The Gang of Five
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A Disruption in Time

The Chronicler

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Steven slowly woke up and got out of bed. For him, this day would seem like any other. Once he was out of bed, he began his morning routine. With items retracting in and out of the walls, the bedroom turned into a bathroom. After taking a shower and getting dressed, the bathroom items retracted back into the walls and a treadmill came into the room. Exercise was important for his health, so he would run a kilometer every morning. Once he was finished his exercise, a table and chair came up out of the floor. His breakfast was already on the table. Once breakfast was finished, the table and chair retracted back into the floor, leaving the room completely empty. This was a typical home for this time period: the year 12000 C.E.

A display screen appeared in front of Steven, showing him his schedule for the day. He was pleasantly surprised to see that today, he was going on another observation trip to Earth. For him, this kind of day was one of the best ones he could ever imagine. He was always pleased to visit the planet his kind, the Rainbowfaces as they were called by the primitive residents of Earth, had once called home, even if there were some laws he had to follow. Ever since The Great Departure ten thousand years ago, his kind had never attempted to come back to Earth and rebuild their civilization. Their old civilization was never destroyed, just abandoned. It had taken only a thousand years for the forces of nature to erase most traces of their existence on that planet.

Steven turned off the display screen and walked to the only door out of the room. He placed his hand on the scanner and the door opened. He then walked down the hallway to the transportation ships. Just as he had expected, he would be going with his good friend Elizabeth again. However, one thing he found quite odd was that so many other people were also going on observation trips to Earth, about a dozen in total. Although their assigned areas were all different, it was unusual for so many people to go on the same day. He chose to ignore this for now.

Steven and Elizabeth climbed into their transportation ship. It was just barely large enough to give them a comfortable ride, since these ships were designed only for carrying people from place to place. They felt the ship undock and starting to move. They were now on their way back to Earth.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Diver awoke and extracted herself from the pile of siblings she slept in and with.  She saw Ducky starting to yawn next to Spike, where she normally slept.  

"Spike wake up.  Sleepy time is over, it is it is." Ducky said to the still sleeping Spike.  

"It'll certainly be not easy to awaken him, certainly not." Diver said.  

""Maybe some green food will wake him up, it may, it may." Ducky said.

"I'll go and get some." Diver said and went off to get a few leaves to try to help to wake Spike up.  


In his mother's nest Petrie was sleeping soundly till awoken by his mother.  "Morning already.  Me just go to sleep." He said looking around while yawning a bit it could see it was indeed morning already.  If felt like he had just gone to sleep a short time ago.


Mim had awoken earlier and was getting some water to drink near the area where some swimmers slept.  She saw Diver heading over towards a bush not to far.  

"Having the usual difficulties in awakening Spike?"  Mim asked as she headed over to where Diver was.

"Spike is hard to wake up, he certainly is." Diver said.


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Rex woke up, it was time for him to go and get himself his morning meal..."that was a good rest..." thought Rex as he got up, "i wonder what crawlers i might find today. Rex began walking through the mysterious beyond looking for something to eat.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby was taking this moment in the morning to enjoy seeing the bright circle rise in the sky, and indeed it was something she cherished. "I suppose something nice it something we all deserve. This valley really is beautiful." she commented quietly so as not to wake Chomper.


However at that moment both Longtail and his uncle Cyrix were coming back from an early morning wall climbing session. Both were tired, but Longtail more than the older and more experienced rainbow face.

"Uncle...can we please, go get some water...I am really thirsty." asked Longtail with a pleading look in his eyes.

Cyrix laughed aloud and nodded his head.
"Certainly nephew...I'll come along with you as I too am in need of a drink."


Cera the threehorn opened her eyes and yawned as she could feel the bright circle on her back. She then looked around to see her father Topsy and step mother Tria still sleeping as well as her little sister Tricia.
"Oh well...guess I'll just sit here for a while longer." she muttered quietly to herself.


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Chomper the sharptooth anyway.  "Good morning guys," the purple t-rex smiled to his friends.


Elsewhere, in the Mysterious Beyond, Rita, a sharptooth and Chomper's girlfriend, Rory, Myra (Fast biters), and Greg, a belly dragger as well as dil's son were out hunting.

"What are you guys in the mood for?" Rory asked.

"Spiketail," said Greg.

"Threehorn," said Myra.

"Longneck," said Rita.


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"Let's get some leaves then to help wake him up." Mim said going over to help Diver gather a few.  They gathered a few then Diver picked the best looking one and went over to where Spike was still sleeping, Ducky having tried to waken him up.

"Here, try this." Diver said.  

"Thanks." Ducky said and took the leaf.  "Look Spike, here is a yummy leaf." She said waving it in front of his nose.  He started to sniff the leaf and opened his mouth to try to eat it while asleep.  She moved back, turning a bit to make sure she didn't fall on anything.  Spike followed, trying to get the leaf and still asleep.


Petrie went over to where the pile of leaves was that his mother had gotten them to eat and started to eat with his brothers and sisters, wanting to get done with quickly so he could go and see what his friends were up to.


Mim ate a few of the leaves that she and Diver and picked, before heading over to where Diver, Ducky and Spike usually slept.


  • Banana Egg
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Rex was walking around for a long time in the mysterious beyond..."damn....all this time out here and i still haven't found anything to eat?.....", Rex continued searching anyway....he was starting to feel sick in the gut because he hadn't eaten yet...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby had decided to go get a drink of water before the bright circle was too high in the sky, and as she stepped up to the edge of the nearest watering hole, she spotted Longtail and Cyrix. "I guess a friendly hello would be friendly." she said quietly to herself as she stepped over to the pair.

Longtail looked up first and smiled, "hello Ruby, nice morning isn't it?" asked Longtail.

Ruby nodded her head in response as she heard Cyrix speak as well.

"How have you been Ruby?" asked the older rainbow face.

Ruby answered.
"Alright I suppose. Although I do wonder where Chomper has gotten to, I am supposed to be watching him, and I can't do that if I can't see him."


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"I'm right here Ruby," Chomper laughed, getting a sip of water.


Out in the MB, Greg, Rory, Rita, and Myra were hunting.  "There has to be food around her somewhere," Myra whispered.


  • Banana Egg
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Rex spotted two crawlers that were on a nearby tree, "finally!" he thought to himself, he walked over to them.."hmmmm...not enough to be classed as a meal but...oh well", Rex moved closer to the tree and he ate the crawlers in one bite..."well at least i'm not as hungry anymore...i suppose..."

The Chronicler

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Steven and Elizabeth continued their ride to Earth. They heard three beeps and looked at the time. They now had ten minutes until they would be on the surface of Earth. Once they were on the surface, they had to follow a set of laws. These laws were set so that the current residents of Earth would never suspect they were a civilized species, especially one that had once lived on this planet. One law was that any and all forms of clothing were not allowed at all during a trip to Earth. Following this law, they began to undress themselves.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby laughed and turned to face Chomper.
"I'm glad you are okay, you had me worried."

Longtail stepped over and asked, "So Chomper have you found any crawlers yet? Cause if not, then I know a good place for some."


Cera was bored so she then stood up and began to wander the valley aimlessly hoping to run into one of her friends before too long. "Why is today so boring?!" she asked herself.


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Ali walked along with her mother, towards the Great Valley. ' we'll be there soon Ali" her mother said..
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"Not yet," Chomper responded. "Where are some Longtail?"


  • Banana Egg
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Once Rex had finished eating the crawlers he proceeded to look elsewhere for something to eat...he wanted to swing by the great valley to see if the leafeaters had any crawlers (lol)


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Petrie finished eating and said good bye to his family and flew off, eager to see what his friends were up to and what they would do today.  


Mim leaned against at tree and watched the attempts of the 2 young swimmers to awaken Spike.  She would help, but didn't want to interfere since they had more experience with doing that then she had.

Ducky held out the leaf as she continued to go forward, glancing back to see what Spike was doing.  Spike continued to walk forward while trying to grab the leaf in his lips or tongue.  

"Spike, wakey wakey, time.  It is wake time not sleeping time." She said while still moving.  After a short time she let him get the leaf and he awoke while he was eating.  

"Is he often like this?" Mim asked as she walked closer.  

"Sometimes, sometimes it is he who wakes me up, sometimes, it is, it is." Ducky said.


  • Banana Egg
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Rex was almost at the great valley, he ran across some other sharpteeth although none of them wanted to chat....they tried to eat him so he ran away from all of them


  • Banana Egg
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"that was a close one..." thought Rex as he exhaled "whew......", Rex continued on searching for something to eat and he eventually arrived at the great valley. Rex knew one secret entrance into the great valley "can't wait to eat some crawlers! i'm so hungry!" he thought to himself. Rex began his way to the secret was on the far side of the great valley, it was covered in bushes and vines, Rex had to cut through the vines and bushes with his teeth "yuck, that tastes terrible!" said Rex as he spat out the vines and the bits of the bush.

The Chronicler

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Now that Steven and Elizabeth were ready, all they had to do now was wait. The on-board computer would do everything for them, especially their landing site. The benefit of traveling to Earth during daylight was that the sky was bright enough to prevent anyone from seeing the ship in the sky. However, the column of light that results from teleporting to the surface is bright enough to be seen during the day. The on-board computer automatically solves this by finding a location where no one will be able to notice it. As the timer neared zero, the ship approached the landing site. When the timer reached zero, the teleporter activated, quickly sending them down to the surface.

Somewhere in the Mysterious Beyond, in a barren region where there was absolutely no one to be see, a column of light appeared for a few seconds, then disappeared. The two Rainbowfaces, Steven and Elizabeth, now stood on the surface of the Earth. They stood there for a moment, taking in the fresh air. For them, this world was a pleasant place to be.

"Alright, we have one week until we have to return, and I don't have anything specific mentioned on my schedule, so what shall we do?" asked Elizabeth.

"I don't have anything specific mentioned on my schedule, either," said Steven. "Perhaps we could visit the Great Valley again. I would like to meet the brilliant young Longneck again."

"Alright, but remember, there is only so much we can tell them that wouldn't be considered 'telling'," said Elizabeth.

Steven sighed. "I know, I know." Truthfully, he often didn't like following the laws. In his opinion, it was simply enforcing the path his civilization had chosen to take, ten thousand years ago. A path that he believed was the worse alternative to what he thought could have happened, but didn't.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Spike continued eating while Ducky, Diver and Mim were nearby.

"What do you want to do today?" Diver asked Ducky.

"Hmm." Ducky thought a bit before respond.


Petrie was flying above and seeing Cera lowered his height as he flew in her direction.  He was glad he had seen one of his friends and it had not taken very long.  He wondered what fun thing they may do today.  Hopefully not one of those scary adventures the others seemed to really like to go on for some reason.