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Want to ask me a question? Go right ahead!


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When did you first become interested in the Land Before time?


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Jychara: I generally like to write stories, mostly fanfiction though I've started writing an original story recently. I like to play video games, both on a console and on the computer. I also like to create music videos and artwork . I like to read from time to time as well if I find a book or online story or fanfiction that catches my interest.

Saft: That I'm not entirely sure. I was only about 3 years old when the movie came to theatres, roughly, and probably only 4 when it was released on video. I don't really recall a time before I knew about Land Before Time; it's pretty much been a part of my life since I can remember. So when I became a fan, I'd have to say it was probably when I was 4 years old because that's the earliest I would think I would have been able to watch it.

Cancerian Tiger

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What was your inspiration for Out of the Shadows?


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What was your inspiration for Heinous?

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Cancerian Tiger: While not all the ideas spawned from this, the initial idea to write the story stemmed from a conversation between my brother and I. We were talking about LBT and at some point, Chomper was brought up and how his meat-eating nature is conflicting to Littlefoot and his friends, who are plant-eaters. My brother joked about how in the future, one of the characters (Ducky I think) would look up at him and go "We're still friends right?" to which Chomper would attack. After that, I talked with an online friend about the conversation and I commented how it might make a good story. They encouraged me, so that same day I wrote the first chapter for Out of the Shadows.

Serris: I was interested in writing an LBT war story that didn't involve any weaponry other than what the dinosaurs had on their bodies (though this may change in the progression of the story) and involved mostly herbivorous villains rather than carnivorous ones. Some inspiration also draws from people's opinions here on GOF involving characters and such. For instance, some ideas for how the story will progress stem from what I read in the "Getting To Know You LBT-Style", but for the sake of those who don't want to be spoiled, I won't give anything away.


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What are some fan fictions you have read (not necessarily LBT)?

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I won't be able to name all of them because I read so many over the years I lost track, but here's a list of some of the fanfiction I've read-

D.O.L.L. (Codename: Kids Next Door)

This fanfic, far as I know, was never finished, and it is a shame too. The story, although no longer canon with the series, really explored the psyche of one of the Delightful Children From Down The Lane, who, previously, have been shown to be so obedient and well-mannered that they didn't feel like human beings anymore. The story involved one of the girl members getting separated and is taken in by the KND, where she begins to show signs of her own personality and awareness of self, and Father, the main villain and caretaker of the Delightful Children From Down The Lane, doesn't like it.

Land Beyond Time (Land Before Time)

This was one of the first long LBT fanfics I've read and remains one of my favorites, despite it not being online (it was removed due to it being in script format) for years. The story had plenty of action, convincing integration of advanced technology in the LBT world, twists and turns, great characterization, and emotional conflicts. The story had a few subplots melted into it, 3 of which included Ali joining the bad guys after she is tricked into thinking Littlefoot killed her mother, a flightless and vengeful Pterano attempting to get revenge on those whom he believe wronged him, Petrie finding out his uncle is really his father and his father was really his uncle, and Shorty being turned against Littlefoot through a painful mental device that magnified his resentment towards Littlefoot and Bron's father and son relationship.

Son of Scar (The Lion King)

Released before The Lion King II, Son of Scar told the tale of a very big (even bigger than Simba) dark lion named Kisasian (I might not be spelling it right). It was extremely long, but also an enjoyable read. The story involved Simba having to contend with Kisasian, who wants revenge against Simba for killing his father. Kisisian is portrayed as a cruel character, even not treating his lionesses right (two of which actually abandon him to be with Simba). Kisasian is nothing like Kovu and more menacing than Kovu was when he was still brainwashed by his mother. The story was quite violent, particularly when Kisasian rips Simba several times to the point where he could barely move. Although revenge fanfics involving the offspring or sibling of a character aren't that uncommon, back then it was something new that I hadn't seen before and the author really pulled it off well in my opinion.

Beyond the Other Side (Digimon)

One of the best fanfics I've read for this fandom, Beyond the Other Side crosses over Digimon season 2 and Digimon Tamers, and yet somehow manages to keep many key elements canon to each show in tact. The interactions between the two sets of characters is intriguing, even conflicting at times, such as how Rika kills Digitamamon and has Renamon absorb his energy, which enrages Yolei who says that he could have been saved if the dark ring was removed from his body. The story still retained the formula of the series, in my opinion, but also introduced elements that would otherwise not exist in the shows, one of my favorites being when the DigiDestined find out that, in the Tamers' world, they are just fictional characters. This brings about a rather emotional sequence and the author managed to portray this sequence without it becoming too over the top or crazy.

Twisted Reality (Code Lyoko)

This is probably one of the darkest, if not the darkest, Code Lyoko fanfic I read. It involves Yumi going into another world where XANA is terrorizing the Earth, accompanied by Jeremy. While the story does have its share of action, the real focus of the story, where it truly shines, is the psychological aspect of it, like how the alternate versions of Odd, Ulrich, and Ayeka are affected by Jeremy's portrayal and how they react to the good Jeremy and how sadistically cruel the evil Jeremy has become and how he constantly likes to torment his former friends. If you want to read a fanfic that has a lot more psychological conflict, this would definitely be something I'd personally recommend.


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Which LBT fan fics have you read on this forum?

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Have you read any Alternate history books?


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Serris: So far I've read the Revenge series, Sharptooth Valley 1 and 2, Twilight Valley, Enter the Decon, Quest for the Energy Stones, One Long Tail, and The Night Ruby Went Crazy. I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting about, though.

f-22 "raptor" ace: The closest thing to alternate history I've read is Far-Seer, part one of the Quintaglio trilogy involving dinosaurs being transported to another world by aliens. But I wouldn't consider the story alternate history. I've been meaning to read His Majesty's Dragon, an alternate history involving dragons in the Napoleon Wars, but I've been quite lazy with reading it.


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What is your favorite genre of music?

And [standard question]: What got you interested in Twilight Valley? Do you have any suggestions/critiques for me

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Serris: I would say probably rock and metal. As for Twilight Valley, I only relatively recently got interested in the story. I admit I still haven't read large portions of the story and have been rather lazy about reading the remaining chapters. I'll try to get around to reading the rest of the story. For suggestions/critiques, I can't really think of any at the moment.


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What inspired you to start creating music videos?


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LBTFan13: I was inspired from watching some music videos from Putfile (before I knew of YouTube) and I had put up a couple mvs on Putfile (they're no longer up). I had actually imagined scenes playing in my head while listening to music in a similar fashion to mvs before I even saw one for the first time. Zatch Bell to Blow Me Away was the first time I had attempted to visualize these thoughts through mv-making.


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What does the text below your avatar mean?


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Rat_Lady7: It is Kranaga that translates to "Greetings, respected humans". The language is spoken by the Kra, an invented race of fictional, feathered dinosaurs. The line itself is spoken by Gar, the Priest of Life, who is one of the main characters of Dinosaur Wars.

The Chronicler

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Seeing that you mentioned that you've read my fanfic, Quest for the Energy Stones, I can't help but ask, what is it about that story you find interesting? I just want to know.

Also, seeing as that's a crossover fanfic with Bionicle, are you familiar with Bionicle in any way?

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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The Chronicler: I admit I haven't read the latest chapter or two, but what motivated me to read it was to see how you handled the Bionicle/Land Before Time crossover idea. I was also interested to see how the Bionicle people (who are made of metal and such) would react to seeing creatures made of flesh and bone. I was surprised that, in your fanfic, they have heard of flesh and bone animals before; I was under the impression it would be something totally different to them as every animal I remember seeing was robotic like them. I think the last chapter I read was the one or two just after that one character was banned from his tribe. I am familiar with Bionicle and had seen some parts of a movie or two. However it doesn't hold my interest that well. In fact it mostly disturbs me, since all the characters are robotic and even the animals are robotic and I can't fathom how they manage to reproduce and thrive. But I know they're just movies for entertainment purposes so I shouldn't really be thinking that deep into them.