The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318164


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Thank you madam ' Stripetail said with a nod  as he pulled the plate to him. ' here, a tip for you madam' he said, tossing inque a bag of gold ." i've heard the food here is excellent, and i hope that this meal lives up to its reputation ' stripetail chuckled as he began tucking into the food. . but after a few bites of the meal, stripetail's jovial manner faded.' something's not right, he said before suddenly reaching for his throat.Sttripetail began to violently cough and sputter, and he rapidly dug into his robes with his left paw, before pulling out a vial full of a reddish liquid.   Stripetail pulled out the cork with his teeth and slowly drank the elixir, emptying the vial in a few seconds. stripetail vomited onto a spare plate a couple seconds later, the contents of the meal he had half consumed,  along with the anti-toxin (for that is what it was) and the mess smelled pungent. Stripetail spat out some bloody foam, and  slowly got to his feet, his face darjening in anger. " So that wasnt beef reduction after all..' he glowered, as he put his fork to the meat. after a few seconds, the fork began to visibly hiss and erode after he ran it over  the steak, one by one the teeth of the fork fell off onto the plate.  stripetail looked at the ruined utensil and threw it onto the table. Dip!' he seethed. 'or at least a version of it.  i'm going to have a few words woth my server.. Excuse me madam.' he motioned to a passing waitress.' Did you happen to see where my server went? brown haired lady, tannish complexion? because I  have a few choice words to say to her about the.. spiced broth.. " no sir, I havent. I'm sorry,"  the young waitress said apologetically as she came up to his table ' I just started this week sir. '' Well  observe..' Stripetail cut into the meat , then held up the knife, the dip quickly eroded through the cutlery .  The blade of the knife soon fell off, leaving a useless fragment of metal in Stripetail's claw.  the waitress gaped.' " I don't know what to say sir. " just try and find her please. " Stripetail said.
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Inque had discreetly exited through a backdoor near the bathrooms. As much as she wanted to see her handiwork, the first rule of a saboteur or assassin was to never stay around to watch the fireworks.

As she exited into the dirty alleyway, she ducked behind a dumpster and changed her form. This time, she took the form of an what seemed to be a broken statue of a man in a heroic pose. Said "statue" was lying against the dumpster as if it was too heavy to toss into the dumpster itself.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail got up from his seat and put some coins on the table." " Keep the change " he said to the waitress " Sir, we only take creds , We stopped using coins decades ago." The young waitress said." Then convert it to creds." Stripetail said firmly ." I have to go report this latest attack on me."
He pulled out a phone from his robes and dialed " This is Gordon." Commissioner, this is Stripetail. Inque has made a second attempt against me, this time though poisoning my lunchtime meal." Strange. She usually doesn't use poison, not her MO." Well she did this time. It's was a dip-derived toxin, made very short work of my eating utensils. " I'll question the restaurant staff, but with Inques shapeshifter abilities they likely won't be of much help. I'll amend the APB to cover this attack." Thank you Commissioner " Stripetail said " Have the toxin tested, see if you can't whip up a antidote. Would certainly make eating out safer for the toons in town." I should ask how you are faring. Then again, you're a wizard, you've likely already healed yourself."

Magical abilities help, as does having antitoxins on ones person, Commissioner. You don't get to be my age by being foolish and unprepared." Stripetail said with a small smile on his face." Not everyone has magic powers." Gordon replied" I'm going to reach out to a old friend to help prevent any more attacks by Inque . He should be in touch soon." Stripetail nodded and hung up.
Gordon sat back in her office chair and frowned " Time to call the old man."  She reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a phone. This phone had only one number on it and was heavily encrypted for security reasons. Gordon dialed a number and after a few rings a familiar voice came on the line." Hello Barbara. I'm assuming that this isn't a courtesy call." No, Bruce. It isn't. You need to get Batman on the wizards case. Inque has just tried to kill him, again." Inque can try as often as she wants. She's not going to be successful." Bruce replied and Gordon 's face narrowed" Why do you say that? She's going to keep trying to kill Stripetail, it will be a matter of professional reputation for her." No doubt, it's rare that Inque needs more than one try at a target. But Stripetail isn't a normal target. Between you and me Barbara, I doubt that Stripetail is a mortal being." You think that he is immortal?" He wouldn't be the first immortal you or I have run across. You remember Jason Blood, don't you?"  Still, I need to make sure Inque is stopped. She will keep trying until she is stopped one way or another. Get Batman in touch with Stripetail, have him shadow him. I don't want a third attempt. Even if she can't kill the wizard, she can harm others in the attempt. And Gotham doesn't need more bad publicity." I'll do my best Barbara. I should be able to get something in place by tonight."
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After several minutes, the area seemed to be safe, so Inque changed her form into a homeless man stumbled out of the alleyway, seemingly from sleeping off a hangover. As she walked past the front entrance, she could see Stripetail was still alive and not reduced to a puddle of goo on the ground. Fuming, she continued walking down the bustling sidewalk as she tried to figure another plan of attack.


Meanwhile, John Hayland had agreed to wear a wire to one of the Jokerz shenanigans. This time, it was something milder since news of the arrest of a few of the members had spread through.

A pie laced with some Dip was thrown at the window of a local hookah bar, leaving furrows in the window where the toxic substance had corroded the window. Meanwhile, the other Jokerz were engaging in some wanton street criminal mayhem, smashing windows, destroying locks and hurling newspaper boxes and vending machines off the elevated sidewalk.

"Hey! This was our turf!" A burly teen with a large red "T" marking on his face, backed up by some others with the same makeup emerged from an alleyway.

"Scram," a Jokerz said. "We were here first."

"Yeah, but a woman promised money if that we trash this area!"

"Shut the f--- up before we trash you!" The sound of weapons being drawn and readied was heard as the Jokerz either drew weapons or got ready to use their tools of destruction as weapons.

"You guys are gonna get wrecked messin' with the T's!" The burly teen pulled out a section of pipe from his waistband.

John Hayland, not wanting to get involved in the impending melee, was trying to discreetly back away and run.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Terry was finishing up his last class when he heard a phone buzz in his pocket " Sorry Mr Dillers. It's my mom." Terry apologized." Then take your call out in the hallway McGinnis. Other students are taking a test." The professor said." Terry excused himself and left the room. After walking down a hallway, he turned into a dark side hallway and pulled out the phone." McGinnis" came a familiar demanding voice " We have a big problem on our hands. Inque has been hired to kill Stripetail and she's already made two attempts against him. You need to make sure there's no attempt 3." Mr Wayne, the guy has magic powers. Surely he can handle himself ?" Of course, but others around him may not be so lucky. Inque will not care if onlookers are killed, collateral damage is part of the business. You need to stop her, no matter what. " I have a study session with Max and Dana at 6." You'll likely have to miss that unfortunately. Crime doesn't wait for you to finish biology homework. Get to downtown, and find Stripetail. Put a tracker on him if you need to. Get going." Wayne finished just as the bell rang for the end of the school day."
Great" Terry muttered as he began walking towards the exit." Hey Terry " came a voice behind him. It was Max" Where are you headed off to so quickly?" Mr Wayne needs me." Terry said " I might be late for our study sessions, just keep an eye on Dana for me, will you?" The old man sure is demanding of you isn't he?" You don't get to be a billionaire sitting at a desk all day Max. Mr Wayne has a lot on his plate and at his age he needs help with a lot of it." He had better pay you well for it then. I 'll  take Dana out shopping , there's a dress I want and she mentioned the new Selina Style outfit that just came out.." The black and gold one?" With matching earrings " Max said " isn't it like 7000  creds? " 8600, and the wizard was kind enough to put 15000 creds on our cards. I know because I ran it while paying for the school lunch at lunch time." Max said." Got a call from my mom, Stripetail contacted her and my dad for a interview. Hers is at 4 tomorrow afternoon, Dad's is Thursday at noon. Cross your fingers for them will you Terry? This could be a life changer for my family if he hires them."

" I might run into Stripetail tonight actually. Mr Wayne is planning on meeting with him, probably to present a check for supporting the games." If you do, put in a good word for my folks. They like you Terry and any help you can give would be more than appreciated ." I'll see what I can do. Not sure how much pull" Mr Wayne's assistant " has, but I'll find out. If I get done quick enough, I'll bring coffee. See if Spunk still has that double dripped chocolate latte they were selling." Thanks Terry. Don't work too hard. And don't forget to bring your brain to the study session. Unlike the last one at my house where you fell asleep 10 minutes into it" Max laughed " Very funny Max. I'll catch you girls later." Terry said as they exited the school. Max walked over to Dana and the girls climbed into Dana's car and drove off. Terry climbed onto his motorcycle and drove off. He put his hand to a screen and there was a beep " Identity confirmed. What is your request?" Current location of the wizard Stripetail " Terry said " Scanning.. found. Subject is heading towards Historic Old Gotham on foot. Estimated distance away 15.58 miles. Estimated time to meet up? 20. 28 minutes at current speed." Thanks Computer." Terry said and he pressed a button on the console. A silver cover covered both bike and rider as as the cover dissipated, Terry was now dressed as Batman . Batman pressed hard on the throttle and shot off towards the north
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Kopas phone buzzed as he looked over the construction of the Pridelands racecourse " Hello Kopa." Came a older voice the voice of his great uncle Scar" Returning your call from a couple days ago. You are still working on that Games program, correct?" Yes , Im currently looking at the race track." Good good, anything to raise the kingdom profile. Where's my boy?" Kovu is reviewing security plans with the Guard. We'll need more security if we get the games " I'll pitch in for the costs , my boy. Wouldn't be the first time, of course. Blame your dad for investing in that Madagascar circus tour fiasco." He says the penguins were very convincing." Kopa said and Scar laughed " Only for the gullible. That show wasn't even that good." Don't remind me," Kopa sighed."On the other claw, Vitani got a pen pal out of it- Gia sends her messages each week. Last time she was traveling across Turkey on their train." Silver linings and all that ." Scar said." I'll send you 25 million for costs. Games aren't cheap."
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Inque tried her best to discreetly follow Stripetail into Historic Old Gotham. This rather sizable section of Neo Gotham was a throwback to the Gotham of old. Many of the buildings present were either original or had been restored. As such, it was a popular tourist destination. To help maintain its old-time appeal, replicas of old cars popular from the era served as taxis to shuttle tourists to various parts of the town. Of course, to let sunlight in (and maintain that old-time ambience) construction of elevated highways and excessively tall buildings were banned and they had to conform to the architectural style of the era.

As the assassin took a seat on a nearby bench, she pondered how to dispose of the powerful mage. Directly fighting him barely worked, poisoning him was an utter failure. It was then she noticed some restoration work done on the facade of an old Gotham theater. She wondered, perhaps an indirect physical attack?


Josh Hayland had made it several blocks away. He heard sirens wailing as the police rushed to arrest the brawlers...the ones who hadn't fled the moment they heard the sirens. He could smell the scent of gasoline and smoke from the small fires they had set.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Batman continued speeding through town, heading towards the historic district.  it was close to sundown, the sky filled with the colors produced by  reactions with the gases released by Neo Gotham. ' in the middle f town wqas old gotham, filled with buildings that wre around when the original Dark Knight prowled the rooftops. ."
 stripetail pausd by a reproduction of a last century car, it was a limo , that would have been driven by Gotham's elite, Like Bruce Wayne. ' " The Rich in Gotham certainly did not lack for things to spend money on, and it shows ' Stripetail mused.  there was a screech of tires behind him and he turned to see batman jump off a motorbike '  a bit early in the evening for you to show up Batman.' Stripetail said, a small smile on  his face as he leaned on his staff. "inque is after you.' Batman said '  I'm well aware , Dark Knight. She owes me a lunch after her attempt on me earlier today.  Took the form of a waiter at the restaurant I was eating at.  Slipped some poison in with the broth.' Stripetail said. " Dip-based..  "  same stuff used to harm a group of tourists earlier today.  They survived, fortunately, although not without bad burns ' Batman said.  " why would she go after you? surely your reputation as a wizard has preceded you?' money, Batman. Presumably a great deal of it.  She;s also very good at eliminating her targets, according to what Commissioner Gordon has told me. So a professional assassn , trying to eliminate me, and in so doing, ruin the games, not only to the immediate detriment of Gotham, but the long term detriment of the residents of Toon Town. " Who would do that?' Batman asked. " Stripetail chuckled ' You clearly havent been following the games, have you?' I've been.. busy with other matters.. like protecting Gotham.' Fair enough, that is your self-appointed job, after all. No, there is one woman who would benefit enormously from me being out of the way: Gabriel. She;s tried to stop or hinder the games at every turn, and she even forced us to cut short our stays elsewhere- unleashing a massive flood will do that. "
 So we go after this Gabriel, and lock her up.." Batman said and Stripetail shook his head. " if it were that easy, Batman, I would have dealt with her several stops ago. She always manage to find an exit ramp, unfortunately." stripetail said. 
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Where Batman and Stripetail were conversing, there was another old building undergoing some restoration work. It was Gotham Drugs, a drug store that sold not just medications but candies, sodas and other small snacks. The building was original but the inside had been reconstructed as a fire had gutted it years ago. Inque ducked into a back alley and made her way up the side of the building. There, she turned into her liquid form and seeped into some cracks on the building's facade. Once inside, she then widened the cracks, causing large pieces of stone to fall.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The cracking was loud enough to draw attention and bot Stripetail and Batman looked up as large chunks of the building fell down towards them." Knock them down!" Stripetail said sternly as he cast magic against the debris , blowing the bricks to dust. Batman sent out a flurry of batarangs, shattering the large pieces into smaller pieces sending a shower of debris to the ground. Stripetail put defensive shields around both of them in order to protect them from the debris. Half of the building restoration work had been torn off and thrown at them." This is Inque's doing." Stripetail said as he looked at a large chunk on the ground, which had a pool of black residue on it. " Great." Batman sighed as the devastation became evident." How do I stop someone who can change herself to be anyone?" You'll have to find a way, my friend.
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Scooby passed food around the table as one by one the group ordered appetizers and food " Please passed the breaded fish and the grilled fish strips " Mukua said." Toss me the bread rolls " Argo said. Anyone want drinks?" Dixie asked as she pulled out a pad of paper.

Kovu heard his phone ring and answered " Hello dad." Hello boy. How is the defenses looking?" Good. We're working on increasing our defense to hold the games. We'll need probably 100 million dollars or so. We have enough money for it. We are getting everything finalized for that." Good, good. You having a race there?" Of course, probably having a hunt too.
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"My favorite preys are the exact same as your favorites," Kovu smiled to Scar. Since Kovu was young, he had been raised to idolize Scar and he sought to be identical to him in every way possible. Scar really appreciated the gesture. "How has the hotel business going?"


"Thanks for the food everyone," Oliver smiled to his mother and his friends, "I've been starving. I hear this place has real good chow!"


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Busy my boy, especially this time of year. I have a large section of rooms books by a party on the Orient Express, they paid top dollar so I intend to see that they give me good reviews. There's nothing better than a German prince giving you a 100 million mark tip and recommending your establishment to his contacts. The money prints itself so to speak. Anyway are you still using the kill in under 10 seconds method, or are you being more deliberate
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"Being more deliberate, that's how you always handled your hunts," Kovu smiled, "Trying for under 10 seconds can often result in failed attempts, after all. And congrats on all the profits, father. You were always the smartest lion I've ever known."


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Don't needlessly flatter boy, it's a fine line between admiration and obsequiousness, don't cross it. I didn't raise you to be a sycophant, Kovu, don't become one " Scar said." You want to emulate me, that's fine, you could do a heck of a lot worse in that area."
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Sawyer arrived on set where Louie had instructed her to go. "I got the.....outfit you wanted me to wear," Sawyer groaned, rolling her eyes. "What time do we start shooting?"

Berry was eager to see what Louie had planned for the feline. Louie direct.


"Thank you for the advice, father," Kovu bowed.


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keep up the good work. while your striving to be like me, is admirable,  i simply want you to be comfortable in your own paws. you are my legacy, and you have done nothing but make me proud. besides, when i go, you're going to have 15 trillion reasons to throw the biggest party the kingdom has ever seen ' Scar laughed. ' Flaunt it all you like, my boy."  but dad, I've always striven to be like you. ' and you have succeeded exceptionally well Kovu.  you don;t need to worry about following every pawprint I have left. you want to do so, of course, so i will say you are doing a tremendous job
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Kovu felt proud at the compliments he was receiving. "Thank you so much, father," he said gratefully. "I know you flaunt your wealth already."


"I'm just glad Oliver is full and safe," Arlene smiled to Kitty and her friends. She saw the outfit Kitty was wearing. "I take it you've gotten used to your new job," she chuckled, seeing how revealing Kitty was dressed. "But then again you must be used to looking like that, huh?"


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Of course. Working at Waul's , you get used to wearing revealing stuff. " Kitty smiled " So this is revealing, but I get paid well-REALLY well- and the prince has a entire amusement park in his royal reserve. Reserved solely for his prizes, his ladies." An amusement park?" Arlene started." How about I show you around as my guest. There's loads of villas, library villa, food villa , relaxation villa.. even" Kitty whispered " Buff villa. I'll show you that last. You and I have a food date in the chocolate room.. Hope you like cake, there's 55 different kinds of chocolate, and 12 different dipping sauces. Did I mention that you can have live mice with it?"
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"Oh man....I don't think I could keep my figure, but then again I am a beanpole," Arlene chuckled, "Oliver, you hungry?"

"Yes I am, mom," Oliver nodded, licking his lips.

"Could you guide my son to a menu for his age bracket?" Arlene asked the prizes. "I'm not sure if he fully grasps how gourmet cuisine works."


"How's mother been doing, by the way?" Scar asked Kovu.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 11:57:02 PM by brekclub85 »