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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 164705


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Eric slowly opened his eyes.
"Ugh...Where am I?  And why are my...Ah!"
He had reached up to rub his eyes, only to find that where his hand had been, there was now a saurian claw...

Cancerian Tiger

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"I really hate to do this," mumbled the human as she grabbed another treesweet and pegged Cera once again.  

"Ow!" screamed Cera before she got up again.  "That does it!"

"Man, you're stubborn!" the human yelled as Cera charged at the tree.  CRACK!

"Aw, crap!  TIMBERRRR!" the human gasped as she went crashing down with the tree.  CRASH!  The human cursed several times under her breath as she rolled onto her back.  Just then, she got pinned at the shoulders by Cera.

"Now I've gotcha!  Any last words?"  Cera demanded as she breathed in the human's face.

"Sure!  Ever heard of a breath mint?" the human snorted in disgust.  "Ya think you've got me, dontcha?"

"Uh, yeah!  What are you, stupid or something?" Cera demanded.

"Nope," the human replied just before she used her leg to knock Cera over.  The human quickly rolled over and pinned Cera in a wrestling fashion.

"Just a little bit of advice: Always expect the unexpected, Cera," the human advised.  Upon seeing Mr. Threehorn approaching, she let go of Cera, got up, and dusted herself off.  Cera, meanwhile, was slow to rise due to shock.  Not only was the creature incredibly strong for her size, but she also knew Cera's name!  When Cera finally got up, she took a couple of steps back while looking at the human in fear.

"H...How...How do you know my name?" Cera asked nervously.


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Flapper nodded, thinking and remembering a lbt tv episode to explain why he was here.  "Yes, I was flying around, looking for a good safe place to get some water and green food then a big blowy wind came up and blew me away.  It lasted a long time and I could not get out of it.  It blew and blew till it eventually brought me here.   I sorta crashed, to tired to land very well.  Never was taught how to land very well." Flapper said.

Cancerian Tiger

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"How do I know your name?  Well, if I told ya, you'd think I'm nuts or somethin'," the human responded to Cera's question.

"Actually, I think I've seen an awful great deal of weird things today.  I still wanna know," replied Cera as Tricia stepped up next to her sister.

"Okay, here goes.  I'm not sure how I got here or who brought me here, but I come from the future.  The reason I know y'all is 'cuz I come from somewhere in the future where my kind know stories 'bout the bunch of y'all and are big fans," the human explained.

"Fans?  What are fans?" asked Cera.

"Others like myself who adore dinosaurs like yourself, so much that we'de love to be friends with y'all," the human replied.  It was in that moment that Cera realized the creature was not there to hurt anyone.  In fact, Cera was excited to learn she was adored by others she did not even know.

"You mean to tell me that I, we are liked by others we don't even know?" asked Cera.

"Yup, and you're the one I like the most.  I do like the bunch of y'all, though."

"Okay, what's with the whole 'y'all' thing?  Why do you talk like that?" Cera demanded.  

"Well, where I come from, people talk differently depending on where they come from.  In the human world, I come from what's known in my country as the South," explained the human.

"Country?  People?  If I may ask, what ARE you?" asked Cera.

"Oh, I'm sorry!  I am what's known as a human, and a whole bunch of us are what's known as people or humans.  A country in our world is what is a territory in yours.  To make it clearer, think of the valley as your country.  The Mysterious Beyond is another country, the Land of Mists is another country, and so on.  Get it?" asked the human.

"Uhh, I think I do now.  So, now that I know about your kind somewhat, do humans have names or not?" asked Cera.

"Of course we do!  Otherwise we could never identify each other."

"Well, then.  What is your name?"

"Name's Anna, and I'm happy to finally meetcha," the human, now identified as Anna, replied as she crouched down and extended her right hand.  Surprisingly, Cera quickly caught on.

"Uh, nice to meet you, too," said Cera as she extended her right front paw before Anna gave her paw a firm shake.  Just then, Tricia came up and nuzzled Anna's hand.

"And you're Tricia.  You're so cute," Anna giggled as she patted Tricia on the head.  She then stood up to face the girls' father, who stood like a building over her.


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Petrie nodded understanding about big blowy winds.  "Big blowy winds bad.  Scarrrry." He said shivering a bit.  

"So where are off to?" Flapper asked.  

"Just to find friends." Petrie said.  

"Ok, good luck.  My name's Flapper, not sure if I mentioned it before." He said.

"Me Petrie.  See later." Petrie said and flew off looking for some of his friends.  Finding the new flyer ok, though he wanted to meet his friends.  He saw one and flew over in that direction, flying lower towards them.


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"Thomas" looked at the flyer in question. "No, I don't believe I have seen you before... you must be thinking of Pterano here."

Pterano greeted the female flyer with great courtesy. He wasn't supposed to be in the valley at all, so he had to make a good impression on those he met, lest they feel inclined to blow his cover...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandma Longneck turned to see Littlefoot was right and Mr.Thicknose seemed to be carrying another dinosaur on his back. She leaned her head down and asked, "Is there any way for me to help?"

Rick however looked up as he noticed Littlefoots grandpa coming into view as well and almost as if on reflex action Rick sat down on his hind legs and waited to be spoken to.


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Grandpa Longneck Saw there were more new commers, "Hello, are you friends of Mr. Thicknose here?" He asked, bending his had down to closer to Rock's eye level.  


Flapper began looking for a place to land, a soft looking place since he figured landing would not be easy.  He saw a tree, and some water.  He aimed for the water, relaxing as much as he could before he hit he went under.  Once there he started to swim to get to the surface and once at the surface he started to swim towards the bank.

The Chronicler

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The GoF member/Bionicle fan finally reach the bottom the the pit he had fallen through. He looked at his surroundings and noticed he was now in a place full of lush vegetation. Alright, who found a Kanohi Olmak and decided to mess around with it? he thought to himself. In Bionicle, the Kanohi Olmak was the mask of dimensional gates, which allowed the user to open portals to others places, including other dimensions and universes.

However, when he looked down at his new body, he knew this couldn't be the doing of an Olmak. He noticed he was now a Fast-Runner, likely the same size as Ruby. Even more strange was his skin color: pure white, like snow. The feathers on his arms and back were sand-blue, and he guessed the crest on his head was the same color. The way he saw it, he was a Fast-Runner with skin colors similar to the typical colors of Ko-Matoran armor.

He felt so many emotions, he didn't know which one to express. He then said to himself, "Okay... calm down... let's try to figure this out... one step at a time." He then tried to stand up, but it felt rather awkward, despite still being a two-footer. After all, this was the first time he's ever had a non-human body. Struggling to maintain his balance, he tried to take a step. Although it was tough, he actually managed to not fall over. As he took another step, he recalled how this situation seemed to reflect an early scene in the new Bionicle movie, where Mata Nui struggles to take his first steps with his new body. Back to reality, with each step the Fast-Runner took, his balance seemed to be improving.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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"No, seriously, you look REALLY familiar." The female flyer replied to the human.

"Em, well, I'm Amy by the way." She looked at both of the creatures.


Suddenly, a roar broke the awkwardness between the three. Amy looked to the direction of the roar and she wondered who it was. Suddenly the face appeared from the trees and realized that she was staring right at the face of a sharptooth. But not just any old sharptooth. It was Red Claw.

"GUYS C'MON, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" She yelled to them. She ran the opposite direction hoping that the human and Pterano were following her. Amy had no idea where she was going to go, she half hoped she would be at the Great Valley, another part of her hoped that she just would get away from Red Claw and somehow get back to her world.

Maybe bring Ptearno with me. She smirked.


Mr. Three Horn raised a brow at the young swimmer. Then he just rolled his eyes.

"You must just be some delusional creature like Guido was when he came here. Don't worry, your mind will be clear of everything soon enough." He rose his nose up in the air.

"Cera, Tricia, come with me! Stay away from his swimmer! I don't her craziness to influence you two."

He motioned Cera and Tricia to come, and he waited for them to follow him.
Red Claw saw the meat prize in front of him. He was drooling happily.

Man the boys are missing out! Wait til I tell them I ate some fast food, a cone head, and an ugly flyer, hehe

He roared in the faces of the flyer and the human, he was on the prowl and ready to kill.
Little Foot stared on at the situation and he asked his grandfather, "Can I help too?"

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Maybe pointing me in the direction where I can get some leaves to relieve the pain and keep the swelling down,' sam said. Sam tried to walk but fell over "Ok maybe it's not such a good idea to try to get the leaves by myself as I'd probbaly end up hurting myself more,' sam said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Rick looked up to meet Grandpa Longnecks gaze and could for a few moments only stutter in awe, but once he found his voice he smiled. ", isr. I just arrived here in the valley. I was hoping I could find someone to lead me around."

Grandma Longneck smiled at her mate as she looked up for a brief moment and noticed he was carrying treestars.


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The human was following her alright, but was more annoyed than afraid... he knew that when the protagonists were in trouble, 95% of them time they would be able to escape, even if it was a close call... and this was no exception. He and Pterano followed Amy, and within a short time they had outrun Redclaw... as usual, the "biggest, meanest shaprtooth of them all" was unable to catch prey if it simply ran from him in a straight line...

"Thomas" could tell that Amy was interested in Pterano...

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Mr and Mrs Longneck could you watch sam here while I get some of those special leaves to relieve the pain from his bump,' mr thicknose asked.


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Grandpa Longneck nodded to Mr. Thicknose.  He then turned his head to look at the human as he put the treestars he was carrying down.  "Here is some food for some of you, if any of you are hungry." Then to the human he said, "you just sit down and rest.  Do you feel hungry or thirsty?" He asked.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Thanks,' said sam who army crawled to food and picked up two treestars. Mr thicknose walked to his sleeping spot which was one of the areas where the plants to releive pain grew.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandma Longneck smiled as she watched Sam eating the treestars.
"I do hope you are feeling better now that you've had some greenfood little one."

Rick then stood up and asked Littlefoot, "Do you happen to know where I can find a watering hole? I'm kinda thirsty."


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Petrie saw Littlefoot and went over to land next to him.  

Flapper reached the bank, shaking some of the excess water from himself.

"An unusual way to land." Mim, a female rainbowface said who was resting on the bank not far away.  

"...yes.  I felt like a dip in some water would be refreshing." Flapper said smiling a bit.  He had an idea who she was, and was a bit unsure what to say to one of his own original characters.  At least at first.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Sam turned to rick "I don't think we've been properly introduced I'm sam what's your name,' sam asked rick.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Rick looked up at Sam with a nervous grin and smile.
"Heh...Well my name is Rick, and it's nice to meet you Sam, but I'm not your normal Longneck."