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Sesqui-Centennial of the Civil War

Malte279 · 48 · 19058


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I'm wondering if anyone of our American members is aware of any kind of events, expositions, seminars, anything which are going to take place in the next few years about the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War.
I consider writing a dissertation (the papers that would in case of success make me a Dr.) on such events surrounding the 150th anniversary and the way in which history is dealt with in these events.
Now there is a certain urgency for me behind this request because one of the potential jobs I'm applying for at the moment demands the applicant to send in a project sketch (5 to 7 pages) on a planned dissertation.
While I do have some basic concepts on what I would expect such a dissertation to look like it is kind of tricky to write a project sketch on a dissertation where the majority of the source material is yet to be created (uncommon for a historian to wait for sources to be created in the future :blink:).
Moreover I must finish it by February 10th at the latest.
I would therefore greatly appreciate any information (however marginal it may appear) you may have come across on anything related to the impending 150th anniversary of the American Civil War and related events.


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This interest of mine about the impending Sesqui-Centennial of the Civil War is the reason for my recent question about the newspaper reading habits of our members (I am particularly interested in the newspaper use of our American members of course). Very soon there will be the first 150th anniversaries (of Lincoln's election and the following crisis of secession). I am very interested in what the papers write and what commemorative events there may be. It would be especially interesting to know if and how the papers in Southern States (I know we have members from Virginia, Alabama, Texas, and Tennessee for example) may sound different from the papers in the north.


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earliest event will likely be on April 14th 2011 with the shelling of Fort Sumter. I would imagine that would come with re-enactments and festivities accompanying the least in the early stages of the war, both sides treeated battle as an excuse to have a picnic and watch the 'show'
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I would suppose there to be earlier snippets in the newspapers and possibly conventions or the like occasioned by such anniversaries as the election of Lincoln (November 6th) and the secession of South Carolina (December 20th) and at least in the local papers of individual states there is likely to be something on the anniversary of secession of those states which left the Union before the shelling of Fort Sumter (Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas) as well. I would be extremely interested in any such newspaper snippets linked in any way to the events and their anniversary.


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Today is the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's election. In a local newspaper I found a reference to Kennedy's election (50th anniversary in that case) but nothing about Lincoln (it would have surprised me more than a little if there had been something). However, I am very, very interested if there is anything in the papers you may get in your hands today or in the next few days.
If any of you find any reference or article of any kind in any newspaper you might get in touch with these days I would be most obliged if you could let me know about it :yes


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I checked all of the newspapers from Saturday and Sunday that I could find in my house, but came up with nothing. Sorry. :(

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The Chronicler

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I'm not sure if this has anything to do with what you're looking for, but I figured this would be the best place to mention it.

I just found out that there's going to be a movie about Abraham Lincoln that will be directed by Steven Spielberg. According to an online article I just read, the actor who will play Lincoln has just been chosen, even though filming won't start for months.

Here's the article I found:

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I hadn't been aware of this movie. Thank you for the information it is certainly one I am going to watch come the day it is released :)
Funnily enough I may be playing Abraham Lincoln myself. There are some events planned at my university and among other there have been suggestions of some Lincoln speeches or debates to be reenacted. All this is very well and uncertain, but in any case I have been growing a beard of lately hoping to perhaps qualify as a Lincoln :lol
Personally I don't really like that beard while the feedback I got about its looks have been somewhat diverse :p

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This isn't exactly a 150-year anniversary, but since it's Civil War related, I figured you might be interested in an article I read today:

Basically, a message in a bottle from the Siege of Vicksburg has recently been opened and decoded.

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- Berix

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Neat, thanks for posting the interesting link.  It was neat reading the page.

The Chronicler

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I recently came across another Civil War related article. Five myths about why the south seceded:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

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the anniversary of the attack on Fort Sumter isn't until April so you likely won't hear much in the press until then.
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Thank you very much Chronicler for posting these articles. They are really interesting and I think especially the second one is important seeing just how how many "Lost Cause" myths are very prevalent and actively promoted in order to whitewash parts of history.
Again, thank you very much for bringing these articles up :yes

The Chronicler

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Now here's a Civil War Era-related article I'm surprised to see:

It turns out that a famous document signed by Lincoln was altered by the historian who found it over a decade ago.

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- Berix

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Looking at the image in the article I am surprised that anyone (least of all other historians) would not notice for even a second that document has been tampered with. Even someone who doesn't know anything further about it can tell that the 5 was not written at the same time as the rest of the document. One can still even see part of the 4 below it. If this picture really shows the fake part of the document it is beyond me how it could ever fool anyone (not to mention that the case of a pardon to a soldier is something that could easily be checked with other documents).

The Chronicler

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Here's another article I just found. Five myths about Abraham Lincoln:

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- Berix

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What is remarkeable about the article is that many of the myths are hard to call myths as such. For example the first one, "Lincoln was a simple country lawyer". Of course he became famous, successful and therefore did not limit himself to the cases that we would link to the work of a "simple country lawyer". However, you do not usually start a legal career with the big cases of nationwide importance. Of course you won't be hired for crucial tasks in huge cases by clients who have the money to hire the best and most reputable lawyers available unless you are just that. He was a lawyer, but throughout his career he dealt with simple as well as larger cases. So where does the myth come in?
As for the case of "Lincoln was depressed" it is once again the question of where to draw the line of medical depression and if people really think of the very worst case scenario when they say say he was depressed (or if everyone who says "I'm depressed!" is thinking of it for that matter). There are plenty of sources suggesting that Lincoln was often melancholic and had his depressive moments. But that is all the the supposed myth is saying I think.
Being "too compassionate" once again is a matter of personal opinion. I think this section however contains the worst blunder in this article by the mention of the exectution of 38 indians as a case to disprove Lincoln as being a compassionate person. What the author totally misses is that the execution of 38 indians (the largest mass execution in American histroy for all I know) happened after the uprising of the Sioux in 1862 and what the circumstances were. There had been attacks on towns from which the civilian population in particular suffered. I'm not making a case against the general right of the indians to defend against the breaking of treaties and the theft of their land, but it is important to understand that after the defeat of the indians the original plan was for all captured indians charged of murder were to be executed. That plan found great support by the outraged settlers at the time and under the circumstances of the war and the original plan would have meant that no less than 303 indians would have been hanged. Lincoln however commuted 265 of the prisoners and approved of the execution only of those who were charged with the killing or raping of women and children. The majority was outraged against this clemency, but Lincoln stood firm on the view that he would not have men hanged for votes. That other scandal mentioned in the article about the fortfeit document was simply about the pardon to a deserter granted by Lincoln in 1864 rather than 1865. Whatever it tells about the historian who did fake the number, I do not see it as telling much about the compassion of Lincoln.
As for the point of Lincoln being mortally I'll I'm looking forward to learn some more of the arguments in this debate through a documentary I have recently been sent by Kacie (thank you very much Kacie :)).
And thank you very much for sharing the article with us Chronicler :) Please do not mistake my critical view of some of what the article says for lack of appreciation for your bringing it up here :)
Did anybody by the way hear about any events to take place near his or her home in in the upcomming month (150th anniversary of the outbreak of the war)? I'm really in a blue funk about being unable to attend the events taking place in the US this year and therefore I really appreciate any observations, reports, or materials which I may recieve from you about the events surrounding the 150th anniversary of the outbreak fo the civil war.

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Finally, I've found an article that actually mentions events that have taken place for the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, specifically in the south and that it's controversial:

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- Berix

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Sorry for double posting, but I've found even more articles. No, I have not done any research. I just stumbled across them, like every other article I've linked to.

First article, new information on how Lincoln tried to get blacks to leave the U.S. and colonize other lands:

The other one I found compares Lincoln, who freed the slaves in 1863, to Czar Alexander II, who freed the Russian serfs in 1861:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
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