The Gang of Five
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Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond

Jrd89 · 820 · 88308


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(Oh please, all this buildup for little old me...! :oops )

Tero looked ahead at the flyer heading straight for him. Gliding down to the ground, he waited as his friend came around the bend, and into view.

A stranger pair there could never be. The mysterious figure was a sharptooth. Around his teenage years, he was about twice the size of any flyer, but appeared even bigger thanks to the huge yellow fin on his back that stood up like a sail. His red and orange skin contrasted with the strange black grass and weeds he wore draped and tied all over his body, wrapped around his neck, hanging from his sail, draped over his head, everywhere. Tero had a similar set of weeds tied to his crest and above the knee of his left leg, which was horribly mangled and twisted, with a set of claw-marks across it.

The sharptooth nodded to Tero, his voice dripping with sarcasm "Sorry, us landwalkers are kinda slow, aren't we?"

Tero simply turned his gaze up to the approaching flyer.

"Ah, a welcoming party." The sharptooth grinned a massive, toothy grin as he waved to the oncoming flyer.

"Hey there!"

(In case I'm being unclear, Tero is a pteranodon and the other one is a Spinosaurus.)


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"Hello there, may I help you?" Pterano asked, not noticing the sharptooth.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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"Of course." Rinkus replied, in response to Jared thanking him. "It's really the least I can do after all." he gave Jared another smile, this time accompanying it with a nod.

Rinkus kept a hand on Jared's shoulder, just as a reminder that he shouldn't worry, and that keeping calm in this situation was best. "Now then, if you ask me, I think that we'd have heard Pterano by now if it was something bad. I think instead that Pterano has found something that won't threaten or harm us." the pink flyer was basing this assessment off the fact that Pterano would most likely be screaming in pain if there was a sharptooth out there, or calling out a warning back to their cave. As nothing of the sort had occurred, Rinkus felt it safe to assume the best.

"Oh!" Rinkus suddenly thought of something that might help take Jared's mind off of whatever it was that might be out there. "Say, Jared, why don't you tell me about your favorite place to fly to? I mean surely you have one, don't you? I know I do. I could tell my you mine, if you like, after you tell me yours." he wanted to make an effort to keep Jared as calm as possible, as his new friend deserved it after all. No sense in getting worried over things they couldn't see just yet, so Rinkus was going to do what he could for Jared while Pterano was away.

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"Well, Rinkus, there's a beautiful waterfall I know of. There's some shady trees there that I like to sit underneath and relax. Sometimes, i'll even take a nap there. It's very shady and peaceful. That waterfall is my favorite place to fly to, Rinkus. It's so beautiful and relaxing." Said Jared, as he thought about the beautiful waterfall and the shady trees...


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Luke kept staring towards the entrance of the cave. There was still no sign of Pterano, or what had become of him, and the only sound was the rain which had started to drizzle lightly. He started to shuffle his feet nervously.

"He's taking a long time, guys," Luke whispered, drawing closer to Rinkus and Jared, "And it's too quiet. Maybe something got him? And now it's coming to get us... Jared, what do we do?! There's only one way out of this cave, and something's coming to get us!"

"You'll help me, won't you Sierra?" he cried, as he darted behind the brown flyer.


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Tero looked up to Pterano, but stayed as silent as always.

"You won't get any answer outta him, mate." the sharptooth called, stepping forward into view. "He doesn't talk... Say, ya got any food around here, we're pretty hungry, right Tero?"

The silent flyer nodded.


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"Hey! What the!?" Sierra exclaimed, caught off guard by Luke scampering behind him. "Errr, what do you want me to do?" Sierra asked. "If it's a sharptooh, I'm outta here!"

"But..." Rinkus broke in, reminding his "friend" of certain facts. "As Luke just pointed out, there's only one way out, so you're stuck with us I'm afraid." he said, chuckling a little at Sierra's predicament. He didn't wish ill on him, though he just found it sligthly amusing that everyone was panicking.

"Let's not lose our heads, alright?" Rinkus went on. "Don't you listen to them Jared." he said, giving the tan flyer another pat on the shoulder. "They're just jumping to conclusions. Why don't I tell you about my favorite place, yes?"

"Hmph." Sierra snorted, though said nothing further. He grabbed a rock from off of the cave floor, not wanting to take any chances in case Luke was right.

"Well, my favorite place is not too far from here actually.There's a very big lake with a beach on one end of it. It can get kind of windy there, but it makes for absolutely amazing flying!" Rinkus said, speaking directy to Jared and ignoring Sierra. "And not only that, but it's nice to just lie on your back or belly and sun yourself for a bit in the sand, if you fancy that sort of thing." he gestured with this hand as he talked (as he was prone to doing), and gave Jared another smile. "It's quite the place. It never gets too hot because of the wind. The heat's just about right I find. Your place sounds quite nice too. You should take us there sometime, if you don't mind sharing your paradise." he told the flyer with a wink.

While Sierra was staying on guard, Rinkus was remarkably at ease, relaxed and conversing with Jared as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

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Pterano craned his neck to the sharptooth. His eyes widened as he yelled the same thing Petrie would yell. "Oh my...BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH!!!! (:lol Imagine him doing that!) SHARPTOOTH!!!!" (:lol Pterano will only beat up sharpteeth if they are harming those he cares about. He's pretty much of a scaredy egg when the sharptooth is threatening him. Even though this nice one is not) He turned around and started flying the other way with great speed...

Until he bumped into Artie. Luckily she was here just in time to see Pterano's little encounter with the sharptooth. "Calm down, Pterano. I know these kind of sharpteeth. They're harmless!" she told him.

Pterano just nodded in response as Artie approached the sharptooth. "Hi there!" Artie told the sharptooth.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Jared could picture Rinkus's beach in his head...

"Wow, Rinkus. That beach sounds very peaceful and relaxing. And sure, buddy. I'd love to take you to see my waterfall someday. I know you'll love it." the tan flyer said with a smile.

"Don't worry about Luke, Rinkus. Sometimes, he gets really worried and scared, like I do. He'll be all right."


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Tero stared up at the blue flyer who had turned up, and nudged the sharptooth at his side. The massive beast grinned up at her, revealing rows of sharp teeth, including a single tooth on either side of his mouth, twice as long as any of the others.

"Harmless, eh? We beg to differ. But friendly enough, if there's friendly folk about."

He held forth a claw for shaking "Redback's my name, and this is Tero."

Tero did not put forth a claw to shake, or even make any reply, save for a slight sneer at the flyers.

"Now, as I said, you got any food around here?" Redback spoke up again "Green food'll do the trick, but if ya got any fish or meat, all the better."

Tero nodded.


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"There's some green food over there," She pointed to the trees about twenty to thirty feet from here. "But if you want fish, you're gonna have to head over to the Big Water. But I'd much rather save the fish for later. I just had some not too long ago. Right Pterano?"

Pterano was still hiding behind her. "Why are you bringin me into this..?"

Redtooth gazed up at the older flyer confused.

Artie looked back at Redtooth. "Never mind him. He's just tired from our long journey to the Big Water not too long ago." She felt her hand on her head. "And so am I." She flew to the side, revealing Pterano. "I'm gonna head back to the cave. Pterano here will help you if you need any."

Pterano stared at her wide eyed. "Relax, Pterano. You're gonna be fine." Artie reassured him. Pterano just nodded in response before she took off, leaving him with the not-so-strangers any more. Pterano looked back at them. "H-hello." he waved nervously.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

The Great Valley Guardian

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A loud, terror filled scream cut through the air. Followed closely behind the scream was a young archaeopteryx child. As he fell past Pterano and the other flyers, he collided with the ground and slid for several feet, however even before his body had come to a full stop against the ground, the child was clawing against the ground and screaming as if he were being tortured.
"Don't let them kill me!!! P-please! I want to live!" he cried as his eyes darted around in fear, and shed several tears.


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The child's scream reverberated through the cave. Starting, Luke craned his head towards the entrance. "Do you guys hear that? Something is happening out there!" he exclaimed. Seizing the rock from Sierra, he declared grimly "I have to help them!"

Flying up into the air he scanned the area, and could make out Pterano with a smaller figure cowering on the ground in front of a sharptooth and another flyer. He could also see Artie flying back towards the cave. "That's it, Artie! Run!" Luke cried, and threw the rock. It arched through the air and bonked the large sharptooth on the head. "This is your chance Pterano! Take the kid and run!" he yelled triumphantly.


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Redback was about to head towards the trees for a handful of green (and who knows, maybe there might be come ground crawlers!), when the small wingtail flyer plummeted to the ground by his foot. Turning in shock, he made to attack the ambusher, but saw it was little more than a child.
It did look tasty, he thought to himself, but he knew the reaction he'd get from the others if he even thought about eating him. So shrugging, he headed off to the grove of trees, but not before giving Tero a tug.

"C'mon Tero, this ain't any business of ours. Let's eat. You can deal with this little guy...Pterano, was that your name?"

The mute flyer nodded, and the pair dined on treestars and the occasional ground crawler. Once they finished, Tero pointed out the cave opening in the mountainside. Redback nodded, and the pair set off climbing the hill towards the cave.

"Hey, if we're gonna hang about with these wingheads, we may as well introduce ourselves to them all."


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Pterano straightened his body and narrowed his eyebrows before flying back to the cave. "Give him here." Luke placed the child on Pterano's back before heading back to help the others.

"Come on, Artie!" Pterano told the female flyer.

"But I wanna stay and help." she protested.

"No, you take the kid to a safer place. I'll stay and help." With that, he placed the child on her back.

She looked at the older flyer confused. Wasn't he just acting like a scaredy egg a minute ago? And now he's being all-dare she say it-brave? "Just go," Pterano told her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "I'll be fine." He smiled at her reassuringly.

That confusion in her mind turned to worry. Sure he said he would be fine. But this was a gigantic sharptooth he was dealing with. Not the friendly omnivore sharptooth. She just couldn't help but wonder, what if he won't be fine?

She nodded at him before taking off. Pterano watched her, whispering these words. "Be careful, love." Before flying down to help Luke and the others.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

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The young child didn't seem to realize he was being helped, as he continued to shiver and squirm in utter fear. He gave two more terrified squeals and then on reflex, his body went limp as he slipped into unconsciousness. However even in his dreams, he couldn't escape the fear plaguing his heart.

The childs dream began with a voice calling out to him. But as the voice got closer, it became darker, colder and  more and more menacing and just when the kid thought he'd lose his mind from fright, a soothing, almost peaceful light flooded the darkness of his mind allowing him to breath. After a moment to collect his thoughts he asked aloud, "W-what is wrong with me?! Why can't I find anyone who cares about me?"

The voice that answer the kid was both warm and chilling. "You little one, are the only one who needs to care about your well being. It all depends on YOU and how you will solve these problems!"

The child silently let a tear slid down his face and began to shudder again as he felt himself waking up. He blinked his eyes open to see a flyer carrying him, and after a moment of staying silent he cleared his throat and asked in a hushed voice, "E-excuse me... who are you?"


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Artie shook the archaeopteryx child in her arms. "Kid, hey kid! Wake up!" She told him. But it was no use as the kid just stirred uncontrollably. She sighed before giving him on last nudge. "Kid, get up!"

Finally the kid opened his eyes as to him, everything was a blur. He couldn't even see past his own nose. But this only took a few seconds to regain eye sight. A blue flyer hovered over him with worried eyes. "Are you okay, kid?"
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Redback rubbed the welt on his head where the rogue rock struck him.

"Ooh, that's gonna sting in the mornin'!"

He shook his head in confusion. So much going on so fast, he felt like roaring out. But he checked himself, knowing that these flyers were stirred and shaken enough without his roars adding to the mess.

He looked up as Tero reached the ledge where the cave was. With one final push, he joined his flyer friend on the ledge, just outside the cave.
As they made to enter the cave, Tero nudged Redback, and pointed down to where Pterano was flying towards them, a grim look on his face.

"Oh boy, this doesn't look good. Whadaya want, Pterano?!"


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"Quickly, pass me that vine behind you!" Pterano shouted back. Redtooth grabbed the vine that was hanging off a tree behind him.

Pterano flew off and threw the vine towards the giant sharptooth's jaws before it could consume Luke.

Luke gazed at Pterano, who was still holding onto the vine with his strength. "Keep your dirty teeth off him, you overgrown lizards!" With that he pulled on the vine, bringing the sharptooth's closed jaws to face him. But before he could do anything, the sharptooth broke free and still headed for Luke.

Pterano landed on the sharptooth's head, pecking his eye out to earn a loud roar coming from him. With his focus now on Pterano, it shook its head, knocking him off and tossing him into the air. Pterano regained his balance, but he realized that he sharptooth had him backed up against the wall.

Pterano closed his eyes, preparing for impact when he realized it never came. For a tree sweet splashed into the sharptooth's face. Pterano looked up to thank whoever had saved him to see flyer, black on the outside, blue on the inside and no crest. "Devon..."
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

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The child blinked again as he looked up at the female flyer. He felt better being in her embrace, but couldn't smile. He then sighed quietly and shuddered again as he remembered his dreams. He heard the flyer ask her own question and he answered with a shaky tone in his voice. "y-yes... I'm... okay. I... I just... I just need to r-relax." he said aloud.