The Gang of Five
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A Sci-Fi Roleplay

MrDrake · 357 · 24926


  • Littlefoot
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Execution? Firefly didn't quite expect that, however, now that she had thought about it, it would seem correct and wise of them to do so "What do I say to that? Simple....I wont be around for the execution to take place" she chuckled back as she slammed her fist down onto the datapad and completely destroyed it, looking at the police officer "So, what do you say to that, hmm?"


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The human looked down at the now broken data pad, and over to Firefly. 'You realise how expensive those are, right?' He said, trying to stay calm... trying to simply ignore the bounty hunters taunts.

'Still, it does not matter.' He walked over to the large metal door, and gave it a tap with his knuckles. 'She's being rather... uncooperative. Could someone notify the sergeant... and ask him for permission to subdue her?'

'Kell, you couldn't even get a child to tell the truth. You're about as useful as a stack of burning hay,' came the muffled reply from the other side.

'What kind of comparison is that?!'

'I'm merely suggesting the fact the a pile of hay that is on fire could interrogate that alien better than you could. Does that make sense?'

'I'd like to see you do better.'

'Fine.' The door opened with a loud metallic moan. Another male human, this one shorter and skinnier, came through. He  reached into his pocket and pulled out an electrified stun baton. 'Let's see your armor stop this,' he said, aiming the stunner right at Firefly's body.

Meanwhile, in an elevator that was playing obnoxious music, Raiven tapped a foot impatiently. He had a cell phone to his ear, and waited.

'Geez, can't I even get five minutes of sleep?' Isodor replied from the other end.

'We have a problem,' Raiven said.

'Did you get us fired?'

'No, I got promoted, but that's not the problem.

'Then what is... wait... what did you just say?'

'Look, Iso. Val just took the blame for this whole thing. She claimed to be in league with Kelthusa... I have no idea why she went that far, but now she's in the deep.'

It took a moment for Isodor to regain himself. 'Okay, uh... so what do you want me to do?'

'She's a smart girl. I'm certain she wouldn't have gone that far if she hadn't had some was of escaping. Trouble is, if she starts beating up cops... they'll put up a code blue.'

'But a code blue is only for... oh.'

'Oh what?'

'I'm looking up the information now.. It says she's to be exectuted tonight.'

Raiven stood silent in the elevator for several seconds. There was a light ping, and the door slid open. 'Welcome to floor nine,' a voice said.

'She's on floor eleven, Rai.'

'I thought as much, but I've got something else to do first. Can you get a lock on her position?'

'Only if I hacked right into the cameras and what-not... but that's just insane.'

'Do it,' Raiven said.

'Wh... what?'

'Hack into the core security system and start tracking her. I want you to do everything you can to get her out of here. Understood?'

'But Raiven... if I go and hack into-'

'Just do it,' Raiven said, his voice raised.

'Okay, okay. The things I do for friends,' Isodor muttered, before the phone hung up.

Raiven exited the elevator, and began his search for Zoe.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly stood up as she saw the police officer enter with a stun rod.  She slammed her foot down onto his foot before elbowing him in the stomach before she grabbed his hand and pulled the rod off him.

Seconds later, she struck the officer across the face with the stun rod before grabbing the first officer's head with her hand slammed it into the wall before pulling him backwards.

She then knocked on the metal door, to which a police officer spoke up "So, I take it you've got her under control?" the voice asked from the other side of the metal door.

"Close, they've been taken care of" replied Firefly.

The police officer didn't seem to think twice and started to open the door, to which she kicked it open, right into the police officer's face "I told them, but of course,. they just refused to listen" she muttered to herself as she took a gun off the police officer, placing it into one of her compartments for the time being as she just weilded the stun rod and walked down one of the hallways.

Once police officer in general, noticed her and sounded an alarm that rang throughout the police station.

Meanwhile, Zoe continued to talk to the police officers that were interogating her when she heard the alarm going off as well "Um, is there a fire?" was all she could ask the police officers as she finally took a sip of the coffee she was given earlier on.


  • Petrie
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The two other humans in the room with Zoe looked up into the air, concern on their faces. 'That isn't supposed to happen.'

'Should we go find out what's going on?'

'Good idea, I'll go check.' The woman stood up from her chair, and went for the door. On the other side was Raiven.

'Excuse me, coming through.'

'What... what's going on?'

'Just a drill, nothing to be worried about,' Raiven said, waving her off and walking straight past her.

'Are... are you sure.'


'Code blue. Code blue,' the voice echoed through the halls. 'This is not a drill.'

Raiven ignored it, and walked up to Zoe. 'Sorry to interrupt, but we must get going.'

'Pardon?' The male said. 'We're in the process of talking-'

'Change of plans.' She grabbed Zoe's hand. 'She's going up to floor eleven.'

'But... that's-'

'Hey, it wasn't my idea. Now if you'll excuse me... we haven't much time.' He walked back out with Zoe and a grin all over his face. He then slammed the door behind them.

'Right, let's get you out of here,' Raiven said to Zoe.

Isodor watched Firefly through the cameras. 'My god, she is good,' he said with a chuckle, and reached for another corn chip. As he munched and crunched, he began to type upon the keyboard of his computer terminal. Alongside the view of Firefly was a whole wall of text, slowly running by.

Isodor had broken past two defensive barriers, and was now in the security system. He had perhaps only a minute and a half before he was detected, but he was surely having a great time watching Firefly kick policemens butt.

'Head for the stairs. The stairs!' He yelled into the monitor. Of course, Firefly couldn't hear him.'

As Firefly made her way through a now empty passageway, there was a large sign bolted to the wall. Upon it, was directions to multiple floors.

B - Carpark.
1 - Main entry.
10 - Medical bay. Downstairs <--
12 - Storage room 2. Upstairs <--
19 - Hangar bay. Ship impound. Upstairs -->
22 - Main docking bay. Control tower. Upstairs -->

They had come in from floor 22, where Raivens ship was.


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"Wait, but...." Zoe begun as Raiven grabbed her hand and took her out of the room "What about Firefly? Is she going to be alright?" she asked him.

Firefly on the other hand, looked at the directions before walking off to the right as she had recalled where they had come from before.  She glanced around as she walked onwards, yet, there were no police officers around at that point "Heh, this is going to be much easier than what I had thought" was all she had muttered to herself as she continued to walk onwards.


  • Petrie
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'She'll be fine,' Raiven said to Zoe. 'She's a bounty hunter, the whole police station is at her mercy.'

At least... I hope so, he thought.

The staircase was just ahead. Firefly could hear the sounds of footstep, dozens of them, coming from below. A parade of policemen was coming up to her... the question was... were any coming down?

As the alarm continued to sound, large iron doors began to shut in the hallways. They were slowly sealing off the rooms. Suddenly, a iron door came down upon the upper stairs... trapping Firefly on this level.

'Oh, bloody hell,' Isodor said to himself. 'Security doors and everything!' He began to frantically type, breaking into the main security control itself.

As suddenly as the door had come down, the door that blocked access to the upper stairs was gone. The other sealed doors were still down, however.


  • Littlefoot
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"I hope so" was all Zoe had said back as she continued to follow Raiven still.

Firefly on the other hand, glanced aroudn as the metal doors came down, to which she begun to run ahead, trying to outrun the metal doors coming down before she activated her thrusters before one door slammed down in front of her, leaving her hovering mid flight for a few moments before the door reopened.

She wasn't going to question it as she took off again, just flying throughout the police station, making her way back to the police cruiser that had bought her in before, so to speak.

Firefly flew up the stairs, doing whatever she could to cut time off being captured, that is, until she came to the police dock, a whole bunch of policemen were waiting for her right there.

"Dead end slaver" one spoke up.

Firefly just hovered there, there were at least a good ten of them before she landed onto the ground "Well now...shall we dance?" she asked them as she dashed ahead and struck one police officer with the stun rod before grabbing two other officers and slammed their heads together.
She slammed her palm into another officer's face, basically, fighting each and every one of them off.


  • Petrie
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Raiven's phone beeped, an incoming call. The ID code was blank.


'It's Barbary, you idiot! What the hell is going on?... I've got an alarm pounding in my ear, and they keep telling me someone is escaping.'

'That "someone" is the criminal I brought in,' Raiven replied.

There was only silence from the other end.

'Yeah. Next time maybe I should escort her, huh?'

Before Barbary could reply, Raiven hung up. Not a second later, the phone started to beep again. The ID code was still blank.

'What is it, Barbary?'

'It's Iso, you idiot!' Isodor replied, sounding insulted. 'I've put up an ID block. I'm dancing on the knifes edge here, you know.'

'Where is she?'

'She's headed for your ship.'

Raiven nodded to himself. 'I expected as much. Her equipment is on there, not to mention it'll make the perfect escape.'

'Not if they put a lock on the ship, she wont be going anywhere.'

'Well, hack in and make sure the ship is ready to go.'

'Okay. I need to lay low until then, otherwise they'll pick up on me. I've already broken enough laws to last me a lifetime, Rai.'

'Alright.' He paused for a second, before returning the phone to his ear again. 'Thanks, Iso.'

'You owe me,' came his reply. Then he hung up.

Raiven turned to Zoe. 'Right, I know where we need to go, so let's move.'

Your average police officer was no match for a bounty hunter, especially an armed one. The blockade of police was quickly subdued, and sent running with their tails between their legs... so to speak. However, as Firefly headed for Raiven's vessel... there was an echo of metallic footsteps from behind her.

'Drop your weapon, you have thirty seconds to comply,' the giant, twin Gatling gun wielding robot said in a dark, hollow voice.


  • Littlefoot
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"Well now....this is different" Firefly spoke to herself upon seeing the robot arrive.  She thought for a second before complying, opening up the compartment as she dropped the stun rod and quickly pulled out the stolen gun and started to empty the bullets onto it before she kicked up the stun rod and kickked it at the robot in an attempt to short circut it.

Zoe on the other hand, looked to Raiven "You think that Firefly will be alright?" she asked him as she was rather worried about Firefly.


  • Petrie
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Zoe and Raiven ascended the flight of stairs in haste. 'I'm certain she'll be alright. The alarm is still going, which means the problem hasn't been dealt with.'

He stopped momentarily on a step, and faced Zoe. 'Okay, we're nearly there. I need to play this like she's still the criminal. I don't know what you plan to do, but I intend to pursue her once she gets aboard my ship. A false pursuit, of course, but right now... I'm kind of making things up as I'm going along.'

In the docking bay, the stun stick struck the side of the robot... and did nothing. This class of machine was well protected against such attacks, considering the composite armor that covered the main hull and legs. As such, the bullets pinged harmlessly off its main body, leaving hardly a scratch.

'Target has not complied. Opening fire.' The guns began to spin up.


  • Littlefoot
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Zoe nodded to Raiven, understanding where he was coming from, yet, just remained quiet for now.

Firefly on the other hand, tossed the gun aside and cricked her knuckles "Looks like I'm going to have to do it the hard way then...." she reached into a compartment and pulled out the only small bomb she had on her and tossed it at the robot before detonating it, giving her just enough time to fly up into the air out of the general direction of the robot before coming back down, slamming the robot into the ground.

She then stood on the arm of the robot and used the maximum of her strength to rip the gun off the robot and tossed it aside.  She grabbed the stun rod that was nearby and jammed it down onto the robot's face in an attempt to just impale it in the robot instead.


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The stairway seemed to shake slightly as the explosives went off in the docking bay. 'That can't be good,' Raiven said, suddenly concerned for Firefly. He grabbed Zoe's hand. 'We best get moving, now.'

The robot didn't take the stun rod right in his innards too well... something inside sparked and spat out smoke. The voice began to lose its pitch, and the whole thing began to shudder.

'Emergency destruct sequence, activate.' The robot began to beep in short tones, which slowly became faster.

The door across the room burst open. 'Oh hell. Val, get out of the way!' Raiven ran into the room, reaching into his pocket. He tossed a small pipe-bomb shaped device, which rolled along the floor towards the robot.

An EMP grenade, which hopefully would shut down the robot completely before they were all vaporized.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly actiavted her thrusters and took off away from the robot and landed next to Raiven before looking at him "So, I take it that you got your promotion? If so, then congratulations" she said shaking his hand "Would rather have seen that than seeing you be yelled at for killing who you were suppose to catch....I just had to do something" she told him as she turned back to the pipe bomb which had exploded.

Zoe looked at Firefly before giving her a hug "I'm just glad that you're safe is all"

Firefly hugged Zoe back and spoke again "So, what's your plan now? They'll be after me....what do you believe we should do?"


  • Petrie
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Raiven looked over to his ship upon the landing pad, and smiled. 'We might just be able to get away with this.'

He pointed over to his ship. 'Take her out of here, and we'll pursue. Don't worry, the ships prepped to go, if Iso has done his homework.

'Once we're far enough, we'll lose you... on purpose. After that, lay low for a while, then head for Maynard's place. All the details should be loaded in the ships database. We'll meet you there once we come back and sort things out here.'

Raiven's phone began to beep. Still no ID.


'Yeah, ship's ready to go. Better hurry, they just picked up my signal, so I've gotta log out of the security database. It's all up to you guys now.'

'Good work, Iso. Meet me up at the docking bay.'

'Ugh... we're not going on some wacky chase, are we?'

'You read my mind, Iso.'

'Great...' Isodor said sarcastically, then hung up.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly nodded back to Raiven and got into the ship, starting it up before taking off away from the docking bay.

Zoe watched as Firefly left as she looked to Raiven "Are you sure this is going to work? Because I just don't know, wouldn't the other cops around try and go after her as well?" she asked him as she held his hand again.


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'Well, I certainly would expect them too. It is, after all, what police are supposed to do.'

He turned to the stairway, and he could hear several police approaching. A male entered first, and Raiven began to put his plan into action.

'She stole my ship!' Raiven yelled as more policemen entered. 'She bloody well took my ship!'

'How the hell did that happen? We had a lock on all ships to keep her from escaping.'

'Well, do you see her anywhere?' Raiven replied, gesturing all around him. 'Because I saw her fly off... in my ship.'

'Damnit,' the male said. 'Someone notify control that she's escaped on a ship.'

Raiven sighed. 'I might as well do it. It was my ship, after all.'

Another male passed him a communicator. 'Come in control, do you read me?'

'We read you, what's the situation?'

'She's escaped. We need the ships unlocked immediately.'

'Copy that. We are currently having trouble with the security system, however.'

Raiven pretended to sound shocked. 'Oh really? What do you mean?'

'It seems some commands have been altered without our knowledge.'

Raiven then pretended to sound stunned. 'You idiots. You've been hacked!'


He looked at the others. 'There's an inside man. No wonder she got out so easily. Oh bloody hell... I can't believe this. She had us all along.'

He put the communicator beside him. 'Great... okay. I need some of you lot to head out and try and find his guy.'

'But, how-'

He threw the communicator back at the male. 'Notify the sergeants. I'm going after MY arrest.'

The male nodded. 'You'll need back-up, though.'

'Of course I will, get to your ships.'

Raiven watched as they headed for their ships. Some had to go back through the stairs to the other docking bay, as that was where their ships were. The others prepared to head out and find the "insider".

They headed down the stairs, bypassing Isodor, who waved as they ran past him. 'What are they up to?'

'Something about an insider hacking through the security system.'

Isodor laughed. 'Good for them. So, are we going after her or what?'

'We sure are. What ship?'

Isodor pointed to his left. 'I unlocked pad two, sooooo... that one over there.'

They ran to the ship, and hopped right in. 'Buckle up, Zoe. We're going for a ride.'

Isodor started up the vessel, and they were soon off into the sunset.

Meanwhile, in pretty much all the other ships...

'Gah! Why won't it take off.'

'The lock is still engaged!'

'Raiven is already taking off... why can't we?'

'What the hell is going up in control?'

Meanwhile, in the control tower...

'Sir, the locks won't disengage.'

'What's going on?'

'Sir, I think the insider hacked our systems... and locked everything tight.'

The control sergeant just stood there, rubbing his chin. 'Bloody hell.' He then looked out the window, and saw Raivens ship taking off towards Firefly. 'Godspeed,' he muttered.


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Zoe glanced out as she buckled up "Oh, I think I get it now, only this ship can go after her and not those ones" although, she had no idea how that was possible.

Firefly on the other hand, continued to fly onwards, glancing around at where she could hide.  She glanced at the water and thought for a second before she grabbed her weapons and let go of the steering wheel and grabbed the directions "Sorry...." was all she had said to herself as she opened up the side of the ship and jumped out of the ship before activating her thrusters and flew down towards the small town.

She had basically let the ship go crashing down into the water bellow as she flew into a nearby barn to hide out for the time being.  The ship crashed into the water and slowly started to sink down "Well....they said to I could come up with...." she muttered to herself as she remained quiet within the barn.


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'Not for long,' Isodor said. 'I've broken he whole locking system so the ships are stuck on their platforms... but it won't take long for the situation to be fixed.'

'We haven't got long to find her, then. Let's just hope she-'

'Found her,' Isodor said, pointing at the monitor.

Raiven stared silently as he watched what remained of his ship sink under the water. 'Oh.'

'Should I tell command we lost her?'

'That... that was the plan.' Raiven looked rather pale in the face.

'What's wrong, Rai?'

Raiven face Isodor. 'All my stuff was in there...'

Isodor chuckled a little. 'Oh well. They'll fish it out, I'm sure,' Isodor said, patting Raiven on the back with his little purple hand. 'I hope she got all the data off the ship before she crashed it, though.'

'Well, let's head back and give em the bad news.' Isodor turned the ship around, and headed back to base. There was no way they could find Firefly now... well, that was what they claimed. It was up to Firefly now to find Maynard.


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Firefly waited a few moments till she heard silence again and headed to the door of the barn, glancing back at the cow and shook her head as she walked out, looking at the date of where Maynard was before she activated her thrusters and took off in the direction of where Maynard would be.

"So um, how are we going to find Firefly now?" Zoe asked Raiven "Because, aren't we going to look for her after all of this?"


  • Petrie
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Raiven looked over to Zoe and grinned. 'We know exactly where she is going. Thing is, we still need to sort out the whole criminal issue back at the base. Once that's settled, we head out, and go see Maynard.'

The vessel approached the white beacon that was the police station.

Firefly found herself in a slum. The future certainly hadn't changed much in terms of the gap between the rich and the poor. The streets were covered in a light smog, thanks to the presence of several factories upon a nearby hill...

The sun was setting, and several lights along the walkways began to blink into life. Many buildings were of an old fashioned design, structural integrity taking a back seat to cost. The result was certainly something out a Noir movie, and it was a little bit difficult to consider a police officer would retire in a place like this.

Still, this is where Maynard was supposed to live, in one of the many old apartment buildings.