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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349933


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Artillery fire and aerial bombardment pounded the golems as the crew tried to at least slow them down.

The Vaalbarans had resorted to focusing their freezing lasers onto specific parts of the golems to try and freeze them solid so they could be shattered with the weaponry.

Many of the miners had opted to let the artillery crew, living planes and Vaalbarans deal with the golems while they dealt with the lava flows.


(Endless Wall)

The gem that Ms. Swimmer always wore not only served as a shield against magic, it also served as a sort of invisible environment suit. It wouldn't protect her from a hard vacuum like space but it provided her with breathable air and kept her safe from temperature extremes...within limits. It wouldn't let her dive into lava but it would let her work in an atmosphere that was so hot that water would boil away.

"Do we have time to rest?" Tyrell asked as he looked around the temple.

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as the  first line og golems , now blackened by having parts of their body frozen into obsidan glass reached the shield, the shield  threw them back into the golems following behind them. the golems stopped and stared at the shield, which turned bright white and ibscured the city behind it. it was soon clear to those defenders in the city that the shield was powerful enough to repel the attackers, and perhaps, do much more than that to them. " drive them into the shield! Tarrax roared as he flew out of  the shield and hovered off the ground, staring at the golem army, which looked at the immense dragon with something approaching interest.' drive them into the shield, it will shatter them!"
   Endfless Wall
 _ we may not have a choice ' Agumon said as the the wind began to pick up, and blow snow on the them the further in they went. ' i dont think the weather is going to cooperate. he added. as skylands entered a nearby chamber, the light from Agumon's armor revealered this room, had enormous snow drifts in it, which reached up nearly to the ceiling.
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ember flew around town, helping point out damaged buildong for those on the ground, or riding in the racers to take out. she flew down to land in front of Dixies speeder ' hi, um,  Dixie, right? I'm ember, Cynder's girl friend from Warfang.  Cynder's told me quite a bit about you, it's nice to finally meet  another of Cynder's good friends. The other girlfriend she's mentioned is Tigress.. anyway. um. you dont happen to have any food on you? I. er. was only expecting to hand Volteers message off and head back to Warfang, I wasnt expecting a long stay.."
 i think we have some food in our racer packs ' Gabuna offered  pointing a pair of knapsacks that wee attacked to the side of the sidecar. I'm gabuna, by the by' the digimon smiled, and offeered her claw to Ember to shake, which the pink dragoness did so. ' nice to meet you gabuna. if you have anything in those packs, i wont turn it down. i'll even take a plain sandwich' Ember said, her mouth beginning to water. ' well, ember, it';s nice to meet you as well. i think we have some stuff in there, but with scooby's appetite being what it is, there might not actually be any food left." dixie said reaching into the knapsack and finding some  fried chicken wrapped in tinsel to keep it warm. she handed a drumstick to both Gabuna and Ember, who gratefully took them. ' have ebnough in there for everybody?" dulcy asked as she landed in front of them. " you can have mine Dulcy"  dixie said handing her another Drumstick 'cant really stip for breaks guys' KOpa said driving up to them. ' Just a bite to eat, your majesty, to get some stength back for the upcoming fight' Dixxie said. " want some chicken.?"  a small piece of chicken wont do much for a lion of my size.  OR any lion, for that matter' Kopa said.' just hop back on the karts and get back to clearing out the city of damaged buildings.
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(Tonfon, Weyard)

Captain Fairchild aimed his cannon at the blackened spots on the golems and let loose with a volley of 30 mm explosive shells.

"Crew! We need volunteers to help plant explosives behind the golems to force them into running forward into the shield," the mining crew leader barked.

An explosion was heard as an artillery shell found its mark on a golem. The Vaalbarans were firing their freezing laser rifles as fast as they could. They were soon joined by additional miners spraying water on the golems.


When Cynder pointed out a house that was partially on fire, a drilling rig rolled up to it and quickly cut away its supports so it collapsed in on itself.

Meanwhile, explosions were heard as the miners placed explosive charges inside the badly damaged houses.


(Endless Wall, Weyard)

Ms. Swimmer swept her light gem around the room. She looked at the snow drift blocking the exit. "We'll have to find another way around," she said.

"I could melt the snow with my fireballs," Tyrell offered.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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we'll all have to chip in ' Cynder- S said. ' now, i have lightning, as does Spyro, but that doesnt do much good, since lightning needs something to ignite first before it can melt snow. like wood, or those old pillows or tapestries, but given their condition, they wouldnt last long enough to get the job done."
 I have fireball' Spyro said.' they should be enough.'  Tyrell' start working on the middle iof that drift. i'll join in once you';ve made a dent"
 we'll gather up some pillows to make a fire to warm ourselves ' tigress said ' come on Skylands, lets staert looking. its not as if anyone has been using them in the past 100 years or so anyway"
_ tarax grabbed a golem off of the ground with a quick dive and grab. a  quickly mutteed draconic spell slowly began to turn the golem into solid obsidian, and with a deep roar, Tarrax squeezed and  shatterd the obsidian golem into thousands of tiny shards,  and they sprinkled down onto the nearby defenders.
 vitani helped Kovu create earthen battlements so that the city defenders could have a good virew of the golems approaching from the North.
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(Endless Wall, Tonfon)

Tyrell raised his hand and four swirling rings of fire materialized around the snow drift. Soon, rivulets of water began to run down into the temple.

Ms. Swimmer picked up a table and slammed it to the ground whereupon it shattered into a pile of wood. A plume of rotten wood dust rose up into the air.


(Tonfon, Weyard)

The combined assault of one of Vaalbarans and the Spirarian miners had frozen one golem to the ground by rendering its legs little more than obsidian pillars.

Major Lockie immediately capitalized on that by shattering its legs with precisely aimed 105 mm cannon fire. The golem lurched for a moment and stumbled into the shield whereupon it was instantly vaporized.

"Don't get cocky!" Rainbow replied as she fired some cannon rounds at a golem. Said golem hurled a blob of lava that plunged into the ocean and lumbered after the living F-22.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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skylanders sets a charge of electricity into the wood and it ignited almost immediately. the flanmes rose and fell, glowing bright orange and illuminating the snow drift in front of them, as well as the hole  Tyrell and spyro were making. spyro left forth a flurry of flame into the hole, and the resulting snowmelt trickled down the hallway.  Warfang blew the water away from the fire with her Wind power.
 Eris, Li' Ella and Laval waited i line to buy some food from Mona And Flash. Three hot dogs , please' Laval said hanging over a couple Chima dollars, Which Moana put in the money pile, ' Care to challenge Oliver to an eating contest sir?' Mona asked sweetly. " Er.. No thank you. we just want some hot dogs' Li'ella said.
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Oliver was virtually crushing anyone who challenged him to an eating contest. Spending time with Garfield back on earth really rubbed off on the young orange cat, as he was stuffing food into himself like he was a vacuum.

"Whoa....." Ollie awed as Oliver was becoming an absolute blob of a cat before them.

"You know what, he wins," the latest competitor told Mona and Flash.


Kiara was practicing new moves with her water powers the armor provided her. She was practicing the ability to create massive waves.

"We could use these against the golems," she suggested.


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Laval, Li'ella and Eris watched, with their mouths hanging open, as oliver ballooned in size, and beat all comers in the eating contest.' geez. this kid has got be like 400 poiunds ' Li ella said." well, he certainly puts me to shame ' Laval said, as s they munched on their hot dogs. its unhealthy to eat that much " eris said ' a kid his size should only be around 25 pounds..." Eris, you read too much ' Laval said. ' Brain over brawn laval' Li ella said. " eris is super-smart and a good friend.  what more do you need, really?' Someone who likes adventure ' Laval said as  a  group of spirian guards was walking around and getting volunteers to come along. '' Like those guys!' come on Eris, Li"ella, last one to the planet has to  date skinnet!' He laughed and began running down the hall. ' No way am I dating a skunk, Laval! Eris said flying after him. '" skinnet is a nice guy, but his place smells like month old used shoes' Li ella said as the three ran towards the shuttle that wold take them down to Tonfon.
MY My " kitty chuckled as she looked at Oliver lying on the ground, a good 3 times the size of Tiger ' hes the size of a .. ' Blimp?' Mona  said " zeppelin ' Flash said. ' all good guesses girls , but i'll go with , kid i need  of a good movie to work off all that food.' the wolf pups grinned at that suggestion " ohH.. Can I pick!' Mona said. ' i sold the hot dogs. ' and I counted the money' Flash said ' It ws Oliver who raised the most money, by eating the hot dogs. and  since i'm watching over you 4. i'm deciding where I'm taking you kids. Olivers gets to pick the movie.' Kitty said.' for now. we'll need to carry oliver around town, until that food wears offf, which will be several hours. go find something to carry him in, like a wheelbarrow or a rickshaw. ' Wait, who's pushing him' Mona asked Kitty. You'll be pushing him girls.. and ollie too" kitty said and moyuth wolf pups gaped at the Older cat.
Luca was in the market, checking off a few items from the list Arlene had given her ' she was not going to get Oliver EVERYTHIng on the list-  there was neither the money or room for all of that-, but had filled several carts full of food.' Arlene, there is no way, i'm spoiling your boy as much as you want me to' She said to herself as  she read all the things she had crossed off the list- as well as the many mnany more things she hadnt- like the artful dodger , t riple berry pie. a Fagin action figure? Who's Fagin?' she muttered as she went through the ' toy section of the list.
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"That's right, you gotta carry me around," Oliver smirked playfully down at the two wolf girls. Ollie climbed onto his belly and looked down.

"Nice ride," the other cat noted.

"I wanna see the new movie of the Felidae Force series," Oliver grinned, a series of feline based martial art movies, "They're fighting demons in this new one." He looked down at Flash and Mona. "Let's get a move on," he smiled with a light burp.


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we'll see if thats showing ' Kitty said as Flash and Mona brought in a rickshaw ,  then pushed pulled and strained to get the massive kitten into it. the three were hunched over from exertion' sorry girls ' Kitty said pulling up a map, and pointing to it" we neeed to get to, winterville peak which overlooks the town, and is across town from here.' Seriously?' Mona moaned '' cant we  go, i dont know, down the street.?" They're paying people if they eat hot dogs at the peak, and we;re selling hot dogs ' Kitty said.  2 dollars per hot dog is what you'll get.. oliver's good at selling stufff.. there was that time in germany..' she began.
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"I can help sell stuff," Oliver revealed proudly. He smiled to himself as the others struggled to move him.

"You have a real talent then," Ollie nodded, as he sat on the fat cat's folds.


Kiara was readying her wave attacks. "Gotta prepare myself mentally," she thought, taking in a moment's meditation.


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(Tonfon, Weyard)

The golem had foolishly followed the living plane out to sea whereupon its legs had solidified into obsidian pillars. Rainbow swiftly wheeled around and blasted its legs apart with two well aimed missiles. The lava golem flailed for a moment before it plunged into the sea with a loud hiss and an enormous plume of steam.


(Endless Wall, Weyard)

Karis summoned a miniature tornado to fling the droplets of water aside as Tyrell summoned another swirling ring of fire within the snow drift. Ms. Swimmer was assisting by using her staff to raise earthen pillars to support the roof.

"I hope this leads to the Apollo Sanctum and not off a cliff," Tyrell muttered as he wiped some water from his face.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(Endless Wall)
"if it leads to a cliff, we'll have to  go elsewhere' Tigress said, as the pair of fire masters continued burning through the snow. the water was freezing cold to the touch, and  numbed anyone who soaked in it for more than a few seconds. tigress stood by Spyro, who was carving through the last of the drift to reveal another passage further in. ' By the way, Spyro pal, I won that little stairway-creating race we agreed on " She finished as spyro took in a few breaths to recuperate. ' i'll  pay up later." he said , turning to look at the wolfess. 'once we get back to the ship.. Double scoops. I promise ' Spyro-W said, a grin spreading over his face.  well, if you include all of us in the deal, you're looking about about 50 scoops or so. I'll wager Flash and her pals will want in on the ice cream ''Tigeress said  Ember and Dulcy too' Spyro-W smirked." I know Ember LOVES  cinnamon swirl.' " come on, you two' Skylands said, pointing with her tail at the opening ' Enough talking about food, you're making me hungry. Oh, and my Spyro likes those crispy things mixed in.. if you're taking requests ' she said to Spyro.'"

We'll make a list later" Cynder-W said, before turning to Ms Swimmer ' Lead the way, you've got the glow gem.' She motioned with a claw. " And  speaking of gems" she  tapped her compartment on her wrist and pulled out three glowing red gems'  I got 6 of these aboard Chong's ship. These are called Lover's amulets. I brought 3 of them along, the other 3 are back on the ship. They protect those that you care about most. I got 6 of them, because, well, I'm lucky enough to have several persons I really  care about, starting with you Spyro" she said, handing the first gem to the purple dragon. " I know red isnt your color, but  this is supposed to protect the wearer from any harm. Yours is bigger than the others, and thats because you are the partner I spend the most time with."   Cynder leaned in and kissed Spyro on the lips, and Spyro returned the kiss with  warmth and gusto, wrapping his arms around Cynders neck.  the couple broke the kiss after about a minute, and Spyro walked forward, wearing the amulet around his neck. " Thanks Cynder. This really means a lot to me. I got you something from the Phoenix too, but unfortunately  I left it in the convention room. I'll give it to you once this trip is finished."

 Cynder-W nodded and She went up to Tigeress next."  You and I may have started out with our differences, but  those are long long behind us. You've helped me through a lot over these past few weeks and months , when I needed a true friend, someone to be there and help me through personal issues and self-doubt, you were there for me.  You came through, and kept my secrets when I asked you to keep them. and no, Skylands, don't ask what those are, thats between Tigress and me.' she said, and brought forth another red amulet, this one had the image of 2 hearts, intertwined. ' This one symbolizes the mutual love shared between partners.  You give it to  someone who has shown that they have your back, no matter what the circumstance. Those kind of folks are rare.' She gave the gem to Tigress, who looked closely at the gem.

 ' This is a gorgeous necklace Cynder! Wow.. I.. well. i'll get you something in turn as a thanks for this. What exactly, I'm not sure just yet. But, what about Dixie?' Tigress looked at her. ' Oh, she's getting one of these  necklaces too, the reason I'm giving you guys them first is simply a matter of timing and opportunity. its not as if I have a  ranking of my favored people and I'm giving these out based on who I like the most'  Warfang grinned then leaned in to whisper in Tigress' ear "Just get me something I can take home to Warfang  and put on my mantle." Cynder then kissed Tigress warmly on the lips, their red lips locking together. Tigers put her front paws around Cynders neck and settled into the kiss, with the girls rubbing their tongues against each other. The kiss lingered for a minute,  before Cynder broke the kiss, and Tigress smirked at her. ' Nice. Now, give out  your last gem, and lets get moving, girlfriend. Times A-wasting.Every minute, that planet gets closer, and this planet gets squeezed, like a grape in someones hand. Put enough pressure on it , and it will pop" she said before heading into the tunnel behind Spyro.  

Agumon came up to  Cynder from a side chamber , carrying in his claws more wood and tapestries to put on the fire. ' here's what I could find. Most of the  chambers around here seem to be filled with snow, and its covered  whatever was in those rooms with probably 20-30 feet of snow.. Its quite clear that we're the first to enter this temple in a very long time.' the fire  became bigger and brighter as he tossed the  materials on to it, and watched it get bigger. '
Agumon then noticed the passage made by Tyrell and Spyro ' Excellent, we got through. We must press on!" He said, headed into the opening, and leaving the two Cynders sitting together by the fire.  Cynder watched the fire for a couple minutes before turning to Skylands, with the third and last of the red gems in her claws  as Tigress walked down the tunnel wearing her gem.'' We both  were enslaved by evil once, me by Malefor, you by the undead king. We have both overcome that, as much as possible. " " he was also named Malefor ' Skylands said. ' Not many people know that, as it's not something I like talking about.. and well, I don't have many friends because of it.  You've been through it, you know how it goes.  the girl who's done bad things, and  whose loyalty is never certain as a result. You've made more friends than I have, and I envy you for that. This is a very nice gift, and I'm not used to getting gifts from people. Next time I head back to the Academy, I'll forage for something. It won't match this, I can tell you that, but I'll try my best. what does this gem represent?' Skylands asked " kinship' Wharfing said, pointing to the two claws that came together in a clasped grasp.' Shared experiences. good experiences, that is. Who wants to remember all the bad stuff, we've both had more than our fair share of that already. and we have in each other, a kindred spirit, someone who understands things about you, that only someone who has gone through the same things has. ' Skylands gave warfang a kiss, their lips locking warmly together. like the others, this kiss lasted for a minute. Skylands closed her eyes and felt Warfangs lips subtly nibble on hers , feeling every now and then, the soft rough tip of Warfang's tongue as it entered her mouth.  Skylands broke the kiss then  got up from her seat near   the fire., its light  reflecting off her new trinket. " Well, I enjoyed that. Lets get to the top of the mountain so we can stop this world from being destroyed ' She said and doused the fire by tossing snow on it. the two Cynders then headed down the tunnel  after their teammates.
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Ms. Swimmer stood in front of the group and swept the white light from her gem around the area. Tyrell continued melting away the ice.

Ms. Swimmer looked at the ground. She tapped it with her staff and noticed that it was slanted up somewhat. "I believe we're heading upwards and out onto one of the towers."

Sure enough, the water that Spyro and Tyrell were producing was flowing down the path and back into the room they had just come from.

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better out on the towers , then off of a cliff ." tigeress said as she and the two Cynders started climbing up the ramp that Spyro and Tyrell had revealed.' I really should have brought my charger' Skylands said' I dont think trying to drive a vehicle inside a temple is such a good idea' Spyro said " its on foot, or fly, those are our only options." Agumon pitched in in burning through the snow, pumping in pepper breath fireballs , sometimes they would combine with Tyrell's or Spyros fire and produce a big eruption of heat.
 Massive waves were crashing against the walls of the town, as the golems fell into the water, and made a huge splash. the weather on the planet was becoming unstable, and it was now starting to rain heavily, making things difficult for the defenders. the heat from the golems was such that the rain that fell on them vaporized almost immediately.
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(Tonfon, Weyard)

Thanks to the tidal influence of Vaalbara, the waves of the ocean were becoming vicious and much more powerful than normal. Adding further to the problems was that every so often, the ground would shake as Vaalbara's gravitational field pulled at Weyard.

"Keep going!" the mining crew leader shouted over the driving rain. A mighty crash indicated that one of the starship hull plates they had placed to divert the lava had toppled from the seismic activity.

The Vaalbarans continued firing their freezing laser cannons at the golems, producing a miniature flurry.


(Endless Wall, Weyard)

Karis used her Jupiter psyenergy to produce a tornado that blew the droplets of water towards the side of the pathway.

Soon, Tyrell broke through the snowdrift and looked out at the mountain view. Vaalbara loomed in the skies overhead. Even through the driving snow, the planet was clearly visible thanks to the icy surface acting like a mirror.

Ms. Swimmer panned her light gem across the parapet. The stones that poked up from the snowdrift were worn but the entire area looked stable. Not too far off was the Apollo Sanctum, its peak glowing like a miniature star.

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the area around the town was now covered by the sol8id obsidan remains of golems, and periodically waves from the roiling seas crashed over the walls, soaking the inhabitants with cold seawater and driving  them into the center of the city. the rain made things miserable for those trying to defend the city.
- scooby Dixie and thier teammates continued driving around the city, trying to keep ahead  of the earthquakes. " i'm really drenched ' Gabuna said, wiping rain droplets out of her eyes' and i'm getting cold too.' " we're all cold ' Scooby said as he drove around ' and i'm really tired, and could go fir a full-size pizza." '  better put some meat on that pizza ' Gabumon said as he drove up to them ' i'm hungry ' the blue digimon said. we'll get food after we drive off these lava creatures ' Tiger said.' If you guys are getting food, we want a slice' Dul;cy said as she and Ember flew up to them. 'Make mine cheese please ' Dulcy said. "  A burger would be nice too ' Ember smiled. "
 Mona and Flash very slowly pushed the rickshaw carrying the massively enlarged Oliver across town. It was not fun, to say the least, and Kitty ended up having to help push, but when the girls complained, Kitty reminded them that  oliver had helped them make a lot of money. and would help them make more at the new location.
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Kiara used her water powers to make controlled waves to bring down the unsafe buildings at a stable pace.

"I got this one," she called to Kovu, safely bringing down a rather unsafe apartment complex. The building was in danger of collapsing anyways, and Kiara's powers made it go down at a safe pace.


"You're doing very good," Oliver called, rubbing his big belly, "We're about halfway there now!"


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(Tonfon, Weyard)

Wind howled and rain lashed the remains of the port city. The artillery crew had run out of ammunition and it was too dangerous for the shuttles to fly additional ordnance down.

To make matters worse the earthquakes were increasing in both frequency and intensity and the golems continued attacking despite the heaps of obsidian produced by the defenders and the shield.

"Dunno how much longer we can hold out," the mining crew leader replied. The miners were wearing armor that protected them from the rain and wind but it did nothing to counteract the decrease in visibility.

The living planes had opted to brave the driving rain to draw the golems away from the city. Even though they had exhausted all their ammunition, they still resorted to flying around them to attract attention.

"Damn it, we're f---ed this time!" Captain Fairchild exclaimed. "We've got no ammo and we're running low on fuel."

"As long as we can still fly, we're okay," Rainbow replied. She flew mere inches away from a golem's face and then sped off, hoping to lead it into the ocean.

"The Captain's right," Major Lockie replied. "We better land before we run out of fuel. And resupply's out of the question with that monsoon."


(Endless Wall, Weyard)

The wind howled, raising a curtain of snow that rendered everything a blinding white. The only thing visible was the light of the Apollo Sanctum.

"Great!" Tyrell exclaimed. "Now we can't see s---!"

Ms. Swimmer swept her light gem around but the white light was swallowed by the whirling snow. "We can't stop now!" she exclaimed.

Karis raised her arm to try and use her Jupiter psyenergy powers to calm the raging winds. A violet aura glowed around her hand but nothing happened. "The wild psynergy here is too strong! We'll have to rest until the storm subsides!"

"But the planet could smash to Weyard before that happens!" Tyrell snapped.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.