The Gang of Five
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Multiplayer LBT RPG game

action9000 · 224 · 31111


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I would enjoy it very much, that sounds cool  :yes


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*pokes Tim* You forgot to mention who's to thank for this work, foo!

I've been helping Tim here with a bit of the coding, I leant him the coding software, and also I've volunteered to design the models.
Absolutely, I am very thankful for all of your efforts, Aves! :)

He's also using some code from a platform engine I created two months ago.
Have you seen my latest code? :p
Though I must say, your code has been a very, very valuable reference. :yes
Thank you.

and sending him my software freely.
Yet another thing I couldn't be doing this without.  Thank you! :)

The Chronicler

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Hmm....seems interesting. I may not prefer multiplayer games, but this is something I'd at least be willing to take a look at.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Great Valley Guardian

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In my eyes....this is the single coolest idea I've seen in a long time reguarding anything LBT related...if this game happens to come to realization...I may just pass out from joy!  :D

But this is a very good idea...I personally would like to see it happen...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'd love to play a LBT RPG, would it have graphics, or be text-based? One would be way easier, not to mention technically feasible, but it wouldn't be as awesome.

I'll help any way I can, but I'm only good at Multimedia Fusion. I've never programmed with any thing else.


  • Ducky
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Text-based RPG won't do the trick. Especually for me, because i'm a real slowpoke, when it comes to read or write in english. :D


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Text-based RPG won't do the trick.

Well, it would have to do most likely.  We may be able to do actions in the game, but we'll have to type in what we want the characters to say.  Vocalizing might be possible, but it would make the programming of the game significantly more difficult that simple text input.


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would it have graphics, or be text-based?
I'm shooting for 3d graphics but that will depend entirely on whether or not I can figure out how to make decent 3d models.


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I'm shooting for 3d graphics but that will depend entirely on whether or not I can figure out how to make decent 3d models.

You could use characters directly from snapshots of the movies.  That would certainly make your job easier.

EDIT:  Typo :p


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You could use characters directly from snapshots of the movies. That would certainly make your job easier.
Hmm...then I magically need to change a 2d bitmap into a 3d character in a 3d world.  That's easier said than done. :p

Yes, and I would like to play as the Gang, with one player per Gang member. [ 6 ]   [27.27%]

Yes and I would prefer the Gang to be non-player characters (NPCs) so people will not argue over who plays as who. [ 6 ]   [27.27%]'s a tie so far...
I am still biased towards letting the player play As the Gang but it seems that half the gamers here disagree with me.  We'll need to resolve this at some point. :p

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I voted for the latter, but really it doesn't bother me. If this RPG idea ever does bear fruit, I personally want to play as just a swimmer, not Ducky.

One thing that could be done is give control of a real character to whomever asks for it, and while they are playing as that character anyone else who requests the character is put on a "waiting list." When the current player signs out, control of the character would pass down to the next still-logged-in person on the waiting list.

If you need 3D versions of the characters, the PS2 game Land Before TIme:Return to the Great Valley includes not only the characters in 3D, but 20 3D "levels" which could probably be merged to make a large map. That might make things easier.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Feb 16 2008 on  09:34 PM
the PS2 game Land Before TIme:Return to the Great Valley
There is a lbt game for the PS2?


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oww I really like the idea, if I could be of any help you can ask me :). But im no good at codes and stuff, so i might be of no use at all ^^. Really good idea though...  :yes


  • The Gang of Five
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Just thinking about these ideas that popping up, it is very possible to do such a thing that on a level of RPG like FFXI online. People could easily create a Online Valley that somewhere away from the Great Valley and you could couse to be either a adult or child and basing the game on team work traveling together in a herd completely missions, like rescues, traveling to one place, protecting a herd from harm or having a harmless race against other kids.

Basically the list is endless to make it a enjoyable game.

(Same bases goes to something like Pokemon that is also a cartoon that very poplour as a card game and video game. They surely could created a world where people walk around different towns in many of the super large regions and they could either battle each other on cards or pokemon vs pokemon, even catching wild pokemon and raising them) I just had to add in another example that could very well easily be created into some sort of RPG


  • Cera
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 Well, this is a great project, why? because it gives the chance to get exactly what we want, if a game can be developed, somehow all suggestions may be accepted and that way to create a really enjoyable and challenging game for all of us to play with.

 I know this is no a game like the Megaman Zero games, and I know this may sound like too much, but what if there can be levels when you can choose a character? (I know that is not RPG, but if you can make a multiplayer game, then why not single player games too), I have seen games when you can even choose characters, that way players may not only choose to play as part of the original gang, but maybe even to play as OCs from this page's RPGs.

 I'm sorry I cannot be helpful here, all I can do is to wish you the best of lucks and our support... maybe somehow I may be able to help :)


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I have decided to post up some tentative plans for the game as it stands right now.  Don't feel obligated to read it all but this does explain roughly what I have in mind for the game.

(some of you may have read this already)
My intention is to make this game a "mini-MMO RPG", of sorts.  I shall explain what I mean by this:

Like any other MMORPG, the game takes place entirely online, with most of the content designed to be handled by groups of 2 or more people.  The game can be played on one's own, however there is no "single player" option in the game.  One has the choice to either "Host a game" or "Join a game" when they first run the program.  Unlike most MMOs however, there is no server running the game 24/7.  Servers are hosted by players and servers can be shut down by the hosts.  The character that you created is saved on your computer and can join any sever with this (or a new character), provided that there is availability on the server you are trying to join for your character (more information on this later).  The game will feature 3d graphics, similar to World of Warcraft and other 3d MMOs.  The game takes place in a huge world, full of landmarks and geography present in the actual LBT films, recreated as accurately as possible.  Players may enjoy the game as any of the following LBT characters:

-Chomper (under consideration)
-Ruby (under consideration)
-Ali (under consideration)
-Some generic dinosaurs, who have their own storyline, separate from the Original LBT characters' storyline.  This is explained in more detail later in this post.

The world is full of NPC (non-player characters) to talk to and receive tasks from.  You can also discover tasks to complete from other sources.  Some tasks (called "Adventures") require a group of people to complete, as they are too difficult or complex for a single player.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this game is, basically, to develop your character and have fun.  Your character will gain experience points, some items and treestars to become stronger.  Experience point levels do exist in this game, with a level cap of 50 right now.  This is subject to change.

Hosting a game: When you host a game, you may give a name and description for your game.  Other players (no player limit decided yet.  Possible limit: 64.  I will try to make it as high as possible.  It will be a MINIMUM of 8, hopefully much higher) may connect to your game via LAN or Internet, using your IP address.

Once you have given a name and description for your game, you are taken to the Character Select screen.  On this screen, the player may choose his/her dino, each with their own abilities.  In order to play through the major "core" of the game, the player must select one of the LBT characters, not a generic dinosaur.  Here's where it gets interesting:

Only ONE player may control each LBT character on a server.  This means that there will NEVER be two Littlefoots, two Duckys, etc. on the same server at the same time.  If a player has chosen Littlefoot, everyone else who tries to join the game will be informed that Littlefoot is not available and that another character must be chosen.  This means that each server will have a maximum of 8 major players on at any one why the 64-player limit?  That's where the "generic dinos" come in. ;)
I a player wishes to join the game to explore the world, to socialize, to hang out and maybe do a few tasks here and there, they may!  Not everybody is a skilled gamer capable of handling the more difficult gameplay that may exist for some of the Gang's tasks.  Also, the server may already have all 8 Gang members playing and if somebody just wants to log in and have some fun, they may, as a generic dino.  The generic dinos allow anyone to pick one of a few different dinosaurs, which the player can adjust the look of somewhat (by slightly adjusting size, colour, etc.).  Generic dinos have their own set of tasks available to them, separate from the Gang's tasks.  In short, the Gang has a set of tasks to do in the game.  Multiple players can choose the same generic dino.  The Generic Dinos have a different set of tasks to do in the game.  They may cross paths with the Gang at times, but the world is so huge that the chances are unlikely unless they meet in a central location (such as the Great Valley).

Character stats:
Each member of the LBT Gang each has unique stats.  Generic dinos all have the same base stats, which can be expanded by eating treestars and completing some tasks exclusive to them...and some tasks that may require a huge grouping along with the Gang...more on this later. ;) (think raiding in WoW and you'll see where I'm going with this).

Stats that will likely exist for playable characters are:
Health (HP): This is how much health the character has.  When the character takes damage, this value falls from its maximum.  When its current value hits zero, the character is dead (We have not yet decided what happens upon death).  Health regenerates while sitting down and not being attacked.

Energy (EN): Attacking in combat takes energy.  Basic attacks use a very small amount.  Abilities and Special Abilities require more energy than most normal attacks to execute.  Energy regenerates (relatively) quickly while sitting down and not being attacked.  Energy regenerates slowly anytime while not attacking. Treestars can be eaten in battle to quickly restore energy in dire situations.  It takes time to eat a treestar though, and you can be interrupted while eating if you are attacked.

Affects the amount of physical damage done.
Increases the maximum HP of the character slightly.  
Strength is useful for moving large objects in the game, such as boulders.  NOTE: Some boulders require more strength to move than a single character can easily obtain.  In order to move such boulders, players must combine their strength together.   If their total strength is more than the amount required to move the boulder, the boulder can be moved.  The higher the players' strength is over the boulder's required strength, the faster the boulder can be pushed.

Has a significant effect on the maximum HP and EN of the character.

Improves the character's ability to dodge attacks.  
Gives a character's stealth attacks a higher chance to critically hit the target (doing more damage).  
Improves the chance for a physical or stealth attack to hit the target.

Toughness: Affects the character's resistance to damage.  The more toughness the character has, the less physical damage they will take when they are hit by a physical attack.
Affects the maximum HP of the character.

Improves the chance of physical and ranged attacks to hit the target.
Slightly affects character's resistance to damage.

This game is designed with grouping in mind.  Some tasks are possible to accomplish on your own, but many will require grouping with other members of the Gang in order to accomplish.  There will be tasks for each possible quantity of LBT Gang members: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, so no matter what your group size, there is something to do.  tasks that require larger groups will yield better rewards and generally be more interesting to complete.  They are also generally more difficult to coordinate and more fulfilling to complete.

These are tasks that require the entire Gang of Eight to complete.  They typically involve long excursions with many difficult challenges and likely very powerful creatures to face.

Grand Adventures:
This idea is still VERY preliminary and I am not yet sure how this could fit into any story, but...
Grand Adventures are too difficult for even our entire Gang.  In order to complete a Grand adventure, the Gang must seek the aid of Generic Dinos.  Grand Adventure tasks will appear in the game along with a recommended number of adventurers to complete it.  This number will likely typically be between 10 and 20.  As you can see, Grand Adventures literally demand a small army of dinos to successfully complete. B)

The game features 4 chat channels:
Global: Chatting over Global means that Every Single Player in the game can see your message.
Local: Everyone in your region (say, the Great Valley) can read your message.
Group: Every member in your group can read your message.
Whisper: Only the specific person you are talking to can read this message.

Dueling/Battling other humans:
This will likely be possible.  A player can challenge another to a 1 on 1 duel.  
Members of a group can all enable their "duel" setting and engage in a free-for-all, last-man-standing battle.  This will be one of the last features to be implimented.

This is the most important item in the game, as it has a great many uses. Treestars are stored in the player's inventory and may be traded or consumed.

Some tasks require paying treestars to an NPC in exchange for the task's reward.

Eating treestars outside of combat will allow you to increase your character's maximum Energy. While the numbers have not yet been decided on, an example of how this works is as follows:
Every 100 treestars you consume, your character gains an additional 50 points added to their maximum energy.

This lets players develop their characters using treestars as well as through gaining experience and abilities.

Treestars may be used in combat as "reagents" for some abilities. Some possible examples of this are:
Sprint: Eat a treestar and temporarily increase your movement speed.
Healing: Treestars can be used by biped dinos to heal members of their group.
Recover Energy: A dino can eat a treestar in combat to recover some energy quickly.

Using treestars takes time (maybe 3 seconds, still to be decided on). If you are attacked while using a treestar, some of the progress of "using" the treestar is lost (if you have been eating for 2 seconds and you are attacked, this may be reduced back down to 1 second, for example) and there is a chance that the treestar will be destroyed, cancelling the action that you took. If you wish to use another treestar and try the ability again, you may.

Other items will probably be introduced in the future.


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Continuing on in this post:

Combat will exist in the game but it will not be the only way to gain points/levels.  Exploration and completion of tasks (which may include finding items, getting somewhere within a time limit, working as a team to complete an "obstacle course", etc.) will be the primary source of points and levels.  Combat will exist generally in special situations and typically will involve situations such as those seen in LBT movies, using tactics to win fights as opposed to brute strength.

Combat with lesser creatures than adult sharpteeth may appear in the game from time to time, for variety and to give the players a chance to use some of their characters' skills.


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But you have a lot of possibilities for community activity... Like sport games, or cooperative walk through the Mysterious Beyond.
BTW, are planinng to add upgradeble skills to the characters? Like, Ducky can learn how to swim underwater for longer time period.
Exactly, I love your ideas, Coyote. B)
As for upgrading skills, I definitely want to allow that to be in the game.  Skills will be upgraded from various sources, including levelling up your character, finding secret NPCs who can train you in new/secret skills, etc.

...if this game happens to come to realization...I may just pass out from joy!
This is a very large-scale project.  I will be starting small and building on it from there.  The only concern I have is the development of maps and the 3d graphics themselves.  My 3D modelling skills are horrible.  Aves has volunteered to help out though, which is very good! :)
I'm fine with writing the code and I also intend to compose the soundtrack once the game gets to that stage.  
maybe somehow I may be able to help

What we really need are 3d graphic artists and map designers....there will be a LOT of maps and 3d models to make!

Once we can get 3d models figured out, I'm fine with coding the game.  At this point, I am working on elements of the game that don't require me to use existing animations/graphics.  I am working on map design at the moment, as well as trying to get network/online play working.

To keep the game relatively simple to start with, I'm working with other developers on a Great Valley map where the game will take place for now. Eventually I want the game to cover as much geography as possible, covering many existing LBT-series landmarks and the journey between them.  There will be many interesting places to explore, hopefully enough to keep the game interesting for a long time. :)


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Yes it was me who put "would not play".  No interest, and my schedule is full the way it is.

Now you don't have to ask.