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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5644 · 272874


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"You are an expert, dear," Zira smiled, giving him an affectionate lick. She took a nice sniff of the recipe Scar was cooking. "What's say we call our cubs in a little while?"


"The prince is great," another harem girl told Dixie and Mukua. "He's kind and compassionate, and can give you anything you'd ever want." Some of the ladies were already fast asleep, others were enjoying a late night treat.


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Well i know a couple girls who joined this group' Mukua said to the girl ' They had good things to say ' its not like in China where all girls have to 'play' with the prince or king. Which is good. I wouldnt have agreed to this, if the Prinbce was into that sort of stuff." This is a short -term thing, anyway '" Dixie said.  ' Once the games are over we're heading back to  America." PlUs I have family and friends I havent seen in awhile." Cey nodded ' all that traveling must be hard on you."We're used to it " dixie said.
 Its very late there dear, Another time " prerhaops ' Scar saod as he continued sampling the food '
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Arlene, Scooby and Oliver checked into room 16, which was pretty small, not meant for more than 3 people. " its just a place to crash ' Scooby sighed as he set down his belongings on the bed " Tomorrow we resume the games, and then its off to the next location, he said as he watched Oliver swipe his pilow and lay on it.  Scooby flipped on the Tv then handed the remote to Arlene ' you can pick the channel ' he said with a smile.
 Dixie found a phone in the harems room, and began dialing Kitty;s number, hoping she would pick up. " please pick up" she said to herself.  As she waited she saw a countdown on the wall, calls were limited to 30 minutes. "Plenty of time to catch up" She said to herself. Mukua in the meantime was talking  wiyth cey about mask carving ' i'll draw a mask of yours, just get me some paper and some pencils' Mukua said to Cey ' theres an ats room down the hall Cey said ' whatever you need is in there. We do have to ebntertain ourselves after all, when the prince doesnt need us."
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"This one's really nice," Oliver grinned as he laid on the pillow he swiped. "Is it ok if I have this one, Mr. Scooby?" he asked the great dane who had watched over him while Arlene was.......elsewhere.


"Dixie?" Kitty said as she picked up the phone, "Did you make it into the palace? I tried getting to see the prince, but the kissing time had closed when I got there."


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KItty~ I got thriough! Well, Yeah we made it to the palace, and got to see the prince, in fact the prince invited his to join his " Girls" which isnt what you think.  Hes agreed to open the gate for us to go to the next tiown, as well as get  basketball courts put in around town so the kids here can play. So far the girls seem nice although we just got here , like, an hour ago so we're on " first impressions" still, as for you missing the prince, you must have gotten there like a minute too late. Tell you what, y0u come to the palace and i;ll sneak you into the harem chamber for the evening. Mostly so we can reunite, and catch up on where you were the whole day. What happened after breakfast?" Dixie asked.
 Arlene settl;ed into a position next to Scooby, and flipped through the channel, which mostly were documentary channels, along wityh a few Bollywood specials. she snuggled up to Scooby " tomorrow, i'm going to thank tiger and garfield for watching oliver, while i ws. away" " just bake them some food, that will satisfy them. Pancakes maybe" scooby suggested.
 ONca headed into his chamberd, which were ornate and filled with clipping from the Panthera newspaper. ONce Asumes Power" read one ' Prince opens new bookstore' and the like. onca changed into royal pajames which were purple satin.
- Chie was siting on a bench, while Kitty continued her call with Dixie ' so whats the plan?' She asked the Showgirl.
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"Well, I followed this busty pantheress named Panty, and she ended up eating me up! It turns out she has a ton of creatures in her gut, and she's actually a goddess! I met a cheetah named Chie who was also eaten recently, and we eventually managed to get out, but in turn we have to keep getting her new meat for a while......hopefully the prince can have his servants whip up a lot," Kitty explained.


"I can't wait for breakfast," Oliver told Arlene and Scooby, "The cafe they had here smells good...."


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Panty? Oh,I know who she is. What a vicious pantheress" dixie began " a goddess? As in heavenly being? Wow! Boy did you get lucky to get out of there. As for meat, I can create meat with my ring, dsame for Scooby. How much do you need?  We'll get it for you, i promise' Dixie said ' MUkua and I were Looking all over for you, and fpor several hours. So this Panty was able to mask your scent. Not easy to do, particularly from a Great Dame, like me. Just come to the main throne room, and I'll get outfits for you and chie to wear.
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After receiving input from his fellow pride members, and some brainstorming sessions, Kovu wrote down the outline for the video he intended to send the seer. He went to Kopa and presented it to his fellow royalty. "I think you'll like this," the brown lion grinned eagerly.


"Sure thing, but I don't think I can just slip into a palace," Kitty replied, "I'm sure I'll need official approval from the guards or the royals."


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"What do you mean I can't land!?" Captain Fairchild screamed through the radio. He and the other living planes were flying in a holding pattern outside Neo Gotham.

"It's exactly as I said, I need permit of flight, travel permit and clearance from your commanding officer."

The living A-10 shut off his radio and swore profusely.

"Get Stripetail on the line," Major Lockie said.


Meanwhile, Gabriel and some of her Weasels were beating up a  street vendor who was trying to cash in on the games.

"Please, I'll give you anything!" the vendor said. Gabriel punched him in the jaw.

"We'll be taking those." A Weasel snatched all the trinkets the vendor was trying to sell. "Oh, and here's another for trying to cash in on that cursed game!" He kicked the vendor square in the face.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 Stripetail's radio buzzed and  Stripetail answered " Captain Fairchild. What do you have to report from Gotham?
 Just tell them that you are a new Prize, and that you havent gotten your attire yet' Dixie said ' they'll show you to the chambers and where to get dressed.
Mukua and I will meet you inside.This is actually a really nice place. Just head on over and I'll meet you at the entrance. should only be a few minutes.'
 Kopa looked at the proposals Kovu had given him, and he grinned ' Very nice! The lassoing wildebeests in an arena should be a lot of fun. I assume fastest team to do so winbs?" He said to Kovu.
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"Got it, see you there," Kitty said, hanging up the call. She urged Chie to follow her back to the palace, where she went into the front gate.

"I'm one of Prince Onca's prizes," she told the panther guard, "And I need my new outfit. Where can I be provided with it?"


"Yup," Kovu nodded to Kopa, "And the elephant riding race,we have enough room for that. Feel free to tell me which sound like they have the most potential."


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Therees Outfits in the Prizes chambers' the guard sa, named lumpjaw said. ' just head on inside , the outfits are hung on pegs on the wall. just remember next time to grab your attire ." lumpjaw yawned, it was close to midnight after all .  Chie entered the hall and caught Lumpjaws eye. ' Hmm. You ladies are lovelly, as benefiting a Prize of Onca. But if you will forgive a slight boast, I believe i have one even better as a mate. Lulubelle is her name ' Lumpjaw said, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a picture of small light colored bear wearing a pink hat. " She looks nice ' Chie said as he waved the picture in their faces.  " yep, I'm a lucky bear, that I am.
 Dixie had found a closet full of board games, and pulled out one  called Monopoly, and had convinced mukua to join her in a game. the instructions soon revealed however that this us a "strip' monopoly, where the first  player who ran out of money and clothing, lost.  Mukua was currently slightly ahead, having taken both  parts of oNcas palace the richest area in the game. Currently Dixie had about 9000 bucks to her name, Mukua about 13000 (both players started with 10000) and they had occuppied about a third of the board each.  Cey was watching the pair play with a smirlk on hjer face ' You know, there arent any gamesin here  that dont involve Stripping .' She said ' Its an addicting game too.  A vixen named Drussa, had a terrible stretch of luck playing strip poker with me, and at one point, she owed me 124 sets of clothes!  I owned all of her clothes, and the poor girl had to go around in the buff for nearly a solid month. since she lived with me, I got used to seeing every inch of her.  I felt bad for her, you know? But she couldnt stop playing."
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"She does look nice," Kitty said, looking at the picture Lumpjaw showed them. She looked back to Chie. "Better late then never, we might as well get changed and see the prince in the morning." When they went into the Prize Chambers, they saw the almost comedic extent how revealing the outfits were.


"What are you watching, Mr. Scooby and mom?" Oliver asked as he crawled all over the pillow he had claimed. It was nice and comfy for a kitten like him.


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They call THAT an outfit' Chie said holding up her attire. "its almost as bad as the stuff they wear at those carnival shows, where is to say they wear basically nothing at all. " she said ' Maybe i'm just trying to be modest , but couldnt they find some attire that covers up our goods and looks comfortable to wear' the cheetah said, before tucking the dress over her shoulder and poking her head into the next room, where she saw  Dixie and Mukua playng on a bed while Cey watched ' Hi! i'm chie' cie said  waving as she entered. ' ' hello Chie' Dixie said, smiling as she noticed the cheetah, pleasem, do come in. i'm glad you managed to make it out. This is my friend Mukua, who's currently getting the better of me in monopoly, She even has her own space on the board, ' Dixie said. Mukua nodded. " Mukuas stall, which costs 200 dollars to but, and 300 bucks to upgrade, so its one of the cheaper places o the board.' Mukua said, and she rolled a dice, and moved 4 spaces to a " Dance ' card' space. Mukua drew a card and read from it " lose the princes favor! pay 500 bucks on every property you own fully!" Oh drat! this one of the worst cards you can get if you have property!'  Mukuas face fell.  lets see, I own  8 properties fully, and partially own 6 more. so this is going to cost me 4000 bucks for the stuff I fully own, and 100 more for the stuff I partially own, so thats 4600 bucks in the free parking pile ' she said tossing a good chunk of money into the pile. ' So You still have the lead' in cash' Dixie said. Not by much ' I had 12500, now i'm down to 7900, Just 600 bucks ahead of you. " mukua said.
- Dixie smiled as she saw Kitty enter ' Well Well The prodigal showgirl returns! She smiled at kitty. ' Come, Come, have a seat. Mukua and I are playing ' strip' poker, apparently all the games the girls play here involve wagering on their clothes. Ceys been telling us about all the ' ahem ' cat fights that have broken out, over some of the games. apparently strip poker is brutal' Dixie said.
- So the girls play for keeps' CHie said, as cey went over to a cupboard and pulled out a couple bottles of drinks ' you girls care for   some 'Grace of grape'? Its a very good soda flavor. The prince doesnt drink alcohol." SUre I'll take some' Chie nodded.
 Lumpjaw looked at the photo and broefgly flashed back to when he had started dating LUlubelle. ironically, she wasnt trying to show interest in him, but rather Bongo a small bear who lived in the area. Their kind shows affection by slapping each other in the face, and  in going to slap Bongo lulubelle had slapped him instead. Lumpjaw had started dating her right afer that, and every so often bongo would come around to visit lulubelle, and the 3 of them would go out to dinner , sometimes for a fish fry, other times for steak.
 Lulubelle was in her office on the second floor of the palae preparing press releases covering the games to come in panthera ' need to make sure all the copies havve no typos.' the small bear said to herself as she looked up from her type writer.
- I think other places have elephant riding, so well have to substitute something else, like catching prey.  You pick out 4 fast prey, and mark them as the target for the teams. it doesnt count if you catch someone elses prey. you have to let them go and try again.  Keep up the good worj though, bro, I'm liking what I see. one of the events is playing dance dance kovu 'Kopa said.
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"Sweet, I'm fast on my feet after all," Kovu grinned, turning to Nuka and Vitani. "We should call mother and father soon. They'll like to hear about this."

Kion and Jasiri came by. "I heard you guys wanna host a branch of the games?" the girl hyena asked.


"Wow, these leave NOTHING to the imagination, huh?" Kitty said, slipping on her prize attire. She then looked toward Cey. "Sure, that grape soda sounds good," she said to the harem girl. "Thanks for helping us out," she added to Lumpjaw.

She then looked at Dixie. "I'm not in the mood for games right now, I wanna relax after everything I went through today." She gave her dog friend a gentle pat on the head.

"You're in luck then," said Ashi, a female panther, "Many of us, our daily job is to simply be eye candy."
« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 05:39:37 PM by brekclub85 »


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 Understood Dixie nodded as Cey poured some soda into Glasses, handing some to Chie, then Kitty then  Ashi. She placed glases for dixie and mukua near their bvcorners of the board, then finally poured herself a glass.  Dixie and mukua continued their game, with dixie starting to control more of the board through purchaes and mukua landing ion them.  mukua was now down to 1800 dollars, and dixie was up to 8600. mukua passed  the Princes profit space and added 500 to her tally. " pity that we only use 1 dice per roll ' she said as she looked over her properties.
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"So what's this Prince like?" Kitty asked to Dixie, "If we have to stay with him for a while,I hope he's handsome and sweet, at least...." She was hungry for a royal snack. "Where can we grab a bite?"


"This sounds great," Kiara said, looking over the outline Kovu had made. "We should be a shoe-in for a hosting slot now!" She gave her mate a quick kiss on the cheek.


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"Apparently, the permits for us to land have been revoked," Captain Fairchild said.


The vendor was being treated by the first aid squad and the police were taking a report. Little did he know, they'd "lose" the report and the incident would be buried.


Meanwhile, the Jokerz were having a great time wrecking the inside of the stadium. Cheers and hoots erupted as the juvenile delinquents smashed windows and performed other acts of vandalism.

Indeed, one of them tossed a firebomb into a stack of the chairs, tables, banners and other furniture that had been ripped out and piled into the field. Soon, a roaring bonfire was burning in the middle of the field.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I'll  reach out to the mayor " stripetail sighed ' I don;t have a good feeling about this. the fact that your permits to land were denied is quite troubling. you are, after all, our advance scouting team.  Try and find a handing spt outside the city, any place that will take you."
 The  Prince is quite generous and chariotable ' said a pantheress named Atrua . "We do wear revealing clothes ladies, but it is partly because it is hot here , and too much clothing would leave half of the attire soggy. and partly because the prince likes girls who flaunt their beauty. don't you think so, Mukua?' She asked " You always liked flaunting yourself  Atrua" Mukua said, as she flipped over a dance card ' and earned herself 300 bucks. " Thats something you were never shy about. " Well, when you'll got it, flaunt it! How else are the guys going to notice you if you're not dressed to catch their eye? Or for that matter, how will you show confidence?"
 Well dreesed in pasties and underwear leaves little to the imagination' Chie said " Shouldnt you leave the boys some mystery? " Well here you can have girls wear, pretty much any kind of clothes they want, so long as it accentuates your gifts. atrua said. " I honestly don;'t like wearing so-called ' Normal clothes, I find them inhibiting.
- Cey brought out trays of chicken for Chie and Kitty ' Help yourselvs girls. I imagine you are quyite hungry after standing in line for the prince all day."
 Arlene kept flipping through the channels trying to find something for Oliver to watch. " we're not watching anything OlIver " Scooby said ' Just flipping through the channeks to see what they have out here.
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"This isn't too far off from some of the stuff Waul's asked me to wear," Kitty noted, seeing how much of her fur was shown off by the outfit. "I guess I can get used to this." She then looked at Lumpjaw. "At least the guards aren't big pervs, either," she said about the big bear.


"I see," the kitten nodded, nestled nicely between the two. He was happy to be in a nice warm inn, one that was not too humid.


"So, when should I send the message?" Kovu asked Kopa, "Should we add more to it first?"