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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349925


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"Need a hand, Panda King?" Carmelita offered, "Didn't expect to see you end up captured." She began locking onto ther guards and firing shock pistol blasts at them. "Let's double team.....your fireworks, my shock pistol, and your son-in-law's kung fu!"


"You need anything, Tiger?" Kitty offered her husband, "I was just about to do some shopping before any missions could come up." She gently let her tail tickle his stomach.


Oliver and the 3 others were getting Sneed lots of drink. "I wonder how much caffeine a bear can take," the orange cat wondered aloud.


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skylar and Su ling sat on together on a balcony overlooking the center of town. The pair had met while Skylar was on patrol in meridian City, and Skylar felt it was nice to meet a fellow cat. Su Ling was from a land called Yenching, along with her friend Kay who was a warrior.  Su ling was resting her head on Skylars right shoulder, the shoulder that  didnt include her Arm. Arm was also making not so subtle hints about what Skylar should do with Su Ling." better make your move Skylar. You don;t get pretty girls on your shoulder very often now do you?"" shut up Arm' Skylar said ' we're just enjoying the scenery. Why mess up a good time and rile up Kay?" Kay doesnt need much to get riled up anyway" Su Ling said. " Always was a hot head. Still hes a very noble cat, and someone who takes his job seriously. So when he saw there was a warrior gala, with warriors from all over, well it was one we couldnt miss.Of course he brought me along ' Su Ling said."the food here is great, and theres so much of it.' she chuckled."what brought you here Skylar?" Hero work, well looking for jobs. Only so much work on Clover island." Skylar! Arm pouted. ' Arm if you dont stop with the insinuations, I'm shutting you off.' You cant shut me off skylar, you know that. " whaty do you want arm? Su ling asked. ' you get 3 guesses the first two don;t count.' Skylar made a face. "He.. wants me to kiss you." Oh..' Su ling said. " And if I do kiss you, he'll probably take pictures of us doing it." Do you have a snooze feature on that thing? ' Su Ling asked. " Not really. Theres a Night mode where Arm goes into recharge .Why  do you ask?' So he can stop nagging you, and embarrassing you.'Su Ling said. ' Wait! Hold on Skylar! lets be reasonable. lets be.."Skylar pressed a couple buttons on the weapon console on her arm and Arm's protests were muted as he went into slumber mode. skylar breathed a big sigh of relief' peace and quiet. You want to go to the Hall of heroes later?" Sure. i heard thats a big tourist draw.' Su Ling said. "I'll see if theres anything at the gift shop for Kay."
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Po was fighting as he was being shot at by a trio of hoodlums" So much for getting back to normal ." Po sighed. He flinched as one of the goons took aim at him, but Tigeress jumped on him and knocked him unconscious with a vicious blow to the head." Glad to see you safe Po. We have a convention to visit after all this is over" Tigeress said as she got into a fighting crouch
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Carmelita adjusted the settings on her shock pistol. "Time for some rapid fire," she smirked, letting the barrage go off on the goons. "It never becomes unsatisfying to watch that..." she mused as she helped the Panda King, Po, and Tigress.


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Little by little the goons were pushed back, as more and more police arrived. Gabuna and Korin  picked up a pair of goons and threw them against each other, they collided with a loud thud. Gabuna and Korin hugged as the goons fell to the ground.
Po and Tigress punched out a trio  a goons with punches and blows.
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Mr. Bigmouth staggered as one of the rivets pierced his armored vest and lodged in his chest. He looked down and saw blood oozing from the hole.

"Medic!" one of the Spirarian troopers shouted as she threw a flash bang to cover both her and Bigmouth's retreat. One of the armed dune buggies stopped and several soldiers got out to help Mr. Bigmouth into the vehicle and stabilize him.

Ms. Swimmer held up her staff and projected a shimmering energy field as she ducked behind one of the hovertanks that had been deployed to provide cover. The field cracked as several rivets lodged itself in the barrier. She returned fire with several volleys of explosive fireballs.

Dr. Zanasiu drove one of the armed dune buggies past Ms. Swimmer. Explosions rocked the air as Zachary peppered the soldiers with explosive autocannon rounds.

Amaria switched to her Lunar Flare and targeted one of the thugs trying to shoot Deimos. Three beams of cyan energy streaked from the sky and collided with the thug, leaving behind only a small crater and bits of armor.

By now, with the SWAT team of the Meridian City PD onsite and the Spirarians  rolling out armored vehicles, Mr. Cruc's small force of thugs were being overwhelmed and they decided to retreat.

"That's the last of them," Deimos said from his perch. He watched as Mr. Cruc and his two remaining men bundled into their battered starship and flew off. He considered shooting it down but decided against it, seeing as it would have been dangerous.


Captain Carson had been monitoring and coordinating the entire response from inside the Spire's bridge.

"Report!" she barked into her radio.

"All of the attackers are dead but we have quite a few injured and so far, ten dead," one of the commanders replied.

The woman rubbed her forehead. How in the world did a bunch of thugs do so much damage?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 11:48:18 PM by Serris »

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Dixie, Dulcy and cynder lead po and the forme prisoners to City Hall where Qwark and Stripetail were waiting.the group[ gathered into a large conference room, the kind that could seat 250 people." well done ' Stripetail said as he looked upon the faces of those seated before him" to my  team that did the undercover work,  nice work, but we;re not done yet. We have many more that need to be rescued. you wil tackle that while I fight in the arena. " stripetai gestured and a large feast appeared in front of them on tables , and invited them to help themselves.
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Jing King was looking over her stash of fireworks. "I'm gonna need a reload soon," she told her friends. "Would any of you want to come with me when I buy some more? Of course, I'm not collecting them simply to put on a show. They are my main method of combat, after all." The Panda King's daughter had learned his techniques well. She could cause avalanches with ease.


"Thanks for the meal," Carmelita said as she approached Stripetail, "But I was hoping to ask if there will be some compensation for our hardships? Financial ones, though no crazy amount. Just what I've gone through is something I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemies."


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"We volunteer to assist in the rescue mission," Amaria exclaimed. She flared her metallic wings and motes of silver energy orbited her.

Rufus, Alexander, Gracie, Stacy and Aaron all nodded.

Captain Carson looked over the crowd of rescued prisoners. "If anyone wishes to assist us, please raise your hands." To her surprise, practically all of them raised their hands. It was of course, understandable, seeing as many of them sought revenge on Chong and Vox for kidnapping them.

The Human rubbed her forehead. This was going to be difficult; a rescue team that was more or less a small army would be overkill. That and there were practical matters of transporting that many people on the Spirarian shuttlecraft and coordinating them. "I am sorry but we cannot take that many volunteers. I ask that everyone present their qualifications and I will pick those who will be joining us."

"Where is Mr. Bigmouth?" a Spirarian soldier asked.

"He is undergoing surgery at the moment as he was shot in the chest with a rivet gun by the group that attacked us," Captain Carson said. She held up her hand for silence as worried chatters permeated the group. "He will be okay after a few days of rest and recovery thanks to our medical team."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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we will be sending teams to the various planets in the sector" stripetail send ' this will be an all out assault to take over dreadzone, rescue the prisoners and put Vox  behind bars for the rest of his days, and then some. " there are 20 planets in that zone, we will need to send  force to each one, big enough to control them and sudue the guards and security. I will keep Vox's attention by figting in the various arenas. i will be taking a few support groups will me to help tend to the inured prisoners. " magic glowe in his claws ' i wil send groups in magically, throuh teleportation, or crystal dustrt teleportation . the later simopply incvolved spreead a ring of crystal dust around you, then caling out the location / planet you want to go top . So in our cae ' It would be ' Dreadzone"
 I'll come with Tigersss said ' She had grown fond of jiong, it was her personality that appealed to her. " think we can find some that create some smoke screens.? those are col."
 Stripetaiol gestured and a  bag if gold appeared in carmelitas hands. ' count it oup and spend as you like. I wil be paying the oters as well, in due time."He said to carmelita.
Ratchet Angela and sasha were getting fuel for Aphelion and thief and preparing to go to Dreadzone to help put Vox away. " we'll have a celebration after this is all over ' Sasha said to the others. '
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Many of the volunteers had opted to use Stripetail's crystal teleportation as the shuttles were being reserved for the soldiers of the Spire. Indeed, whole squads were falling into formation and marching into the waiting shuttlecraft. Zenyatta hovertanks and armed dune buggies were also being loaded onto the large vehicle carriers.

Deimos, Ms. Swimmer, Zachary and Dr. Zanasiu were waiting with Stripetail's crew and the volunteers for teleportation.

"Captain on deck!" The call rang out from one of the soldiers present. The chatter instantly stopped and the normally bustling motor pool grew utterly silent. Captain Carson in full dress uniform strode in through the main entrance and took her position atop a repulsorsled that she had opted to use as an improvised dais. She adjusted her lapel microphone and cleared her throat. She then turned it on and spoke.

"Everyone," she began. "Today, we embark on possibly one of the most dangerous undertakings that this ship has ever seen. We will be liberating prisoners from the atrocity known as the Dreadzone. Some of you may not make it back, but your sacrifice will be appreciated by the millions under Vox's tyranny and held in honor by the Polaris Galaxy. What started as a simple transport mission to ferry Lord Stripetail has morphed into everything from humanitarian rescue to search and destroy. But now, we undertake the ultimate humanitarian rescue mission. Good luck and godspeed!"

The Spirarian troops all simultaneously saluted Captain Carson, who returned the salute.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail created rings of dust around Deimos and the others.  I will teleport in first , and hjead to the arena, some of you will come alongg and act as my security, until I get in the arena. after  that, you go around and try and take out the security. " Gabumon Agumon Scooby old spyro and the rest of the omniderate stood ready" Kopa Kiara, Vitani, your job is to help rescue Kovu.  Where Vox has him held , I dont know. You;ll need to look everywhere. Do not take off your armor at any point, you will certainly have to fight your way through resistance. Everyone else, expect the same. heavy resistance" stripetail said. , and no quarter given. they will not show you mercy, and you must not show any. " are we going in as our normal selves?' Dixie asked ' No, you must remain undercover until the job is done.Act as holovision reporters. Record what you see " interview guards and feign ignorance."
Sned sent Flash mOna Oliver and Oliie to back to Luca and  Arlene as alarms sonmunds ' Stay save you 4' Sneed yawned " i'm going to take a nap.
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(RIMCS Spire of Winter)

"You heard Lord Stripetail!" one of the COs of the Spirarian platoons said. "Kill 'em all and let them be judged in the afterlife!"

Ms. Swimmer gulped as the prisoners who volunteered to come with them eagerly echoed the CO's chant. Thankfully, most of the Spirarian troops did join in the cheering but she could tell that they would execute Stripetail's command coldly and efficiently.

Stripetail and his retinue vanished with the brilliant blue flash of gem dust teleportation. At the same time, the last of the Spirarians had boarded and the shuttles were heading out into space to seek out and destroy the Dreadzone's arenas.


(The Dreadzone)

Vox was there to greet Stripetail and his retinue when they teleported in.

"Welcome Stripetail!" the Slademan said with a grin that simply oozed dishonesty. "It is a pleasure to meet someone with your cosmic abilities! What better way for the Dreadzone's final season to end than to have the embodiment of the cosmos fight the toughest champions we have to offer?" The reception area they were in was incredibly opulent with expensive crystal chandeliers, sculptures and a variety of trophies from the battles. Plush carpeting muffled their footsteps. But despite the beautiful surroundings, it was hard to deny that this was a place of incredible violence and bloodshed.

Dr. Zanasiu falling into his role as a holovision camera operator filmed the whole thing. His weapons (and those of the other crew) were concealed inside the bulky bag that supposedly held camera equipment. Deimos and an armored GUNGNIR soldier from the Spire were permitted to keep their armor and weapons as they was posing as Stripetail's guards.

"Mr. Vox," Ms. Swimmer said, playing the role of the reporter. "We were told that Chong would be present for the final season and he would meet us here at the arena. Where is he?"

"Unfortunately, Chong has breached the terms of his agreement and has left before the Dreadzone's final season. As a result, we are currently holding him liable for breach of contract in addition to the forfeiture of what would be his share of the profits. Now then, Lord Stripetail," Vox said. "Onto more pressing matters. While I am sure that your guards are superbly skilled in the arts of warfare and combat as well as equipped with the finest weapons, they will not be permitted to enter the arena as per the agreement, you alone would be battling. Is that acceptable?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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yes it is Vox ' Stripetail said, taking a brief gaze around top take in the surroundings, which although clearly showing off wealth, rang with the vibe more befitting a warlord than a king. " you will be given quite the show mr Vox. I never disappoint in my agreements. " Dixie and Nick were filming alongside Zanasiu." you're going to need deep pockets Mr vox, if you are going to get a judgement against Mr Chong. He is quite wealthy in his own right, or so I have been told.' Dixie said, holding a microphone in her dragon claws. " he'll probably claim you broke the contract and then its a he said - he said affair. Lots of money burned on both sides, all to get an out of court settlement that keeps the terms quiet. Happens in my world at the time, its a reason, out of many theres so many dragon judges. "
- Kopa kIara and vitani were teleported on to Catacrom 4, and were currently , silently taking out the guards and security cameras.
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Oliver waved to his mother as he and his friends left Sneed's room. "Hey mom," he said to Arlene as they could see her and Luca looking concerned. They could tell they should follow.

"What's going on?" asked Mona.


"So what did you choose for your undercover reporter alias?" Jing asked Tigress as they had changed into their undercover attire. "I never really considered a career in reporting, namely because my family business requires....discreet action," she added with a smirk.


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"Very well," Vox said. "Allow me to personally show you to your quarters and the press box."

He then led the group down an equally opulent hallway. After several twists and turns, they arrived at what was presumably the back of the space station. Despite it being restricted to the staff and fighters, it had the same opulence as the lobby of the arena. Albeit without trophies. Armed guards stood at the ready in the event of a "contestant" changing their minds...or an attack.

Vox then pressed a key card to a reader next to an ornate wood paneled door. With a beep and a surprisingly loud click, the door opened and Vox opened the door. "Your quarters, Lord Stripetail," he said with a theatrical flourish.

The quarters could only be described as opulent. The bed had freshly ironed and cleaned linen. A holovision set was in the rear with an ornately carved wooden sofa with luxurious cushions facing it. There was also an attached bathroom with granite tiles and a shower with gold plated fittings. A basket of the finest soaps and grooming products available was on the marble counter.  A fully stocked bar and refrigerator with a variety of alcohols and luxury foods flanked the holovision.

"Now then," Vox said as he opened the bar and pulled out a bottle of troport, imported from Cruithne Crest III. "Why don't we toast your arrival?" He cracked open the bottle, filling the air with a melange of tropical fruits. He then poured out some tumblers for himself, Stripetail and the crew.

"Cheers!" Vox said, picking up his tumbler and drinking the golden-orange liquor.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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To a fight worth remembering down the years' Stripetail said, sipping the drink, which was excellent" Year 3498, a hard to get year. the fruits of that year were extraordinary juicy , due to a temporary change in the planets climate.' stripetail mused. "last time I had some of this was during Dragon queen Surratonax's coronation. Her Majesty went all out to entertain and supply her guests with the best food and drink. " He chuckled ' Tarrax was dragon-drunk for nearly a full week afterwards. a rare sightt for him to be sure, but the drink was simply that good.
 Nick and Dixie took theior glasses and drank them, nick letting Saba have a sip as well ' Very good ' the talking sword said." almost too good..' I could easily drink this stuff all night ' Dixie said. " Now now my dear, the last thing your company needs to have their reporter plastered on the air and slurring her speech and doing divines-know what. ' Stripetail said.   a pair of guards came in.' we are escort the press to the press box they said iin a firm but non threatening tone. The press box was located a level up , and it was ornate and full of images of gladiators fighting, and smiling pictures of Juanita and Dallas. ' Ah, the dragon reporters! Juanita said ' come come! We have floating television benches prepared just for you. " Wheres your partner? nick asked as gabuna held  the recording camera taking in the scenery. " he.. ate something that disagreed with him ' juanita said as loud retching could be heard from the mans bathroom. "Bad Kreeli Comet Crunchies, In think. those comet deliveries are so hit and miss. sometimes its great.. other times..' Dallas retched even louder. 'Other times not so much. ' please help yourselves to some pokitaru hot dogs they are huge.. and filling.' " thamk you ' Dixie said.
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we're been undercover the entire time Jing dear' tigerss chuckled. or have you forgotten the passes Utsa gave us? you;re a red panda, and i;m a dragoness.' hence the wings and claws." she chuckled. " this is.. shall we say discreet work, and dangerous work. talking to drunk guards ar 3 am at a small moonlet orbiting a green star isnt exactly my kind of easy job if you catch my meaning..' she chuckled. ' still , having you around helps a lot. you have so many ideas for your dates to come..and so many nicknames too. ' she laughed. ;'' there was one that involved a mountain stream, wasnt there? or was that a dream about you making out with him by a mountain  stream , or IN a mountain stream?
we're in lockdown as we;re going through a dangerous stretch of space. " Luca said ' Lots of large asteroids that could do a number in the ship if we arent careful.
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Deimos was about to take a drink, but the GUNGNIR soldier spoke up. "If you recall, the guards for Lord Stripetail are not to consume alcohol while on duty." While it may not be true, it was an oblique way to say that Captain Carson's edicts still applied, without directly naming her.
The Utahraptor nodded and put the glass aside.

Vox smiled. "I admire the discipline of your guards," he said. "Shame I can't say the same for some of mine."

Little did he know, Dr. Zanasiu had recorded that little statement just as he was escorted to the press box.


The arena was a verdant field that imitated the gentle hills of Cruithne Crest III. It was evident that Vox had a fondness for this planet judging from the liquors in the cabinet.

"Well, let's show our guests what our contestants will be battling on," Ms. Swimmer said, falling into her role as a newscaster.


Cuorola was harsh arctic planet where one of the Dreadzone's arenas had been built. Indeed, the gleaming lights of the arena were the only signs of habitation on this remote planet.

"All right crew," the leader said as the shuttlecraft started its descent into the blowing snow. "We will be hitting them hard and fast. Remember what Lord Stripetail said: no prisoners. But no attacking civilians, which means spectators, catering staff and the like are off limits. But if they attack or try to call for help or reinforcements, you may engage."

There was the clatter of a variety of weapons being checked and rechecked. Helmets were donned and the armored exoskeletons given another check.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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At one of the Mawashiian Shrines on the Spire, a sumo priest shiba inu was spreading purification salt when he noticed Vushu and Sima come in. From their size and the garments they were wearing, he could instantly tell they were all from the same home planet.

"Greetings," he smiled respectfully to the two Mawashi natives, "Have you come to bow or pray to the Great and Mighty Ozai?"