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Geometric Ponderings

rhombus · 131 · 19855


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Do you play video games? If so, do you have a favourite game(s)?


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Didn't even notice this thread existed. Ah well, I'm here now.  :)

What’s the most interesting building you’ve ever seen or been in?


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What is your opinion of the school education system in the United States? Do you think it's very flawed as it is today?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Do you play video games? If so, do you have a favourite game(s)?

Sadly I do not have as much time to play video games as I used to.  That being said I do enjoy playing the Civilization series of games, with my favorites of that series being Civilization IV and Civilization VI.  I also enjoy doing a bit of retro gaming every now and then as I enjoy the roleplaying games of the 16-bit era, especially Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI.

Didn't even notice this thread existed. Ah well, I'm here now.  :)

What’s the most interesting building you’ve ever seen or been in?

This is a very good question.  Interesting can have many connotations as a building could be one that I despise (like the Faner Building at Southern Illinois University) but still be interesting in its own way (such as how it was designed to not be accessible from one end of the building to another in order to trap potential rioters).  :p In terms of an interesting building that I enjoyed being in I would have to say it is between the following:

The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis:

Now, in fairness, this is the only proper Cathedral that I have been in due to me residing in a very rural area, but it was an awe-inspiring sight.  The level of detail in the interior work and the design of the building itself was a wonder to behold.  The dichotomy between this building and the degenerate architectural philosophies of modernism and post-modernism was incredibly stark to see first-hand. As architecture like this makes humankind look to the heavens and wonder, whereas the modern way stresses a lack of adornment and a focus on cheapness and disposability.

In terms of the most impressive and interesting modern building I have actually been in that would have to be this:

The Climatron is a building at the Saint Louis Botanical Garden that houses the rainforest display.  It is a modern building, yes, but it blends well with the surroundings and does not appear out of place.  This is helped by the fact that the dome shape, representing mathematical harmony, fits well with the natural harmony of the gardens around it and residing inside of it.  It would certainly be on my "go see" list if one were to go to St. Louis, Missouri.

What is your opinion of the school education system in the United States? Do you think it's very flawed as it is today?

Well, this is a difficult question to answer for a few reasons.  First, there is not one education system in the US, but rather fifty separate systems due to the existence of fifty separate states with have broad authority in educational regulation. Secondly, the quality of education can differ greatly from one local community to another due to differences in educational funding (as in the US schools are mainly funded by property taxes - so if you are in a poor area then you get poor educational opportunities).

All that being said I would say that the primary and secondary school education system in the US is flawed in three critical respects: lack of equitable funding between public schools; a lack of discipline in some schools due to concerns over political correctness; and a lack of a student-oriented approach in educational placement. 

I think the first aspect is self-explanatory, if poorer neighborhoods are getting less funding due to their property values being lower then, obviously, this will typically lead to an imbalance in the quality of education.

The second aspect is more controversial and, as this is not in After Midnight, I do not want to go to far into it here.  But in some school districts there are routine acts of gang violence in the hallways (manifesting as physical assaults and threats) and even assaults on teachers which leads many quality educators to avoid these areas.  As outright expulsions are often discouraged as a disciplinary tactic and could result in the administrators being called out for racism or classism, these students are often given detentions or suspensions which does not resolve the underlying issue.  As a result discipline breaks down and the students who would want to learn often have their educational quality greatly diminished as a result.  My favored solutions to this problem would not be looked upon favorably by some people on this forum so I will not elaborate on them here.

The third aspect is a critical one, I think.  The current system in the US tends to operate under the perspective that all students should be at the same level of education in all subjects until about the sixth grade or ninth grade, at which point students might be at different levels in different subjects.  This is fundamentally flawed as an educational philosophy.  For one, males and females on average mature at different rates when it comes to abstract thinking skills.  So keeping all students at the same level (where some males will perform worse until those mental faculties develop) can lead to some of them developing an anti-school mindset early on.  This can lead to further disillusionment and educational difficulties moving forward.  I experienced this firsthand when I was mainstreamed from special education in third grade.  I did well the first year (and probably could have been a grade level ahead in math), but then as the curriculum went progressively more abstract I began to have issues in other subjects leading me to make Cs whereas before I was making As.  Then, when I turned 13, my mental faculties for abstract thinking noticeably matured and I went back to making As.

But the third aspect is also an issue in that by keeping everyone at the same level in a subject you are not only holding back those who excel in it, but you are losing those who are not prepared for it. Instead I would propose that for the basic subjects (mathematics, reading, writing, social studies, and science) that in the first eight years of the school system that students are placed in those classes based upon their skill level.  There should be a minimum level that they reach in each subject by the end of the eighth grade, but it should be more closely tailored to the student as opposed to a factory-like process that treats students as cogs in a machine.  Right now the current system holds back the exceptional, confuses the under-achieving, and makes learning a tedious process as opposed to an exciting process of discovery.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I like how you can go into detail about something like this, which fascinates me quite a bit. Which brings me to my question: has your act of writing always been easy for you or did you learn to do it over time?


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The Chronicler

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How many states have you visited? How many countries outside the US have you visited?

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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I like how you can go into detail about something like this, which fascinates me quite a bit. Which brings me to my question: has your act of writing always been easy for you or did you learn to do it over time?

Writing has actually proven to be difficult for me in the past when it comes to interpersonal writing, such as emails and letters.  Although I am on the autistic spectrum and do have some issues with identifying faces, subtle facial and non-verbal cues really do help me in direct human communication so resorting to writing was always my last resort in most cases.  On the other hand when it comes to analytical writing I was always quite proficient. I was always somewhat skilled in the technique of introducing an idea (the generalities or the narrative, so to speak) and then going into the relevant details.

Creative writing, on the other hand, is something that I had little experience with until I began to write the Seven Hunters at age 30.  I had made decent grades during the very few creative projects that we had in my English classes, but they were mainly about form as opposed to creative expression.  I suppose the reason why I went straight into such a project with some level of competence was due to my extensive reading history which allowed me to gain practice in perspective taking and some experience in learning how to convey certain emotions and ideas through the written word. That being said I still have a long way to go on that front.

Do you have any pets?

I do not at this time as my apartment complex does not allow pets.  Growing up, however, I have had a variety of rabbits, dogs, and cats as pets. The two most important of these was a domestic house cat named Gizmo which I had for about twelve years and an Alaskan Malamute named Tyrone which I had for 13 years. Tyrone in particular was a very loyal companion who protected me on several occasions during my youthful excursions in the woods - once from a neighbor's dog who escaped and on another occasion  from a copperhead snake that I was about to accidentally step on.  Sadly he passed on about 15 years ago.

How many states have you visited? How many countries outside the US have you visited?

Sadly I have not yet had the opportunity to leave the US due to my financial situation.  I barely make enough as an adjunct professor to pay the bills and rent so something like an overseas vacation is merely a pipe dream for me at this point.

As for the US I have been to several states to attend job interviews and to visit family.  Thus far I have been to: Illinois (where I live), Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C (not a state but I will include it).

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Have you gotten a chance to visit any of your previous teachers in school yet?

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Do you have a dream car?

Not particularly.  I tend to take a very pragmatic view on automobiles where I am appreciative of any vehicle that can take me from point A to point B in relative safety and with good gas mileage. 

Have you gotten a chance to visit any of your previous teachers in school yet?

I actually had an opportunity to teach a course that that one of my previous professors wanted to take as an elective.  Which was quite an odd experience for the both of us.  :p In terms of visiting a former teacher I have pretty much been limited to instances where I have met some of my former teachers in official educational functions or union functions.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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What’s your favorite drink?

Indeed I do. :) My favorite alcoholic drink would have to be mead, although I do enjoy a variety of wines.  As far as non-alcoholic drinks go I am torn between Earl Grey Tea and mint tea for my favorite.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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What is your favourite musical instrument?


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What is one of your happiest moments in life?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Well, I didn't know you had one of this topics. :P

Do you have a favorite music genre?
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

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What would you name your boat if you had one?


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What is your favourite musical instrument?

That would be the harpsichord. I absolutely love classical works which contain that wonderful instrument. I also love melodic metal compositions that use that instrument, such as some of the works by Stratovarius and Luca Turilli's Rhapsody.

What is one of your happiest moments in life?

Eh, that is a hard question to answer actually as I do not really think of my life in terms of peak moments. Using happy moments as a guidepost to what happiness is can create a self-perpetuating cycle of disappointment. Instead I just try to take moments as they come.  That being said the day my Master Degree thesis was accepted is probably on the list of happiest moments.  It was certainly one of my most profound moments of accomplishment up until that point.

Well, I didn't know you had one of this topics. :P

Do you have a favorite music genre?

It may sound a bit corny, but I do enjoy a genre called 'melodic metal' that combines elements of heavy metal music with arrangements that harken back to classical music. Now, admittedly, there is a lot of music in this genre that is cringe-worthy or that fails to understand what makes classical compositions so beautiful, but the few good examples in this genre are worth searching for. I also enjoy experimental folk music (also called neofolk though one must be careful of the extremist elements in that genre) and Western Classical music of the Baroque and Classical eras.

What would you name your boat if you had one?

The "USS Bad Life Choices" as I cannot swim.  :p
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 11:56:13 PM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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If you could choose to live in the LBT universe forever, would you take that opportunity? What species would you want to be transformed into?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you want to be?