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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread

The Chronicler

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I found this episode to be rather mediocre, though I suppose that'll happen occasionally each season. I pretty much figured almost immediately that some of the early requests Spike made, like over that damaged water pipe, would ultimately backfire spectacularly. However, I will note that during the montage of Spike answering questions outside Twilight's room that he wasn't being a total "yes man", and that he actually denied a few ponies. This, to me, shows that he was at least smart enough to make somewhat reasonable decisions (at least, up until the point where the power started going to his head).

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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For anyone who reads the comics, I noticed something interesting about the first graphic novel cover for the Micro Series

In the background, we've got the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Spike. However, notice that there's a pegasus hanging upside down above them? I wonder if there was going to be another micro comic involving this character and if so, who it was. Judging by the look of the mane and the fact that it's a pegasus, my money's on Derpy. What do you guys think?


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Huh, I kinda have mixed feelings about this one. For one side, I do enjoy the whole summit concept, it's a good plot device for world building, as well as the utter cuteness of sleepy Twi. On the other hand, while the Aesop of the episode is important, I don't think they delivered it the right way. You see, none of the decisions Spike made when he got drunk with power and began misusing it were catastrophic. Sure, they were selfish, but did not have any lasting impact on the summit. Those which did cause things to go downhill, were made way before power got to his head, and at that moment he was more worried about Twilight sleeping peacefully, not to mention he didn't had experience to make decent choices.
Anyway, we'll stay tuned for Weird Al's return.


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I think it is a bit of a pity that there is a tendency to let Spike act somewhat idiotic in many of the episodes focused on him. It is perfectly fine to let him maintain some of his weaknesses (the greed of a dragon for example and a rather understandable longing for recognition), but I wouldn't see him as so stupid as to (for example) ignore the repeated warnings about the water pipe especially after he already experienced that a well meant decision (to let those two ponies hold their presentations together) can lead to negative results.
In my head canon Spike is an experienced secratary to Twilight, loyal to a fault, highly motivated, well meaning and deserving of more credit than the mildly patronizing "he is so cute" which seems to be all he gets (with the notable exception of the Crystal Empire).
Moreover I think he got kind of a straight forward "down to earth" mentality which sometimes manifests into sarcasm but which above all may sometimes help to bring Twilight or any of the others back when they are out of their mind like this.
Being the comic relief is part of his role, but I think the poor guy deserves a little better than being treated like a pet with special abilities.


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I guess the writers like doing that to Spike for some reason.  When you look at it he's really not much younger then Twilight.  When he hatched she was a filly.  So likely he's only a few years younger then Twilight herself.


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Okay, first off, I want to express that I haven't watched the episode "Princess Spike" yet.  The main reason being that I just had this feeling from the start it wouldn't be good, and from the reviews, it seems my feelings may very well be well-founded. (It not getting a single preview was pretty much a red flag from the start.) Heck, if Malte's post is any indication, it seems he was out of character.  Which would make it right up there with "Party of One" and "Somepony to Watch Over Me" in just how bad the episode was. (At least for me anyways.)

As you might have guessed, it didn't inspire much new creativity.  Episode 100, Slice of Life, is still giving out inspiration.

Anyways, here's the marathons leading up to tomorrow's episode.

At this point, Pokemon is the only thing I'm interested in seeing.  I've got nothing else.

See ya tomorrow! :wave


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So, here we are!  It's time for Pinkie Pie to shine!

Summary:  It's up to Pinkie Pie's party to save the day when an important friendship summit with some visiting yaks turns into an utter disaster, but it takes an epic voyage of discovery across Equestria to reignite her party inspiration.

Well, let's see how this one goes.

Here is the link for the Live Streams of the new episode.

Episode 102 - Party Pooped Live Stream

I'll hopefully give my review on it tonight.

See ya later! :wave

The Chronicler

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I found this to be a rather amusing episode. Those yaks sure were quite an interesting group. "If things not perfect for yaks, yaks get very angry," and when yaks get angry, yaks smash! Everypony's attempts to appease the yaks... don't go perfectly, leaving Pinkie Pie's party the last hope left. She thought she could find the answer at the yaks' homeland, but it wasn't until she (uncontrollably) came back to Ponyville that she finally figured out that to please the yaks was not to try to make things like the yaks' homeland but to show what the ponies' homeland is like. I also liked how Pinkie's friends discovered that she has a "party cave" with files on just about every pony she knows.

On a personal note, before season 5 had even started, I had thought of some possible ideas of what could work as actual episodes, and today's new episode turned out to be remarkably similar to one of them (foreigner comes to Ponyville, Twilight and friends try to replicate foreigner's native culture, foreigner not happy with results, Twilight and friends eventually decide to instead share Equestria culture with foreigner, foreigner finally pleased). Obviously, many of the details were different, but still, I find it quite remarkable that I was able to roughly predict one of these episodes.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Ducky
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This was for sure a better episode than last week's.

I thought the yaks were pretty annoying at first what with even the slightest thing being a trigger for them. The ending redeemed them for me quite a bit and honestly even brought a tear to my eye.It was also surprising to see Cherry Jubilee again.

Episodes revolving around Pinkie always bring out the best in her character. Whenever she's not the focus of an episode, it almost feels like a whole different character altogether (Filli Vanilli being a very big example). For her to go all the way across Equestria just to make those she doesn't even know happy really goes to show just what a lovable and kindhearted pony she is and it's for that reason that she's my second favorite character after Rainbow Dash. I hoped we get to see more of this Pinkie instead of Pinkie the joke machine.


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Hmmm... let's see... the yaks are a bunch of condescending perfectionists who want everything to be exactly the way it is at their home, and while the Mane Six do their best to keep them comfortable, every single time something fails to meet their expectations, even in the slightest way... YAKS SMASH!!! Why does that sound familiar?

Jokes aside, this was a very decent episode, with more insight on the world building of Equestria and the races inhabiting it (complete with a new monster for the bestiary!). Glad to see yaks appearing, and while their overreactions are hilarious, they do raise a few questions about their culture. A shame we never get to see Yakyakistan in all its glory, albeit the way Pinkie travels toward it and (accidentally) goes all the way back to Equestria sliding is both epic and amusing (Pony Beatles FTW!). There are lots of other funny moments too, like all those freaky faces the ponies keep making and Twilight's phobia of quesadillas. (Who'd believe Celestia's most powerful apprentice is deathly afraid of a harmless cheese-based food?)

I am aware this episode does have its divisive elements. Not only the yaks themselves, but Pinkie's secret basement too. It's a touching way to show how much she truly cares for her friends, but it can also come off as rather creepy and stalkeriffic too. But overall it's an episode you won't regret watching.
And for those wondering what's the name of the mistery monstrer, It's Snowbutt McTwinkles
No, seriously


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I blame Batman: Arkham Knight for making me unable to watch the latest episodes.  However, I have now beaten the game and I have the chance to catch up tomorrow night, Sunday and Monday.

On top of that, I haven't been keeping in touch with what's hot as of late.  Again, I blame Batman: Arkham Knight.  Sorry!

Anyways, here are the marathons leading up to the new episode.

Pokemon is all it has for me.

See ya later! :wave


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Time to go into Twilight's past! :)

Summary: Twilight remembers she wasn't that great of a friend to those she knew back in Canterlot, so she returns with Spike to make amends.

Hmm... Let's see how this goes.

Here is the link for the Live Streams.

Season 5 Episode 12 - Amending Fences Live Stream

I'll watch and review it as soon as I can.

See ya later! :wave


  • Chomper
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I love FiM! Honestly when I first heard about it I shrugged it off as a "girly kids show". Sure I watched MLP when I was five but now...? Then someone introduced me to the character Discord and that sparked my interest. I watched "Return of Harmony", got hooked and the rest is history. It's safe to say I'm a brony now. :p I've really enjoyed (most of) season five so far and the newest episode sounds interesting. It'll be fun to revisit those ponies from Twilight's past.

The Chronicler

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Another nice episode with some good old world building. Interesting to see that Twilight's old home in Canterlot was literally left exactly the way it was when she left for Ponyville at the beginning of the very first episode. (I guess it shows that, at the time, Twilight had thought the whole Summer Sun Celebration preparation would've been just a one-time thing and had expected to return to Canterlot soon after, but then made new friends and somehow completely forgot about it.) We got to see a few certain background characters get more focus (though Lyra was notably absent from this old group of friends, but that could maybe because she already got some focus a few weeks ago). As for Moondancer, I have to say that she seems like an interesting look at what Twilight could've ended up like had Celestia not sent her to Ponyville. And of course, there were also some funny moments, such as Twilight being literally within the pages of a book, and that trail of books to lure Moondancer over to the party.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Ducky
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First off, happy fourth of July to everyone. Secondly, this was such a sweet episode! I was really surprised that Twilight's old home was left exactly as it was (I thought someone would have moved in by then). This episode does a very good job of showing just how far Twilight's come since the old days and Moondancer being an exact parallel to Twilight was a pretty nice twist. The ending was really heartwarming as well (although I do wish the rest of the Mane Six had tagged along, not just Pinkie).

I do wish Lyra could have shown up but, as Twilight's old friends said, she was living in Ponyville now so perhaps they didn't have time to contact her or she might have been busy.

I hope we get to see more of Twilight's Canterlot friends. It would be interesting to see them interact with her friends from Ponyville. Also, on a little side note, I don't know if anyone noticed but watch the opening scene where they're all having dinner and look at the top left. That mane look familiar to anyone?


  • Chomper
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Oh man, that's got to be one of the cutests and bestest episodes in the season. Shows how much Twilight has changed as a character, and gives some more deep to the Canterlot unicorns she avoided in the first episode. Three more beloved background ponies now become perhaps part of the supporting cast and they were very adorable in the episode. What I specially liked the most were all those nods and references to the first episode, after all, FIM is know for its strong continuity and this does not disappoint, specially since it ties loose ends connected to Twi's past.

The character of Moondancer is rather interesting too. I know many criticize her design for being mostly a palette swap of unicorn Twilight wearing a messy sweater and glasses, but that further drives the point of what Twilight might have become had she never encountered the other Mane five. Plus, she's kinda cute too. Her breakdown at the climatic party was very emotional, and showcases how truly good is Larson at writing this kind of scenes.There are other equally tear jerking moments too. The flashback to Moondancer's party, seeing how much has Twilight and Spike's original home fallen into disrepair after they left for Ponyville is very depressing too, and even Spike's gift to Moondancer, while cute in itself, also serves as a reminder how antisocial Twilight used to be.
 Good to see our princess successfully making amends. Too bad Lyra never showed up, but I'm sure she was at Ponyville at the moment and already forgave Twilight as easily as Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine. And Twilight's spell that allows her to enter books is gonna be lots of Fanfic fuel for the herd.
Yup, totally enjoyed this chapter. Oh, and we got a ponified Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6. And a Starlight Glimmer cameo! Villains need to have lunch too.
Anyway, have some insanely cute Minuette a.k.a Colgate


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Quote from: Akiko,Jul 4 2015 on  10:19 AM
I love FiM! Honestly when I first heard about it I shrugged it off as a "girly kids show". Sure I watched MLP when I was five but now...? Then someone introduced me to the character Discord and that sparked my interest. I watched "Return of Harmony", got hooked and the rest is history. It's safe to say I'm a brony now. :p I've really enjoyed (most of) season five so far and the newest episode sounds interesting. It'll be fun to revisit those ponies from Twilight's past.
Well, welcome to the herd pal! It's always great to see new faces in the fandom. Indeed, Discord is epic. And your All Dogs go to Heaven avatar is awesome too. Hope you enjoy being part of the bronydom. :)


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It was a very fun episode to watch.  I'm sure it's easy to assume there either wasn't time to bring in Lyra, or she was to busy to go to Canterlot in the few days they were watching Moonshine.

I do hope they appear and don't just vanish back to being background ponies.  

Moonshine does give us a glimpse of a what if of Twilight.  

It also reminds me of something I use to wonder now and then.  What if the ponies that wanted Twilight to go to a party, became part of the main 6 with the show set in Canterlot instead of Ponyville.  An alternate main 6 Set in Canterlot.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Amending Fences was a torpedo of feels. Yes, that is the phrase I use to describe this episode.


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Y'know, as much as I enjoyed this episode, I still can't figure out what Amending Fences is supposed to mean. Could somebody help me out here?