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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Award Voting 2020

rhombus · 24 · 5438


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Well, we admins just realized that it would be hard to vote without a voting topic.  :facepalm  :bestsharptooth


Voting for the 2020 Gang of Five Forum Awards has officially begun!  In this topic you may post your votes for those individuals which you feel is most deserving of the awards mentioned in the rules topic.

Just as a reminder, in order to be qualified for any award you will need to vote for at least 5 of the 6 award categories.  If you skip 2 of the main 6 categories then you must vote in the Appreciated Member award in order to win an award yourself. 

With all of that in mind, please keep in mind that the annual forum awards are meant to be a fun event, and a chance to recognize those on the forum who have contributed to making it the welcoming and interesting place that it is.  There are so many deserving candidates, and I will take at least a few days to consider my choices, but feel free to begin voting in this topic whenever you are ready to do so.

A running voting tally will be maintained on this initial post.  Please keep in mind, however, that there will be some delay in when we can get around to updating the totals. We will try to update it daily.

~Fanart Award

Flathead770 - 9
RainbowFaceProtege - 6
jassy - 2

~Feedback Award

Rhombus - 7
Anagnos - 6
Sovereign - 3

~Friendly Member Award

OwlsCantRead - 8
ImpracticalDino - 3
Little Bro - 2
Mumbling - 1
StardustSoldier - 1
Flathead770 - 1
Goldenwind - 1

~LBT Discussion Award

Hypno - 5
OwlsCantRead - 4
RainbowFaceProtege - 3
StardustSoldier - 2
The Lone Dragon - 2

~Helpful Member Award

Mumbling - 10
OwlsCantRead - 4
Rhombus - 2
The Lone Dragon - 1
Flathead770 - 1

~Proactive Award

Vojeds - 18
Nick - 1
« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 02:13:42 PM by Mumbling »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Well, we admins just realized that it would be hard to vote without a voting topic.  :facepalm  :bestsharptooth
Phew, I thought I had been missing something... :olittlefoot

Fanart: With so many wonderful fanartists on this forum, this choice was very, very difficult for me to make. However, I have settled on Flathead770! It takes true talent to put depth into a traditionally-drawn grayscale artwork, but he's pulled it off time and time again! His full-color artworks are equally impressive, of course, and he is amazing at capturing characters' likenesses as well as drawing backgrounds!

Feedback: Yet another tricky decision, but I've decided to nominate Rhombus! You can always count on him to be the first to review a fanfic, and his feedback is always very thoughtful and encouraging. As an occasional writer, I must say that it's wonderful to submit a story knowing at least one person will take the time to read and review it!
Friendly Member: Skipping this category, because I literally can't make a decision on this one. :facepalm Sorry, every single one of you guys is so friendly that it's impossible!

LBT Discussion: As soon as I read "well-researched and productive contributions" in the description for this award, my thoughts immediately turned to OwlsCantRead! "Well-researched" might just be his middle name! His responses to character or movie conversations are always thought-provoking and well-informed, and I should also add that the Japanese LBT movies he acquired were an interesting discussion point for everyone on the forum.

Helpful Member: Mumbling is always willing to lend a hand to another member. Case in point: she moved the newsletter channel of the GoF Discord to its own server just so this member who wasn't part of the big server could pitch in! As if that wasn't enough, she also was quick to iron out a problem that prevented my brother from activating his account when he first joined here. We're both very grateful for that!
Proactive: For taking on the big project of creating 32 new emojis for the original LBT's 32nd anniversary, Vojeds is my choice here! :ChomperImpressed (ChomperImpressed is rightfully in awe at that dedication!)

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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~Fanart Award

Not only does RainbowFaceProtegee publish a lot of their own art, they're consistently posting in other people's fanart threads as well

~Feedback Award

It's gotta go to Ducky123, they've got posts all over the fanart and fanfiction sections

~Friendly Member Award

Mumbling has consistently been there for any and everyone, in all threads across the forum

~LBT Discussion Award

OwlsCantRead could probably collate all his posts and publish a couple books on LBT analysis by this point

~Helpful Member Award

Rhombus is constantly setting up stuff, like this thread, and working on extracurricular GoF things like the Patreon

~Proactive Award

Hadn't heard about Vojeds doing that, but that sounds like a Proactive Award-worthy endeavor

~RIP role-play award


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Fanart Award

While there have been many good pieces of art this year, I can safely give my vote to Flathead770. His drawings are always of very high quality and he is unmatched in terms of quantity as well. I especially liked his comic and his portrayal of the OC crew in his latest offering. It’s always great to see new stuff from him and I look forward to seeing your work in the coming year too.

Friendly Member Award

I don’t hesitate to give my vote to OwlsCantRead this year. While many other members, like Vojeds and Flathead, have shown real kindness to me, Owls has always been a nice and helpful person to speak with and no other member has helped me navigate my way through this year more than him. For that, he has my support.

Feedback Award

This was a close race between rhombus and Anagnos but I’ll cast my vote for Anagnos in the end. He has mostly been a great and invested critic whose detail is second to none in GoF this year. I could always trust on him to give more critique than anyone else yet he managed to do it in a friendly and uplifting way. I’m sorry to have given up my position as one of the top reviewers but Anagnos has taken that place handily.

Helpful Member Award

Out of all awards, this was the toughest one for me. Many members have been very helpful to me but my vote goes to rhombus this time. Not only was he there to help during some of the darker times of the year but he’s also there to answer any question I’ve had. In addition, he has done a good job as an admin and as such, also made a positive impact on GoF as a whole as he has for years.

LBT Discussion award

LBT talk has been pretty quiet for years by now and I might give this vote on light reasoning but in my view, Hypno and his recent updates on the uncut scenes of the first film and letter to Stu Krieger deserve recognition in my view. Every bit of new information about the cut scenes is great information and it’s nice that someone keeps that flame alive.

Proactive Award

Yep, this is an easy one. It isn’t often that we get dozens of new emotes from one member like we did from Vojeds this year. Not only that, a few of his emotes are my personal favorites so it’s only fair for him to get my support. It was a truly unusual show of support for GoF and a fix for our earlier lack of great emotes. Well done and thanks for that great project!


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Well, we admins just realized that it would be hard to vote without a voting topic.  :facepalm  :bestsharptooth
Phew, I thought I had been missing something... :olittlefoot
Good, I wasn't the only one, then. :nyah Just the first one to nag Rhombus. :feelsgoodman

Fanart Award: This year was the rise of the fanartists, which made this an especially hard pick for me. I would be underselling the hard work everyone put into this section by picking one over the others, but RainbowFaceProtege is my choice for the year due to the fact that I really like her digital style and her many beautiful art pieces all in different various styles. A close second for me goes to Flathead770, who has consistently made great traditional art for the prompts, and who I commissioned for a really nice piece of art.

Feedback Award: While he has slowed down a bit recently, my pick for this is Anagnos. His feedback and reviews is very well articulated and often feels like you're reading a bombastic essay. He takes a fair bit of time out of his day and puts in a lot of effort into a well-structured and impartial feedback which always makes me smile, so I have to give this to him. I hope you don't run out of steam!

Friendly Member Award: Since last year I've vastly opened up and interacted with a lot more members here on the GoF, which of course made my selection for this year much harder in hindsight. There are just so many small moments here and there by everyone that it's hard to decisively pinpoint a specific person, but I think I might have to go with ImpracticalDino. As the resident Mo of GoF, he really always is a jovial lad who's enthusiasm is as contagious as the Ophthalmosaurus he takes after. He's always willing to make others smile with his words, plus also I didn't forget the 195-page PM here on the forum amassed in like 2-3 months or so before I managed to "persuade" him over to Discord group chat instead.

LBT Discussion Award: No contest, RainbowFaceProtege is my choice for this. When she first joined in March or April she breathed new life into the forum with her many comments and discussion posts about the series, which significantly made forum activity in those months soar tremendously. Props to you, you intelligent, big-mouthed rainbowface!

Helpful Award: It might seem like an unusual pick, but my choice for this given the description of the award is The Lone Dragon, who certainly would catch most unaware because he is almost always on Discord these days. Maybe it's because I focused more on swimmers this year, but I found myself getting corrected by him on LBT knowledge quite a fair bit. Did you know that Ducky's three colored siblings in LBT8 are accompanied very briefly by a dark green-colored one in LBT11? I sure didn't remember that. Lad has a good memory and also occasionally reminds me of things I forget about, plus chatting with him about swimmers genuinely does sate and satisfy me, and thus overall I think TLD deserves my vote.

Proactive Award: Everyone before me has already said it, but I would like to add that the 32-emote project by Vojeds was done out of his own free time with zero obligation to GoF, even taking in some emote recommendations from his close friends. :ChomperPOG After seeing the effort he put into the project firsthand, I just have to give it to him. Special mention goes to Mumbling and the GoF newsletter as well.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Fanart Award- There were so many wonderful artists on the forum this year, so choosing only one isn’t an easy decision. But ultimately, my pick is Flathead770. He’s always been consistent with the prompts (something that I failed to do myself  :PCera) and each new art piece of his gets better and better! Special mention to RainbowFaceProtege though, as I absolutely adore her style.

Feedback Award- One person who’s always able to offer constructive criticism and a compliment at the same time is Anagnos! While he hasn’t been too active in the recent months, his feedback is always helpful and constructive, so my vote goes to him.

Friendly Member Award- I’ll admit that I was a bit apprehensive about talking to other members, but I’ve gotten the wonderful opportunity to get to know more of them, so this is another hard choice. However, I’ll have to go with OwlsCantRead. There are several others who have been kind to me, but Owls has always been a positive presence for me.

LBT Discussion Award- My vote goes to RainbowFaceProtege for this one. Never a dull moment with her around in those discussion threads.

Helpful Award- I vote Mumbling, as I know I can always count on her to lend a helping hand.

Proactive Award- Many others have already voted for him, but Vojeds! Those 32 emotes were amazing, so I have to choose him.  :ChomperPOG
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking



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Fanart: This is the category I debated about the longest, which I think is a testament to the number of quality artists we have here. But in particular, I would like to thank jassy for all the art she has shared with us, both on the forum and on Discord, and both her LBT and non-LBT pieces have been a pleasure. You have a unique style. I especially liked the drawing you shared of Ruby recently.

Honourable mentions: Dalekdino, DiddyKF1, Flathead770, LeventeII, Mr. Clubtail, Mumbling, RainbowFaceProtege, Sneak, Vojeds

Feedback: Now onto the fanfic side of things, I would like to thank Anagnos for taking the time to read and review so many of the stories other people have posted, including each of the four stories I myself shared earlier this year. Much appreciated. Writing stories is certainly a big commitment in itself, and taking the time to invest in others' fiction on top of that is even moreso.

Friendly Member: There are certainly a lot of deserving members for this one. But I think ultimately I will have to nominate ImpracticalDino. In my more distant past, I had a lot of bad experiences online and I've been in a lot of toxic communities, and I was a victim of online bullying on multiple occasions. It was those bad experiences which drove me away from online communities throughout most of my twenties. The Gang of Five is the first new forum I had joined in a long time. I liked this place right from the start, but even then, my jaded self never expected I would develop such a deep and meaningful friendship with someone on the internet. Yet here we are. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful friend to me.

Honourable mentions: Anagnos, DarkHououmon, DiddyKF1, Flathead770, Goldenwind, jassy, Little Bro, Littlefoot505 (rest in peace), The Lone Dragon, Mumbling, Nick22, OwlsCantRead, RainbowFaceProtege, rhombus, Sneak, Vojeds, zero-point

LBT Discussion: Here I will throw in my vote for OwlsCantRead, who already is one of the people I chat with the most in general. On the LBT side of things, he often has a lot of great insights to share, and more than once he has helped me to look at things from a new angle. Earlier in the year when I was doing fanfics, he was especially fun to talk to about characterization and narrative arcs, and he was also a great motivational coach for me.

Helpful Member: Kinda overlaps with the fanart section, but I really wanted to voice my appreciation to Flathead770 for all the drawing advice and encouragement he has given to a fledging artist such as myself, and for patiently answering all my questions. And for just being a pleasure to have art-related discussions with in general (among other things). :) Also kudos for doing such a good job of managing the fanart prompts.

Proactive: I gotta say, Vojeds really outdid himself with a whoppin' 32 new emotes for the forum. Wow! Talk about going the extra mile. I'm truly impressed at the amount of productive energy and creativity he put into this. Taking emote requests from me and a few others was an especially nice touch.


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Before I start my actual voting post, I'd like to give a huge, personal shout out to a new member of the forum that I would happily regard as another close Mu-u-u-ud Brother of mine. Stardisk, while you won't have a chance of getting a forum award this year, just know that you are a wonderful, benevolent, and amicable person to chat and be around with. I've said this already many times to you, but I'm so glad and joyful to have met you.
:Mo :cerahappy :)littlefoot


Fanart Award: Retaining my vote from last year, I'll once again nominate Flathead770. His traditional fanart never ceases to captivate me with just how perfect his pencil and paper drawings come out every time. Even in a rush, he's able to deliver something of high quality. You can just never go wrong with his art in my opinion. :D

Feedback Award: As another recurring vote, rhombus in my opinion still deserves the Feedback Award. As one of the Gang of Five's most prolific and successful writers, he has always provided his thoughts to stories of authors old and new, whether positive or negative. It really helps people out in my opinion, from positive reinforcement to constructive criticism in order to help any author improve their craft. Despite not having as much time to provide feedback as he once had, it's still always a great help whenever he does.

Friendly Member Award: All of you probably saw this vote coming, but once again my nomination goes to the one and only StardustSoldier. This is a Mu-u-u-ud Brother I can always count on, the rambunctious orange Threehorn that I consider a near and dear best friend to me. He's literally one of the best people in my eyes, always proving how kind, considerate, and fun he is. Whenever we mingle with each other, most of the time I can't be anything other than happy. If there's anyone who believes that friendship is magic, look no further than me. It's mind boggling what we've done for each other in just over a year time span. I believe without a doubt that this friendship will last for a lifetime and beyond. So I also say to you StardustSoldier, thank you so much for being a wonderful friend.

LBT Discussion Award: Skip

Helpful Member Award: This one goes to one of the closest friends I've ever made from this forum. It goes out to none other than OwlsCantRead. He has always answered my questions to the best of his ability whenever I have something I'm unsure of and I need somebody for assistance. Not only that, but he has always been a wonderful person to chat with no matter what. Him and some others never fail to bolster my mood a little whenever I may feel sad or angry. So thank you for being the most helpful and awesome owl I've ever met.

Proactive Award: Vojeds. Nuff' said. With a very enthusiastic attitude for all things Chomper, and due to the love he has for this community, he has poured so much sweat and effort into creating, not only just all the different Chomper emotes, but even many different kinds of emotes that others, including myself have requested.

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This is tough, as throughout the year we have had multiple people joining in on the fanart prompts and also contributing unrelated work to the fanart scene. In the end, my vote has to go to RainbowFaceProtege for both her entire backlog of art that she shared with us this year, as well as her amazing plushie skills which many of us are envious of. Honorable mention for Flathead770 who has contributed to so many prompts, is improving every time and keeps them running every month!


Skipping this one!


This vote is always the hardest, with this many friendly faces around. My vote here goes out to Flathead770, who has become one of my best friends here over the years. Personally, he is always there for me when I need him, but I also see that he takes the time to be friendly to everyone. He is supportive of everyone's fanart, engaged with people both on the forum and on Discord, and doesn't seem to have an ounce of sharptooth-ness in him, despite his frequent use of :bestsharptooth

LBT discussion
I am not particularly active in LBT related discussions these days, but I do keep an eye on them. Since this is the first time this award is handed out, I'd like to start of with some honorable mentions. Sneak contributes to almost every Land Before Time related topic. His positivity is contagious! StardustSoldier has provided us with reviews of almost all the movies and several of the TV series episodes, which should definitely get more attention! RainbowFaceProtege made many elaborate posts in LBT related topics, bumping some old topics back to life with renewed vigor. In the end, I'd like my vote to go to Hypno for his many contributions over the years to LBT discussions, both on the forum and off, such as his dedication to the script for the first movie, contacting the creators, etc.


I'd like for the helpful award this year to go to OwlsCantRead. Not only will he always provide a listening ear to those who need it, he will also give careful and well thought out advice. He has sadly also been in the middle of many lingering conflicts over the past year, which he has always tried to mediate. While I generally only try to speak of positive things here, I think it should not go unnoticed that he often goes out of his way to help others, even if this inconveniences him. He has also contributed a lot of images to the LBTCollection website (some of which I definitely still need to put up, sorry!), including some very rare DVD covers from that region. Thanks for all your help!


I can also say without a doubt that this year's proactive award should go to Vojeds. From the moment he joined the forum he has been looking for ways to improve the forum and the Discord server, and we admins have implemented a number of his ideas. He will always come forward with things we ourselves had not thought of, and it is exactly that kind of thinking that should be rewarded here. The 32 new emotes he contributed in one go this year is also a clear sign of that (we need more of this, here you go!). Can't wait to see what else you will come up with in the years to come  :ChomperImAwesome

Edit: added LBT discussion vote!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 09:14:43 AM by Mumbling »


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Fanart Award:
First of all, I want to thank all the newcomers that have participated in the fanart prompts since last September, including StardustSoldier, OwlsCantRead, RainbowFaceProtege, and ChocoDrake! (and of course, all the other regulars who continue to contribute over the years). This year had an average of 3.8 submissions per prompt, which I’d consider is a win.

Now onto the main topic at hand, for my nomination I would like to vote for Jassy. When she gets motivated the amount of quality drawings, she can pump out is quite scary and this year had a pretty good amount of that. She’s been active for quite a few years as well, which is why I think she deserves the recognition. RainbowFaceProtege was a close runner up with her various art and plushies that she’s made!

Feedback Award:
I think I’m going to have to skip this one this year.

Friendly Member Award:
Ah yes, the dreaded Friendly Member Award. This year I feel like the most deserving for this award goes to OwlsCantRead. He always puts in the effort to try and resolve any issues or disputes that may arise, and this year seems to not have any shortage of those. I also recently found out that he too believes that Rhett is a god so that of course instantly makes him top tier friendly.  :rhett_smile  :bestsharptooth

Of course, there are various other members who also are easily in the running for such an award, mostly from interactions on Discord as that’s where most of my activity is at. This includes: Mumbling, StardustSoldier, Littlefoot1616, rhombus, The Lone Dragon, Sovereign.

LBT Discussion Award:
I know I’m not the most active on this part of the forum, but I would like to once again vote for Hypno for the continued insight he brings, whether it’s reaching out to people who’ve worked on the movies or digging up unique cels of deleted scenes.

Helpful Member Award:
I have to give this to Mumbling as she helped me when first navigating and setting up my DA account for the first time. I’m sure she also nudged me a couple times to finally get me to join as well.

Proactive Award:
So many emotes!  :ChomperImpressed How can I not vote for Vojeds with his massive 32 emotes that he dumped onto us not so long ago? It makes my 10 Rhett emotes look like a joke :p  :rhett_sad He’s also helped a couple times with the showcase icons, which was nice to reduce some of the load for myself and Iris.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 02:05:57 PM by Flathead770 »

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I happen to have some time to spare this week, so I might as well get my votes in while I still have a chance. (Interesting changes this year with the return of the helpful and philosopher discussion awards and dropping the most-frequently-skipped RGP award.)

Fanart Award: RainbowFaceProtege
Although Flathead770 continues to impress, I've gotta give credit to the new talent we have around here. Her creative works are quite impressive, not just in images, but also with custom plush models, a medium I don't think we've ever seen before anywhere in the LBT fandom. And since she's already shown signs of improving her quality, I certainly look forward to seeing what else she comes up with next.

Feedback Award: Anagnos
I had considered skipping this award due to simply not having much time to read LBT fanfics for much of the past year, but I have to admit that, being unable to spend hours reading fanfics, I found myself instead simply reading the comments for a brief overview of what those stories are about. Many times, this guy is usually among the first members to post a comment expressing his thoughts on the contents of these fanfics, and he does a great job of elaborating on everything of interest. Sometimes, his reviews even inspired me to go ahead and just read the fanfic itself, so that's gotta be a good sign of the quality of his feedback.

Friendly Member Award: Little Bro
I don't have many personal interactions here on GoF these days, but over the last few months, I certainly enjoyed seeing him around in the Party Room, sometimes being the only one to keep some games going along with me, and that's something I certainly appreciate. It's quite rare that we see real-life siblings (in this case, the younger brother of RainbowFaceProtege) become members of the same forum, as his username implies, and I have to admit that I do admire his enthusiasm at times.

LBT Discussion Award: StardustSoldier
It's nice to see someone willing to make an effort to review all of the movies and TV episodes, and although he has yet to get through every single one of them, I still like seeing him take the time to share his thoughts on each individual bit of content in the series.

Helpful Member Award: [skip]
I haven't really had much experiences here this past year where anyone really stood out as being particularly helpful, so rather than take a blind shot in the dark, I think it might be best for me to just skip this award. (I will say I'm hopeful that with the plans I have coming up, I might be able to have someone for this award next year.)

Proactive Award: Vojeds
Okay, so I'm just going with the crowd here, but even I can't deny how impressive it is to see him go through the effort to provide so many new emoticons for this site. Bonus praise for not making any of them be moving images (a frequent complaint from me due to using my old laptop where even a few moving images could noticeably slow down everything, although now rendered irrelevant now that I'm finally using my new desktop for my daily web browsing). Sure, I haven't really used any of them myself, but it's always nice to have plenty of variety (as opposed to an army of Rhetts :rolleyes ).
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 02:27:37 AM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Oh my god, i did not expect to get any votes for this years award. I’m reallly great full for everyone who voted for me! This just mindblowing for me really and I’m not really sure what more to say ^^  :ChomperImAwesome

Well anyway time to pass my votes   :ChomperPOG

Fanart Award: Rainbowfaceprotage

What really stands out here is Rainbowfaceprotage plushies, I can’t ignore the effort and time that is put into to those plushies, her art is also something really special, and with that she earn my vote

God i really want one of those plushies  :PCera

Feedback Award: Sovereign

I will have to give this award to Sovereign, his critizism of my early art really helped me focuese on the parts i needed to improve and overall helped me out by giving me constant feedback on art pieces i made

Friendly Member Award: Owlscantread
Owlscantread has been really good friend to me during this years dark times and i feel like if it wasent for him i would probably be stuck in a depression. This guy really deserves the best, always listening and always supportive, he gets my vote!  :feelsgoodman

LBT Discussion Award: SKIP

Helpful Member Award: Mumbling
Mumbling is the reason why i made into the gang of five in the first place and she is always quick to help fix something that might be wrong. She has also helped me noumerous times with problems in the forum and with roles on the discord server

Proactive Award: SKIP

The Lone Dragon

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Time for my votes.

Feedback Award: SKIP

LBT discussion Award: SKIP

Fanart Award: Flathead770

I maybe a little biased there but no one can deny that Flathead has created a lot of quality art this year for the prompts in pictures and even comics and has finally started doing commissions and each of these drawings have turned out wonderfully which is why I think he deserves the award though I must shout out to Rainbowfaceprotage for her plushie projects and digital art which has also been to the highest quality. Well done to both of you!

Friendly Member Award: ImpracticalDino

Friendly member is usually one of the hardest thing categories to choose from but this year I find the choice to be far easier ImpracticalDino has been a friendly bloke on forum, the GoF discord server and LoD but he has been an extra special friend to me and I am deeply grateful for his friendship which is why I vote for him this year. Thank you and well done!

Proactive Award: Vojeds 

Was their any doubt? Vojeds has been working hard and creating so many different emoji's for the server and the forum. Though I must also give a shout out to OwlsCantRead for helping create The Legion of Ducky (LoD) Discord Server which he has worked hard on ever since it was created. Well done to both of you! 

Helpful Member Award: OwlsCantRead

I can think of no one better to receive this award. OwlsCantRead has helped out a lot this year with proofreading and reviews for fanfictions and has helped me to moderate and run the Legion Of Ducky server which I admit that without his help I would probably have a very hard time keeping it up. Thank you for your help!
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Fanart Award:

Flathead770. We appreciate all the artists in the forum, but Flathead has always done exceptional work in his drawings and he is one of the most memorable, which is why I have to stick with Flathead this year. I’m really hoping to see more great stuff from everyone in the years to come!

Friendly Member Award:

OwlsCantRead. Our resident owl has been very helpful to especially newcomers, but also older members. My vote for him is mostly because of the personal discussions we’ve had throughout the year. He has helped me evolve as a person, and I can always count on him to say the right words. The fact that he disregards his own emotions just to lend a helping hand to another speaks volumes about his personality. He has more than earned my vote this year.

Feedback Award:

Rhombus. The main reason I’m voting for Rhombus this year, is that his dedication to reviews has been top-notch. He always goes into detail about the work that goes into making a fictional world come alive in more ways than one. If there’s anything to get better at, he will always speak his mind but remain respectful. I can’t also be the only one to notice that there have been days when he’s done more than one review. If that’s not pure dedication, then I don’t know what is.

Helpful Member Award:

This was one of the more difficult awards for me this year, but I believe she is one of the best candidates for this. I’m sure we all appreciate her alacrity to help out people in their time of need, both in regards to forum and in real life problems. You can always rely on her to answers any questions or listen to any concerns you might have.

LBT Discussion Award:

The Lone Dragon. If there’s one character that TLD loves to chat about, it is Ducky. However, his interest isn’t solely focused on the fan favorite. While most of the conversations he has with other members about the characters are already over by the time I come online, I love to read all of the messages dedicated to character discussions.

Proactive Member Award:

Vojeds. I don’t think that many will disagree with me here. Vojeds certainly has been active to make 32 new emotes for people to use on the forum and Discord server, and all done by using his own free time to give us something great. Because of this I don’t hesitate to cast him my vote.


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A kind reminder to everyone who still wants to vote. This weekend is an excellent time to get your votes in before the deadline ;)


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My first voting in my 5 years of being here. I think it's time to start to appreciate fellow forumers.  :ChomperImAwesome
It's tough to pick only one person in the most of categories, since there're a lot of people who, in my opinion, deserves to be awarded in each category. I will try. Though I have to pick only one, keep in mind that I think there're many good candidates in each category, not only one. :)

Fanart Award

Every year, Gang of five forum gives us a lot of awesome and beautiful fanarts from many authors. :D But I would like to appreciate Flathead770! His drawings' quality, their content, and drawing style - I love all of it very much!!! He comes with at least one drawing per month, or even more than one, and I love his works for years.
Perfect done, flathead.  :cerasmug 

Friendly Member Award

That's it. There're so many friendly people here, so I have to SKIP this one.  :Mo

Feedback Award

After checking past feedbacks in topics, I decided to give this appreciation to Rhombus. For his complex, in many cases, feedback, with analysis, and even helpful advices sometimes.

Helpful Member Award

Me personally didn't ask much requests for last year, and many people helpled others who asked for some help, so I would SKIP this one. :OhYou

LBT Discussion award

Long time I wanted to thank Hypno for his large contributions inside and outside GOF forum about LBT materials! He's our Disneysaurus, who always finds something new for our community. :D

Proactive Award

Can't not not agree with others. For immeasurable efforts and work, Vojeds deserves to get appreciation in this one. Amazing job on gifting us these lovealable emotions! :D
« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 07:26:40 AM by Sneak »


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Fanart Award:

Flathead770.   This is one of those categories that is incredibly difficult to narrow down to one candidate due to the fact that we have many excellent artists on the forum.  Flathead, RainbowfaceProtege, and Darkwolf all do wonderful work which they showcase on the forum.  However, I feel that Flathead edges out the competition this year.

Feedback Award:

Anagnos.   Speaking of difficult categories, there are a few dedicated fanfic writers who can be depended on to give timely reviews of stories and to provide constructive feedback.  Usually OwlsCantRead, Anagnos, Sovereign, RainbowfaceProtege, DiddyKF1, and myself can be relied upon to review the fanfic prompt challenge entries at the very least.  In terms of the level of detail and constructive criticism, however, I think Anagnos leads the pack despite the heavy competition this year.

Friendly Member Award:

OwlsCantRead.   For me there is one person who is deserving of this award for 2020.  Whenever there is discord on the forum or, um, on Discord  :RubyCurious, Owls can be depended upon to offer a kind word and to try to mend things over.  He has also offered the fair amount of friendly reminders to me when work has distracted me from forum obligations.  For these reasons I think he is the clear choice.

Helpful Member Award:

Mumbling.   This is another category where my choice was quite clear.  Mumbling has been incredibly busy with real life concerns, but yet she has managed quite a lot on the forum side of things, from the animations for the character showcases, to preparing this year's award banners, to working out things behind the scenes in order to keep the forum running efficiently. She clearly is deserving of this award. :)

LBT Discussion Award:

Hypno. The expansion of Land Before Time discussion in the last year has been one of the highlights in terms of forum activity.  This has been especially pronounced in thee character showcase discussions.  Despite the fact that many have contributed to this renaissance of discussion, I do feel that Hypno has been the biggest contributor overall.

Proactive Member Award:

Vojeds. Yep, time to add my vote to the vote pile. :p  With his numerous contributions to the forum over the last year, including the massive offering of 32 new emotes, he is the clear choice.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 10:46:42 PM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

Little Bro

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Fanart Award

 I will be skipping this category. I looked through some of the fanart, and could not narrow it down to 2 members, let alone 1. Here are my honorable mentions.

Jassy, Flathead770, and RainbowFaceProtege.

Feedback Award

I will be skipping this category, also.

Friendly Member Award

My vote for this member goes to the member that got me into Role Plays. Goldenwind. He's always got something nice to say to another member.

Helpful Member Award

Mumbling gets my vote. There was a problem with the conformation email for my account. She helped me get my account ready. Without her, I may have not been able to join.

LBT Discussion

When I look through the LBT Discussions, I see a lot of posts by Mumbling, OwlsCantRead, and RainbowFaceProtege. But RainbowFaceProtege is a newer member, and had less time to put all those posts in there, so my vote goes to RainbowFaceProtege. Honorable mentions go to OwlsCantRead and Mumbling.

Proactive Member

Uh, do I need to explain myself for this one? I mean, this guy is the one that made almost all the emojis on the GoF. Vojeds.
Go Chomper!


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This is my second time voting in the awards. Here we go.

Fanart Award:
There has been some great art submitted by this community this year, but I think Flathead770 should have this award. I’ll never forget the LBT 14 Carnotaurus drawing he made for me for my birthday - he didn’t have to, but he did it anyway. I know that was three years ago now but his art is even better now so this year I think he should win the award.

Feedback Award:
This was hard, but I’ve gotta go with Sovereign. I have seen how constructive he can be, despite me not being an artist or fanfiction writer (other than when I wrote that ‘story’ in 2017, forget that). I have seen his posts and they are undoubtedly the kinds that help people improve. They are great so he gets my vote. But that’s not to say that others are not as constructive as he is at giving feedback; shout-out to them as well.

Friendly Member Award:
Skipped. It’s too hard to pick. This community is by far the most friendly and least toxic one I’ve been involved in. Everyone on here should be proud, because it seems it’s hard to pull off online communities like this anymore, at least from my experience. Because of that, there is no single individual here who deserves this award; the dozens who continue to help keep this place thriving for years to come all should have it.

LBT Discussion Award:
I’ve gotta go with StardustSoldier. Since joining the forum last year, he has really contributed to these sections. As others have mentioned, he has made a lot of reviews on the films and TV series that should not go unnoticed. So he gets my vote for this category.

Helpful Member Award:
No doubt that Mumbling should get this one. I mean, when’s the last time she didn’t help anyone in need? It would be a long list for sure. A shoutout to Rhombus and the rest of the staff as well, as they are a big part of keeping the forum up and running.

Proactive Award:
Wow. I absolutely have to go with Vojeds. Many others have said it, and I will too. 32 emoticons is a lot of effort. Not many are so dedicated as he is, which makes him the undisputed pick for this year’s award.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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Fanart: RainbowFaceProtege. I really like her art pieces and the plushies she made looked adorbs. X)

Feedback: Definitely Rhombus. He is an awesome writer and gave me some ideas on how to improve my writing.

Most Friendly Member: Littlebro. He is a kind sharptooth.

I'll skip discussion as I haven't participated there recently.

Helpful member: Owlscan'tread, he is kind and helpful member.  :feelsgoodman

Proactive: I want to vote for Stardisk because of the new emotes and the Internet Before Time, but if I can't, I guess it'll be Vojeds.  :ChomperImAwesome