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Member Appreciation Thread

The Chronicler

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Quote from: jedi472,Oct 9 2008 on  03:43 PM
Just wanted to give a shout out to the Chronicler for making his amazing fanfic and helping me out with mine. He's been a big part of the GOF for me.
Thank you very much, jedi472. :yes  I honestly didn't think I would ever get any recognition here like that. You say that I've been a big part of the GOF for you, and I must also say that you are a big part of the GOF for me as well. You may be the only one replying to my fanfic, but you are proving to me that it is indeed being read. :yes Perhaps you could convince other members to post replies on my fanfic, just so I can get a better idea of how great it is. :yes

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Well, this will be fun. Of course, all topics here are fun, but this is the first time I can remember ever actually starting off by saying say so. But considering the topic, this post is going to be very long...

Malte279- He is definately the most frequent and thorough responder when it comes to helping me with some of my unusual ideas. Although a lot of people here do it, he has the record. Homosexuality, Misc Hobbies, How Did You Find GOF, Welcoming Center, and so forth. Plus, the first who wanted to chat with me.

Nimrod-  He is the second person who asked to chat with me. When I told him I've never been in a chat room before, he sent me specific directions on how to get to one and what to do there as quickly as he could.

Tobe- He took the time to explain forum expressions I didn't understand, and I didn't even have to ask him to tell me. He just did it. Very thoughtful of him. ITT, You Laugh You Lose.

Mumbling- She was very comforting on expressing how she understands my way of speaking, explaining why I don't have to talk differently if I don't want to, but how it's perfectly fine to speak how I wish if I feel the need to. What Does "X Member" Always Say? Also, she noticed that I didn't know how to post links or pictures so she wrote a detailed explanation to show me how and I didn't even have to ask her. Happy Birthday Lillefot.

LettuceBacon&Tomato- He Found and acknowledged to me very common ground we have in what we're studying and (giggle) our punctuality. Nice to know a fellow preson who is interested in my favorite field. Welcoming center. Plus, not counting links or pictures, just an actual post that was written, he made the first one that caused me to start laughing hysterically for minutes. I must say, I love his impression of me. What Does "X Member" Always Say?

landbeforetimelover- He was the first one to quote and agree with an entire post of mine, which is no easy feat considering their length. People have agreed with parts of my posts, but now someone else and I have been completely on the level with our thoughts and having unity of mind is a very pleasent experience. It feels good to write a post where none of the words were wasted. He made that post feel very special to me. What Do You Dislike Most About The Land Before Time?

brekclub85: After all the forums I've been on in my life, I got my very first personal message ever from anyone after coming here, from him. I actually have it saved in my desktop as the first PM of my life. But it doesn't stop there. I have been here not quite two weeks, but as of the time I'm writing this post, I already have exactly 20 all very friendly PMs from him here, all saved away. I have gotten other PMs and saved them too, but he holds the record by far. But since addictions are a bad thing, I have something to complain about here as well. Due to his ideas and writing style, I am a Sharptooth Valleyaholic and can't end a day without indulging myself with it in some way. Some writers have no respect for what their stories will do to other people's lives. The nerve...

The Chronicler- I had a question which he not only answered quickly and completely, but gave me a link if I had any more questions on the matter. I didn't ask him for it. He was just nice enough to post it for me. Bionicle, the Lego Sets and the Story.

Drake- I misunderstood the character battles rules and didn't give real characters from an actual show like I was supposed to. I created generic ones that were very vague. He could have told me, "Follow the rules if you want a battle of yours done here." But being very polite, he did not complain to me at all and simply took it upon himself to make sure it was answered. And I must say, I really liked his logical response. (Not that I need to say it this time but) Character Battles.

Don't worry though. There are lots more people here that I have to thank for doing something kind to me. But this post is already so huge that I'll have to write more on another post some other time. I notice EVERYTHING EVERYONE does nice to me here, except for a few things. (Man, it's so fun pretending to be an oxymoron. I think I'll do it more often. (Everyone reading says, "Just when we thought TFS couldn't make this forum any more unprofessional, he decides to be an-")). Don't worry. As it's common for me, I wasn't being serious with my closing at all. But as for all those that have been nice to me here, I will do my best to make sure your deeds don't remain unnoticed to the world. Later!


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Been a while since I've seen this topic on page 1. :)  Its a good one though.

Cancerian Tiger

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It's been awhile and there are more members I need to recognize :yes.

*The Friendly Sharptooth-  I'll say that I have liked this member from the time he joined the GOF.  He does not hesitate to make his voice heard, his posts are informative and interesting to read, he always has something to contribute to a discussion, and he seems to be very good-natured.  I have never seen him get ugly with another member, and he does not appear to hold grudges.

*Brekclub85-  I have seen this member in the Party Room more often and have come to appreciate him.  I like it when folks have a good sense of humor :yes.

*Lillefot- He's another member who is good-natured, funny and fun to have around.  He's also quite adventurous, something we both share in common.  

I like everyone here and will continue to post later on ;).


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I wanted to give a thank you to Mumbling.

Thank you, so much for talking with me and letting me just say whatever I needed to say. Thank you so much for being ears. Seriously. :^.^: :)


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Well, I have a certain Rat_Lady7 to thank for not glomping me in the "Guess the next poster" thread.

EDIT: I just looked at the thread. Now I retract that thanks. *glomp* Okay, now you get it again.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I want to give a thanks to The Friendly Sharptooth. The first user to mention me on the Member Appreciation Thread! You always go out of your way to recognize other members for the help they've given, even outside of this thread.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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You are very welcome. By now, I've had more time to gather my thoughts and therefore have more to say here. Some of these things apply to a lot of you, but I thank the ones who in my opinion seem the most strongly oriented to it:

Kor- He always seems to be positve toward what I or anybody else writes. He's always really nice about it when he disagrees too. I doubt he sits there, staring at a post of mine or anyone else's he wants to respond to, then has to think for an hour to fabricate some nice thing to say he doesn't really mean. There is just something about his posts that have a strong, genuine feeling. He really puts himself into what he writes so he can be real to us and still be comforting when we're wrong.

Noname- It was great working with him on a topic that only the two of us saw eye to eye on. I liked how everyone was supportive of me there, but he was one who supportive of my view. He was so diligent to show there whenever it was just him, and when I came too, he backed up my beliefs and I supported him back. Team work like that is always a wonderful pleasure to experience. It was nice how everyone there was nice, so it wasn't like we were on a team against everyone else, but it was exciting being with him when out of over a dozen people, everyone agreed on one thing, and the two of us had to express ourselves to a congregation. He showed to be very strong to disagree every day with twenty people because his beliefs were just that impotant to him. "Homosexuality."

Cancerian Tiger- Our views are one when it comes to stand up for what we view is right when people everywhere try to make fun of us. We both have the same "People can say what they want about TLBT but I'm still not going to hide the fact that I like it because it's right and it's who I am." She actually expressed her agreement with me, while I unfortunately have failed to do so until now. I like it when people aren't ashamed of what others opinions about them are. That is all they are: their personal opinions. The Land Before Time is stupid- that is an opinion. Something that cannot be proven with scientific methods is false without any evidence. The two of us know that words can hurt. But opinions are just pure feelings in the form of words. How strange does it sound to say, "I feel so horrible. The way that that guy feels inside of him is really bothering me." The two of us will listen to opinions, but be swayed by the truth. "Honesty." "Ever Been Teased?"

Explorer- He said words to me that I almost never hear, about once every six years on average are such words ever directed at me. "I admire you." Why? Because there is very little if anything, for people to admire about me that someone else isn't ten time better in. He remarked at how he believes I'm very good at what I do. In my life, two or maybe three school teachers have complimented me with the combination of those two phrases. It felt so real to have someone say it who isn't paid to say nice things to everyone. It made my night to hear those words authentically spoken to me. "Super Smash Bros. All"

pokeplayer984- I must say, I have never gotten a more thorough, detailed, and lengthy answer to a question on a post before. I'm still going, "Wow!" He took all that time to asnwer every single part of my question entirely. That was such an amazing answer that he must have skipped dinned to write it all. I didn't think a question about gaming would be taken with such priorty. He even said other things just to make sure that I was aware of them. Boy, did I feel special there. Sometimes who takes all questions with such significance and fully applies to the best answer possible, well, he deserves a free Pokemon Platinum Version. Yes, he impressed me THAT much. "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars."

With many more nice people here, many more thank you's are sure to come from me, but this is all for now. Until I return, later!


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Well, I'ver got a few people to give my thanks to
Petrie- he was one of the people who first introduced me to this board. As someone who I've 'worked" with now for 3+ plus, I can say with confidence that Petrie is a great guy, and frankly without his contributions, we wouldn't HAVe this board and I wouldn't be posting this.
 malte_ malte has always been game on the various trivia threads I've put up in the 'brain Food section. While those have since gone quiet for the most part. It is interesting togo back there sometimes and look at all the historical ground we have covered. You're a good friend Malte, and you know your history. Hopefully, someday I can travel to Dortmund , and we can meet face to face at last.
threehorn- Threehorn has partnered with me on many of my roleplays, and as someone I've come to know through those roleplays, he has a very vivid imagination, and I've enjoying bouncing thoughts and plotlines back and forth over the various pages. One of our stories went on for 300 full pages!
Avesthe Forum Foz\x- Aves is probably singlehandily responsible for reviving my interest in roleplaying. I had started to draw away from roleplaying, when  Aves joined the site, and set to work with the energy and passion of a dynamo. one could not help but be drawn by his personality, his interesting characters, and his ever acerbic wit.
Kor- kor is someone who I've enjoyed conversing with over his time here. he's one of the newer- relatively- posters I'm listing in my -brief comments here. he always has something interesting to say, and I always look forward to what he has to contribute.
The FriendlySharptooth- Sharptooth has a unique take on many topics, and I use "unique ' in best meaning possible. He always has something intresting to say, if it is something vivid and extremely descriptive, so much the better for this reader. Keep up the good work Sharptooth.
Mirumoto- kenji- Kenji is one of few 'welcome to the Great Valley refugees here on the board -threehorn is the other. kenji is one of my friends, and always seems to enjoy his roleplays. that is one thing we have in common.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Ducky
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I could say countless things about MANY members here... but I have two... two in particular to make mention of...

Action, sir, you introduced me to the site itself, and that deserves many thanks...

and... Weirdraptor... who... despite many a rocky conversation... has always been able to produce energetic debate, and keep me thinking, or sometimes not XD

regardless, WR has always been there to forcefully express an opinion with worthwhile work put into his arguments


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LB&T - Well, first and foremost I would like to thank him for helping me with various literary works. Secondly, I would like to thank him for

Cancerian Tiger - I have not much to say except that I appreciate her support for my fan fiction, even if it does stray away from the LBT canon. I can also say that she is one of the most non-judgmental people I've met.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Cancerian Tiger

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Thank ya, Serris :^.^:.  As a matter of fact, thanks to evryone else here :yes.


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I few people I want to thank:

The Great Valley Guardian-for always being so nice to me and joining in my two RPs, as well as giving me feedback on my fanfics.

Dark Hououmon-For our various chats on yahoo, and although we often have opposite viewpoints, we manage to have many intelligent discussions.

The Friendly Sharptooth-need I say why? He's my biggest fan, and for telling me that Sharptooth Valley is his favorite fanfic ever.  I also like his commentaries on various issues, his way of thinking is unique.

landbeforetimelover-for telling me how to post pictures in the caption section.

Chiletrek and Starfallraptor-both for being major contributors to my Sharpteeth Adventures Rp.

Just Loves LBT-for his fanfic, which I enjoy thoroughly.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Fun, fun, fun! More thanks to give my mudbrothers (and mudsisters)! Although some of these things apply to many of you, here are the people that I noticed the most in certain areas:

Nick22: He has given me new hopes and opportunities here. His friendliness to me can be measured by how much he encourages me not to worry about things and his enthusiasm to invite me into his activities, in which case he is quite a friend indeed. He doesn't see me and guess what kind of person I am. He takes time to understand what I am like on the inside so that he does not need to speculate on my character.

Rat_lady7: My writing style has never been so well complimented! Even my family has expressed their distaste for my writing style, but she expressed that she really likes it and also took the time to explain exactly why she likes it, even to the point of saying that she sees no immaturity in it at all, unlike some other people I know. Such enouragement makes writing all the more pleasent for me. "Show Us Pictures of Yourself"

RFZT: She may be new here right now, but that hasn't stopped her from engaging in the most pleasant of conversations with me. We have been happily chatting back and forth much to my delight, especially since we see things about the LBT so similarly. She has a pleasant way of speaking and makes her words so interesting to read at the same time. She doesn't know it at the time that I'm writing this, but after a recent conversation with her, and after I gave it much thought, I was finally able to decide who my favorite LBT villian is. Thanks for your help!

Nimrod: Wow. Such diligence. He has been so determined to establish an online connection between us for quite some time, but some unknown difficulty has been preventing it. He has been trying this for such a long time without giving up or even slowing down, and he also keeps trying new methods to make this work out. I'm flattered. No one has ever tried this long just to chat with me.

DarkHououmon: I'm sure that she must be very busy with various things, but even so, she did not hesitate to show me kindness and agree to draw some pictures that I asked her for for a project that I'm working on. This wasn't like a half ditch effort just to satisfy some fan of hers petty request; I saw her usual amazing quality that she always puts into the drawings that she posts here, showing just how much she really cares about and respects what other people like too. "Fanart for Sharptooth Valley"

Chomper4: It's nice to meet people who aren't shy at all. Those who can enter a new place filled with new people and instantly feel comfortable enough to dive right into conversations and ask questions. And so many questions for assisstance show that he has a lot of humility. Some people aren't too keen on the whole "getting help from others" thing, but he hasn't had any hesitance at all to show when and how he would like some help from other people. I am the exact same way with people, so it's great to meet someone that I share so much in common with.

And that all for now, mudfamily! Be back sooon!


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I want to thank everyone who has replied to my recent topic. Thank you for the advice guys. :)


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Here's who I really appreciate:

Lillefot - You and I seem to have become best friends now here on GOF. We have so much fun rping with each other and even talking in general. You are always there to talk with if I need to, and you are just such a nice guy! :D

GVG/Starfall - I decided to do the two of you together. You two have been such great RP buddies, ever since the Blacktail RP when I first joined. You both stuck it out during my seemingly endless Stone of Cold Fire rp's, and you both are such great rpers yourself! :D

Mumbling - I know we haven't talked that much lately, but I know I can always count on you to be available for me. Whether it be randomly chatting over MSN, or spending time to put together my singing project, you do so much for me and I thank you so much for it :D


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Quote from: LBTFan13,Feb 2 2009 on  06:21 AM
Mumbling - I know we haven't talked that much lately, but I know I can always count on you to be available for me. Whether it be randomly chatting over MSN, or spending time to put together my singing project, you do so much for me and I thank you so much for it :D
Definitly true :) Maybe I'll see you soon again on msn!  :lol:

The Great Valley Guardian

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:oops First off, I have to say I’m ashamed I’ve missed this thread as often as I look though the different forums on this site. Now onto business, and giving my fellow GOF members the recognition they deserve in no particular order.

LBTfan13/Starfall/Lillefot: You three are like the brothers I’ve never had. You all are also three of the best RPers I’ve ever had the honor to play with. You all are focused; energized, and heck together you three make a good RP a great one! :smile

DarkHououmon: Kacie… you are a superb artist, and a great person to talk to on MSN. Somehow though all of our conversations tend to revolve back to either DinoSquad or Dinosaurs in general, which I think is actually kinda cool.

Brekclub85: Your fanfics are engaging, and the two RP’s you’ve done add an interesting spin on the LBT franchise as a whole. I always knew that the sharpteeth needed some recognition but the way you portray them, you might want to look into becoming Chompers personal agent! :DD

Aves: Our resident fox, although I know times are currently tough for you right now…and I haven’t seen you on MSN in quite some time, I want you to know that I’m willing to listen when you need to speak. :yes

Landbeforetimelover: You are a great helper and a brilliant technician. You’ve helped me several times in the past here on the GOF and I’m not sure I can ever repay you, but know that I am very grateful!

Rat_Lady7: The thread starter herself! :smile I must say I do greatly enjoy your fanfic, and await the next chapter installment.  I would like to be able to speak to you on MSN, but all in all I know that you are trustworthy, and extremely friendly, and I for one am proud to call you a friend. :yes