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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350734


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Shoukichi and Kiyo were having lunch at one of the many Mawashiian run cafes on the Spire of Winter.

"It's nice to see a lot of our fellow sumos agreeing to help out," Shoukichi smiled as he bit into a big beefy burger. He then noticed a familiar lioness wearing a mawashi walking around nearby.

"Isn't that Sima?" he asked Kiyo.


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Sara heard about the evacution, got basic information and went to Belinsk.  She helped with the evacuation by making a gate for those evacuating so they can get to one of the evacuation spots by just walking through.  Nearby Jason was using his motherbox to make a boom tube, something like a gate, but with a short tube that connected the 2 gates instead of it being one steps through a gate to another location like Sara's magical gate.


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The air in the royal courtyard was abuzz with fear and Sveta could smell it. She raised her hands for silence.

"Fellow royals, we are facing a crisis that dwarfs any we have faced. A group of Beastmen from beyond Weyard have volunteered to help us. Though they may look strange, they mean no harm and will guide you to safety. Gather your necessities and meet in the town square where they will assist you. Go! We do not have much time!"

She turned to some of the omnipresent guards as the crowd began to disperse. "You will need to assist me in evacuating the museum."

Sveta sprinted off to the Royal Museum with the guards closely behind her.


(Spire of Winter)

"Spike! Take a message!" Twilight said as she watched the influx of refugees. "

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Twi?" Applejack said as she was hauling a cart full of fresh food to the kitchen. "I mean, the last time the folks aboard this here ship went to our planet...they didn't exactly get the warmest reception. And I ain't exactly keen on having to explain to their leaders how some of their folks got sold into slavery."

Twilight snorted as she pawed the ground in frustration. "Spike, send a message to Princess Celestia!"


Stripetail's radio buzzed. "Stripetail, this is Captain Carson. I have managed to get extra space aboard the mining colonies. A lot of improvisation was involved. Namely housing refugees in disused mine shafts, converting ore carriers and shuttles to shelters and parking ships in orbit. However, I was unable to get a concrete number for amount of refugees they can take. I'd make a conservative estimate of approximately 30,000 refugees across. But there is the possibility of housing beyond that. Carson out."



There some Vaalbaran bodies scattered around the area due to the impact. Said meteor was resting in the remains of the inn and thanks to the cold atmosphere, was covered in a thin layer of rock-hard water frost.  Because of their ameboid physiology, Vaalbarans were immune to physical trauma but heat very quickly killed them. What remained of them was the intricate silica "armor" that originated naturally in a subspecies of Vaalbaran but had been adopted as "protective clothing" by the other subspecies.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Thank you Captain" stripetail radioed back  30000 is a significant number.  are there stores of food and supplies set aside for when they arrive?"
Ratchet   climbed into the crater create by the meteor which was enormous, about the size of a large car, the frost on it glistened as it reflected off  the light of clanks batteries. " this planet was hit by many hundreds of these Asteroids" Came A message from aphelion' Yes, this is the work of that Mertavius guy that threatened us back on  the ship" ratchet said. We'll takje s a couple asteroids for analysis, find out where they originated from" angela said ' not this one, its too big" She said stepping around and heading inside' vaalbarans lay, covered by thier armor. they were green and translucent. " These look like Ameoboids ' Ratchet said, as he walked around the bodies, and noticed a trap door cut into the ground. "  looks like a basement of some kind.  " as Ratchet steped down the ladder his armor began to glow and emit a light so he could see around them.. Out of a corner of his eye' Ratchet saw movement and quickly turned and drew his wrench " The light of his armor revealed a small group of the Vaalbarans headed towards them, Their green arms raised in the universally known Position of Surrender " clank, better talk to them " Angela said and Clank stepped forward ' We mean you no harm. We just wanted to know about what happened here ' Clank activated his translator and his words came out as a series of hisses.
 I'm going to go find us a place to stay for the night " Vitani said ' contact me, bro, if you find anything ." she said to kovu who nodded and went over to the other side of the canal, to begin searching over there.  stitch, angel, you're coming with me " She said in a queenly tone. ' Mesa hungry" Stitch said " Well, you just had breakfast' Vitani said as the young aliens followed behind her. Finally they beheld a sign which read ' Ayuthay Inn. Best prices around. Only 8gold, per night, per party member. Follow the arrows to rest your head' Angel  pointed out that a series of blue arrows had been hung on the side of buildings " lets follow them' Angel said.

 We will help you as much as we Can " Gabumon . but for now, We need to find a place to spend the night?' that would be the inn' said one of the guards standing nearby.  Its above ground near the entrance to the underground part of the city. Relatively cheap, just 8 coins, per night, per visitor. " Thats 24  gold given the 3 of us " scooby mused " We'll be spending more than a day here, so it will be greater than that" Agumon said " still, its very affordable."

 Agumina walked alongside Tiger as they tried to get the atrention of the residents, but they were more focused on their jobs that paying attention to newcomers '  If you want a place to stay, traveller, head to the inn" Said a farmer, harvesting rice." central Plaza, on the right side.
We're not getting any luck talking with anybody ' Kopa sighed" too busy with thier work"he said to Kiara " come on sis, lets go get something to eat" the red maned lion said, and motioned to Kiara to follow. " there should be dstuff to eat at the inn. Hopefully they have steak here." He said.
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"There was a massive bombardment of asteroids. We were able to destroy some of them but the bombardment was too intense," the first Vaalbaran said. Its words came out as something akin to radio static but were translated into English by the universal translator. "Can you do something about our planet moving out of its orbit? We do not have much time left."

Another Vaalbaran slithered out from the pipe it was hiding in and assumed a roughly humanoid configuration...albeit with three eyestalks and five long tentacle like arms. It pointed two of those arms to the trap door. "Speak to the council. The must know of your presence. Take the road down to the city."



"Welcome travelers," the receptionist replied as Kopa and Kiara entered the simple wooden structure. "How may I assist you?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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we will have to create a new orbit for the planet' clank replied through the translator. ' It is too late to return your planet to its original orbit. All we can do is force the planet into a new orbit, one that is cold enough to sustain your way of life. the average temperature will be significantly warmer, but that cannot be helped. We have less than two weeks to stop your planet from crashing into its neighbor. your planet will survive the impact, but the other one wont.  and that planet has 5 million inhabitants. eventually your planet will crash into your sun, and be ripped apart. at you current pace, that will occur in less than a month' Clank said. : S. you are right" time is very much of the essence. "
  We will be happy to talk to them' Angela said as they headed towards the trap door "Lead the way please" she said to the Vaalbarans as Ratchet put his weapon away.
 We're looking for a room for the night ' Kopa said " for the 4 of us. Myself, My sister, Agumina and Tiger ' He motioned to the others, who had followed them inside " Its 8 per person, per  night right? Kopa asked as he pulled out a change pouch.
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"I'll chip in if you need more," Kiara offered Kopa, looking at her own money. "Should we try and get into contact with Vitani and Kovu?"


"How have you been, Sima?" Shoukichi asked the lioness sumo, "We haven't seen you in a while, what have you been doing since?"


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Two of the Vaalbarans used their pseudopods to push the hatch open and climbed out. They waited for the others to follow them. Despite being legless, they actually moved at a rather quick pace by "skating" on the water ice road.



"Indeed it is." The receptionist accepted their payment and handed over the keys. "Breakfast is not included but feel free to purchase something from the shops nearby."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Ratchet fllowed the Vaalbarans down the water-ice road. the armor  helped to keep him from slipping, ad the he folowed the Vaalbarans as best he could, as the road wormed its way dowmwards. in the distabce he could see a city carved out of ice. it was, unlike structuires on the surface, intact.
 No" kopa said to Kiara. They are busy getting the residents out of the city they've been sent to. Time is if great importance, so we cant waste it chatting. We'll get some breakfast at one of the shops. You can pick out what you like, if it looks good i'll eat it."  if they have meat I';ll eat that " tiger said gruffly.  " I;m not picky" Agumina waved her claw. " First, lets see what the room is like, so we can drop our stuff down. How about this? Kopa or kiara pays for breakfast. Tiger springs for lunch, And i'll buy dinner for the 4 of us. Stripetail gave all of us 10000 for expenses, so we should have enough for some square meals."
We'll give ourselves 5 minutes each to talk to our loved ones in the evening " tiger said." 10 minutes, for me, since i have a kid, as well."

 Gabuna was led by the clerk up to the 2nd floor where he took a left and stopped before a door with the number 8 on it. ' theres no breakfast here, but you can get food at the local stalls' He said. Thank you " gabuna said and she looked around the  room which had a bed, a table and chairs and a bench to put ones belongings. Gabuna set down her supplies on the far end of this bench and contacted Dixie "Hi Dixie, i've gotten us a room. Its not much, but it will do for a place to sleep" " thats good. i'm not having much luck convincing people to leave. They look at me like I;m nuts" Dixie lamented' Hope You and tigeress have better luck>" well,  I've been busy finding us rooms. but i'll give it a go' Gabuna said. Should we meet up at sunset?" Sounds like a plan. dIxie out.
Busy" sima said to shoukirchi. ' shopping, and all that. have to look good for my dreamboat Kovu" she said with a grin." she waved a couple of shopping bags that clung to her arms." well, we've been busy repairing the damage to thr shrine. Whoever did this has no respect fpor sacred relics " Shoukirchi said " i'd like to give those response  a piece of my mind.

 Vushu meanwhile was making a training area in the conference room. " i'll train with Vitani oince she gets back from Weynard." She said to herself  Vushu had become very fond of the lioness, and was determined to enjoy herself in her new home. Becoming part of the kings throne, and the queens hunt patrol was just part of her new job. Whatever Vitani wanted , Vushu would give her. A smile played across her face. " i Know just what to give her" She grinned and she began getting into her stance.
 Kovu  finally  found an door cut into the side the side of a mountain ' Found something Vitani" he said into his ring ' i'm going inside to check it out. " Be careful  Kovu. kiara would not like it, at all, if anything happened to you' Vitani Replied. Say, are there blue arrows  around the door? ' Actually, Yes. " Because we found an advert for the town inn, and it sees to be below ground. it has a series of arrows leading to it, and we're following them " vitani said.

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"Here's your food Master Sneed," Oliver bowed respectfully, handing him the donuts and other requested treats. "Are they to your liking?" He knew he had to get used to obeying the big bear's every order.


"I just hope the others are doing fine," Kiara said, "As we're far from being out of the danger zone."


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Sneed wolfed down the doughnuts and belched " very good" he said after a belch that lasted for 30 seconds. Now, he said to the kittens " we are going to the sauna now and I'll going to relax in a tub , watch tv, and fill my belly. your jobs will be to wash m back and serve as footstools, and get me food. as long as you serve me, young oliver, yiou are property, not a person.Now, into my chest pocket, both of you" Sneed said, motioning to his vest.
- Luca, Flash and Mona were in the sauna already, the girls enjoying the bubbles in half the pool, while Luca relaxed and watched Tv from a large screen, she was currently watching a game of kickball. Mona was putting in a fesh row of suds, while Sneed entered, with both Oliver and Other Oliver in his vest pocket. the bear was looking for a large tub, in fact, he was looking for the largest available
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"Here's the largest tub, master Sneed," Oliver pointed towards one that was very round and wide, and deep too.

"And it gives you a perfect view of that tv," Other Oliver grinned, as it was turned to Sneed's favorite network, the Bear Channel. It was airing Competitive Hibernation as well as Bear Brawl Wrestling.

"Which chore do you want us to do first?" Oliver gulped.


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The underground city was pretty much intact but it showed little signs of damage. However, the deserted streets hinted at what had happened on the surface.

They soon arrived at a large citadel at the center of the city. The citadel itself was futuristic looking castle built from water ice...which at Vaalbaran temperatures took on properties more akin to stone. in the The Vaalbarans with them and the armed guards quickly conversed and then entered through the gates.

"Please follow us." A guard said. It lowered its rifle and gestured down the icy walkway. Some Vaalbaran plants added some decor to the underground citadel.



The passage in Ayuthay led to the underground town square. There, refugees were gathered around a large fountain. The fountain in question was some sort of magically powered machine as glowing blue lines carved into the stone floor led into the fountain.


(Spire of Winter)

Mr. Bigmouth contacted everyone at the tavern. "Everyone, meet me in the vehicle bay. I have found a vehicle that we can use. Bigmouth out."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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What sort of vehicle?" nick wanted to know, as he got up from his seat ' Some sort of flying machine I'll bet' Cynder said as she walked along behind Nick, and alongside Spyro " We're supposed to act like tourists and sripetail gave us  bands to turn ourselves into someone else.. " Cynder smirked " erhaps I'll turn nto Skylands, or Dulcy" she said : That would be good for a laugh."
_ ratchet and angeka folowed the guarded down the walway. The Citadel was impressive and very likely ancient" how long have you lived on Vaalbara?' angelka asked as they walkled along. " if you dont mind me asking. That is.
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(Spire of Winter)

Mr. Bigmouth was standing in front of one of the Arkeyan Show Cruiser that had been salvaged from Skylands. "We'll be taking the Arkeyan Show Cruiser. It turns out the engines are capable of operation in a vacuum. Anyways, if we take this ship, it'll simply look like we're tourists on a chartered cruise or something."



The guards ignored Angela's question as they did not know how to answer.

Soon, they arrived at an ornately carved water ice door. The carvings on it were of planets, molecular structures and other scientific items. Indeed, it hinted at the system of governance on the planet...or at least the capital city.

Inside, seated at a table that was carved from a slab of water ice were several Vaalbarans. They wore the silica armor that the guards wore but their armor was much more elaborate. In the back of the room was a waterfall that gently bubbled into a pool. Had Ratchet's crew examined the waterfall, they would have found the "water" to be liquid ammonia.

"Greetings, space travellers." One of the Vaalbarans stood up, dipped its eyestalks and flattened itself out in a traditional Vaalbaran forma greeting. "What brings you to the capital city?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Oliver was bringing Sneed a glass of his favorite juice on a tray. However, since they were nearby tubs the ground around them was naturally wet, and subsequently, a bit slippery. Oliver had to take extra care not to spill what his master had requested.

But then...."Whoa," he exclaimed as his paws slipped and the glass came crashing down, right in front of the big fat bear. "Sorry master...." he apologized with a gulp, but he saw that Sneed looked ticked.


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need to focus Kiara " kopa said." we are all in danger as long as that timer continues to tick down." well we do need to stick together" Agumina said as the peach digimon followed the two lions 'lets just grab a bit of food and munch on it while we evacuate people>' i could go for chicken" Tiger said, as the 4 of them headed to the stalls surrounding the hotel and looked for one that sold meat.

 Scooby Gabumon And Agumon took a seat inside the inn after checking in. Scooby created hot dogs and burgers from his ring and passed them aroung." all its missing is drinks " gabumon said as he munched on a burger. sxcooby and agumon had hot dogs.
_ Belinsk
Dulcy Tigress and Dixie met up with Gabuna to set their stuff down in the room, and compare notes- Tigress had convinced the most and Dixie the fewest, while dulcy had managed to carry about 20 residents out of the city, but had crashed twice." could be worse' dixie said as Dulcy checked herself in the mirror to make sure she wasnt missing any teeth.
Stitch angel and Vitami fpund the passage to the underground by folowing the arrows., then made their way to the inn, where kovu had already checked in, and  was muching on what looked like a fish taco.

young spyro and skylands were  helping evacuees pass though the potal to Skylands academy. jet pac was leading them to the part of the school doems that had been set aside for the Weynardians
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Spike put away the gem he was chewing on and quickly pulled out a quill and a sheet of paper.  

"Yes Twilight, what is the message you wish me to send?" He asked, ready to write down as Twilight spoke, or as quickly as he could anyway.


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(Spire of Winter)

Twilight looked around the town square. "Dear Princess Celestia, my friends and I are aboard the ship known as the RICMS Spire of Winter. Captain Carson and Stripetail have decided to help a planet known as Weyard that is in danger of being destroyed. However, it necessitates evacuation of all major cities. They have are looking for temporary lodging for the refugees and would be grateful if you could house some of them. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."


(Spire of Winter)

Mr. Bigmouth checked his gear one more time. "Okay, we all ready?"

The pilot who would pose as the captain of the Arkeyan Show Cruiser nodded.

Ms. Swimmer nodded as she pulled out her vial of disguise potion. She swirled the shimmering green-purple fluid around. "All right, I guess we should drink the potions now?"

Mr. Bigmouth nodded. He uncorked the potion and winced as a pungent scent akin to aviation fuel wafted out from the liquid. All his instincts were begging him not to drink something like that but he knew Stripetail would never lie about the effects of any potion of magic. "All right, let's do it." He gulped the potion down in a single swallow and tossed the glass vial into a nearby recycling bin. Oddly enough, the potion itself tasted slightly sweet.

Ms. Swimmer and Tyrell followed his lead.

Soon, the two Saurolophus and the Mars Adept shimmered and appeared in new forms with a flash of magic. Mr. Bigmouth and Ms. Swimmer took the form of bipedal reptilian aliens with a distinct rainbow-colored neck frill.

Tyrell turned into a balding man who looked to be in his seventies.


(Weyard - Belinsk)

Sveta sighed as she lay down in her now stripped down bedchambers for a short rest. She had not bothered to change into more comfortable clothing but instead just wore her traveling outfit. She had seen several of the smaller shuttles land and carry the royal court to safety. Most of the treasures and royal regalia had been evacuated as well.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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just get me another one " sneed said impatiently, " and do hurry it up Oliver. i'm thristy' he said in a commanding voice.
 Nick Spyro and cynder all drank thier potions. Spyro transformed into a pink dragoness, with bright green eyes, ruby red lips, claws painted green, and a large chest. Cynders form changed from a black dragoness with red markings to a red dragoness with black markings. Nick, changed into a  man that appeared to be in his 40s, with flecks of grey in his  hair, and a weary expression on his  thin face.' Alright everyone " nick said, even his voice was different " lets go, and remember act natural, like tourists. Gaze at.. well whats left of the mall.  theres guests rooms on the third floor. we'll rent a couple of those as part of the act.
  Vitani sighed as she looked around the room, Kovu had rented at the inn. the 4 of them hadnt had much luck convincing members of the city to evaucuate, so far they had convinced only 200 to leave. Hopefully in the morning they would be able to get an audience with the leadership of the city. stitch and angel bpounced the beds happily, bouncing from bed to bed with glee
 Between Dixie, tigress, gabuna, Dulcy and sveta, they had convince 90% of the cities population to leave. still that meant that 100000 residents still remained.But it was now nighttime and The 4 girls were utterly exhausted from running around the city for nearly the entire day.
 Scooby Agumon and Gabumon were eating a much needed dinner after spending the day moving arounbd the underground city convincing residents to leave- and also helpoing themselves to a good amount off zol. this zol woiuld go into making beds  chairs and tables for the refugees onboard the  Spire of winter, and double its person carrying capacity Scooby had challenged the digimon to a contest to see which guy could evaucuate the most, a contest which the Digidestined leader had won rather easily, so Scooby was paying for their dinner
 Kopa climbed into bed, wincing as he slid his feet under the covers' they had had no luck getting anyone to evucuate, they had been told by the guards that they needed to speak with King Wo first before any residents would leave
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