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Using Windows XP in 2016


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Using Windows XP in 2016.....not exactly the smartest thing to do.  But here's why I'm still using the ancient OS.  

As you all probably know, I absolutely HATED Windows Vista when it came out in 2006.  I absolutely refused to switch to it, and I advised all my clients to stay with XP.  That was a long time ago and Microsoft has released some great OS's since then.  Windows 7 was spectacular.  I switched all my personal computers to Windows 7 in 2009 when it was first released because it was rock solid out of the box.  Windows 7 was basically a polished version of Windows Vista with a new skin, but by 2009 all the kinks had been worked out and it was a pretty solid OS.

Windows 8 came out later in 2012.  Underneath all the BS it was another rock solid OS.  The issue with Windows 8 was too much focus on phones and tablets when it's really an OS for computers.  Windows 8 introduced some VERY great features such as UEFI support and a volume indicator when you hit the volume hotkeys on the keyboard.  It also updated to ancient file transfer protocol from Windows 95.  It also secured the Administrator account even further.  No longer would deactivating UAC give you full administrative rights.  Because of this, it was a MUCH more secure OS compared to Windows 7.

Then Windows 10 was released in 2015.  To be honest, it's a good OS, but not as good as Windows 8 under the hood.  Usability wise and looks wise, it's miles ahead of Windows 8.  But I'm most concerned with what's under the hood.  Windows 10 has some driver issues, and it breaks compatibility with a LOT of older software.  And there isn't much in the way of new features with Windows 10.  It's basically Windows 8 with an updated kernel and a start menu.  

Windows XP was released in 2001.  So after 15 years, and 3 subsequent good OS releases, why would anybody still be on Windows XP by choice?  Well to be honest, I haven't used XP on any of my personal machines since I upgraded to Windows 7 in 2009.  But I just built a new machine and loaded Windows XP on it.  The reason?  Old programs and games.

There were some programs and games that I still use that were totally broken by Windows 7 and Windows 8.  Unfortunately they don't work on Windows 10 either, so I've decided to keep a permanent Windows XP computer from now on.  I put it in my bedroom and connected it to my 65" TV.  This will now be the main computer in my bedroom.

Of course going online with Windows XP isn't smart.  So I've neutered internet capability.  I dual boot with Windows XP and Windows 10 on the same computer.  What this experience has taught me is how PRIMITIVE Windows XP actually is.  It's hard going from newer OS's back to Windows XP.  Honestly I thought it was going to be a breeze.  After all, it was my main OS for 8 years.  But in some ways.....a lot of ways......Windows XP is REALLY showing its age a lot worse than I anticipated.  However, on a fundamental level there's really not a whole lot of difference.  We could technically still be on Windows XP if Microsoft had kept up support for it.  It's a very impressive OS for something that came out 15 years ago.  

Now if I could run it on all my personal computers safely, would I?  The answer is a resounding NO.  Windows XP was impressive for a 15 year old OS, but I'd miss a lot of features in Windows 7,8, and 10.  And things that are so easy nowadays like moving all the user folders to a secondary hard drive require modifying the registry in Windows XP.  Each new version of Windows has a LOT of improvements.  Even Windows Vista had a good number of improvements (I just wasn't willing to deal with such a buggy OS for those improvements).  

However there's a certain amount of nostalgia that I get from using Windows XP again.  I genuinely like the OS.  And even though it's technically a dead OS now, it could still be a usable product today if Microsoft had kept up on it.

For anyone that's interested, here are the specs of my Windows XP computer:

- AMD A10-7850k 3.70Ghz Processor
- 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM
- 250GB SSD (Samsung 850 Pro)
- 2TB WD Black Hard Drive
- Windows XP Pro & Windows 10 Pro Dual Booted

The Chronicler

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I may be completely clueless when it comes to computer specs, but after seeing this post, I have a feeling you might be able to help me out with something. You see, in about a month or two, I'm going to ask my brother (who definitely knows a thing or two about computers) to help me upgrade my desktop computer, which has been using Windows XP for just over five years now.

My question is this: should I upgrade my desktop to Windows 7 or Windows 10? (before you ask, Windows 8 is not an option for me)

I really only use my desktop for two things: gaming through Steam, and playing videos (my laptop is incapable of playing videos for more than an hour without overheating and shutting off). Everything else, including most web browsing, I can do just fine on my laptop, which is just as old as my desktop, except it uses Windows 7. The reason I'm asking this question is because even though I'm already mostly familiar with 7, I'm not sure if 10 would be the better option or not for what I typically use my desktop for.

I've been undecided on this for quite a while now, so any advice I can get would be really helpful.

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^Sure thing.  Well what matters when choosing what OS to upgrade to isn't the OS you had previously, but what the specs of your computer are.  If it's an OEM machine like HP or Dell that came shipped with Windows XP, forget it.  There's no way you'll be able to get 10 on it.  And you might not be able to get 7 on it either.  However since you're gaming on it, I assume it's custom built right?  You need to take into consideration the motherboard you have as well as the graphics card.  If they have Windows 8 drivers, it will definitely work with 10.  However if only Windows 7 drivers are available, it will be iffy whether or not Windows 10 will work with the Windows 7 drivers.  

You also need to take into consideration the support life cycle of the OS.  Windows 7 extended support ends in 2020 (by which time it will be as insecure as Windows XP is today).  However Windows 10 is supported until 2025.  When an OS loses its extended support, no more security updates are released by Microsoft and it becomes extremely vulnerable to viruses and hackers.  An antivirus software is NOT enough to protect an outdated OS.  

Usability wise, Windows 10 adds a lot of new features that will be really nice to have later on.  Windows 7 is going to be looking really outdated come 2020.  Also, Windows 10 will support a newer version of DirectX for games.  Windows 7 is a more stable OS at the moment, but that's just because it's been out for 7 years and has had a lot of updates.  Microsoft is really trying hard with Windows 10 and it will only get better and better over time.

Now before you think about installing Windows 7 because you can easily upgrade to 10 later, NEVER upgrade an OS.  It can cause system instability later down the road.  Always do a clean install.  Whichever OS you choose, that's what you're going to be stuck with.  And changing it will cost you about another $150 and you'll have to back up and reinstall everything again.  

I hope this helps you make your decision.  If you have any other questions, let me know.

EDIT:  If you're on the fence about Windows 10 and aren't sure whether the old Windows 7 drivers will work for it, you can download it FREE from Microsoft to try for 30 days without a key.  Then if you like it you can buy a key directly from Microsoft.  You won't even have to reinstall it once you buy it.  Just enter the key and affix the COA to the side of your computer and you're done.


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I still use Windows XP.

One of the computers I use it on has its wireless adapter turned off and taped over so it cannot be accidentally turned on. And it's rarely, if ever online.

The other computer is internet connected but I make sure to update all anti-malware and antiviruses. And I turn off the wireless whenever I'm not around.

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as long as you never go online with it, I think why not use xp, especially if there are some games that work best in xp but not any OS after XP.  Handy to have an XP computer around.  You can play some games on it, watch dvd's, do quite a few things, all offline.   Just getting drivers for new hardware may be hard to find.


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I still have some windows XP discs lying around my office. Only use them on older computers to mess around with though. On more modern computers I use Windows 7 or 10 and have a virtual machine to run Windows XP or even Windows 95 (yes call me old lol I have been around for a long time).

Windows XP is still good for a lot of things however just be careful what you do with it cause its much easier for someone to hack older operating systems. Especially ones that are not supported anymore.


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I still use xp today and it works just fine on my computer since it's older


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I never experienced Windows XP first windows i used was Windows 7 on an I3 laptop (i still have it and it works like a beast) but if you like to have Windows XP then you should keep it :)
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The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
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The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
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  • Ducky
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I had all the windows but XP was good and worked fine,


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Quote from: ADFan185,May 31 2016 on  07:44 AM
I had all the windows but XP was good and worked fine,
I would agree with you on that one. It was one of the best Microsoft operating systems.


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Yeah it was but I loved Windows 95 the most. That classic version was the best for me. Since it came with the best game ever Hoover.


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Quote from: ADFan185,May 31 2016 on  06:06 PM
Yeah it was but I loved Windows 95 the most. That classic version was the best for me. Since it came with the best game ever Hoover.
Omg hover. That game was awesome. Short but fun. Yeah Windows 95 was a good operating system.


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I never heard of Hover. I don't think my dad's Windows 95 came with it. We had other games with it, like an old Snake game, I remember a skiing game where you had to dodge things like the abominable snowman. My dad also had a pack of games that he installed and there were several full screen pinball games we had, plus one of those Break Out style games. And there was a puzzle gem hunting game.

But no Hover.


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Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 1 2016 on  07:52 AM
Yes it was and it had awesome music in it
If you still want to play it you can here. Its an updated version of it.


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Quote from: ADFan185,Jun 2 2016 on  06:52 PM
At that's awesome thanks for the link.
Your welcome :). Anytime