The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

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I know this already came out...but I REALLY want to see, For Colored Girls. I have the poetry book, and the trailer really affected me. So I really hope to see it soon. :)


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I'm pretty sure I've asked this question on prior occasions, :oops but what in the world left you feeling this ecstatic? (Great to see you so cheerful, by the way. :smile) And do you have any suggestions for how I could get a mood boost like that? :D

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Two words:


And even more importantly:


Or in other words:

MONEY *no picture needed*

Because if you have money you can get these greeeeaaat products, satisfaction guaranteed!

Heh, all of this is really me absorbing myself into the Darkwing Duck universe and taking advice from a demented toy maker cartoon on a tv show. "Always keep smiling!" :D :DD :smile

I bought these items on Amazon and I am now even HAPPIER then that demented toy clown: QuackerJack


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How's your study of the Qur'an going along?


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I wouldn't call it "study" since it's an independent read on my part, but it's a bit slow. I read a few parts of it this month and now I'm waiting for next month to read more of it.

I set up a schedule for myself on which chapters to read every month until the end of this year.


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Sorry we haven't spoken in a while. :oops

How are you and Gypsy doing? :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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No need to apologize Pangaea. :) I believe I'm more in the wrong here being away from the GOF for a bit.

Gypsy is being his usual, spastic, fun-loving, fluffy self with his wide owl eyes. :-3 =O.O=

As for me, I am a bit overwelmed with all the carp I have to do on the interbutts and in RL. Funny enough though RL is pretty calming compared to my online life. LULZ. :p So that's a new one for me.


  • Petra (He/They)
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I heard you're a massive Pterano fan. How long have you been one? And how did it all start?
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Haha! So while I was gone for months, some Pterano fans came to take mah place eh? Lol

I know not a lot of people think too much of the seventh sequel, or yet think of it as a crappy sequel, but story wise, I thought it was decent. Not blockbuster material or anything, but decent.

As an 8 year old, I was in awe by how this sequel didn't seem so "kiddish" and I LOVED Pterano's character. So much in fact that I got into the LBT fandom again for I lost interest in it when the sixth one came out. While I didn't mind the sequel, nothing could compare to my love for the seventh one. So much in fact that Petrie replaced Little Foot as my favourite of the gang, and Pterano was my first adult favorite.

With this, I made a tale called "LBT12: Warrior Flyers", which I wanted to give to Universal Studios as an idea, for the twelfth sequel. I worked long hours on that one, writing, rewriting, etc. To this day, even with the twelfth sequel out, I could never be satisfied with it. I was too busy to try to make it epic, and while I could see it, others may have not. And with me maturing, I decided to revise it.

As for Pterano, I loved this character so much that I gave him a backstory, a solid reason why he allowed certain dinosaurs to die, and I even paired him up with a character.

Over time, I started being less passionate about the story and the LBT fandom, but to this day, it continues to be my favorite fandom of all time.

Cancerian Tiger

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What made you return to the GOF?  Which I'm glad you have :yes.


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The Chronicler

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Now that you're back, do you have any plans to return to the "In the Land Before Time" RP?

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Apologies for the delay to respond.

Not at this moment of time.

Cancerian Tiger

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Have you picked up the new Evanescence album yet?  If so, what are your thoughts :)?


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I really can't say too much about it, since I haven't listened to all the songs on it. But the single I heard, er....I really didn't like it very much. I felt literally Amy was singing the same song over and over like she did in Fallen and The Open Door. I had to literally roll my eyes and think, "Okay, this was fine when you were going the crap in the past, but you really need to grow up."

Still, as a long time fan, I'm willing to give the rest of the album a chance.


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I gotta tell ya, the animation looks familiar, like I may have seen it before as a kid, but I don't remember ever watching it. Sorry. :(


  • Cera
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First off, long time no talk!

Now I'm not sure if this question has been asked before, but have you or currently been into watching horror movies?  This being October & all...


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Hey. :)

I'm really not a horror movie fan. I mean, I'll give some mystery and suspense, or classic horror a chance, but you'll have better luck of me watching it if it has a musical attached. I.e. Sweeney Todd and Repo!: The Genetic Opera.


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Bumping this just to say if anyone wants to chat today or tonight, my pm box, this ask box is open. As much as the holiday can be wonderful, it can be stressful too.