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Amaranthine · 1129 · 103017


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Man, I would love to make a comeback here. Even if it's just once a day to post here. This was the first site I've joined after all. If this is still going on, I'm  onboard. Question is where am I? I'm with the Big Water group right?


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If you need somebody to replace the members that aren't active anymore, I'd be willing to give it a try... I'd need somebody to tell me what's going on in the RP though so my posts make sense and aren't out of context :)
Inactive, probably forever.


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Apr 6 2014 on  10:54 PM
Redtooth101 played Pterano too didn't he? And from I remember you played me and Pterano for a bit when I decided to up and leave the GOF for awhile, having us go in the Mysterious Beyond. I don't know if Redtooth was followed up on that one, or he just did his own thing with him. And you mean Rob/LBTfan13 when you say that right? Yeah, I haven't seen him around at all.
Yeah, LBTFan13 is the member I meant. :oops

You really don't owe anyone here an explanation or anything for your lack of activity or response. RP and anything GOF related is supposed to be fun, not like work obligations.
Well, I really hope everyone else feels the same way, because clearly I still can't balance my GOF activity with my everyday life. :bang Thanks for your faith in me, Amy.

Again, I definitely want to finish this rp and continue with you guys if people are still interested, but it not, I wonder if it would be a good idea to close this topic and start anew. Not necessarily have the same plot/format as before, but tweak things around to make it a little different/more structured if we need it. I've had one member say they left the RP because it got too confusing where everyone was and how it was going. And I can see their point. If I didn't have the history of this RP and people like you Pangaea to back up the history on this, I'd be lost.
I have to say I'm reluctant to just restart the RP. I feel like I've been working on my characters and their stories for too long, and honestly I wouldn’t know what to do if we were to start again from square one (assuming I had the time or energy to invest in doing so). To put it bluntly, I probably wouldn’t be able to continue participating in the RP, and we’d have to find a new GM.

*I think the muncesting (players playing the characters among and with themselves) should be taken down a notch. From my experience in rp, while muncest can happen and still will happen depending on the circumstances of the characters, it really isn't all that fun (and very predictable) if you rp one character and then another major character. It makes it seem like you just want a certain result to go your way. I'll take me for an example.
Now, I love Pterano, and when I was going through my obsessive Pterano faze, I would have wanted to ship myself or something with him, and if I had rped him, I could make sure that would be exactly what happened. But it wouldn't be any fun for anyone else that wanted to rp with Pterano or my character if I just mostly focused on that. This is pretty much why I declined taking Pterano as a character before.
Makes sense to me. It will probably be harder to tone it down in my case, however: reflecting on my own history within the RP, a considerable proportion of my posts consisted of interactions among my own characters. It’s probably because I’m just so stinkin’ awkward interacting with other players (a lot of my past player-to-player interaction posts I find downright embarrassing), and it was so hard for me to get involved in other players’ activities that I turned to entertaining myself with my own characters. I did have fun doing it, but I may be an unusual case.

*Changing species I think can get a little confusing for other players to keep track and should only happen when it's absolutely necessary. (Like maybe a character faces something, goes through a change and the player can choose to change the species.) Or something like that. Especially if people seem to just be changing species back and forth without warning. It just gets confusing and people end up wondering who is who.
I definitely agree on this. I think another reason I'm such a poor GM is that I'm so reluctant to say "no" to players who ask if they can do something like change their dinosona species. It's part of my personal phobia of turning into (or being seen as) a control freak.

*I wonder if there should be some predestined fate thing for our characters. Not really a prophecy. Like we put ourselves, ocs, etc through certain situations in order to have them grow (hence why I think it would be a good idea to only change species if it's earned or needed). Again, I'll use my character as an example.
The thing my character seems to have the most trouble with is authenticity, knowing when to give certain information, letting people in, and when to hold back information when it's necessary. She's had some issues in the past that has made her reluctant to expose *exactly* how she feels. She tries to be honest, but sometimes her pride and anxiety can get the best of her. So in a way, I demoted my character to a more realistic species to her personality. A flyer would just be too easy of a choice, that's what she would want, but that's not necessarily what she is. ;)
In case it's not obvious already, I'm terrible at characterization, and even worse at character development. In reflection, I don't think I've ever taken the RP seriously enough, story wise; for me it was just a chance to put my character in the LBT world and have some carefree fun. (I enjoyed RPing because it was far more socially engaging than just writing a fanfic, and far less predictable.) I never considered character development or an overly premeditated plot to be all that important, since I figured we were all just entertaining ourselves, not trying to create a story for others to read. (Wow, would it even be possible for me to sound more ignorant or naive? :slap)

I have had a lot of fun in this RP, both before and after I became its GM, and I would never want to change that, but I think now that when I first joined this RP, I had a poor idea of what RPing entailed. The fact that the RP seemingly hit its current, player-repellantly glacial pace when I took over as GM and started attempting to design and manage subplots reinforces my feelings that I am no good at running an RP effectively. :(

*Limit the amount of ocs and characters people play. Again, this mostly is under the whole muncest thing, we really should only play the characters we can handle. And while I would love to put an oc in this rp or any really (I have one in the works I'm REALLY excited about putting out there) I want to be sure that I would have as limited contact with them as possible. And this of course would depend on how many people are actually playing the game.
Again, this makes sense to me. I feel like I've spread myself thin playing so many characters in so many places. The problem is, again, that I am reluctant to just drop any of the characters I am now juggling, both because I've become so personally attached to them, and because they're all involved in the currently ongoing subplots in one way or another.

There is idea on one game I played on a journal site. What would happen is when a character comes in the game, they would progress, age, and whatever during the game, but if they went home, they would just go back to the time they entered the game and watch themselves make the usual choices outside the game like they're watching their life like a movie.

I don't know if that makes any sense, but I think that would be an interesting way to portray our characters and just have them have deja vu moments where they go, "Wow, I really made those choices, when I could have done this instead." That's how I'm going to play my self insert anyway.
Sorry, I'm having another one of my "stupid" moments here… :oops …I don't think I understand the concept you're describing. :confused

Thanks, seriously, you've been an amazing help organizing this game and letting people know what's what.
You’re welcome. :) I still feel like I’m the slowest, least efficient, most negligent GM ever, so it’s nice (and pretty surprising) to hear that someone thinks well of me.

Quote from: Belmont2500,Apr 15 2014 on  01:59 PM
Good day, just wondering if I can join back in because I've missed doing this RP with you all. :)
I don't think you ever officially left the RP, so certainly you can come back. Your last "regular" post was here, then it looks like you tried starting over again here. All I know is that you're in the Great Valley.

Quote from: MC CJ'S REVENGE,Apr 20 2014 on  01:41 AM
Man, I would love to make a comeback here. Even if it's just once a day to post here. This was the first site I've joined after all. If this is still going on, I'm onboard. Question is where am I? I'm with the Big Water group right?
Actually it looks like you're still in the Great Valley. That's just as well for you, since the Big Water subplot isn't going anywhere fast.

Quote from: Ducky123,Apr 20 2014 on  10:35 AM
If you need somebody to replace the members that aren't active anymore, I'd be willing to give it a try... I'd need somebody to tell me what's going on in the RP though so my posts make sense and aren't out of context :)
Sure, Ducky123, you're welcome to join. :) Only if you think it’s something you’ll enjoy doing, though. I wouldn’t want you to join just to help keep the RP afloat.

It’s been so long since I actually posted in the RP that I’ll need to check for myself of which characters are still being played at the moment and who is currently interacting with whom. I know that most of the characters are in the Great Valley at this point, except for one group who is traveling to the Big Water.

Sorry if this isn’t very helpful. Please tell me if you’re looking for more specific information on the RP.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I have to ask, but where are we? I'm kind of lost as to where my character is in the story. Any information on what's going on, send me a PM. I'm ready to get posting once more.

Okay, after careful reviewing, I discovered I stayed in the valley. Dang, it's been a while since I've posted anything. 2012, :o Well I hope to change that.

The Chronicler

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Considering that it's been over 9 months since the last time anyone posted in this topic (and ten days short of a full year since anyone posted in the RP itself), I think it's safe to say that this RP has quietly been discontinued. Just as well for me, as I'm no longer willing to devote any time to an RP. If people are still interested in the idea behind this particular RP, I would recommend a reboot. (I'm sure there are some newer members who would be interested in trying something like this.)

If I remember correctly, this RP originally started back in mid-2009, so to see it last as long as it did, almost five years, is actually quite remarkable, in my opinion.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Quote from: The Chronicler,Mar 20 2015 on  07:45 PM
Considering that it's been over 9 months since the last time anyone posted in this topic (and ten days short of a full year since anyone posted in the RP itself), I think it's safe to say that this RP has quietly been discontinued. Just as well for me, as I'm no longer willing to devote any time to an RP. If people are still interested in the idea behind this particular RP, I would recommend a reboot. (I'm sure there are some newer members who would be interested in trying something like this.)

If I remember correctly, this RP originally started back in mid-2009, so to see it last as long as it did, almost five years, is actually quite remarkable, in my opinion.

It likely has looking at the lack of activity, but I have not seen any signs it's been discontinued. It's unfortunate, but at least it lasted as long as it did. A reboot would be interesting.


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Unfortunately, it is probably safe to say that the "In The Land Before Time" RP has indeed fallen by the wayside, due to the unavailability of several crucial players and my own flagging enthusiasm in keeping it going. The RP was always going to end this way, I think, right from the moment I took up the post as GM. I hate conclusions, especially ones that put a permanent end to something by saying, "That's it, it's over. The end. Nothing more's ever gonna happen." I never like to close the door to the possibility of a continuation someday, no matter how tiny that possibility may be. Hope springs eternal, I guess.

Sad to say, at this time even I have little to no motivation to continue this RP. Most of my previous activity was invested in The Big Water subplot, which has dried up (so to speak) in the absence of FlipperBoidSkua and other key players. If those members (and other former participants) were to return with the express intention of continuing the RP, perhaps I would be willing to revive it. For now, however, I suppose I may as well officially declare this RP closed, at least for the time being. :neutral

Sorry to disappoint you, MC CJ's Revenge. :( As The Chronicler said, you are welcome to start a new RP with the same theme as this one (GOF members entering the LBT world). Just be sure to establish it as a separate RP from this one, so the players don't accidentally post in this RP or its discussion thread. :goodluck

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Quote from: MC CJ'S REVENGE,Mar 19 2015 on  08:35 PM
I have to ask, but where are we? I'm kind of lost as to where my character is in the story. Any information on what's going on, send me a PM. I'm ready to get posting once more.

Okay, after careful reviewing, I discovered I stayed in the valley. Dang, it's been a while since I've posted anything. 2012, :o Well I hope to change that.
I'll admit, even if we did continue this, I would be at a loss where I am as well as the characters I chosen, due to so many changes that came about with this rp.

If people are still interested in the idea behind this particular RP, I would recommend a reboot. (I'm sure there are some newer members who would be interested in trying something like this.)

I'd opt for this. When I first started it, I had no idea what I was doing, it was more of a free for all, a sandbox rp if you will, but I realized that doesn't seem to transfer very well into forum format, especially since the number of participants started to grow. In fact, I remember people left because they didn't know where they were or what was going on.

Just be sure to establish it as a separate RP from this one, so the players don't accidentally post in this RP or its discussion thread.


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I'd be on board with a reboot.  Geez, judging by my older posts, I did have some batpoop crazy things going on.  I suppose the night shifts fueled by excess caffeine made me wonky.  I'd be cool playing as my modern self, who is way more mature and has a lot more life experience.