The Gang of Five
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Whatcha playin'?

The Chronicler

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I finished LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures last week. Much like Pirates of the Caribbean, this game was rather small and quick, though there were definitely some moments where I had quite a bit of difficulty. There were some areas where the endless attacks by enemies made it very difficult to make much progress, and don't even get me started on how frustrating some of the bonus items were to collect, even in cases where I knew exactly what I had to do. Even so, at least it was easy to not only unlock new characters, but also be able to use the right characters for each area (even if I don't exactly have the option of choosing any particular character at any time), so that definitely makes this better than the Harry Potter games in my opinion. Still, the number of frustrating moments I encountered are enough that I'd rank this one somewhere in the middle of my preferences. In other words, I wouldn't mind playing this one again, but there are a few other Lego games I'd rather play again instead of this one.

Next on my list of Lego games to play; LEGO Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues

I just started playing today, and my first impressions are that this is definitely a rather unique type of Lego game. I can't yet say for sure if it's something I like or not, so we'll see once I eventually finish it.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I've finally started to play some more Xenoblade Chronicles 2 again. I can't believe the game has been out for 8 months and I haven't gotten around to beating it yet.


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I managed to finish Xenoblade Chronicles 2 just in time for Octopath Traveler, so now I'm playing that. So far I'm really liking it. It plays kinda similar to Bravely Default but with a neat 3D environment/2D sprite pixel art style.

Sergeant Burker

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Cars: The Videogame.

Best PIXAR film game adaptation.
How sentimental. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!

The Chronicler

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I finished LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues last week. I have to say, there is definitely no other Lego game out there that is structured quite like this one. Each of the different areas feel like their own separate game, such as characters and vehicles that are unlocked can only be used in their respective areas and nowhere else. Another thing that makes this game so unlike any of the others is that rather than the levels having the option of story mode or freeplay mode, there are different types of levels, such as story levels (which follow the story events with no bonus items at all, unlike other Lego games), treasure levels (where the objective is to simply collect the bonus item at the end), and bonus levels (much like the treasure levels, except they're designed as if they were made in the game's level builder). This game also comes with a level builder, where you can create your own levels, though the only drawback I see in this particular case is that it's necessary for 100% completion. I think that such a feature should've been optional, so that those who are interested could use it, while those who are not interested wouldn't have to use it just to complete the whole game. (As much as I disliked Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, at least the level builder in that game was entirely optional.) Despite the required level builder and a few frustrating levels, I actually liked this game quite a lot and wouldn't mind playing it again, though much like the first Lego Indiana Jones game, there are a few other Lego games I'd rather play instead.

Next on my list of Lego games to play; LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga

I just started playing it today, and although I'm already familiar with the story content due to watching some videos a while ago, I've already seen a few things that surprised me, now that I'm actually playing this game myself. This is the oldest game on my list, so it should be interesting to see just how how different it is from some of the later games I'm already familiar with. Even though this game has a lot of levels, many of them are rather short (just today alone, I was able to complete all the levels of Episode I), so completing this game might not take quite as long as I had feared.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I just got done playing some Spore Hero. It's not a game I would want to play too often, but since it's not too long, I do enjoy going through it again every so often. It's pretty limited compared to Spore, though the fighting sequences are a bit better in my opinion.


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Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now

Just finished this game about a week ago for the very first time. Up until now, i always used cheats to get past the whole game because some of the missions are darn hard. (or just has a very short time limit)
And i even bought the (extremly tough) Mining truck, which costed me a nice 8.800.000 credits.
Long-lost LBT fan.

The Chronicler

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I finished LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga last week. Since this is the oldest of all the Lego games I'm playing, I knew it would lack some features from later games, but I was quite surprised by just how clunky it felt in comparison. When it comes to attacking, there are three basic ways; a lightsaber, which tends to pause a little too long after most swings, leaving you more vulnerable to getting hit; a blaster, which you can't really target, so you pretty much have to just face the correct direction and hope you actually hit the right object; and nothing, where such characters can't even attack at all, which is obviously worthless when surrounded by enemies. This game not only obviously lacks features found in later games, but also includes features not found in any later games (probably because they proved just too frustrating for most gamers). In addition to story mode and freeplay mode, there's also a challenge mode (find ten canisters within twenty minutes) and super story mode (complete all six story levels of a movie within one hour while also collecting over 100,000 studs). I found the challenge mode interesting, but the super story challenge was just too much for my gameplay style, so the only way I could make sure I could actually complete them was by watching a walkthrough video on my laptop while actually playing on my desktop (always pausing one or the other at a time, of course). Oh, and it seems I was wrong about how long it would take me to complete this game, because while many of the other Lego games took me anywhere between 40 and 60 hours, this one took me well over 80 hours. As much as I found this game interesting, reaching 100% completion was just such a ridiculous challenge that I'd rank this game rather low on my favorites, with only the two Harry Potter games currently even lower.

Next on my list of Lego games to play; LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars

I just started playing today, and already I'm liking this game much more than the one I just finished (especially since the methods of attacking are much more reasonable than what I mentioned above). In my view, this one feels much more like a proper Lego video game than the first Lego Star Wars game. Hopefully, this game won't take me quite as long to complete as the previous one did.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2018, 09:37:06 PM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Just started playing Midtown Madness 2. Quite a hard one (especially the Crash Course) but an otherwiser very enjoyable crazy racing game from 2000. And Definetly brings back some memories!
Long-lost LBT fan.


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I have LEGO the Hobbit, based on the recent Hobbit trilogy, but the game stops at the end of the second film. I'm guessing WB planned tp add in the events of Battle of the 5 Armies but never got around to it.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:

The Chronicler

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I finished LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars last week. This game definitely felt more like a proper Lego game than the first one did, and I liked some of the features that were introduced (such as using a lightsaber to cut a hole in a wall). But I think what made this game especially interesting was how some of the levels are designed like some kind of RTS game, where you have to build bases and destroy enemy bases. There's much more than just the levels, there's also bounty hunter missions (just like what Complete Saga had), ground assault missions (more of those RTS type of levels) and space assault missions, all of which must be done within a time limit that I found to be rather reasonable for most of them. I suppose my biggest issue with this game is how some unlockable items must be obtained in order to even gain access to certain other unlockable items, so you really need to figure out what you have to do if you really want to go for 100% completion. Of course, with all this additional content, my total gameplay time came in at almost 80 hours, but I'm sure I could've had maybe ten less if I hadn't repeated the same mistake I had made with Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (spending a lot of time between levels collecting studs in the hub area to be able to purchase unlockable content, unaware of just how much studs I ended up getting from completing the levels in freeplay mode). As much as I really liked this game, the fact that some of the freeplay content must be done in a certain order means that while I would definitely rank this game above the other Lego Star Wars game, I would not place it above either of the Lego Indiana Jones games.

Next on my list of Lego games to play; LEGO Batman - The Videogame

I started playing it today, and despite having less available time than usual today, I'm already liking what I see. Sure, being among the oldest of all Lego games (only Star Wars Complete Saga and Indiana Jones Original Adventures are older) means that actions and controls are a little awkward, but I've got a good feeling that this game will end up being one of those relatively small and simple Lego games that I've enjoyed the most so far.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I finished Octopath Traveler a while back and I must say, it had a satisfactory final boss fight. After that I played some Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate since I could transfer my 3DS save. More recently I bought Megaman 11, though I've only beaten 3 robot masters so far. Gotta get back into it at some point. Other then that, I've done a few playthroughs of Super Metroid.


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Recently got back into Rimworld now that it is officially released. Been experimenting with some new stuff in my colonies and finally making use of the caravan functionality!


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Downloaded mysterious Deltarune.
Hope it actually has to do with future Undertale.


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^I read it, and wow, I thought it was a joke. Like, if you launch uninstaller, something happens with game, and Chara destroys your world or something like this. Like c'mon, such game devoper like Toby Fox couldn't put some file that removes entire root directory. Or could he?..


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Just a bug he missed in the uninstaller I'm afraid! But it's being worked on (and you should be totally fine if you installed the game in a separate folder, rather than C:\Games or the like :D )


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I read many comments - it seems it is not a joke... :/
Actually I was highly surprised how almost all of people on planet consider this situations with humor, because it's deadly serious situation. For example I am not kind of person who reads news about games I buy/download and play, so I could find out about this "bug" decades years later. And I clearly remember times when I installed some games in general folders, or place some other folders inside game folder... And I didn't read any negative comment so far. :/

sigh, nevermind. I hope novody would fall victim of this "bug".

Today I got "great" news, so next week I guess I won't find any free time to play this or any other games. :(
I'm hyped wit hthis game  a lot! Can't wait to continue to play!
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 11:33:27 AM by Sneak »