The Gang of Five
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Funniest Quotes You've Heard


  • Ducky
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[Battlefield Bad Company: Snake Eyes trailer]

*Sweetwater is pointing his SAW at a barrel*

Sarge: What is it now Sweetwater?

Sweetwater: Guys; I'm sure I saw a guy with an eye-patch hiding inside that barrel!

Haggard: What? Nah...

Preston: Why would someone hide in a barrel?

*The barrel shakes and a large exclamation mark comes above it: Clearly a reference to Solid Snake*

Sweetwater: See?! Did you see that?!?!

Haggard: Wha- why would he do that? That's as stupid as hiding in a cardboard box.

Sweetwater: Well, what do we do? I mean, maybe it's some kind of secret military kind of barrel. You know? Like some kind of real solid... metal... I don't know; like some kind of Japanese thing!

*Haggard gives Sweetwater his shotgun and he takes Preston's rifle, which has a grenade launcher on it*

Haggard: Right, don't you worry your pretty little head. I'll figure this out.

*He shoots a grenade at the barrel and it flies in the air, along with someone screaming*


Haggard: (Wearing an eye-patch) Hey guys look; I found an eye-patch! (Walks into Sweetwater's weapon) Ow! My head!


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That movie mentioned above looks like a load of rubbish to me  <_< . I bet it'll be Hollywood JUNK like Anaconda and Snakes on a Plane. Yep, JUNK  :x !

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Another AceCombat one!
"This is thunderhead cut the chatter!"

Cancerian Tiger

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Jeepers Creepers:

Darry(looks up at Trisha from sewer pipe): We gotta get out of here.(How original.  No s*** Sherlock :slap  :bang)

Trisha: No, let's stay and feed the birds!

Jeepers Creepers II:

(The Creeper rips his own head off, and the one gal jumps back in the bus screaming)

Gal:*Pant**Pant*.(in terror) It just ripped its head off!(Another Sherlock moment :lol  :lol)


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Willie: (I don't remember how it goes) At least spare him a little dignity (about his sister putting a dress and wig on ET)
-Of course, from ET :D !

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Another funny Ace Combat one
Osean G: "This is not a drill."
Osean 3rd Fleet: "Oh, thanks for the heads up you idiot!"


  • Ducky
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[Battlefield Bad Company]

Sarge: This is our stop, now move out! And Sweetwater, just shut up.

Sweetwater: But I didn't say anything!

Haggard: You just did.

Sweetwater: That's cheating and-

Sarge: SHUT UP!


  • Spike
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"The news story said the man was stabbed in the San Pedro area. Believe me, I know how painful that can be; I was once bitten there by a dog. It's especially painful when you go to the bathroom."

"Here's a thought: If you have a perfectly DNA matched identical twin, technically, it's possible to go f*ck yourself."

"A children's museum sounds like a good idea, but I'd imagine it's not very easy to breathe inside those little glass cases."

"I believe everyone should treat each other in a Christian manner. I will not, however, be responsible for the results."

"Here's a business that doesn't lend itself too easily to the internet: pay toilets."

"I had no shoes and I felt sorry for myself. Until I met a man with no feet. I took his shoes. Now I feel better."

"Here's a generic joke: A person goes into a place and says something to another person. The second person says something back to the first person, who listens to that, and then says something back to the second person. The thing he says back is really funny."

George Carlin


  • Ducky
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[Battlefield Bad Company: Rainbow Sprinkles Trailer]

*Sarge and Preston move up along a wall and see a door on another building*

Sarge: (Whispering) Okay guys, stack up!

Preston: Uh, they said not to wait up... *Points to Haggard and Sweetwater*
*Haggard and Sweetwater are walking casually up to the wall*

Haggard: So, you reckon the rainbow sprinkles are the way for the doughnut?

Sweetwater: Absolutely! Because you get the difference between soft doughnut and-

Sarge: Shh! Could you two get your rears over here right now! (Whispering)

Haggard: You lose something Sarge?

Sweetwater: Did you drop somethi-

Sarge: This is supposed to be a stealth mission!

Haggard: ...Why?

Sarge: Ugh, nevermind! You're here now; I need you to breach that door.

Sweetwater: Ooh! I know this one! On the tip of my tongue. Is it a musical?

Haggard: No, hang on. It's a book.

Sarge: Okay, sign language 101; This means: Stay Low. This means: Stack Up. And this means: I'm gonna put your lights out if you don't shut up!

Sweetwater: "Stack Up?" I'm pretty sure that means one syllable...

Sarge: Just shut up! Breach. That. Door!

Haggard and Sweetwater: ...Okay.

*Haggard throws a frag grenade and blows a clean chunk out of the building; and he and Sweetwater rush in guns blazing*

Preston: ...Uh, should I still be stacking?
*Sarge glares over at him*

The Chronicler

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Here's one from Mythbusters,

As they're inflating a balloon made of lead, Adam comments on it's success,
"Who's done this before!? Nobody!"

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

f-22 "raptor" ace

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[Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation]
Sky Kid: "I'm still dancing here. Go on without me."

AWACS Ghost Eye: "Don't give me that, Sky Kid! It's past your bedtime!"

Windhover: You'd make a scary mother, Ghost Eye.*scoffs* But I guess we should be getting back.


  • The Circle
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Many may not find it funny but I do.  

To set the scene, Ducky was climbing up to Petrie's nest area and grabbed him as she started to slip.  She is holding onto Petrie who is flapping his wings ferociously.

Ducky: "Cera wanted to know if you could come down."

Petrie: "Me think me have no choice."

He then stops flapping, I guess he gets tired, and they fall.  Though I guess his wings slowed their fall.

The Chronicler

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Here's another one from Mythbusters:

Adam describes how he first heard of a dry ice bomb,
"A few years ago, I was buying a few things for Jamie at an ice store, and I noticed a sign that said 'You can not buy dry ice unless you are over 18'. I wondered, 'Why would that be?' so I asked 'Hey, how come you can't buy dry ice unless you're over 18?' and the guy goes "Oh, cuz you could stick it in a two-liter bottle, and make a huge bomb out of it! It blows up and, like, set car alarms off across the street! It's really cool!' I then thought to myself, 'You're new here, aren't you?' and since then I've always wanted to try it [make a dry ice bomb]."

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

Dash The Longneck

  • Ducky
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I laugh at a lot of stupid things so just bear with me here.

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Dave:Why don't you guys go play or raid the dessert table or something?

Claire: Don't take it personal, guys some people just don't understand a good thing when they got it, Right Dave?

Dave: Claire!

Alvin: No offense big guy, but you are not good at this!

Theodore: I missed you too Dave.

Simon: Me too! So did Alvin he's just to cool to admit it.

Theodore: Yup, to macho.

Alvin: *Trying to pretend that he was coughing* Missed you too. *Cough*

Chipmunk adventure:

Simon: Land by the fountain Alvin.

*Alvin overshoots the fountain and lands the balloon in a nearby tree*

Simon: Like I said in the tree.

Bambi II

Thumper: Yeah, why don't you go home to your mama ya big old mama's boy

Thumper's mom: THUMPER!

Thumper: I gotta go. Coming Mama!

I'll post more tomorrow.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Avalanche: "I'm a little too red in the face to go home yet."
AWACS Ghost Eye: "Roger that, Avalanche! We'll just report that you were gunned down and missing in action."
Shamrock: [laughing] That's pretty harsh, Ghost Eye."

The Chronicler

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Another one from Mythbusters:

after a sudden and unexpected bang,
Adam: Woah! Okay... is everybody okay?
Narrator: Uh, fresh underwear for Mr. Savage, please.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


  • Ducky
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[Red vs Blue]
*Edited due to naughty language*

Sarge: Okay let's review: Grif resolves to quit drinking, smoking, and over eating.

Grif: Screw that! I'm no quitter!

Sarge: Also to die. Simmons will work on controling his anger...


Sarge: And Donut will stop acting French cartoon skunk Pepe Le Pew during staff meetings.

Donut: (Impersonating that Looney Toon) We we my precious flower...


  • Spike
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"In years past, (traditions following a death) went like this:

'The old man died, so the undertaker picked up the body, brought it to the funeral home, and put it in a casket. People sent flowers and held a wake. After the funeral, they put the coffin in a hearse and drove it to the cemetery, where the dead man was buried in a grave.'

But in these days of heightened sensitivity, the same series of events produces what sounds like a completely different experience:

'The senior citizen passed away, so the funeral director claimed the remains of the decedent, took them to the memorial chapel, and placed them in a burial container. Grieving survivors sent floral tributes to be displayed in the slumber room, where the grief coordinator conducted the viewing. Following the memorial service, the funeral coach transported the departed to the garden of remembrance, where his human remains were interred in their final resting place.'

'Huh? What's that? Did somebody die, or something?'"

-George Carlin


  • Ducky
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[The Simpsons Movie]

Homer: Marge, isn't it great to be married to someone who is recklessly impulsive?

Marge: Actually, it's aged me horribly.

Over and Under

  • Spike
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Super Mario World Cartoon [Rock T.V.]

luigi:hey mario why aint he lips moving

mario:probably watched to many catoons  :lol