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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Award voting 2011


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For the first time in quite a few years I have been active in an RPG and feel competent to issue a vote for the RPG Award. Campion1 has been active and created an interesting character in that RPG. But the member I who gets my vote has been really very active indeed. Not only has he created and played several interesting characters on his own but he also took over a character from another player who decided to leave the game. Outside the GOF in chats and via emails he has been working really hard to keep the RPG going by motivating the other players and in addition to all that he has brought on the plot of the RPG too. For all that I feel that Myrkin well deserves my vote for the Role Play Gamer award.

Continuous as this vote may seem this is also because of the constancy in his good job in the field of feedback. Ever since he elevated feedback for art and fictions to a whole new level in the GOF he has continued to keep up that excellent work in giving out praise as well as really helpful suggestions for improvement and all that in spite of the fact that it is taking up a lot of time for him. Take this vote as a very positive feedback when for the Feedback Award I vote for you Pangaea.

I'll post more awards later but right now I am just going to check out the new board messages before once again I got to run (this is a somewhat stressful day on my end ;)).

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Fan Art Award:
Where would I like to go with this? The land? The sea? You know what, I think I choose the amazing Sky. His talent amazes me. He is not only masterful with the ideas he gets in his head, but he can work wonders with ideas from others as well. His artwork has certainly made him popular, but it hasn’t gone to his head. He’s still the humble man he always was, kind as ever. Sure, we don’t see much from him nowadays, as his business has overtaken him, but his talent is an undying light to be seen for all time. I find his pictures to be simply breathtaking. He uses so much detail but at the same time does not copy from the styles in the movies. He uses his own style that makes his work unique and beautiful all at the same time. No matter how creative his ideas get, they are always done with enough realism to make what is seen believable. Truly a master of the paint brush, my vote goes to sea. Err, Sky.

Feedback Award:
Her feedback comes from the heart. Is isn’t very long, but valuable gifts can come in small packages. She truly knows just what to say to people. For example, look here:

I don't know how the heck you were able to do it, but you made me cry. Again.

I LOVED this! It was very, very touching and sweet. I really loved the father son moment between Pterano and Devon in Lost in a Forest, but this just made it ten times better! It's so sweet how Pterano and Devon get along.

Once again, I LOVED this and congrats for making me cry in a story twice.

It is comments like these that make authors feel appreciated and glad to be a writer. This young lady has a spark for comments that make people glad they are who they are and that they’ve done what they’ve done. If there was a disease that made people frown, LBTDiclonius would be the one to find the cure based off of her impressive track record of bringing light to the products of others. She reminds me of the bard class from Final Fantasy, who’s specialty is going around giving buffs (increases to a stat like strength or magic power). I hated what had become of my writing, but she PMed me and made me feel special again. When it comes to bringing joy to the fan work of this forum, it is her face that shines like the bright circle.

Friendly Member Award:
I think the friendliest member of the GoF is Littlefoot. He is always so nice to everyone, even when they’re mean to him, like Cera and the bullies. Furthermore, he displays impressive- Oops, sorry. I forgot this was the GoF forum voting, not the GoF from the movies voting. Gee, with so many friendly people, that makes this one a lot tougher…

Three days go by…

Well, my tough decision finally ends with Pangaea. If someone on the forum could call him mean, then we must be celebrating the annual opposite day. He treats others with a cheery disposition and smiles, no matter how sad or tired he may actually be at the time. He cares about people, and it shows. It isn’t for personal prestige, I assure you, as he is just as friendly in PM’s as he is in public. Well, unless you were blind, that is. I think to sum him up, I will say, “Pangaea, a true friend to the Gang of Five forum.”

Helpful Member Award:
I nominate Pangaea. No, no, this isn’t dÈj‡ vu. I just don’t see a single person specializing in a single area all the time. His energy reserves are attached to the soul of the forum. Getting pictures, answering questions, encouraging others, offering advice, keeping the GoF refrigerator stocked with ketchup, he does it all. Well, maybe not one of those, but you get the idea. “Pangaea, will you help me with something?” “I refuse.” I suddenly sit up in bed, realizing it was all just a bad dream. He is compelled to assist others when he can. What more can we ask for in a member? Slay the black dragon in the after midnight section? Come on, I wanted a serious answer here. … No one else? That’s what I thought.

Philosopher Award:
Excuse me for a moment before I give my voting decision. I just about finished digging a ten foot hole. Just about, just about, there! I’m done. Now let me make a little comparison here, and… Ugh, drat! No matter what deep thing I find or make, they’re just never as deep as Malte279’s thought process. I give up. He has powerful analytical skills that are quite the force to be reckoned with. He can change the general view of a topic completely around with but a single post. When he has a point to make, he doesn’t just make it. He makes everyone see why it is such a valid point. He doesn’t just give text book answers either. He combines facts with his logic to make a potent persuasive brew. If you want to outdo him in a debate, better bring more than a tiny sword and shield, or you’ll be far outmatched.

Proactive Member Award:
Someone has been roaming the forum, filling it with threads that challenge our minds while bringing pleasure to our hearts. She gets directly to the point and addresses important issues that deserve consideration while preventing boredom with her presentation. We are all graced with the presence of the much-adored, caring soul of the GoF.

My description was weak?
Of whom do I speak?
Well do not be daft.
I clearly speak of Saft!

She says a lot on the forum, and her contributions bring about so many deep and lengthy discussions. She is a fascinating individual. She has so much knowledge that she shares with us in open ways so that we can be a part of it. She truly does more than her fair share of making the forum more intricate.

Role Play Gamer Award:
He is not only an extremely active role player who knows what he’s doing and makes any game a pleasure, but he also earnestly seeks to make his section grow and mature. He works so hard to recruit new role players. A blossoming rose that plants seeds all of his own. He takes his job very seriously. That section isn’t just some words on a screen to him. It’s a whole world that he has put under construction to make into a more suitable habitat. He cares about the role playing games. He cares about the rules. And most importantly, he cares about the people who are in them. Let’s all have a moment of silence in reverence for this great player… Eh, forget that! Go, Nick22, go!


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Role Play Gamer-I cast my vote for Nick22. He's been in a lot of rps, and he's great at both coming up with ideas and listening to the ideas of others.

Proactive Member-I vote for Kor, as I see him post in topics on all branches of the GOF, and he's always in good spirits about it.

Friendly Member-I vote for LBTDiclonius, she's always nice and funny, and in general she shows a lot of optimism in her posts.

Philosopher-I vote for Malte279, I almost feel an explanation isn't required for this one.  In pretty much all of his posts, he displays a sheer wisdom and calmness with expressing his views, and, agreeing with TFS, he's an expert analyzer.

Helpful Member-I vote for Nick22, as he was always willing to help when I had a GOF-related question.

Regrettably, I did not really keep up with Fan Art in the recent months, so I can't really cast a vote in this one.

Feedback-I vote for Pterano. Whenever he reviews a fanfic, he always uses constructive criticism, so he never comes off as bashing or insulting.


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For the Proactive Member Award, I nominate Mumbling! He's taking the time to run the GoF's very first Fanfiction Awards. I'm Really Excited for the Fanfiction Awards, and happy that it's starting the year I joined. It looks like it'll be a big task, and a lot work will have to be done to ensure it's success, but it's Mumbling's ambition that is finally making it work! I hope it all goes well, and We can have another fanfiction awards next year!

For the Feedback award, I actually already had someone in mind (You know who you are!) Sadly, he hasn't been here long enough to be eligible, so I'll instead nominate Pangaea! He says he's not on as much as he should be, that he spends too much free time doing nothing when he could be on here, ect, but that's not the way I see it. I see a member that is always willing to give a critique when asked for one. Not only that, but his critiques are fantastic. He provides detailed analysis's of other people's work, so they can improve it. He just doesn't post "Awesome review!" or "I didn't really like this chapter", but he goes into why, and he offers great Grammar help as well. Also, he never sounds like he's just bashing something. He might be a little slow, but it's worth the wait!

I'll have to do the others later.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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My role player nomination would have go to Myrkin. Not only can he write convincing characters and story, but he can manage over five of them at a time. Malte would be good mention for this as well, being great at keeping a character interesting through dialogue.

Speaking of him, Malte would get my nomination for the fanart reward. He's skilled in almost every area, including drawing, coloring, crafting etc. His effort, understanding of and dedication to LBT earns him his stripes in the fandom. Another mention would be Sky, who of course is an excellent artist.

The next one could be a hard choice for me with all the people I've met on GoF, but my Friendly member away would go to DarkHououmon. I've had some good discussions with her on MSN, and we can tend to agree on almost everything. Her posts are always good to come by on the GoF and she keeps thing fair on what she's talking about, usually having a neutral position on topics. I could think of a few other people to mention coming close to this, namely Mumbling, Petrie, and Excalibur.

While the next could obviously go to Malte, I think my nomination for philosopher award could go to Titanosaur. He and I would know it's very odd to say that, but I think his latest developments have allowed him to manifest his own outlooks on life overall and people with his own beliefs.

Pangaea would take both my nominations for Helpful and Feedback award. I don't really know the guy, but it's nice to read his detailed responses to others stories and whatnot. I just had to think of someone, sorry >.<

I couldn't think of anyone for proactive, so I would like to skip it.

There you go. Hope I brightened your day with my commentary and votes.


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Fanart:Vote would have to be for Sky as his artwork is fantastic and is highly skilled.  It is always a great treat to see his artwork and see the improvements that have been made in every piece.:)

Feedback:  Yet again for the second year running, the vote would have to go for Pangaea.  Not only from the well thought out constructive criticism that he has provided people on this forum but for the sheer effort that from the How are you feeling thread, he really does put his all into it.  That is sheer commitment and pure helpfulness to the community.:)

Speaking of which; Helpful Member: Given the amount of effort and commitment that Pangaea puts through in regards to the Feedback, I have to give another vote for him.  It is very rare to find people who are willing to actually to take the time to be helpful in providing the type of feedback that is required.  Not many people can do it, not in the way that Pangy does even if his commitment does tire him out.  Furthering this, from what I have seen he is always willing to offer help to people who require it.:)

Philosopher:  Ah this was a tough call and something which Plato would be proud of.;)
As Malte, TheFriendlySharptooth, DarkHououmon and a couple of others have applied deep and often thought provoking comments that are well thought out and practical for the extent of a good and healthy debate.  However, although I do not really know him that well Jansenov's posts have always tended to be deep and thoughtful.  It will be interesting to see further posts from him in the future.:)

Friendly Member:Ah again, this is rather difficult but in recent terms, I do feel that LBTDiclonius deserves the vote.  Recently we have begun to talk a little bit on IM and she's really kind and bubbly (Friendly; sorry English term) and I can see that even on the forum, no matter what is happening for her.:)
Er, that's it for now. :oops
I'll have to think about the proactive award.  
I can't vote for the RPG award though....


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A lot more difficult than the preceeding two awards are all the others to decide about for me because I feel we really have quite a few members deservant of those, but consequently the votes will mention many more members even though in the end the vote must go to one. Helpfulness is a virtue found among many GOF members. Michael (The Friendly Sharptooth) and Katie (Saft) have both been helpful for me when it comes to talking about matters of real life. Kacie (DarkHououmon) too has offered and given help to me on many ocassions. I am also very much obliged to the Chronicler who has been very, very helpful for me in providing me with so many materials and interesting articles refering to the 150th anniversary events of the American Civil War. Thank you very much for that. The decision really isn't easy for me, but there has also been a very recent act of helpfulness that was certainly very laborious and time intensive and without which there wouldn't be this vote today. Upon reading the call for images for this years awards he took the effort to create a great number of screenshots well suited for the awards and upload them to the internet. Given the amount of time, effort and work involved not merely on my own behalf but on the behalf of everyone in the GOF I give my vote for the Helpful Member Award to Pangaea.

There is more than one member deserving of being praised for his or her proactivity. Michael (The Friendly Sharptooth) most recently showed proactivity in suggesting measures that will be taken to reanimate the various quiz games on the GOF. It is another member's proactivity however that above all will be noticed because the results of her proactivity have been asked for by many GOF members in the past. I'm afraid I have become somewhat notorious for my reluctance about a fanfiction award based on my perception of lack of true to LBT kind of stories. So it was not merely proactivity but also the readiness to assert against my skepticism not to mention a lot of work in creating a rule system on the basis of which there will be a fanfiction award vote next month by which time again her proactivity will manifest into more work for her. For all that my vote for the Proactive Member Award goes to Iris (Mumbling).


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Time for my votes.

Fanart Award ~ For this award, I really see only a clear winner for this one. Although, I had another one come up a very close second, but the person I’ve chosen just stood out more to me. I’ve seen his artworks and to be honest, he’s one of the best I’ve seen so far. So, for the fanart award, I chose Sky.

Feedback Award ~ This award was really a no brainer for me. In the short time I’ve been here, he’s always been the one to give artists and authors constructive criticism on works of fanart and fanfiction alike. Even though he’s a little late for them sometimes, he always manages to sit down and do it and does a great job at them as well. For this award, Pangaea gets my vote.

Friendly Member Award ~ He’s been there so many times for me. Helped me with my problems on MSN and GOF and helped me out of them. I view this wonderful guy as one of my closest friends, if not the closest, on GOF and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. So, for the guy who personally took the time to welcome to me to the forum, The Friendly Sharptooth gets my vote.

Helpful Member ~ This one was probably the hardest for me to decide who should get it. There’s been a lot of really nice and helpful members here, and it was really a hard choice, but for me, the guy who helped me the most on here and who I think deserves this has to be Pangaea.

Philosopher Award ~ The person I have nominated for this award has only been here for a few months, like, maybe a month after I joined, and he’s shown very good insight and reason in his posts. He’s also been very kind in them as well and if someone disagrees with him, he’s always friendly and takes the problem with care and they get everything sorted out. For this reason, jansenov gets my vote.

Proactive Award ~ This person has been pretty proactive indeed, going around the forum to give helpful information and making threads and the very first fanfiction award, who most people gotta thank her for. This vote of mine goes to Mumbling.

Role Play Gamer Award ~ The person I have nominated for this has been very active in the RP section of the board and takes great care of his RP’s and the people in them. He tries to make everything fair and fun and for this award, I have nominated Nick22.

Good luck to everyone! :)


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I'm not exactly qualified to judge many of the sections on the awards.  In fact, I'm really only able to say anything about one.  

The Roleplay section.  And for that, I'm going to have to nominate...
Actually, I kid.  I'm really going to nominate Nick22 for the award.  After all, he's created some of the most memorable characters and settings for a lot of RP's, and he does a good job of drawing people in and getting them involved.  He rocks!


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Proactive:Will have to be for Pangaea.   He's always given helpful information and recently helped to scour his LBT DVD's for screenshots for the awards. He really has given his all into this forum....

I've also had a look at the RPG section;
RPG:  Nick22 is always one who seems to always have an active role in the various role plays.  Not only moderating (as in answering people's questions such as the TLK RP and general guidance) but also coming up with ideas and generally making it fun and enjoyable for others.


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~Role Play Gamer Award - I want to get this one out of the way first since it'll be the easiest for me.  Anyways, I must skip this one since I never really participate in the Role Playing Games of this forum.  Since I have no knowledge of what's going on there, I cannot make a proper vote.  This is why I'm skipping it.

~Fanart Award - Oh boy!  This was a tough one to decide on!  To be honest, I struggled with this one.  For this one, I have to go with Sky for his amazing skills.  There's no doubt he has great talent.  In fact, I would've never known his talent without the aid of my contest I threw last year.  It opened new members for me to explore and keep more of an eye on.  I know I've said that I'm not one who can really judge in the area of art, but to be honest, I don't think there's a more deserving candidate.

I'm going to have to give more thought for the rest before I can vote on them.  So I'll stop for now.


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Though I do enjoy the artwork of many folks on here.  To many to name here since if I did I would forget some of the ones to list.  This time I'll choose   Sky since he is among the best of the artists and has been posting the past year some pictures as well as trying to improve and willing to alter ideas an older designs.


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Fanart Award - This was a really tough one for me, because there are a lot of really great artists here on GOF. I really had to dig deep for this one, and I have to say this person never ceases to amaze me with his artistic talents. For making creations that almost look and feel like they were drawn from Universal itself, my vote goes to Sky.

Feedback Award - Again, another tough one for me. I'd have to say there's been quite a few people that have given plenty of feedback for me in numerous occasions, but if I had to chose one, then I would have to go with the person who gave me the most feedback on how to create the Power Rangers RP that was a long work in progress, on top of providing feedback on just about everything here on GOF. My vote goes to Kor.

Friendly Member Award - This one is the toughest one for me. Just about everybody on GOF is friendly and have been friendly to me ever since I joined GOF in 2008. I feel like over the course of these three years, I've known you all as If I've known you my entire life. However, if I must choose one person, then I will choose somebody who I know I can always count on if I ever need to talk to somebody for my problems. My vote goes to Cancerian Tiger

Helpful Member Award - Again, another tough one for me. So many people have been helpful throughout GOF, but there is one person who I think really deserves this award. This user stepped up to the plate to take the helm of the "In the Land Before Time" RP, and he has done a tremendous job of it so far. My vote goes to Pangaea.

Philosopher Award - Unfortunately, I must skip out on this award. I haven't really been as active with discussions as I would like to be, and I know that there are a bunch of worthy recipients for this award.

Proactive Award - This one almost seemed like a no brainer to me. This user became a mod for GOF, and she has done a tremendous job with her duties as a mod. She helps keep things going smoothly throughout all the board, but where she really shined for me was the inclusion of the Fanfiction Award. Much debate went into how such an award should be run, and she took so much time and detail into making sure that everything worked out in the end. My vote goes to Mumbling.

Role Play Gamer Award - Yet again, another really tough one for me. There are so many great RPer's here on GOF it's crazy. I know that I've longed for this award for a long tie now, but as active as I am there are certainly those who are even more active than I am. One in particular I seem to find in a large number of RP's throughout the different categories. This person is an active member of my Power Rangers RP and also in many others that I wish I could be a part of. My vote goes to Nick22.

The Chronicler

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Fanart Award: Malte279
I forget how recently he began to use the computer screen instead of paper for some of his fanart, but I have to say that it seems to be working out quite well so far. He has mentioned that some of his drawings go along with a fanfiction that he is either planning to write or is currently writing (I'm not sure which it is), and after just seeing those drawings, I can't wait to read that fanfic. Sky is also worth mentioning for fanart. Not only do some of his recent works go along with Caustizer's fanfic "Far Away Home", but he has also recently decided to make some changes to his Wingtail characters to make them seem less humanoid, and I agree that the new designs look much better. It's never too late to make improvements.

Feedback Award: Pangaea
There's no denying how deep and thoughtful his reviews and comments are on everyone's fanart and fanfiction. Let's face it, nobody is perfect, not even Pangaea. But whenever he spots a flaw that could be improved upon, he points it out and offers suggestions on how you can make it better, all without sounding rude in any way at all. I'd even go so far as to say that, without him, some of the fanfics we're voting on this year (including my own) might not end up getting as high a rating as they actually will.

Friendly Member Award: Caustizer
This was a very though choice for me to make. No single member really stood out to me as the friendliest (except maybe Pangaea, but I won't vote for him here to avoid sounding like I worship him). With such an incredibly level playing field, my vote really comes down to just one incident. A couple months ago, I falsely believed Caustizer would review my fanfic as often as Pangaea did. When he didn't, I sent him a PM to remind him. He did what I asked, but also explained to me that the way I had asked him probably wasn't such a good way to get what I wanted. His advice to me was that I should try to take a more positive approach. (do something they'll appreciate, don't take the direct approach) His advice showed me that, even after three years here on GoF, I still had a few things to learn about being a better member. As proof that I learned from this advice, I never bothered him again about my fanfic.

Helpful Member Award: Pangaea
As I've already mentioned, he does a very good job with the reviews and comments he makes on fanart and fanfiction, regardless of how long it takes him to do so. Sometimes he volunteers, other times he's been asked for the helpful advice, but no matter how it starts, he always stays committed to offering helpful advice. No matter how limited his available time might be, he will never break his voluntary promise to help any (selected) artist or author.

Philosopher Award: Malte279
Once again, this long-time member proves himself more than capable enough to make you really think about a topic, be it LBT or something a little more controversial. Sometimes he mentions certain ideas that some of us may have never even thought of before, but definitely make a lot of sense. While there are some members who also make very thoughtful comments, none seem to be able to stand out more than Malte.

Proactive Award: Mumbling
Having joined GoF before she did, I was around long enough to see her go from ordinary member to mod to admin, a position that you really have to earn on such a good forum like this. Also, as a lot of others have already pointed out, she has helped make it possible for us to have a fanfiction award for the first time this year, something that I personally am very glad to see.

Role Play Gamer Award: Nick22
This one was kind of hard for me since I'm active in only one RP, and one topic does not make a whole section of the forum. However, after taking the opportunity today to be here most of the day, I noticed (or perhaps was reminded) just how active the RP section really is (and why RPs are the only topics on GoF that I don't read, since it's just way too hard for me to keep up with all of them). One of the names that kept on coming up was Nick's, so I decided to go with the crowd and vote for him. I would also like to mention Pangaea again here for keeping alive the one and only RP that I'm active in. If I were in his place, I would have begun to consider calling it quits by this point, so good job on not giving up hope for this RP.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Friendly Member Award For this award I'll vote for Chiletrek since of all those on the forum he's the one I have the most time spent talking to online on IM.  Though there are others I have fun rping with and such on the forum,he's the one I talk to the most often of those still active on the forum.


Proactive Award For this award I'll vote for brekclub85
Since he's one of those who has started and runs many varied types of rp threads on the forum, which gives those who enjoy rping different types of rp that they can rp in, even if only 1 attracts them.


Role Play Gamer Award For this one I'll choose to vote for nick22 since he runs many of the long running rp's I have a lot of fun rping in.  There are other rp's done by other folks I've had fun in, but his are the longest running.  Though altogether there are many varities of rps for folks to rp in.  


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Feedback Award: My vote goes to Jrd89 for his totally awesome reviews for my stories. They may be a bit over the top sometimes but he just gets into the feel of the chapter and speaks his mind! I totally admire that about him. This award was very hard to vote for because I have other amazing reviewers too. But since he never got a vote, my vote goes to Jrd89.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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ROLEPLAYING AWARD  i have had the pleasure of getting to know a number of rpers through my various rps on here.some of them I'd like to name include Kor, Brekclub85, Serris and Starfallraptor. it is not easy to pick one out of those i have listed and others besides. But I would like to give my nomination this year to KOR Kor is always willing to discuss plans for his characters and his knowledge odf older cartoons is invaluable for a rp like Toon world, where you get many old carttons running around.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:

The Great Valley Guardian

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Unfortunately while I tend to lurk around the forums like a shark, I still haven't participated in enough of the threads to give a honest award about them. So okay, here we go. :smile

Feedback Award: Now this one was a little easier for me personally this year. This award is going to Pangaea He always gives honest reviews on both Fanfiction and Artwork and he never misses a chance to give praise where it is due, and to give a gentle nudge or comment where it is needed when he sees something amiss.

Roleplay Gamer Award: Again, this award is always the hardest for me, as there are so many talented RPer's among us here in the GOF, but this year in particular, I am proud to give this award to Nick22. He's one of the few members who've been RPing longer than I have. :DD And his recent inclusion to so many Rp's has earned him this award.

Philosopher Award: As always, the recipient of this award really should be a professional Philosopher and Historian. So without any further consideration our friend Malte279


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FEEDBACK AWARD this award is designed to honor those who take the time to not only answer any questions you might have, but to do so in such a way that it is unlikely that you will forget the answrs once they finish explaining it to you. While there are a number of posters who have given me feedback, My vote this year goes to THE FRIENDLY SHARPTOOTH not only is TFS willing to explain answers in detail, he goes about it in a way that is unique, from a perspective of complete immersion in the subject matter.
FANART AWARD This award is rather difficult to pick since there are several gifted artists on the board. But My Choice this year is KARMARSI KArmarsi has a gift for drawing as she has proved in the drawings she has posted oion here over the past year.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • The Circle
  • The Gang of Five
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    • Posts: 30087
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Philosopher Award My vote is for Jansenov since I've read some of the person's posts and found them enjoyable to read and not to long.  The posts are to the point with little, if any, deviation from the main point of the post.   The posts are