned, Colonel Hathi's son, come on!".

He began to lead the way out into the jungle. "I don't got alot of family left except my Aunt Namita" he went on explaining, "I never knew my mom and my dad got killed a while back before we came here by some mean jaguars,'s ok" he tired to shrug off this experience as he mentioned it.


(Hehe, I was just wondering if Louie shouldn't find out about the cubs knowing about fire, since it's a big thing with him ;))

Meanwhile, one lone monkey had spotted out some of the kids' exploration from a window and he swung off back to where Louie was with the rest rebuilding the temple.

"Sir! I found more kids who know about man's fire" he whispered, "a little white tiger cub can make it come and go on command, I saw it! He wears man's things and seems to know about them".


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"I can't believe I'm saying this..." Bagheera said, "But we might need to lend Khan a paw."


"Someone, who knows about fire?" Louie asked, grinning. This could be his chance! "Lead the way!"


The mouse tried his best to avoid Kaa's wide open jaw, but to no avail.