The Gang of Five
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A Sci-Fi Roleplay

MrDrake · 357 · 24943


  • Littlefoot
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(OOC: Yay! Now get ready for something else to happen! Chaos! :lol:)

Firefly kept on searching around to find Mayard within the slums "Man, what a dump this place is...." she muttered to herself.

Meanwhile, above Earth in space, a rather lage spacecraft was approaching.  The Space Force bought up the driver on a screen of theirs "Do you have a permit to land on Earth?" one alien asked the driver.

The driver of the space ship, was a strange, lizard like creature, but was rather well built as he looked to the alien council "I do not need a permit to land on such a worthless wasteland you call Earth"

And that's when the alarm was sounded, the council who were situated in a floating fortress was now being fired upon, however, the blasts was enough to knock it out of orbit and actually sent it crashing down towards Earth.

Back on Earth, Firefly looked up and saw what was happening, the Space Station was falling to which she watched on "That can not be good" she spoke as debrie was flying off the space station and falling down to Earth, most landing in various populated areas which caused chaos and panic.

The giant space station soon, crashed into Earth, right into New York City.  Firefly looked over in the far distance.  Smoke filled the air around as well, reaching as far as where both Firefly was, and where the police station was, where Raiven and the others were.

Firefly coughed as the dust got into her suit as she changed her scanning on her mask to detect any heat signatures, making it a bit easier to see through the thick dust.


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Back at the police station things errupted into chaos. Not only was there the issue with the escaped criminal that was trying to be kept under wraps, but now there was word of a space station crashing into New York.

'Bloody hell if this isn't the worst day of my life,' Barbary said as he wiped off sweat upon his forehead. For a man who spent most of his time behind a desk, he certainly didn't look like he did.

'Well, perhaps if you had done as I had asked and given her back to me, we wouldn't have this whole problem, hm?' Raiven looked down at Barbary, shaking his head.

'That isn't the only issue. I just got word about a space station crashing right into the center of New York.'

Raiven was stunned. 'A space station?'

'A space station...'

'Well, it certainly ain't your day. I should be going, then.'

'Wait just a damn minute,' Barbary said loudly, his fist slamming on his desk, sending papers flying off the side. 'I need answers, damn it. What the hell happened with that bloody criminal?'

'We lost her, no thanks to you.'

'I beg your pardon?'

Raiven leaned in, resting his hands upon the desk. 'Look, Barbary. You screwed up big time. You wanted all the glory of capturing this alien for yourself, I've known ever since we took up this whole Kelthusa case. That desk is starting to get unconfortable, isn't it? You want a better position, and today was your chance... wasn't it?'

Barbary stood up, red faced. 'How dare you, Raiven! You have no authority to make accusations!'

'Gee, somebody's pretty jealous that I got the promotion, huh?'

Barbary's face grew darker, his fists clenching and sweat forming on his eyebrows.

'Well, guess what? You've officially taken this case as your own, so this mess is all your fault. I wonder what the higher ups are going to say about that, huh?'

Barbary stood silently, anger written all over his glowing face.

'Of course, we can keep things under wraps. I mean, just between you and me. The media is going to be asking questions, I recommend you stay tight lipped on who's responcible.'

'Are you... blackmailing me?'

'Well, not really. You hate me, Barbary... but I hate you more. But, fromone cop to another, I'd love to keep quiet on the matter... I'd hate to see you demoted to mopping floors.' Raiven gave a sinister smile.

Barbary sighed. 'What do you want?'

'I want full permission to pursue MY criminal, and only me. I'll hunt her down, and I'll bring her to justice. In exchange, you can deny any responcibility... and I won't say a word.'

Barbary was hesitant, but he gave in... sitting back down and relaxing in his chair. 'Fine... now get out of my office.'

'Thank you, sir.' Raiven turned, and made his way out of the room.

Isodor was waiting for him outside. 'So?'

'We're free to do as we wish.'

'What about Zoe?'

'They don't need to know. She comes with us, plain and simple.'

Isodor hopped out of the chair by a wall. 'Right, let's go find Maynard.'

Raiven nodded. 'Yes, but I think matters are taking an interesting turn.'

The small purple alien tilted his head. 'What do you mean, Rai?'

'There's been an incident in New York. I think it's going to be one of those days, Iso...'


  • Littlefoot
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(Yay! An alien invasion!  :lol )

Above the Earth, slowly moving into sight was a rather large spacecraft.  Firefly looked upwards at the spacecraft "No, it can't be" she said to herself, almost as if she knew whose spacecraft it was.

The spacecraft soon stopped as it hovered over Russia and fired multiple pods out of it, millions by the looks of it, landing in various parts of the world, some seemed to land where Firefly was.

Out of each pod appeared smaller, lizard-like aliens, all weilding various weaponary, from energy swords, to energy axes, to even different kinds of firearms.

Firefly seemed to sigh "No, not Earth....Earth wont be yours for the taking...." she pulled out her energy sword and took off towards the lizard creatures, starting slice them down straight away "Maynard's going to have to wait...." she muttered to herself as she fought off quite a few of them in the process.

Zoe, on the other hand, was walking with Iso and Raiven as she glanced outside, seeing the lizard like aliens herself "Um, Raiven, aliens.....they're attacking the people down there...." she noticed.

The alien race was known as the Kre'Iax.  Their leader watched over from his spacecraft, just chuckling to himself before one screen he had open, had zoomed in on Firefly "Hmm, are the survivor I never got around to killing?" he asked himself as he turned and walked over to a teleportation pad, teleporting down to where Firefly had finished fighting off the Kre'Iax in the general area where she was.

Firefly looked over and seemed to glare at their leader "You,'ve picked the wrong planet to destroy this time"

Zarcon let off a chuckle "And who here on this wasteland of a planet is going to stop me? You? The last suriving Xeroxian remaining alive?"

Firefly rushed forward to attack Zarcon, who in turn, pulled out his two energy swords and begun to block each and every single move of Firefly's "My, you are an average fighter, but you still are no match for someone as skilled as myself" he told her as he swung a sword and struck her right across the stomach, actually piercing her armour.

Firefly stumbled back slightly as she glanced at her armour before blocking an incoming attack from Zarcon, their swords were now locked in combat before pushing each other back.


  • Petrie
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Raiven, peered through the veiwing monitor. 'Well, that's something you don't see everyday.'

'What the hell are those things?' Isodor asked the others, pretty sure they had no idea either.

'The president is going to be so very pissed,' Raiven muttered.

'Uh, what should we do, Rai?'

'I think Maynard will have to wait for another day. Alien invasions aren't my juristinction, but if they think they can go and harm-'

'Holey moley! Missile lock!' Isodor cried out.

'This just keeps getting better and better.'

'Evasive maneuvers. Firing chaff. Hold on tight, guys.'

The ship dived as two missiles arrowed straight for them. Leaving behind a streak of black smoke, the two missiles carved an accurate path towards their victim.

'We need to land, and soon.'

Isodor faced Raiven. 'I have a better idea, get ready to jump.'

'Uh, what?'

'Grab a gel suit, and get ready to jump.'

Raiven didn't even bother to ask why. He just grabbed a suit and put it on over his new trench coat. He helped Zoe put hers on, and after that, grabbed a few guns from the storage container in the back. It wasn't as well loaded as the one in Raiven old ship, but a gun was still a gun. Raiven then put on his dark glasses and gave a nod, holding a long lasrifle in his arms. 'Ready to rock and roll,' he said, slapping a battery cell into his rifle.'

'Ship's on autopilot,' Isodor said as he put on his suit, which required a lot of tightening to fit him. He grabbed a pair of laspistols and placed them in holsters. 'Open the hatch, and jump. And uh... don't forget to pull your cord.'

The ship began to beep and cry. 'That's our queue. Let's do it.'

Raiven passed Zoe a lasrifle. 'Sorry about this, Isodor has the craziest ideas sometimes. I don't blame him though, this isn't our ship afterall.'

The side hatch blew open, and flew towards the ground. 'Weeeeeeee...' Isodor cried as he charged out the hatch and leapt into the air.

'What and idiot,' Raiven muttered. He grabbed Zoe's hand. 'Don't worry, I'll lead you through this. Just... don't let go.'

The ship was passing near where Firefly was. Right into the heart of things, so to speak.


  • Littlefoot
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Zoe gave a nod back back to Raiven and held onto Raiven's hand rather tightly, not wanting to let go at the moment.

Meanwhile, both Firefly and Zarcon were at a standstill as Zarcon spoke with a laugh "This pathetic waste of a planet will be destoyed, and you will perish along with it, I will make sure of that" he charged forward and swung his sword before he used his other hand to put his sword away to grab Firefly and trip her up, slamming her into the ground.

Firefly pulled out her gun and shot Zarcon, causing him to stumble backwards, as he grabbed his forehead.  She charged forward and knocked him backwards some more.

Zarcon stood properly again and wipped his mouth of blood and glared to Firefly "I see that you're used to fighting unfairly.....good" he chuckled as he tossed his weapons aside.

Firefly tossed her gun and energy sword aside before she charged at him, the two were now exchanging blows.  Zarcon was rather strong, stong enough to damage Firefly as he grabbed her mask and ripped it off her, tossing it aside with a grin upon his face.

Zarcon grabbed her arm next and pulled her inwards to knee her in the stomach before kicking her backwards, grinning still as he glanced up at the ship passing overhead "So, you have backup....interesting...."


  • Petrie
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Gel suits were a rather new way of aerial insertion. They fired off a rapidly expanding soft gel around the suit... turning the freefaller into a giant cushion. As soon as the gel hit the ground, it began to disolve and softer, allowing the person inside to exit with ease. It was typically a military device for special operatives, but the police force had started to make them standard as a way of inserting police quickly into any situation.

Zoe and Raiven landed together, the gel all around them. Raiven dragged Zoe free, and, still holding her hand, began to search for Isodor.. who had jumped earlier.

'Iso?' Raiven called out as Zoe and he walked through an abandoned alleyway.

'God damn son of a-' Isodor's voice came from inside a large garbage dump. His head popped out of the trash, and he simply glared at the other two.

'Nice drop,' Raiven said.

'Shut up.'

Not long after, the three of them raced towards one of the large ships that had landed. Little did they know that they were headed right for Firefly, and Zarcon.


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Zarcon looked to behind Firefly and saw Raiven, Isodor and Zoe approaching.  His eyes gazed upon Raiven "Well now, if it isn't the newest promoted police scum" he laughed.

Firefly looked over to Raiven and co only to get struck by Zarcon, right in the face before kicking her backwards.

Firefly was breathing a bit heavier than before as she wiped her mouth from the blood that was drawn from her lip.

Zoe gasped at what Zacon had done to Firefly "Leave her alone!" she called out and aimed, firing at Zarcon, yet, she missed him by an inch or so.

Zarcon didn't even flinch as the blast was fired in his direction, walking past Firefly and up to Zoe, grabbing the rifle by the barrel and pretty much pulled it away from Zoe, using what strength he had to bend the rifle in half, making it completely useless as he tossed it aside "Children shouldn't play with guns" he glanced over at Isodor with a smirk.

"Leave them alone, this is between you and me only" Firefly told Zarcon rather angrily.

"Your time will come Xeroxion scum" Zarcon snarled back at Firefly.


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'You seem to love that word,' Raiven said. 'Scum, such a strong word. It's quite cliche, you know. All you snobby nosed aliens going around in your pretty ships, prancing about like you're somehow superior to the rest of us.'

He held his arms out. 'And here you now are, on the human home planet. I must tell you that you're not the first to invade... shame, isn't it?'

'We humans have a pretty strong spirit, you know. You can go about, fighting and trying to destroy us... but there's a reason why we're still here, after all these years.'

And then he raised his lasrifle. 'Want to try your luck against a human?'

Isodor nearly gasped. 'You're mad, Rai. You're gonna get yourself-'

'Don't even say it, Iso. This is between man and... this ugly assed thing.' He turned for a brief moment and winked at his companion. That was his signal to leave, now. He hesitated, but the little alien did as he was told, and backed off.


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Zarcon gave off another laugh "And here you think you humans are special, invading is one thing, destroying this whole planet is another whole sentence entirely"

Zoe stepped back as well as she looked to Firefly who wasn't going to move at all.

Firefly seemed to be glaring at Raiven, to her, this was revenge, she wanted to stop him herself "No Raiven, this is my fight, not yours, this is revenge" she told him.

Zarcon just gave off a laugh again as he looked over to Firefly "But the question still remains.....can you actually kill me?"

Firefly was just glaring at him "I plan to...." she held out her hand and moved it in a 'come here' motion.


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Raiven seemed to submit, lowering his weapon. If this was to be Firefly's fight, then he would not deny her that... but he was not a believer in revenge. It was bittersweet, and as a cop, he had been taught to never give into such a silly thing.

If it came to such, he would happily put his gun to the head of this lizard, and pull the trigger with no remorse... whether Firefly wanted him to or not. This was his planet, and he wasn't going to let some stupid ugly creature destroy it without a fight.

Meanwhile, Isodor made his way towards the aliens ship. He kept a very low profile... as low as a three foot tall purple alien could, anyway. If he wasn't to fight, then he might as well do what he was best at doing... sabotage.


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Zarcon only let off a grin as from above, back in his spacecraft, the teleporter was getting ready to bring him back on board "As much as I would love to continue this pointless fight, I have a date with the President of your planet" he chuckled and was beamed upon his ship.

Firefly attempted to grab him, but was a split second too late.  She turned to Raiven "We need to go after him.....right now" she more or less ordered him.  She was indeed rather pissed off at the moment "But if you dont want to, fine, but I am....this is payback"

Firefly then turned and begun to walk in the direction where Raiven's ship had flown off towards, picking her weapons up in the process as well.


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Raiven was quick to act. 'Well, considering this is my home planet, I have no choice but to defend her. But, by god, the president is gonna be so pissed. Hey, wait up!'

They made their way back to Raivens ship, careful not to get the attention of any of those aliens... jsut in case there was any more around. 'Iso?' Raiven called out when they got close to the vessel.

'Shh, be quiet. They're all over the place, you know. And they're not to happy with my sabotaging one of their ships.' The little purple aliens head popped out of a trashcan, the lid falling to the side. 'Is it safe to come out?'

'Yes, now hurry up. We have business to settle.'

'It wouldn't happen to involve saving the president, would it?'

Raiven shrugged his shoulders. 'Perhaps. Not exactly what I had in mind for today, but neither was an invasion.'


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly looked at Raiven once they all got onto the ship, including Zoe.

"If you must know on why I am so pissed off with Zarcon, it's rather simple, he destroyed my home planet, wiped out my entire race, I am the last survivor of Xerox 5, a Xeroxion" Firefly explained to the three of them.

"That's terrible" Zoe told Firefly back as she at least hugged her lightly.

Firefly hugged Zoe back "Thanks, but this planet, Earth, it is the only home I have left now, and I don't want to see Zarcon do to Earth what he did to Xerox 5"


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'I... I see,' was all that Raiven could say upon hearing Firefly's words. He couldn't relate, considering his home planet was still intact, and humanity had stretched so far as to be virtually immortal as a race.

What he could relate to, however, was the fact that Earth was his home. He had grown up here, and though he had seen both good and bad on this fair planet, he would swear never to see the day when it fell to something from beyond.

'I won't have it,' Isodor suddenly said. 'This isn't my home, but damn it if I don't love this place for all its flaws and such. Let's find this Zarcon, and kick his ugly ass back to where it came from.'

'I have a better idea,' Raiven said. 'Let's put a shot straight through his head, and be done with him. Invasion is one thing...' he faced Firefly, '... but genocide, that is beyond despicable.'

The ship flew on as the sun set, casting the last light over the cloudless horizon.


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Firefly nodded back "But on one condition.....I'm the one that gets to kill him...." she told Raiven and Zoe.

The ship flew underneath the giant war ship.  To the ship, they were more like a speck than anything else, and that wasn't even their biggest war ship either, to the Kre'Iax, it was considered a small one.

"If he's after the President, then we have to go to Washington D.C, gain access to the White House' Firefly then spoke up "If he hasn't arrived there, then we can at least warn the President that he's in mortal danger...."


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'This could be interesting,' Raiven replied, turning to Firefly. 'Ever since the last invasion, they've been upgrading the White House's security and defense. With the amount of structural changes and bunkers they've built on that thing, it could survive a fusion bomb.'

'John Adams would be rolling in his grave. Actually, I reckon he is.'

Raiven nodded. 'I'm certain they've built a massive force field around the whole thing as well. I don't think Zarcon would be able to teleport right into the office itself. Still, we'll find out when we get there.'


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Firefly pointed up at Zarcon's war ship "We need to get onto that somehow, if he knows any better, he wont be after the President just yet, especially if the White House is almost impenetrable, he's not dumb, he is rather smart" she looked to Isodor "Get me close enough, I'll find a way onto it at the very least"

"No, you'll....he'll....kill you...." Zoe spoke up to Firefly.

"Yeah, I know, he might succeed, or he might fail....who knows....." replied Firefly.

Zoe just shook her "No! Don't do it, I don't want you to die" she told her rather sadly.


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Isodor seemed to be hesitant, but he gave a nod to Firefly. 'If you wish, I can get you close enough to fly the rest of the way. I can skim past the turrets, since I did... a little work on their ship. However, once we get close, it's up to you. You'll have to find your own way in, and handle yourself.'

'Frankly,' Raiven began, 'I think it's a stupid idea. I saw what that Zarcon could do, and yet you really think you can take him on alone?' He looked over to Zoe, and read her face. It reminded him of someone he knew, that very same face.

His daughter. The way Zoe seemed to regard Firefly reminded him of his relationship of his daughter, Whisper... and the sudden realization hit him like a brick to the head.

'Oh crap!' Raiven suddenly cried out.

'What is it, Rai?' Isodor said.

'Whisper! She could be in danger!'

'Oh right, your daughter. Nice timing, Rai.' Isodor glanced over to the others. 'And this is why I don't have kids.'

Raiven paced about the ship worriedly. 'How could I forget?! I have to go find her. She could be in danger if she's still at my house.'

Isodor turned to face him, all of them... in fact. 'Okay, here's what we'll do. Firefly, if you wish... I'll fly you to that ship above us. Rai, I can take you to your home, but we'll have to be quick if we want to reach the White House before those bastards do.'

He then looked at Zoe. 'I... have no idea what you intend to do.'


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Firefly nodded to Isodor as she got out of the top hatch, glancing up at the giant war ship before taking off for it once she was closer to it, doing it all without a word.

Zoe wasn't sure what she was actually going to do when Raiven had asked her "I don't know, I want to go and help Firefly.....but I don't know what I can do to help out or anything like that" she thought for a second before she spoke again "I think I'll go with you fo now"

Firefly flew to where the pods had been launched from earlier on and flew in that way, well, that was after blowing the hatch off its hinges using some more of her own bombs.

Once inside, she glanced around at her surroundings.  She was in a rather huge room with pods everywhere, still ready to be launched when need be.


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Isodor gave off an annoyed groan. 'Yeah, that would be right. They've got the whole ship shielded from communication. Unless you want to sit around while I try and break past it, Firefly's on her own now.'

raiven looked over to Zoe, and sighed just a little. 'If you want to be of some help, you can join us at the White House. I won't deny you your rights as a free citizen,' he said with emphasis on "free". 'I do not wish to put you in danger, but if you truly wish to help Firefly, then I advise you stay with my daughter, rather than get yourself involved.'

'hang on a second, partner,' Isodor said. 'What if Whisper wants to come with us?'

'I won't let her, plain and simple.'

Isodor turned back to the monitor, and laughed to himself. 'Yeah, good luck convincing her of that.'

The ship made its way to Raivens house, not too far off from where they were heading... and as such, a short diversion on their current path.