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Funniest Quotes You've Heard


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From what is possibly now my most favorite game, The Walking Dead.

*The group is at a diary farm. Kenny is suspicious of something in the back of the owners' barn and he and Lee(the main character) are trying to get back there*

Kenny: Hey, Lee, you know how to pick a lock right?

Lee:  No! Why would you say that?

Kenny:' know...urban?

Lee: Oh, you are NOT saying what I think you're saying.

Kenny: Jesus man, I'm from Florida. Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes. Sorry.


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Achievement Hunter: Lets Play Minecraft

*Best Ray Lines*

Jack: I feel like I'm in Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

Ray: Is that the one with Johnny Depp?
*Ray is hiding in a tree with the camera zoomed in on his face*

Gavin: So let me get this straight Ray, you're just standing there looking at your own face.

Ray: Yeah! You wanna look at my screen?

Gavin: No. Do you?

Ray: Yeah, it's my face!

The Chronicler

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From last week's new episode of Mythbusters...

Adam: For added realism, could you guys cuss like a sailor?
Johnathan: Abso*BEEP*lutely you *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Quote from: Animeboye,Feb 13 2013 on  09:53 PM
From what is possibly now my most favorite game, The Walking Dead.

*The group is at a diary farm. Kenny is suspicious of something in the back of the owners' barn and he and Lee(the main character) are trying to get back there*

Kenny: Hey, Lee, you know how to pick a lock right?

Lee:  No! Why would you say that?

Kenny:' know...urban?

Lee: Oh, you are NOT saying what I think you're saying.

Kenny: Jesus man, I'm from Florida. Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes. Sorry.
Considering I'm a Florida resident just made that far more hilarious.

And the thing is, its kind of true.


Top Gear(U.K)

[trying to get a phone number stored on the Mercedes-Benz W220's system]
Jeremy: 349
Female Computer Voice: 249
Jeremy: Why don't you listen?
Female Computer Voice: Dialing.
Jeremy: No! Don't dial that! I don't know who that is, it might be the Queen!

Richard: Roy James, who was the Great Train Robbers' getaway driver, was very particular about his Jag Mk 2s. He'd always steal a 3.4 rather than a 3.8 just 'cause he preferred the handling. Not a lot of people know that.

[discussing the Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale]
Jeremy: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everybody - have you driven this car?
Richard: I have, yes.
Jeremy: And what happened when you drove this car?
Richard: Well, I crashed it, technically.
Jeremy: Tell the nice ladies and gentlemen about what happened.
Richard: Well, I was going round a corner, and the next minute I went round lots and lots of corners very quickly. Span it several times.
James: Actually, this is why it's called the F360, this model. Because you drive along and you go "FFF - !" and then you do a 360.

[mocking the overly ambitious plans announced by the MG Rover Group in 2000]
Jeremy: They said they were going to make a space shuttle...
James: Yes, a space station.
Jeremy: Yeah, well, they were going to build a space shuttle to get to the Rover space station.
James: The Rover space station would be fab, actually, wouldn't it? It would be dark metallic green, and it would have a grille on that would sort of appear every 24 hours as it rotated, and sort of glitter in the sky.
Richard: And a really nice, a really nice clock somewhere as well.

[discussing a man who built a race car in his kitchen, eventually having to tear down an exterior wall to get it out of the house]
Jeremy: I presume there's no wife involved in this.
Richard: No. Well... there was, but unlike the car, the wife did fit through the door quite nicely. Fairly early on.

[on the Lexus RX300 ad slogan "It Changes Everything"]
Jeremy: I don't want to go home tonight and find my front door's moved, and that all my children are badgers and that I'm married to Frank Bruno! I don't want it to change everything.
Richard: And this'd be a gardening program and we shouldn't be talking about that anyway.
Jeremy: Well, exactly! And do you know, the thing is, that - you know those advertising standard authorities? They always say you've got to be, what are they, truthful... ?
James: Hang on, it's: [ticking them off on his fingers] Decent, honest, legal, truthful.
Jeremy: So that advert must be true.
James: That would be great! You could buy the Lexus, and then you'd wake up the next day and it would've changed into a Jaguar! With a bit of luck.



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Didi: Stu? What are you doing?

Stu: Making chocolate pudding.

Didi: It's 4'o clock in the morning. Why in the world are you making chocolate pudding?

Stu: Because I've lost control of my life.

The Chronicler

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From the latest Mythbusters episode...

Grant: *looking at his wrist* I wish I had a watch.

Adam: *while sitting in the passenger seat of a two-person Indycar* In place of the steering wheel is what they call an HCH, or "holy crap handles". (I forget what he says here)... HOLY CRAP!!

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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Another new Mythbusters quote.

Jaime: We have to leave now, they're shutting this building down.
Adam: Really?
*all the lights in the room shut off*
Jaimie: Told ya.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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This week's new Mythbusters funny quote:

Adam: *standing in front of a car* This is a car.
Jamie: *standing in front of the same car, which is now destroyed* And this is a car on Mythbusters. Do not try what you're about to see at home.
Adam: We're what you call experts.

 :lol: Best disclaimer ever! :lol

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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*Michael and Trevor are driving in a car*
Michael: You know, I've been thinking about you Trevor; your lifestyle.

Trevor: Oh have you? Really?

Michael: Yes I have. People always try to label you. You know, maniac. Psycho...friend...industry leader. In some ways you define categorization. But then...

Trevor: What?

Michael: Think about it. Where you live...

Trevor: Sandy Shores you precious ass. I'm sorry there ain't a place nearby for you to get your colonics.  

Michael: Right. But why are you out here?

Trevor: It's off the grid. We're away from it all. It's somewhere real and authentic. This is America, and real people ain't been priced out yet.

Michael: Yeah, well what if it gets gentrified?

Trevor: Then I'll f***ing move.

Michael: Okay, what about the way you dress?

Trevor: What about it? I don't give a s*** what I wear.

Michael: No no no. If you don't give a s***, you wear clean clothes that fit. See, yours are all a little out there. A little wacky.

Trevor: Whatever is in the shop, is what I get. Jesus, what is this?

Michael: It's not an absence of taste, T, it's the opposite of taste.

Trevor: You should be a stylist.

Michael: And then there's the tattoos, the hair, the weird music, the funny toys, the niche drugs, the everything.

Trevor: What the f*** are we talking about?

Michael: You... are a hipster!

Trevor: What?

Michael: You're a hipster.

Trevor: I hate hipsters.

Michael: Classic hipster denial.

Trevor: I abhor hipsters. I eat them for fun.

Michael: Hipsters love saying they hate hipsters.

Trevor: Well I really f***ing do!

Michael: Self hatred. Common hipster affliction.

Trevor: Only because I'm living out here away from the Bean Machines, and the bankers?

Michael: You're gentrifying. Soon the skinny jeans will show up, then the skinny lattes, and then the bankers. And you'll be somewhere else starting the cycle all over again. Maybe you're not a classic garden variety hipster, but you're what the hipsters aspire to be. You, Trevor, are the proto-hipster.

Trevor: I... don't know what you're talking about. I don't agree with what you're saying. You're talking bulls***. And you're trying to wind me up. But I'm very... very angry. And I want this conversation... to stop... right away...

Michael: ...Hipster.

Trevor: F*** YOU!!!! F*** YOU MICHAEL!!!!! Say it again...!

Michael: I've made my point. I'm not a sadist.


  • Chomper
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Just need to list some Mean Girls quotes here:

"And none for Gretchen Weiners. Bye."

"Sorry, we only carry sizes 1, 3, and 5. You could try Sears."

“I don’t hate you because your fat. You’re fat ëcause I hate you!”

“One time, she punched me in the face. It was awesome.”

"“Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant, while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? What’s so great about Caesar? Hmm? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar. Brutus is just as smart as Caesar. People totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar. And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody, huh? Because that’s not what Rome is about. We should totally just stab Caesar!”

“So if you’re from Africa, why are you white?”

“Gretchen, I’m sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Barnes & Nobles. And I’m sorry for telling everyone about it. And I’m sorry for repeating it now.”

“Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries.”

Something really funny I heard on Modern Family:

Gloria: "OK, Manny, remember, as soon as you land, watch out for Malaria."
Manny: "Why? I got a shot for that."
Gloria: "I'm talking about your cousin Malaria. She's coming to pick you up, but she might have Rubella."
Manny: "What?"
Gloria: "That's her daughter, but make room in the car because she could have Diptheria.
Manny: "Who's Diptheria?"
Gloria: "Manny, diptheria is a disease! That's why I want you to be apart from her in the car!"


A few from Glee:

"I'll need to see that set list for Sectionals after all. I want it on my desk warm from the laminator at 5:00 P.M., and if it is one minute late, I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then, on some dark, cold night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face!"  :lol

Rachel: "I want my allowance back right now!"
Brittany: "It’s already gone. My uncle lost his job and his goat was going hungry. So I spent it on food for the goat. I mean, sort of. The goat just ate the money."

"I don't brush my teeth, I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist."

Kitty: "My iced latte is too cold."
Kurt: "It's an iced latte."
Kitty: "It's an iced latte that's too cold!"

From Pitch Perfect:

Whenever Aubrey says "Aca-Scuse Me?" :lol


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Attack on Titan Abridged

Thomas: Eren! Did you kill the colossal Titan?

Eren: (In sarcastic tone) Oh yeah! Totally! Can't you see it's GIANT DEAD BODY?

Thomas: ...Are you being saras-


The Chronicler

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from Dangerous Toys (a new show on Discovery)

Adam: (while trying to shoot some custom air gun at Jamie's army of exploding teddy bears) All I want for Christmas is to shoot a teddy bear in the head.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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From Total Drama: Revenge of the Island:

Sam: Dude, sounds like a shaman warlock cast a screaming spell on you...

Lightning: Lightning was robbed!

Sam: What'd they take? Your weapons or your armor?

Lightning: My protein powder!

Sam: Oh... Yeah, that is... Totally worth freaking out over, probably. Heh. :rolleyes:

The Chronicler

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from a recent episode of Top Gear (American version)

(after Tanner mentions that he used to be a bus driver)
Rutledge: "Didn't you get fired from that?"
Tanner: "Yeah. I got fired for doing donuts in the Beaver Creek West Lot. But it was worth it!"

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Chronicler

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from the LEGO Movie

Batman: "Police" to meet you, Bad Cop. The pleasure is all "spine". *punches Bad Cop in the face* Well guess what you big dumb baby? Your car is a baby carriage. *rebuilds the flying police car into a baby carriage*

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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My favorite lines from Futurama

Fry: Well, buddy, how d'ya like your new home? See? He's happy already.
Hermes: That thing doesn't have emotions, Fry. Its brain is the size of a walnut.
Fry: So are walnuts and they're delicious!

Fry: Uh, hello, Mrs. Mellonger.
(much later)
Robot Devil: Trouble is, you have what my old music teacher, Mrs. Mellonger, calls "stupid fingers".
(I just...absolutely love that Fry and the Robot Devil have the same music teacher XD . Now I'm using "stupid fingers" to describe my struggles with knitting)

Fry: Bender, if you say the A-word, you'll blow this planet straight to the H-word!

Somewhere there's a line that kills me every time I hear it, but I'm drawing a blank...besides the "so are walnuts" bit...

But oh...I have so many from Bob's Burgers. Here are a few

Tina: (about helping her dad through insurance fraud) I'm gonna go to jail! Or Hell! Or Hell-Jail!
[fantasy in Hell lunchline]
Tina: So what's for lunch today?
Hell Lunchlady: Your lies!
Tina: (dramatic) NOOOO!...That's what we had yesterday!

Teddy: Today someone threw a snowcone at my windshield. I thought I hit a rainbow. It was terrifying!
(Gotta be frank, that actually does sound kinda scary...)

Bob: [addressing a large pot] Duvall, is that you in there?
Duval: [from the pot] No one's in this pot. Go away. I am the spaghetti.

Tina: Here's a bunch of numbers. They may look random, but they're my phone number

Gene: [singing] I'm not afraid of ghosts
I'm not afraid of sharks
I'm not afraid of cancer
I'm just afraid of snakes
they really freak me out
where are their arms and legs?!
It's not okay!
(My love for snakes remains in place, but I quite often find myself singing this to myself. It's just so fun!)


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I'm back! And I'm bringing this thread back to life with me!

Benihana Scene


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[after Mary butts Grace's gun in the face and smashing her head on the glass table]
Mary Sandin: DID YOU HEAR ME, GRACE? NO MORE KILLING TONIGHT!... Is it that hard to understand?