The Gang of Five
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Hey you, no not you...

-Misc GOF members

YOU. The members playing in the "In the Land Before Time" rp.

-The RPers

To vote and comment on what you want from this role play game. We are at a standstill at the moment and more ideas need to be taken place. I also want you guys to give your suggestions of how you want this rp to go about and what ideas you have. It helps me as the host to look on what the members want from this rp and it helps the rest of you have a bit of a more solid plot to ground on.

This poll is also multiple choice, so you can pick and choice how many options you want.


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I personally don't care, since I haven't even made a post in this RP yet. I'm okay with anything happening. I know what FBS is going to pick...  :lol

EDIT: I just picked for other. It was the closest thing to the "I don't really care what happens" option.


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Uhhhhh… :o *backs away slowly*

EDIT: Okeedokee…voted for more character interaction. :angel

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I went with more character interactions. And I do have one minor idea/subplot.. I would like to see how the GOF members would deal with finding out Longtail and his uncle had a major falling out and begin to brawl whenever they meet.


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^My character having troubles with her family will definitely sympathize to Longtail.

Cancerian Tiger

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I voted for more interaction with the other characters.  Sorry, but I'm not interested in warfare :neutral.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Can we still implement the idea I told you about Rat_lady7?


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I voted for more character interaction. My character has turned into a fastbiter! Surely the other characters have their own opinions about that ;)


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Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Jan 27 2011 on  07:56 PM
Can we still implement the idea I told you about Rat_lady7?
Personally Sam, I think we need to put a halt on rescue missions at this point. As the poll results are entering, I'm realizing what the members are wanting.

Though, I want to see what the others in the rp will vote next, primarily Myrkin and Chronicler. Those two have characters that are in crucial plot points at the moment. Myrkin with his sickness from the poison, and Chronicler and Ruby wanting to help him find a cure.


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LOL!!! I love the 'advertising' post you made, Rat_lady7!! It's both funny and adorable!!

I voted for multiple choices:

I would love interaction between characters, really getting to know each other!!! I'm hesitant to use the word 'war', but a few conflicts would be good for me too (Hey, I have to use those claws for something!  :lol ) .........................

I know what FBS is going to pick...

 :lol MAGICAL LIOPLEURODON!!! He shall rule the world and I voted "wanting to meet the magical liopleurodon" and "I still wanna meet the liopleurodon...."!! I could not resist!!! *spazzes*


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I would like to focus on interaction between characters and subplots, but only after me and Chronicler cure Claw, because his death (even though it would be an interesting twist in the story) would preclude me from having fun in this RP. ;)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Chronicler

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I'm not that interested in character interactions. The options I voted for were complicated subplots (not exactly sure why) and for more focus on my character (but not hogging the spotlight :smile ). The reason I voted for those options is that I've been thinking of ideas on what I would do once Claw is cured, but I'll explain them in the other topic.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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^Hehe, please, hog the spotlight all you want, I'm tired of hogging the limelight myself. :p

[size0]Okay not really...)


But seriously, let those ideas rip! :D

Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH guys for voting giving feedback, helps me A LOT.


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To be honest, I want more character interaction, a "high octane" segement (possibly a small war arc...)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Thought I'd write a more thorough post on my preferences for this RP, with the options on the list neatly sorted out according to my feelings about them. :smile

What I would like:

ï More interaction with the other characters: Mentioned this one before. :p

ï To meet the MAGICAL LIOPLEURODON: I remain completely oblivious to the reference here, but I’ve grown rather fond of this idea and the subplot in which it takes place. (I consider this the same as I still want to see the liopleurodon.)

ï Having my character hog the spotlight!: Well…sorta. It’s not so much that I want to be the center of attention, but that I’d like my characters to be noticed and approached by other players’ characters more. I’ve been feeling kind of left out, to tell the truth. :neutral

ï Other: I don’t have any suggestions of my own at the moment, but I always like to hear new ideas. :smile

ï A combination of some and/or all: I figure you pretty much automatically support this one if you select multiple options. :p

What I am ambivalent to:

ï More complicated subplots: I personally don’t mind just interacting with characters and exploring the LBT world. Besides, if the subplots get too complicated, there needs to be a lot of coordination of the players’ actions, which in turn tends to result in a lot of waiting and creation of further subplots. :p

ï More direction from the host of the rp: I’ve been satisfied with the amount there’s been so far. :angel

ï For the host to stop being such a hog of the spotlight!: Hasn’t really bothered me. :p It is her RP, anyway.

What I would not like:

ï WARRRRR!!!!!11111!!!!!!1111!!! Knowing full well that my opinion doesn’t outweigh anyone else’s, I’d prefer a violence level not much higher than that of the original LBT. And I would really rather this RP not turn into Twilight Valley.

ï For this rp to END already!: Obviously. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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To meet the MAGICAL LIOPLEURODON: I remain completely oblivious to the reference here

It came from a popular cartoon on youtube called Charlie the Unicorn. It's exactly what a spazz like myself could wish for: random humor!! The Magical Liopleurodon guides our way to Candy Mountain!!  :DD

I’ve been feeling kind of left out, to tell the truth.

*hugs* I'll make sure you don't feel left out when I get there!!! :lol: In fact, it might end up getting to the point where you'd want me to leave you alone!! :^.^: