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The Lost Tale Of Eymreil

Belmont2500 · 2788 · 191924


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we are all going out together' Nicula said as they followed with dae making sure all the gold came along. he had gulped down a potion chaka had give him and it had helped with strength wise. the passageway was dusty and full of cobwebs, no one had been back here in some time..
 dru essa caught with dar maa and clapsed claws with her. ' at least we get out of this horrid place ' she said.
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The cat smiled, a smile so full of blinding white, sparkly teeth, which could probably light the way in the dark. " Sped up? See, you can be fast when you want to! " She retracted her hands, and instead placed behind her head, elbows pointing out to her left and right, as she began to march casually after him.

"Are we getting something to eat? I'm hungry, mm...meow. When can we eat? What do meerkats like to eat? They're like cats, so they must like fish! Yes? Raw and wriggling fresh fish!  let's find a river!  Or a fish man! Are you listening, Meow?"


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The ferret only grunted in annoyance. This wasn't going to go his way, he would just have to accept that. If he was lucky, he could possibly ditch the cat in the next town over. Until then, he was stuck with her.

"I'm a ferret. I hate fish," Aaron grumbled. "If you're hungry you should have stayed in town."

He could actually go for some rabbit right about now, fresh cooked. Something he'd spend some of the warden's hard earned money on once he lost the damned cat. Or maybe a lark. Hell, why not both?

Thinking of food only served to make the ferret's own stomach growl. "Great, now you've made me hungry," he groaned.


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Sima Shi made his way through the passage, eyes flicking back and forth between the members of the group with mild uncertaintly...


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dru essa was the first to see the exit, a door partly ajar. nicula pushed it open and revealed a row of the steps leading down a hill side. they had passed out underneath the palace and out of the city. ' alright! dae said as he took in the fresh air, now we just have to get somewhere tonight so i can tend my wounds and count up our gold.. we probably have 200000 on us now..
 a lot miore than that sed nues said as she carried one of the bags, theres probably 200000 i this bag alone, figure something like 1 million.
 nicula started walking down the steps. we'll need a cart to carry all of this golds as well as our possessions..maybe theres a farmer around here with a cart and horse whed be willing to part with, for the right price.
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Kyo was with Chaka as the dragon was recovreing from the fight, in that time they saw Qa'Meret's return. - "Miss Chaka, Kyo, we've found a new exit so to save time it is best of you follow me." - the Khajiit said as he led them through some stairs and dark corridos to the way of the dungeons.

"This place is soo creepy, I can truly feel this is the last kind of place I would ever like to be... ever." - Kyo said as he entered the dungeons while holding his dragon in his arms, eyes wide-open thinking he would not like to accidentaly activate a trap or something nasty. He then stopped in front of a closed cell. - "Somebody is in here..." - the kid said but he was interrupted.

"Kyo, sorry but we need to keep moving." - The Khajiit placed his hands over the kid's shoulders and led him to the corridor Dar Maa discovered.


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A mischievous twinkle made its way into Sukki's eyes as her ears twitched, listening to the ferret's hungry stomach. " See? You're hungry too! " And of course, with that said, her own stomach began to complain, and suddenly her smile vanished, replaced with a grim expression as she placed her hand on her abdomen. " You must have something...? "

Her voice trailed off, as she stopped walking and peered up into the trees, jaw dropping just a little as her eyes were fixated on a portion of the canopy. " Look! " She exclaimed, enthusiasm once more seeping into her as she lept to action, dashing over to a nearby tree and scrambling up the trunk in a Flash, latching on to a branch with one hand, and reaching up with her other to nab a shiny red, hanging apple. "Look! " She yelled again, beaming down proudly at Aaron. Her eyes roamed again... There was another one! She grabbed it... Another one! There were lots on this tree! " Not as good as fish, but still good! " The tree leaves rustled as she climbed higher and higher into it, looking as if she was being sucked into the canopy and disappearing from sight, a few apples falling down to the floor, rolling away in every direction.


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Aaron stopped and spun back around, looking cross. “And where exactly would I carry… Food?”

The ferret looked up in disbelief. Somehow or another, they’d stumbled upon an apple grove. The cat was quick to climb up one, displacing fruit left and right. Aaron picked up one of the fallen apples, polishing it on his cloak before taking a bite. It tasted well enough, he supposed.

“Well that’s convenient,” he remarked. The ferret grabbed two more of the things and hid them in his cloak, before looking back up at the tree. “Surely you don’t need that many apples!”

The thought of leaving the cat behind flickered through his mind. She was certainly distracted enough. On the other hand, she clearly had the mentality of a child. Leaving her here probably wouldn’t sit well on his mind. He shook his head.

“You’re getting soft, Aaron,” the ferret muttered. He started off again…  But couldn’t stop himself from shouting back: “I’m going!”


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"Looks like your dragon is feeling better." Chaka said, looking at it, both as a regular comment and as a way to get Kyo to focus on something else for a moment.  When they entered the dark tunnel she cast a spell to provide some light, not sure if Kyo or his dragon could see well in the dark.  She knew Khajiit had night or low light vision and her helmet had a similar ability enchanted into it so the 2 of them didn't need much light, but she wasn't sure about Kyo or his dragon.


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lets loook fr a covereed wagon ' sed nues said, see if they have any of them nearby. she was hoping for an inn nearby so they could stop and rest, for dae to recuperate from his injuries, and to count thier winnings.
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The corridors were indeed dark, but unlike Qa'Meret, Kyo does not have the low-light vision of a Khajiit, the kid remained next to Chaka, grabbing her arm every now and then to prevent getting lost or tripping in those dirty, chilly and tricky corridors.

Qa'meret looked back at them and smiled for a moment before continuing towards the exit. Once there he replied to Sed Nues - "Those are good ideas. But a wagon, while useful, will surely make us more visible to Apep's forces."


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we can't very well carry all this gold around on foot kid' dae replied. ' as for revealing ourselves, well by the time Apep finds out we're involved we'll be days or weeks away, hopefully.'
 dru essa dar maa and Nicula climbed down the steps, and looked around, they were ijn a clearing, in front of them was fiorests and here and there smoles curled up from houses in the distance.. ' maybe theres an inn nearby' nicula said.
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"Well, let's hope you are right, we might even get to find other uses for it too if the need arises, so this could be interesting" - Qa'Meret replied to Dae, he then saw the light. - "Well, we are finally out of those dungeons, it is always great to breathe fresh air." - He then looked back, waiting for Kyo and Chaka to get out from the corridor towards the forest the group is now prepared to enter.

Kyo looked that there is finally natural light at some distance from him. - "It looks like we will finally get out of this eerie place..." - Kyo told Chaka. - "I am just worrying about the person in that cell, would that be...?" - He then stopped talking as the dragon yawned. - "It looks like the dragon is finally getting better, I was starting to feel I was about to lose it."


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ahead of them  nicula and dru essa were the first to enter the forest, the path underneath their feet was smooth, and a reflief after the hard rough ground of the tunnel. ' theres should be an inn nearby" dar maa said, as sed nues lugged one of dae's bags of gold. ' first things first guys' sed nues said, we have to get through this forest.'
ahead of them the path twisted and tured , back and forth.
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Once they got near the door and the natural sunlight outside Chaka canceled the light spell she had been maintaining.  She smiled as she looked at Kyo and his dragon.  

"Maybe once we have gone to a place to rest you can give him a bit more energy if you think he needs it and can't wait till just before you go to sleep." She said to him.  


Walker got up from his meditation as the others joined the group.


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Kyo looked back at Chaka. - "I think it should be fine until bedtime." - Kyo replied as he started now walking faster until he got out of that scary place.

"Well, I was waiting for you to finally reach us." - Qa'Meret told Kyo with a grin. - "Now we can enter this forest to go towards an Inn Dru Essa and Dar Maa spotted in the other side." - and he waited for Chaka to exit the tunnel aswell. - "Hello miss Chaka, nice to see you came out of the fight unharmed too."

Kyo kept on walking until he entered the forests. The path was indeed a welcomed change for him as he is always happy to step on soft land and some of the spots of grass in those places the nearby trees would allow for some sunrays to go through all the way to the floor.


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Aaron froze. He heard noises in front of him. Had the cat climbed through the canopy and dropped down ahead of him? The sound of more apples dropping behind him confirmed that this was not the case. Whoever was ahead of him, it wasn’t the cat.

The ferret pressed himself against a nearby tree, reaching into his cloak, just in case he’d need to defend himself. By the sound of it, there was an entire party of people. That didn’t sound too good for him. But he’d evaded harsher odds, and if worse came to worse he could disappear amongst the trees.


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Unfortunately for Aaron, that may not prove as simple as he thought. The sound of rustling and the clicks and cracks of snapping twigs from his would-be partner nearby, rapidly escalated and, with a yelp, Sukki came  tumbling down through the branches, the sound of a dozen apples  hitting the ground and rolling away, and a loud "UFF"  as the cat landed rather unceremoniously on her back.

Followed by  A downpour of shiny red apples, and  another shriek  as the tree expelled all of its fruit, the apples falling to the ground like scores of bouncy balls, one after the other they fell, some rolling away, some serving to pile up high into a rough pyramid and comically burying the cat in their mass.

How on earth did so many apples fall from a single tree? ...It was a magical apple tree! ...Yeah, let's go with that.


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the yelp caught dar maa attention, and she turned in the direction of the yelp, and she stopped in front of the pile of apples, and noticed that the pile was moving. she took a couple apples off the top and caught a glimpse of white fur. ' hello there' she smiled. ' what are you doing in there' she said with a laugh.
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Shit! That damned cat went and got herself discovered. Made a huge distraction though. She was still at the tree where he left her. This would be a good opportunity to disappear himself. The Aaron slunk around to the side of the tree opposite the apple pile, and glanced back at the apple pile that presently contained the cat.

An Argonian had discovered her. It didn't seem hostile so far. Still, the ferret kept his eyes open for the rest of the lizard's group. There were most certainly more than just this one person in the forest with them.